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If you had a newborn, which vaccines would you 100% make sure they received?
Next question I suspect will be how to wipe your own ass.
You ask too many questions for a grown ass adult.
your asking a limited pool of people a massively big question. Research it yourself.
WookieMan says
Next question I suspect will be how to wipe your own ass.
You can Google it, or ask a friend.
None. Why would I inject a baby with an immune system that's barely developed intravenously, bypassing what little protection they have to expose them to something they are likely not ready to fight?
There are pills you can give kids instead of shots that will accomplish the same thing, but safely. And this isn't philosophy for me. My youngest has never had a single shot. She gets cold's and occasional fevers, but nothing else. Four years old, taller than average, lots of energy, good vocabulary.
WookieMan says
your asking a limited pool of people a massively big question. Research it yourself.
And how do you know if I have or not?
I haven't shit on anyone. You "think" you've brought insight. I've only gone after you and your friend. The friend with 7 different names/personalities.
Because you've literally done no research.
Are you mental??? We both know it's Bitcoin.
but you're asking a bunch of people with little to no medical education about vaccination.
You ask too many questions for a grown ass adult.
If you had a newborn, which vaccines would you 100% make sure they received?
The only shot my youngest got was a vitamin K shot. I refused hep B and all the rest. And I'll put her health up against anyone else's kid. She's healthier than both of my older daughters, who did get a lot of shots.
My friend did the full shot schedule, and both of his boys developed autism. We just spent three years being lied to by people with "medical education".
Again, I don't philosophize about this, I live it. Have for over 10 years, and so has my wife and three daughters. My kids are healthier than everyone's I know. We don't get sick hardly ever, and just to prove I go all the way, we've NEVER paid for health insurance. Because we don't need it.
I also agree with "none".
The child may well get chicken pox, mumps, or measles, but I had all of those and they weren't that bad.
And I also agree that without liability for the makers, it's utterly insane to trust that they are at all safe.
DhammaStep says
Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?
Have you tried a condom?
Are you mental??? We both know it's Bitcoin.
And just who do you think I'm referring to when I say your friend...the one with 7 different names/personalities?
I think you have serious personal problems that you need to step back and work on. Attacking someone for asking questions on a subject that is actually very difficult to not get a totally biased answer is a wholly unreasonable way of going about your life. You could share your own experiences or just move on. Could you genuinely say that you think there's some nefarious ulterior motive over GNL asking this question?
A vehicular accident coverage would probably be wise also.
No health insurance, huh?
DhammaStep says
Is there a vaccine for babies scratching themselves and me?
Have you tried a condom?
Name a situation
WookieMan says
Name a situation
This guy posted a single sentence question and you went off on a full ass tantrum about how he asks too many questions. What kind of witch hunt are you seeing from this thread topic? Your kids know what adjuvants are? This is absolutely wild to me.
Hardly ever will a group agree 100%. No one owns the truth. Not even Google much less an anonymous person on the internet.
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