IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   29,497 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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44   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 12:53pm  

Blue says

NuttBoxer says

Only some US Outlets and maybe half of Indian Media is neutral to pro-Israel.

Though it has started turning right, India is a far left country for very long time with Communists and Muslims funded through NGOs etc by foreign entities and running so many media outlets who are anti-Indian. Obviously they are anti Israel as well.
In reality all right leaning population support Israel all the time. Poor Israel is surrounded by very bad countries and having very tough environment.

I think that was my quote, but the quote system isn't working great on here sometimes.

Great thing about India is that so many got wise to the Congress Socialist-for-the-rich Scam and moving the country towards growth and prosperity. A lot of work to be done but very inspiring for the world that finds itself in the grip of Globalist Socialism.
45   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 12:55pm  

socal2 says

Uh - because Islamists are primitive retarded dirt bags? The stupidest and most uneducated people in the world live in Muslim/Arab countries where their religion has brainwashed them into extremism and anti-Semitism.

There we are, you've admitted to being an avid racist and bigot, and therefore I'm sure you're ok with killing kids. There's definitely groups I don't like, but I would never dehumanize them like you have. This is what brainwashed extremism does to people. All I've advocated for is an equal claim to suffering by all citizens in this conflict. But you're racist views won't allow you that middle ground. I don't have time for people so full of hatred for their fellow man.
46   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 1:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Again, the entire OT is to set up the NT and the End Times

You keep referencing this, but it's a mis-interpretation of scripture. I recently read a study of Revelations, and while I don't agree with everything the author said, as he pretty much takes all the prophecy out of it, or kind of skips over it, he does make some good points that invalidate the theory of the 144k coming from Israel literally. There's a lot of that kind of Zionist teaching in American Christianity. God didn't need a group of people based on nationality, ethnicity, or any other worldy classifications after Jesus, just the church. A spiritual kingdom. Another stumbling block as many Israelite's saw the coming of the Messiah as their freedom from Rome. Jesus made it clear in a number of places, that was never the kingdom He would establish. So after Him all references to a worldly physical kingdom are mis-representations of that same Jewish teaching.
47   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 1:04pm  

AmericanKulak says

The Puritans are amazing, they were key to the foundation of this country, revamped the legal process for better evidence after the Witch Trials, were incredibly devout and dedicated to the Savior. And insisted on the sovereignity of local Churches.

They literally thought themselves better than others. The roots of Eugenics, our current government structure, the Civil War, all point back to them. A group of people who think they have the right to play God and force their world on everyone else.

I believe I posted that alternative take on the War Between the States here. I recommend reading it.
48   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 1:08pm  

NuttBoxer says

There we are, you've admitted to being an avid racist and bigot, and therefore I'm sure you're ok with killing kids.

I said Islamist not Muslims. Do you not know the difference?

Not all Muslims are retrograde barbarians like we see in Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS and large portions of Iran's leadership.

These Islamist fuckers proudly show their handy work so their like minded fanboys can jerk off to their snuff films of murdering, raping and ethnically cleansing Jews and Christians from the Middle East.

So yes - I will continue dehumanize these fuckers (and their Western fanboys) until the cows come home.
49   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 1:10pm  

AmericanKulak says

That above verse is NOT discussing the First Coming; it's part of the Epistles, the crucifixion has already happened. The verse is about the future.

But you get what I'm saying with that belief right? Putting one group of people above every other, and it's not the church. Pretty fucking self centered for any people to claim that, even if it was the church. I would never put myself above a non-believer. I didn't do anything to earn my salvation, I just was honest and broken enough to understand I needed God. And I sure as fuck still sin plenty now. And it's not right.

Israel was singled out to serve God, not be served by Him. Any other interpretation is so prideful I don't know what else I can call it if not Zionism..
50   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 1:15pm  

NuttBoxer says

But you get what I'm saying with that belief right? Putting one group of people above every other, and it's not the church. Pretty fucking self centered for any people to claim that, even if it was the church. I would never put myself above a non-believer. I didn't do anything to earn my salvation, I just was honest and broken enough to understand I needed God. And I sure as fuck still sin plenty now. And it's not right.

Israel was singled out to serve God, not be served by Him. Any other interpretation is so prideful I don't know what else I can call it if not Zionism..

The First shall be Last. I'm only quoting scripture. Nowhere does it say Jews are above anybody. Also check the story of the Prodigal Son, which is also related.
51   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 1:17pm  

NuttBoxer says

They literally thought themselves better than others. The roots of Eugenics, our current government structure, the Civil War, all point back to them. A group of people who think they have the right to play God and force their world on everyone else.

No, Eugenics is rooted in Galton.

I urge you to look at who backed and supported Eugenics. It's not who you think. An HQ of one of the biggest Eugenics groups was in Minneapolis. Here's one of the biggest populizers of Eugenics, the Eugenics version of Michio Kako is to physics:

There's a reason NPR and Old Yankees don't like to bring up the involuntary sterilzation of millions of mostly poor White Girls. Feminists, Liberal Churches, Fabian Socialists, and Old Wealth. The biggest opponents of it were Fundamentalists and Catholics.

John Maynard Keynes was the British Leader of Eugenics, btw. George Bernard Shaw was big on it too.

Here it is in Britain:
52   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 9, 1:20pm  

Russian state propaganda supports a terrorist attack on Israel

Correspondent of the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Dmitry Steshin writes that he has no pity for the murdered women and children

State channel host Sergei Mardan writes that the massacre in Israel is beneficial to Russia

53   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 1:23pm  

I know who Margaret Sanger is. But she was from NY, and definitely didn't coin moral superiority. Don't fucking tell me Puritans didn't consider themselves morally superior, think about the fucking word man, PURitan, c'mon!

We know a lot of the same truths, but maybe because you aren't as close to conservative churches as I've been, you aren't aware of the Zionist under-current that allows peaceful people to advocate war without a second thought whenever Israel is involved. People who never bothered to learn about the USS Liberty.
54   AD   2023 Oct 9, 1:26pm  



Shani Louk grew up in Israel and refused to join the Israeli military because she was a pacifist. She became a German citizen.

She was one of the 250 who were murdered at the music peace festival by Hamas.

55   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 1:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

I know who Margaret Sanger is. But she was from NY, and definitely didn't coin moral superiority. Don't fucking tell me Puritans didn't consider themselves morally superior, think about the fucking word man, PURitan, c'mon!

Margeret Sanger was born in Upstate NY to lapsed "Freethinking" Catholics and apparently was member of a liberalized Dutch Reformed Church. She was also a feminist.

Puritanism is about PURIFYING the Anglican Church with more Calvinist and Biblical Doctrine. Have you read the Puritans? They agonized over their salvation and paths to it. For a while it was the fashion to name kids "PraiseGod Barebones" to emphasize the inability of Man to save themselves.

There's a ton of cheap kindle books about Puritan writings, please take a skim of them.

Many brag about all their "Considering all sides" but it's very clear they depend on one or a small group of sources and never check the claims there against mainstream or oppositional stances.

NuttBoxer says

People who never bothered to learn about the USS Liberty.

Dude, I have posts on here about the USS Liberty. Probably dozens. You'll learn how a handful of crew went back on their sworn testimony, the holy Ship's Log, etc. years after they gave it when prompted and flattered with attention from biased writers seeking to interview them. Or how the Liberty was way off course due to a combination of jamming and 6th Fleet's inadequate radio transmission system, which was immediately fixed in the weeks following by the USN. Nor did the attack last "Hours"
56   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 1:39pm  

Wow. People are still very easily manipulated. Just kill a bunch of people and a government that just tried to inject you with God knows what suddenly is the paragon of truth and nobility.

Oh well.
57   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 1:44pm  

richwicks says

Wow. People are still very easily manipulated. Just kill a bunch of people and a government that just tried to inject you with God knows what suddenly is the paragon of truth and nobility.

AmericanKulak says

Many brag about all their "Considering all sides" but it's very clear they depend on one or a small group of sources and never check the claims there against mainstream or oppositional stances.

Oh well.
58   AD   2023 Oct 9, 1:44pm  

richwicks says

Wow. People are still very easily manipulated.

I never said anything of the sort. So I am not sure why you spend that much effort on your keyboard with this gaslighting attempt.

I just thought it was ironic that Hamas is on video killing a Jewish female peace activist who had refused to join the Israeli military.

Hamas showed no mercy with the peace concert attendees.

59   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 9, 1:50pm  

ad says

Hamas showed no mercy with the peace concert attendees.

The answer is easy:

It was either only a few deaths of those that resisted and some kidnappings for hostage exchange - the "Moderate" position
The ZioBritish Lugenpresse made it all up.
60   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 1:53pm  

ad says

I never said anything of the sort. So I am not sure why you spend that much effort on your keyboard with this gaslighting attempt.

I'm pointing out that people are immediately absorbing "the narrative".

We have a news media that lied about the Iraq War, Libya, Syria, lied about vaccinations, lied about the pandemic, lied about mostly peaceful protests, lied about January 6, lied about a lot more, but nearly everybody above is drawing conclusions.

You can't know what is going on or what even happened. Why are you drawing conclusions?
61   HeadSet   2023 Oct 9, 2:08pm  

NuttBoxer says

Ismael was Israel's brother, and all Muslims trace back to him.

You may have meant all Arabs trace back to him.
62   AD   2023 Oct 9, 4:46pm  

richwicks says

I'm pointing out that people are immediately absorbing "the narrative".

Watch this as far as "narrative".


See above video of a Sky News interview of a Hamas elected official Basem Naim who is still in Gaza.

He states that there are "no civilians" as far as Israel citizens living near Gaza such as in kibbutz's.

He says that any Israeli living in Israel are military members and not peaceful civilians since they contribute to the war against Palestinians.

That is what is getting lost in the narrative covered by the mainstream media.

They do not report that the Palestinians view any Israeli living in Israel as an enemy and legitimate target for their terrorism.

At 14 20 in the video the Hamas elected official states that the Israeli citizens killed in the Hamas terrorist acts are "not civilians".

63   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 4:59pm  

ad says

Watch this as far as "narrative".

Come on. Are you capable of nuanced thinking?

Ray Epps proves that Trump supporters were trying to overthrow the government ..

I can't stress this more than possible I ignore what people say. You can pay somebody to take a drug that will kill you.
64   AD   2023 Oct 9, 5:26pm  

richwicks says

Come on. Are you capable of nuanced thinking?

Watch the video again. He says that any Israeli that lives near Gaza is not a "civilian" and they are treated as a legitimate target.

65   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 5:30pm  

ad says

Watch the video again. He says that any Israeli that lives near Gaza is not a "civilian" and they are treated as a legitimate target.

It doesn't matter what he says. Hamas was created by Israel anyhow - you might want to go to 1:25:

You have no idea who that man actually is. Is he Hamas? Is he Mossad? Just ignore these people. The first indication that something might be propaganda, is that it's on television. I just entirely avoid the damned thing and I don't trust anything they try to sell. They lie too often, and too easily.
66   AD   2023 Oct 9, 6:19pm  

richwicks says

It doesn't matter what he says. Hamas was created by Israel anyhow

Yes, just like Al Qeada in Afghanistan was created by the USA in the 1980's ?

67   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 6:34pm  

ad says

Yes, just like Al Qeada in Afghanistan was created by the USA in the 1980's ?

They are always treating Radical Islamists like simple ball bearings bouncing around from US stimulus and therefore have no ideology or responsibility for their actions.
68   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 6:40pm  

ad says

Yes, just like Al Qeada in Afghanistan was created by the USA in the 1980's ?

Yes. You're not being sarcastic are you? BinLaden was clearly our man in Afghanistan, under the CIA. At the time we were arming the "Mujahideen", binLaden was our contact for this. When the soviets left, the Mujahideen controlled the country, we just renamed it the Taliban (which was a subset of the Mujahideen) when they continued to fight for absolute independence - they beat the soviets, and they were trying to remove the Americans.

socal2 says

They are always treating Radical Islamists like simple ball bearings bouncing around from US stimulus and therefore have no ideology or responsibility for their actions.

Nothing I have said is incorrect. There used to be TV movies about the horrors of the soviets and the great bravery of the scrappy yet morally good Mujahideen. I remember those times. One TV film showed the soviets crushing an Mujahideen fighter under a tank as a form of torturing a larger group to get them to talk. I remember this over 40 years later because it was so shocking, powerful propaganda.

You seem to think things aren't interconnected. The binLaden family is tightly connected to the Bush family - and the Bush family was CIA, George H. Bush was director of the CIA at one point. These aren't all just coincidences, in fact, I doubt any of them are.
69   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 1:24am  

richwicks says

Ray Epps proves that Trump supporters were trying to overthrow the government ..

The tactic of terrorists is to couch their attacks as the justified acts of a desperate people treated horribly (nevermind the food courts in the Gaza Malls and the top 10 women/top 20 male global obesity rates), and then portray the response as gross indifference to human lives when collateral damage happens.

The same people who whinge about Israel apologize for Assad the Elder in Hama 1982.

It's an Alinsky-style double dilemma. The solution is to ignore it.
70   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:30am  

AmericanKulak says

The tactic of terrorists is to couch their attacks as the justified acts of a desperate people treated horribly (nevermind the food courts in the Gaza Malls and the top 10 women/top 20 male global obesity rates), and then portray the response as gross indifference to human lives when collateral damage happens.

OK, first who cares? I don't care about propaganda, irrelevant.

Second, you have touched a spot with me in this. The "luxury mall" in Gaza you're talking about is two stories, and has maybe, 8 stores and is a little box with a tiny atrium in the center - would make a nice home for a billionaire maybe. Took me the longest time to find that. I remember that well. That was during the Mavi Marmara incident where that piece of propaganda showed up. Find this "luxury mall" on the map.

Here's a decent mall in the US:


That's in a tiny town in Northern NY called Watertown.

See if you can find the "luxury mall" of Gaza on the map :)

AmericanKulak says

The same people who whinge about Israel apologize for Assad the Elder in Hama 1982.

It's an Alinsky-style double dilemma. The solution is to ignore it.

I agree, ignore it.

Alinksy was a moron, but a lot of stuff is attributed to him that he never said. Rules for Radicals was just an appeal that "left wing thinkers" infiltrate the government and change the system from the inside. You should read all the books of the people you are trained to hate. Decide if you actually hate them.


If you prefer just an mp3, ping me, and I can provide it. I didn't find anything in the book that was particularly brilliant, or even smart, or even controversial. I don't know why the book is so cited. Nothing amazing about it.

What I find frustrating with this dull book, is that it's CONSTANTLY cited, when it should just be forgotten. I don't think it was really impactful on widespread thinking BUT if you want, you can listen to it on your commute, and decide for yourself.

It's one of those books that supposedly had this HUGE societal impact, when it didn't. Origin of the Species did, I'd say Propaganda by Edward Bernays did (or at least Bernays did), I'd say The Moral Animal by Robert Wright had more of an impact - as that kind of upended the bullshit of modern psychology.
71   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 10, 4:15am  

jews aren’t exclusively gods people, thats just jewish supremacy talk. all people are gods people.

jews have not been better than other arabs they are at war with.
72   zzyzzx   2023 Oct 10, 4:44am  

I don't see a long term middle east solution unless it involves a Final Solution on someones part.
73   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 10, 5:56am  

I believe that Bibi has back stabbers working in his Government doing their damndest to sabotage him and throw him in peril, like Trump got at every turn.
I'm convinced at this point, those that were supposed to be monitoring the cameras, and listening in on the Scuttlebutt, were complicit in the planning of the attack. To look away as it were, just like the Prison guards at Jeffery Goldstein's Suicide night.
If you recall they tried to lock him up for being a Right wing, conservative criminal, and for not being a commie Marxist. The left's playbook around the world. So I believe that by allowing this attack on Israel, they can imperil him no matter how he responds. If he doesn't do enough, he's incompetent, if he does to much he'll be a war criminal that committed crimes against humanity. They are going to blame him for the attack anyway, saying he let it happen.
The propaganda machine is in full swing now calling Hamas a Masad creation.

I think this time is different, this isn't the usual Israel Middle East intrigue, it's much more. The SOP before was to have a unibomber blow up a bus or cafe in Telewviev, this was something totally different. Something only Marxist Commies and their Muslim cohorts could do, to bring down the traditional status quo.
74   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Oct 10, 6:06am  

Furthermore, the Israeli military’s Hannibal Directive, a controversial protocol allowing the army to end the lives of its captured soldiers to prevent their abduction alive, has come under scrutiny in the ongoing Gaza conflict. Reports suggest that Israeli bombardments of Gaza have resulted in the deaths of four captured Israeli soldiers. In addition, six other soldiers captured by Palestinian militants on the third day of the conflict were killed while being transported into Gaza.

The Hannibal directive has long been a subject of debate and criticism, both domestically within Israel and internationally. The recent events in Gaza, where the directive seems to have been invoked, are likely to reignite discussions about its ethical implications and the broader consequences of such a policy in the context of warfare.


75   zzyzzx   2023 Oct 10, 8:08am  

So now Israel is cutting off food and water to the people of Gaza. Didn’t Hitler do that?
Didn’t they put people behind concrete walls in a ghetto and starve them?
76   socal2   2023 Oct 10, 8:39am  

zzyzzx says

So now Israel is cutting off food and water to the people of Gaza. Didn’t Hitler do that?
Didn’t they put people behind concrete walls in a ghetto and starve them?

Did the Jews in Polish Ghettos formally declare war on Nazi Germany, firing thousands of rockets and raping and killing hundreds of German women and children?

Hamas (the Democratically elected government of Gaza) explicitly says their goal is to wipe out Israel and every Jew on earth (it is all written out in their Charter). Hamas says there can be no 2 state solution or coexistence with Israel.

But you think Israel is required to provide free power and water to the terrorist society that just killed nearly 1,000 Israelis including cutting the heads off babies??
77   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 10, 9:35am  

The sources that tie Hamas back to CIA and Mossad are government. And they've been made way before last weekend.

Putin might not like you, but Biden definitely hates you. Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot your kids if they're in the way. You're problem is you look for good guys in government, and there are very few of those.
78   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 10, 9:55am  

Look what ever in the fuck Hamas is, those fuckers were the ones flying in on the whirly birds gunning down thots in booty shorts gyrating with their hands up like they just don't care. I'm the last fucker to blame other people for the actions of what I saw for my own fucking self.
When Bibi comes flying in on a whirly bird leading the Hamas asault then I'll join in on who's fault is who's to blame.
People start organizations all the time that run away get away from the original intent.
I mean do we blame George Washington for Joe Biden and Obama's miserable excuse for Presidential administrations?
79   socal2   2023 Oct 10, 10:07am  

NuttBoxer says

Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot you if you try to behead babies.

80   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:14pm  

Tenpoundbass says

just like the Prison guards at Jeffery Goldstein's Suicide night.

You mean Jeffrey Epstein - but I think your hypothesis might have something to it.
81   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:17pm  

zzyzzx says

So now Israel is cutting off food and water to the people of Gaza. Didn’t Hitler do that?
Didn’t they put people behind concrete walls in a ghetto and starve them?

Oh no... We can't use "whataboutism" can we??

Although the situations are entirely the same, they're completely different you see!!!
82   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:19pm  

socal2 says

Did the Jews in Polish Ghettos formally declare war on Nazi Germany

What's this FORMALLY bullshit? What, do I need to sign an affidavit in triplicate and get some "authority" to recognize it to resist some goon trying to break into my home?

socal2 says

But you think Israel is required to provide free power and water to the terrorist society that just killed nearly 1,000 Israelis including cutting the heads off babies??

Well, Israel did blow up their power plant, and won't let them rebuild, so...
83   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 10, 1:00pm  

NuttBoxer says

The sources that tie Hamas back to CIA and Mossad are government. And they've been made way before last weekend.

Putin might not like you, but Biden definitely hates you. Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot your kids if they're in the way. You're problem is you look for good guys in government, and there are very few of those.

... unless we're talking the government in Moscow! These guys dindu nuffin! Bucha? - CGI! Dropping a 1-ton bomb on the Mariupol theater? - They did it to themselves! Cruise missiles flying into apartment blocks and shopping malls - there were Nazis there anyway!

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