If you had a newborn...

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2023 Oct 3, 7:54am   2,308 views  37 comments

by GNL   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If you had a newborn, which vaccines would you 100% make sure they received?

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1   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 3, 8:16am  

None. Why would I inject a baby with an immune system that's barely developed intravenously, bypassing what little protection they have to expose them to something they are likely not ready to fight?

There are pills you can give kids instead of shots that will accomplish the same thing, but safely. And this isn't philosophy for me. My youngest has never had a single shot. She gets cold's and occasional fevers, but nothing else. Four years old, taller than average, lots of energy, good vocabulary.
2   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 8:23am  

GNL says

If you had a newborn, which vaccines would you 100% make sure they received?

Why don't you research it? This is a common theme with you. I'm not taking a stance, but where are you going with this? Is NuttBoxer correct? Who knows. You ask too many questions for a grown ass adult. There are many search engines, sites and doctors that can give you feedback. Look it up. There are smart people here, but your asking a limited pool of people a massively big question. Research it yourself.
3   RedStar   2023 Oct 3, 8:23am  

In general the only danger to a newborn in the bay area would be whooping cough. if you plan to fly across the pond I'd be worried about measles. The hepatitis shot they give at birth is pretty much safe, so I opt in for it just to get it out of the way. I would delay MMR till they start school or daycare.

Look up Dr. Bob alternative vaccine schedule book
4   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 8:24am  

Next question I suspect will be how to wipe your own ass.
5   Onvacation   2023 Oct 3, 8:28am  

I would allow my child to take ALL of the vaccines that have been tested for safety and efficacy and are not shielded from pharma liability if anything went wrong.

So none of them.
6   Onvacation   2023 Oct 3, 8:30am  

WookieMan says

Next question I suspect will be how to wipe your own ass.

You can Google it, or ask a friend.
7   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 8:40am  

WookieMan says

You ask too many questions for a grown ass adult.

There's only 1 person in the entire world that knows everything, right wookie wookie? I fully acknowledge I don't know everything and that there are people here that know more than I. Didn't you say this is a forum? Why you mad bro?
8   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 8:41am  

WookieMan says

your asking a limited pool of people a massively big question. Research it yourself.

And how do you know if I have or not?
9   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 8:42am  

Onvacation says

WookieMan says

Next question I suspect will be how to wipe your own ass.

You can Google it, or ask a friend.

Remember the show Who wants to be a millionaire? I'm asking the audience.
10   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 9:16am  

NuttBoxer says

None. Why would I inject a baby with an immune system that's barely developed intravenously, bypassing what little protection they have to expose them to something they are likely not ready to fight?

There are pills you can give kids instead of shots that will accomplish the same thing, but safely. And this isn't philosophy for me. My youngest has never had a single shot. She gets cold's and occasional fevers, but nothing else. Four years old, taller than average, lots of energy, good vocabulary.

It's good to hear from someone who's gone down this road.
11   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 9:22am  

GNL says

WookieMan says

your asking a limited pool of people a massively big question. Research it yourself.

And how do you know if I have or not?

Because you've literally done no research. You asked a bunch of people, many of which you shit on, about a vaccine or many vaccines. What the fuck is the end goal dude? You're off your rocker lately. There are plenty of resources. I've given you valid RE info and you negate it. Why would anyone waste their time giving you opinions on vaccines? They'll just get shot down by someone asking the question that doesn't know the answers but then shits on them. Good approach.
12   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 9:26am  

I haven't shit on anyone. You "think" you've brought insight. I've only gone after you and your friend. The friend with 7 different names/personalities. I didn't even shit on ad. It "looks" like he may have thought I was going to attack him so he did a preemptive strike. Too bad, I like ad and many others here. Put some pants on, it's time to get up from your drunken stupor.
13   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 3, 9:29am  

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Big Pharma, etc. are all huge proponents of 'vaccinating' babies.

Do we need to go any further?
14   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 9:37am  

GNL says

I haven't shit on anyone. You "think" you've brought insight. I've only gone after you and your friend. The friend with 7 different names/personalities.

Are you mental??? We both know it's Bitcoin. Who has gone after him the most? Likely me. His opinions on real estate are not wrong. I can dislike crypto to the moon and what he's stated there, it doesn't mean he's wrong about RE. You're blind to your own faults dude. It's why I don't use ignore, but am very close at this point. Everyone here has advice and knowledge, but you're asking a bunch of people with little to no medical education about vaccination. I don't get what your end goal is besides trolling.
15   Onvacation   2023 Oct 3, 9:47am  

WookieMan says

Because you've literally done no research.

How do you know?

I have learned a lot on this forum. People here know things that are not easily found on search engines.

There are a lot of bullshitters here that weigh in on every subject as if they are experts. You just have to sort through the chaff.
16   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 10:00am  

WookieMan says

Are you mental??? We both know it's Bitcoin.

And just who do you think I'm referring to when I say your friend...the one with 7 different names/personalities?
17   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 10:02am  

WookieMan says

but you're asking a bunch of people with little to no medical education about vaccination.

Assumption and projection are your tools.
18   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 3, 2:04pm  

The only shot my youngest got was a vitamin K shot. I refused hep B and all the rest. And I'll put her health up against anyone else's kid. She's healthier than both of my older daughters, who did get a lot of shots.

My friend did the full shot schedule, and both of his boys developed autism. We just spent three years being lied to by people with "medical education".

Again, I don't philosophize about this, I live it. Have for over 10 years, and so has my wife and three daughters. My kids are healthier than everyone's I know. We don't get sick hardly ever, and just to prove I go all the way, we've NEVER paid for health insurance. Because we don't need it.
19   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 2:10pm  

I also agree with "none".

The child may well get chicken pox, mumps, or measles, but I had all of those and they weren't that bad.

And I also agree that without liability for the makers, it's utterly insane to trust that they are at all safe.
20   DhammaStep   2023 Oct 3, 2:58pm  

My first has not had any shots yet and will likely not have any in the future. I recommend the above book.

WookieMan says

You ask too many questions for a grown ass adult.

I think you have serious personal problems that you need to step back and work on. Attacking someone for asking questions on a subject that is actually very difficult to not get a totally biased answer is a wholly unreasonable way of going about your life. You could share your own experiences or just move on. Could you genuinely say that you think there's some nefarious ulterior motive over GNL asking this question?
21   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 3, 3:00pm  

GNL says

If you had a newborn, which vaccines would you 100% make sure they received?

Oral inactivated Polio (dead virus), Hep B (safer than shit)

MMR is bullshit. Varicella is unalloyed bullshit. The real chic pox confers additional (not perfect) protection against ALL herpes family diseases. The vax does not. Neither Varicella nor Measels, Mumps, or Rubella is life threatening enough to bother.

DTap/Tdap is also unnecessary. No kid except a 4th world country is going to get lockjaw from untreated bacterial infection from a wound. Diptheria and Whooping Cough are easily obliterated by antibiotics treatment. No parent is going to let a kid have a progressively worsening cough for 10 days before taking them to a doctor.
22   DhammaStep   2023 Oct 3, 3:14pm  

Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?
23   mell   2023 Oct 3, 3:35pm  

I'd take polio, pertussis, tetanus, rsv and measles and hep a, but these days you are out of luck and mostly have to get the MMR combo. I don't like hep b because it is unnecessary until they become sexually active. Most "older" vaccines are safe imo, just not the covid clot shot.
24   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 3:40pm  

Remember that from 1955 to 1961, the polio vaccines were contaminated with the cancer-causing gene SV40. The contamination was from monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine, and most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).
25   Onvacation   2023 Oct 3, 4:59pm  

DhammaStep says

Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?

Have you tried a condom?
26   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 5:48pm  

NuttBoxer says

The only shot my youngest got was a vitamin K shot. I refused hep B and all the rest. And I'll put her health up against anyone else's kid. She's healthier than both of my older daughters, who did get a lot of shots.

My friend did the full shot schedule, and both of his boys developed autism. We just spent three years being lied to by people with "medical education".

Again, I don't philosophize about this, I live it. Have for over 10 years, and so has my wife and three daughters. My kids are healthier than everyone's I know. We don't get sick hardly ever, and just to prove I go all the way, we've NEVER paid for health insurance. Because we don't need it.

@NuttBoxer, thank you. These are the kinds of stories and responses I was hoping to hear. It's very difficult to make a good decision based on medical advice from the establishment or even Google (biased much?) so, thank you. No health insurance, huh? I've comtemplated this many times. I did go without insurance for probably 20 or so years in my yound adult life. I'd love to see a countrywide health plan that only covers catostrophic. Any responsible person only needs that much coverage imo. A vehicular accident coverage would probably be wise also.
27   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 5:54pm  

Patrick says

I also agree with "none".

The child may well get chicken pox, mumps, or measles, but I had all of those and they weren't that bad.

And I also agree that without liability for the makers, it's utterly insane to trust that they are at all safe.

Wow, none at all? I'm not disagreeing with you, it just sounds so "off the grid" type of thinking. I am at an age where I doubt I had more than 5 or 6 myself. I'm watching my grandkids closely. 3 year old grandson is, imo, unusually wild and 5 year old granddaughter is pretty focused. So much so that she wouldn't let go of some scissors at kindergarten the other day. I'm not saying those are "problems". I'm just observing. I have told my daughter I don't think she should give them more than what is absolutely necessary. Hence the post. Her, her husband and the kids did not take the poke-n-croak so, there's that.
28   GNL   2023 Oct 3, 6:02pm  

Onvacation says

DhammaStep says

Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?

Have you tried a condom?

I think they make mittens for this also. That's what we used with the grandkids.
29   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 6:10pm  

GNL says

Are you mental??? We both know it's Bitcoin.

And just who do you think I'm referring to when I say your friend...the one with 7 different names/personalities?

You are a hypocrite wine horror. Stop the bull shit. You've changed your name as much as Bitcoin has and I'm not a fan/friend of his. He's not wrong on RE. You are. Take photos and move along. You're out of your element.
30   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 6:15pm  

DhammaStep says

I think you have serious personal problems that you need to step back and work on. Attacking someone for asking questions on a subject that is actually very difficult to not get a totally biased answer is a wholly unreasonable way of going about your life. You could share your own experiences or just move on. Could you genuinely say that you think there's some nefarious ulterior motive over GNL asking this question?

Who have I attacked? Name a situation. Nutt and i haven not seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but I still believe we can be respectful with each other and I agree with him on a lot of thing. GNL is on a witch hunt right now for whatever reason with no basis in reality. YOU don't have to agree with me, but it's fact. He's wrong on most topics and ask 3rd grade questions that are easily answerable. My kids know the answer for fucks sake. You can spoon feed a retard all you want, and maybe think it's a good thing. At the end of the day it's still a retard. Take my harshness as you will, but it's fact. GNL is so blind to actual reality I'm kind of sad about it. I surely hope he doesn't have kids.
31   WookieMan   2023 Oct 3, 6:27pm  

GNL says

A vehicular accident coverage would probably be wise also.

Fucking THIS. It's a legal requirement in every state. If you drive without it if you go to jail or get fined. It's called liability insurance. Also gravity holds you to the ground. Just a fun fact. You seriously cannot be this dense?
32   Shaman   2023 Oct 3, 9:01pm  

Incidence of SIDS, also known as crib death plummeted to near zero during the months of lockdown in 2020.
Nobody was getting their baby vaccinated during that time.
I’m thinking wait at least a year before doing a few critical ones. Wait until school age did the rest of the essential tested ones.
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 3, 9:08pm  

GNL says

No health insurance, huh?

Let me walk that back a little bit. I had it for my wife when we had our youngest. The pregnancy ended up costing me $9,000, WITH the insurance. They labeled her as at risk because of age(?). We met with a doctor(same hospital) at some point near the end who said it was bullshit, and my wife was in no way at risk. So we went twice a week for ultra-sounds, tests, etc. I thought all pregnancy related was covered, but they billed it all as labs, so not covered. The scams they pull, especially around pregnancy, are ridiculous. No insurance, no one to bilk, likely they never would have pushed for any of it. Oh yeah, and since my wife turned up to the hospital so late, she couldn't get any pain meds, so we could have done the whole thing at a birthing center for half the price, yes total cost would have been half what we paid with insurance, and been home the same day.

I cannot stress this enough. If you or anyone you know is having a baby, please, please stay away from hospitals.

We see naturopaths, so most costs are not covered even if we had insurance. If we have an emergency, we go down to Mexico, FUCK waiting in emergency here, never done it, never will.
34   DhammaStep   2023 Oct 4, 9:31am  

Onvacation says

DhammaStep says

Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?

Have you tried a condom?

"Why are you putting on that condom?" "Did you know that babies have sharp knives for nails? We're going childfree because I hate stab wounds."

WookieMan says

Name a situation

This guy posted a single sentence question and you went off on a full ass tantrum about how he asks too many questions. What kind of witch hunt are you seeing from this thread topic? Your kids know what adjuvants are? This is absolutely wild to me.
35   GNL   2023 Oct 4, 10:44am  

I ask questions for 2 reasons.
1. To learn
2. To stir debate

Hardly ever will a group agree 100%. No one owns the truth. Not even Google much less an anonymous person on the internet.
36   WookieMan   2023 Oct 4, 10:50am  

DhammaStep says

WookieMan says

Name a situation

This guy posted a single sentence question and you went off on a full ass tantrum about how he asks too many questions. What kind of witch hunt are you seeing from this thread topic? Your kids know what adjuvants are? This is absolutely wild to me.

You have to be joking or not looking at other threads. It's not about this thread. It's about all threads he comments in. Asking basic questions about basic topics that would take under 30 seconds to find an answer from qualified people. Vaccines are easily researched. In the time it took to create this thread he could have gotten a reasonable search result. He chose to throw shit at the wall. That's not a tantrum. That's calling the lazy, well lazy.

If you have some allegiance to GNL fine, but he constantly posts questions in threads that easily could have been entered into a search engine and had been answered. His comments and posts are basically spam and of no worth. FFS I don't even believe the guy has kids and if he has grandkids it's none of his business what his kids do with theirs. So not sure why vaccines are of concern to him. Let adults raise their kids how they see fit.

As I mentioned NuttB and me have butt heads on issues like privacy. I ain't gonna argue with him on what he wants to do with his health or his families health. That's his choice. But GNL coming here and asking what vaccines a kid should take when I'm 99% sure his kids are gown adults is flat out trolling. Just tell your adult kids you don't want your grandkids vacinnated. No need to bring it to an internet forum. Or take the 3 minutes and research it.

All of his questions and posts are leading. Basically he has his opinion made up, but just throws shit at the wall. It's weak and a waste of time.
37   WookieMan   2023 Oct 4, 10:55am  

GNL says

Hardly ever will a group agree 100%. No one owns the truth. Not even Google much less an anonymous person on the internet.

And then you get stuff like this. At no point did anyone say we all have to 100% agree. Yet claims everyone around here is projecting. Hypocrite much? Make a god damn educated decision on your own. You'll get 100 different answers on patnet, by most that don't know what they're talking about. But whatever, doing your own research is too much work.

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