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Senators have to go back to the State Legislature, the Senate is supposed to be the STATE GOV rep to Fed Gov, NOT another People's house chosen by State Populations.
Look at that Turtle Freeze, Please!
Senators have to go back to the State Legislature, the Senate is supposed to be the STATE GOV rep to Fed Gov, NOT another People's house chosen by State Populations.
I want whatever the hell they're giving these people to keep them alive so long. Well, maybe not. Doesn't seem to promote good function.
It reminds me of the dying days of the USSR, where very old, very feeble men were made premier. We used to make fun of these aged old men at "the head of the state".
We referred to the Soviet leadership as the "gerontocracy."
Do you really want to be alive when you have no idea what is going on about you?
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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