Yurtle the turtle freezes again

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2023 Aug 30, 11:21am   1,050 views  14 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Unless America gets rid of its geriatric kleptocracy it will fail. Keep flagging every newcomer as Manchurian, let's run the govt with yurtle, feinswein and pelosi. At this point I'd rather have nutjob failures like aoc than this shitshow. Seriously

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1   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 11:24am  

They need the jumper cables again.
2   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 30, 2:05pm  

Look at that Turtle Freeze, Please!

Senators have to go back to the State Legislature, the Senate is supposed to be the STATE GOV rep to Fed Gov, NOT another People's house chosen by State Populations.
3   HeadSet   2023 Aug 30, 3:23pm  

AmericanKulak says

Senators have to go back to the State Legislature, the Senate is supposed to be the STATE GOV rep to Fed Gov, NOT another People's house chosen by State Populations.

Absolutely correct.
4   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 4:02pm  

Ultra-Woo would say that his clone has reached its expiration date and is glitching. The alleged clones are only supposed to last for 6 months to a year tops, time to pull another one out of the seeding chambers.
5   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 4:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

Look at that Turtle Freeze, Please!

Senators have to go back to the State Legislature, the Senate is supposed to be the STATE GOV rep to Fed Gov, NOT another People's house chosen by State Populations.


The parties, not you, not the public, picks out who runs for any seat in federal power. You get to pick from the two ASSHOLES you HATE.

And if the intelligence agencies oppose ONE asshole over the other, doesn't matter how you vote, they will select the dickhead they favor to "win".

Please go to a primary. See what it's like. I've been in one. I was at the California Straw Poll (which is meaningless BTW) in which when it was clear Ron Paul was going to win it, the vote was simply cancelled.

You're not going to see we are NOT in a republic until you get into the system a little bit. We don't select this assholes.

In another note, want to see how corrupt a charity is? Join one. There's a few authentic charities, but they are tiny and even they go corrupt.
6   DhammaStep   2023 Aug 30, 4:21pm  

I want whatever the hell they're giving these people to keep them alive so long. Well, maybe not. Doesn't seem to promote good function.
7   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 4:30pm  

DhammaStep says

I want whatever the hell they're giving these people to keep them alive so long. Well, maybe not. Doesn't seem to promote good function.

Do you really want to be alive when you have no idea what is going on about you?

Mitch McConnell is essentially already dead. He ought to be retired and waiting to die. Same with Joe Biden. Why continue when you're OBVIOUSLY just a puppet? It's quite clear he can't make decisions, I doubt he can even read at this point.

It reminds me of the dying days of the USSR, where very old, very feeble men were made premier. We used to make fun of these aged old men at "the head of the state".

Does anybody think that skeleton, that thing, is human at this point? It's still putting on makeup - why? Does it think it makes it look less dead?
8   HeadSet   2023 Aug 30, 5:38pm  

richwicks says

It reminds me of the dying days of the USSR, where very old, very feeble men were made premier. We used to make fun of these aged old men at "the head of the state".

We referred to the Soviet leadership as the "gerontocracy."
9   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 6:27pm  

HeadSet says

We referred to the Soviet leadership as the "gerontocracy."

I know. Somebody born in the 1980s doesn't. They are in their 30's now.

We have to warn them. We're going down the same path of destruction.
10   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 31, 9:36am  

richwicks says


Yes we do, IF we fight for them. Trump won the nomination and election in 2016. The Primary Again in 2020 and right now despite inept attempts to create an alternative candidate.

Primaries were how the Uniparty really rigged elections. Get an establishment candidate in on either side of the race, then sit back and relax knowing it didn't make a difference between Bush the Elder or Clinton, or Hillary and Jeb, or Bush the Younger and Gore.

As for Charities, most get corrupted over time like everything else.

We DO live in a Republic, maybe, still. But ETERNAL VIGILANCE is the price of Liberty, which was slowly forgotten in the past half century or so.
11   DhammaStep   2023 Aug 31, 10:18am  

richwicks says

Do you really want to be alive when you have no idea what is going on about you?

It wouldn't be unpleasant to be over a 100 and having great grand kids running around my home while I sit quietly by a fireplace or something. Being used as a sockpuppet for politics is an entirely different story. I pity McConnell, Biden and even Fetterman. The truly right thing to do would be to just let them rest at home with their families, with proper care. Instead the political charade must go on.
12   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Aug 31, 10:25am  

Every time McConnel or Feinstein freeze up one of their horcruxes is being destroyed.

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