IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   29,473 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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77   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 10, 9:35am  

The sources that tie Hamas back to CIA and Mossad are government. And they've been made way before last weekend.

Putin might not like you, but Biden definitely hates you. Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot your kids if they're in the way. You're problem is you look for good guys in government, and there are very few of those.
78   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 10, 9:55am  

Look what ever in the fuck Hamas is, those fuckers were the ones flying in on the whirly birds gunning down thots in booty shorts gyrating with their hands up like they just don't care. I'm the last fucker to blame other people for the actions of what I saw for my own fucking self.
When Bibi comes flying in on a whirly bird leading the Hamas asault then I'll join in on who's fault is who's to blame.
People start organizations all the time that run away get away from the original intent.
I mean do we blame George Washington for Joe Biden and Obama's miserable excuse for Presidential administrations?
79   socal2   2023 Oct 10, 10:07am  

NuttBoxer says

Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot you if you try to behead babies.

80   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:14pm  

Tenpoundbass says

just like the Prison guards at Jeffery Goldstein's Suicide night.

You mean Jeffrey Epstein - but I think your hypothesis might have something to it.
81   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:17pm  

zzyzzx says

So now Israel is cutting off food and water to the people of Gaza. Didn’t Hitler do that?
Didn’t they put people behind concrete walls in a ghetto and starve them?

Oh no... We can't use "whataboutism" can we??

Although the situations are entirely the same, they're completely different you see!!!
82   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 12:19pm  

socal2 says

Did the Jews in Polish Ghettos formally declare war on Nazi Germany

What's this FORMALLY bullshit? What, do I need to sign an affidavit in triplicate and get some "authority" to recognize it to resist some goon trying to break into my home?

socal2 says

But you think Israel is required to provide free power and water to the terrorist society that just killed nearly 1,000 Israelis including cutting the heads off babies??

Well, Israel did blow up their power plant, and won't let them rebuild, so...
83   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 10, 1:00pm  

NuttBoxer says

The sources that tie Hamas back to CIA and Mossad are government. And they've been made way before last weekend.

Putin might not like you, but Biden definitely hates you. Hamas may want to behead you, but Mossad will shoot your kids if they're in the way. You're problem is you look for good guys in government, and there are very few of those.

... unless we're talking the government in Moscow! These guys dindu nuffin! Bucha? - CGI! Dropping a 1-ton bomb on the Mariupol theater? - They did it to themselves! Cruise missiles flying into apartment blocks and shopping malls - there were Nazis there anyway!
84   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:18pm  

zzyzzx says

So now Israel is cutting off food and water to the people of Gaza. Didn’t Hitler do that?
Didn’t they put people behind concrete walls in a ghetto and starve them?

I know, what kind of army has ever cut off food, water, etc. to besiege a city.

Why I bet when Fallujah was being stormed, the USMC made sure Habbib's Pastry and Malik's Milk truck made the regular rounds.

"Hold on, squad, make way for Ismail's Ice Cream Van!"

Leningrad, Rotterdam, Derry - besiegers ALWAYS resupply the population inside the city!

Daddy Assad Muh Sexy Lion never did this in Hama in 1982 when he was dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood.

What Israel is doing is outrageous!

Amazing how people will dismiss all precedent in order to make false equivalencies.
85   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:22pm  

AmericanKulak says

I know, what kind of army has ever cut off food, water, etc. to besiege a city.

Why I bet when Fallujah was being stormed, the USMC made sure Habbib's Pastry and Malik's Milk truck made the regular rounds.

Yeah, it's a warcrime though, not that we care about that. It only matters if our enemy does it. When Russia does this, it's the end of the world and Putin is Hitler 5.0 - when Israel does it, well, of course, when the US does it, well of course.

Hypocrisy and double standards are Western Policy now.
86   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:23pm  

richwicks says

Yeah, it's a warcrime though, not that we care about that. It only matters if our enemy does it. When Russia does this, it's the end of the world and Putin is Hitler 5.0 - when Israel does it, well, of course, when the US does it, well of course.

Nope. It's not.

If it is, literally every country has done it in the past century, so it's as much of a "Crime" as removing the matress tag from a mattress.

Next we'll get the "White Phosphorus cap on the smoke bomb is chemical warfare" canard.
87   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:24pm  

In fact, bookmark the White Phosphorus, that bullshit is next.

No matter how many times ALL SIDES used WP Screens in the Ukraine Conflict, Syria, etc. recently.
89   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:27pm  

By the way, Shani Louk might be alive.

Since she only has a severe head injury (read: survived gunshot), broken legs, was kidnapped, probably raped, spit on, and her credit card swiped in Gaza, that means Israel is a BUNCHA DIRTY ZIOLIARS and ITS ALL FAKEY MCFAKESVILLE and Hamas DINDU NUTTIN WRONG.

Not that she miraculously survived being attacked, beaten, shot, kidnapped, probably molested for dancing at a Peace Festival.
90   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

If it is, literally every country has done it in the past century, so it's as much of a "Crime" as removing the matress tag from a mattress.

It's one of the things the Nazis were charged with. Attacking infrastructure is technically a war crime, so is terrorizing the population, so Shock and Awe was a war crime.


It doesn't really matter, all of our presidents are war criminals, and if we prosecuted them the same way we did with a few Nazis, they'd all have been executed. There is no law.

I have heard countless times the US bitch and whine about Soviet warcrimes in the 1980s. So when my nation did the SAME EXACT FUCKING THING, I got upset because my government led me to believe they followed rules, and had principles, and ethics - they don't.

When I got older I found out that it was the ALLIES that did aerial bombardment first, and things like the London Blitzkrieg, was just retaliation. The US used to dump out firebombs on Japan, it was little cans filled with oil, that had a piece of cloth attached. These were dropped from planes.

We were EVERY BIT as awful as the Nazis were, which is why there's such exaggeration of what the Nazis did.

The only purpose of the Geneva Conventions, or "International Law" is for propaganda purposes. NOBODY follows it, including us.
91   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:49pm  

richwicks says

It's one of the things the Nazis were charged with. Attacking infrastructure is technically a war crime, so is terrorizing the population, so Shock and Awe was a war crime.

Okay, when is Bashar the Lion facing charges for all his sieges in the Syrian Civil War?

richwicks says

When I got older I found out that it was the ALLIES that did aerial bombardment first, and things like the London Blitzkrieg, was just retaliation. The US used to dump out firebombs on Japan, it was little cans filled with oil, that had a piece of cloth attached. These were dropped from planes.

No, the first aerial bombing was of Warsaw (1939), then of Rotterdam (1940). After the Nazis bombed London (Aug-Sep 1940), the British began bombing Germany. In fact the Luftwaffe deliberately strafed roads in Poland full of refugees fleeing the fighting to slow down Polish attempts at reinforcement.

92   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 2:51pm  

richwicks says

The only purpose of the Geneva Conventions, or "International Law" is for propaganda purposes. NOBODY follows it, including us.

Good, so we can dismiss any whinging of Gaza being Besieged like any other enemy city got besieged since time began.

I can't think of one time a besieger has ever fed or watered the enemy city during the siege.
94   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:56pm  

AmericanKulak says

Okay, when is Bashar the Lion facing charges for all his sieges in the Syrian Civil War?

Well the US has been trying to kill him for ages. Also, the US lies about him as well, so who knows if there were ANY sieges?

The Douma Chemical attack NEVER happened. It wasn't 1 whistleblower that came forward, but TWO.

Because the United States LIED about this, they no longer have ANY credibility.

To have any confidence that al-Assad did any sieges, I would have to find somebody that

1) Acknowledges that the Douma Chemical attack never happened
2) The US Federal government lied about this for propaganda purposes
3) Agrees that al-Assad did the sieges.

See, the problem is, when the source is a FUCKING LIAR, I can't trust anything they say.

AmericanKulak says

No, the first aerial bombing was of Warsaw (1939), then of Rotterdam (1940). After the Nazis bombed London (Aug-Sep 1940), the British began bombing Germany. In fact the Luftwaffe deliberately strafed roads in Poland full of refugees fleeing the fighting to slow down Polish attempts at reinforcement.

You could be right, I'm not perfect on WWII, there's just so much bullshit said about it. I can only concentrate on particular lies of my government.
95   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 3:12pm  

richwicks says

Well the US has been trying to kill him for ages. Also, the US lies about him as well, so who knows if there were ANY sieges?

I think he's useful in some ways. I think it's known that Syria without him could be far worse than Syria with him, just my guess. I don't fellate him though.

richwicks says

See, the problem is, when the source is a FUCKING LIAR, I can't trust anything they say.

I don't think the US State Department is the source for what is happening in Israel today.
96   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 3:13pm  

The company kept.


Oops, that's the aftermath of the 2020 BLM Intifada in Minneapolis.
98   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 3:18pm  

Make that "Antifa-da"
99   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 3:23pm  

AmericanKulak says

I think he's useful in some ways. I think it's known that Syria without him could be far worse than Syria with him, just my guess. I don't fellate him though.

al-Assad is an ophthalmologist. He got stuck with the job when his brother was killed in a car accident. He was elected.

If al-Assad isn't being elected, then the US needs to start screaming about sending in international poll observers and securing the election. However, since our CIA just stole OUR election and refuses to do exit polls now, I find that unlikely to be done.

AmericanKulak says

I don't think the US State Department is the source for what is happening in Israel today.

Probably Hasbera is, and I know how accurate THEY are.

I have a pretty simple system for obtaining information, as soon as a source starts to LIE, and I don't mean "making mistakes", but repeatedly lying over and over and over again, and cannot be corrected and isn't making a mistake, I ignore them entirely.

This doesn't mean that everything they say is a lie, it means they are not a reliable source, so I simply stop listening to them. It's not worth the time and energy to sort the wheat from the chaff from a liar. So, I entirely ignore "mainstream media", because every one of them will lie. The ONLY time I pay them any attention is when they tell an outrageous lie - I archive those so that when somebody tells me "go read it in X", I can say "X said this, I'm not wasting my time - they lie, here's the proof they lie".

For example:


and that article wasn't just written by some twat dumbshit millenial reporter, it was written by the editor-in-chief of the Atlantic. Every fucking story in The Atlantic is suspect, and just should be ignored.

I've been doing this for 20 years. Literally every mainstream media source will lie. NY Times, PBS, NPR, everybody. Why pay attention to them? Our government lies, I ignore them.
100   GNL   2023 Oct 10, 3:25pm  

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?
101   socal2   2023 Oct 10, 4:27pm  

GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

Not hang gliders - paragliders with motors. You can take off from a running start on a beach. My neighbor does it all the time.
102   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 5:33pm  

socal2 says

GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

Not hang gliders - paragliders with motors. You can take off from a running start on a beach. My neighbor does it all the time.

I didn't see any fans on their back, and they were in an upright position.
103   socal2   2023 Oct 10, 6:09pm  

richwicks says

I didn't see any fans on their back, and they were in an upright position.

104   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 6:26pm  

socal2 says

richwicks says

I didn't see any fans on their back, and they were in an upright position.


I don't know what that's from, because it's all fucking cut up. I saw this:

original link

I don't see any fans. I used to hang glide, you're in a harness - where's the fans? Could be the angle I'm looking at here.

Anyhow, TO ME, those look like parachutes, not powered paragliders, not even regular paragliders.

Stop the video at multiple points, when I saw this, I kept trying to find the fans. When I try to find raw footage, this part is cut out. You see them in the distance, and then it cuts to people running. Kind of pisses me off Dore doesn't provide sources.

The glide ratio is crazy too - that is how much you move forward for every unit you drop. That looks like a 1:1 glide ratio - hang gliders are like 1:5 - and that's LOW - i.e. every foot you drop, you move forward 5 feet. In my boat of a glider, it was like 1:15 I think but you are doing like 30 MPH.

We used to make fun of the paragliders, and the paragliders made fun of us. Hang gliding is a little safer, but it's a lot harder to do, because of transport issues. Paragliders can just pack their crap up in a bag, and go anywhere, WE need to drive there. However, hangliders if they hit windsheer go into a dive, and the speed pickup you get from this will pull you out of the dive. With paragliders, windsheer can collapse the chute, and they can fall to their death. I've seen videos were people dropped 50 feet, but survived because the harness is heavily padded.
105   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 6:36pm  

GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

You can actually see footage of them in the sky over some of the Rave footage. The attendees thought it was some cool part of the festival.
106   HeadSet   2023 Oct 10, 8:31pm  

AmericanKulak says

After the Nazis bombed London (Aug-Sep 1940), the British began bombing Germany.

Actually, Hitler had London off limits:
The first real bombing raid on Berlin would not occur until August 25, 1940, during the Battle of Britain. Hitler had placed London off-limits for bombing, and the Luftwaffe was concentrating on defeating the Royal Air Force in preparation for a cross-Channel invasion. But on the night of August 24, a German plane dropped bombs on London, probably by accident, on its way home from a raid. Prime Minister Winston Churchill immediately ordered the RAF to retaliate with a raid on Berlin. That same night, a force of 81 Vickers Wellingtons and Handley Page Hampdens headed for Berlin. Only about half of them reached the capital, which was obscured by dense clouds. Little damage was done, but one bomb killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

That accidental bombing likely saved the British, as Germany was devastating the RAF by hitting airfields and planes. When the Luftwaffe switched to bombing cities to retaliate for the RAF hot on Berlin, the RAF was able to recover. Some historians think that Churchill bombed Berlin as a stategy to anger Hitler and have Germany switch from counterforce to cities so the RAF could recover.

107   GNL   2023 Oct 10, 8:32pm  

AmericanKulak says

GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

You can actually see footage of them in the sky over some of the Rave footage. The attendees thought it was some cool part of the festival.

Ok, so I guess they have access to a high enough mountain to jump from and reach Israel?
108   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 10, 8:44pm  

zzyzzx says

I don't see a long term middle east solution unless it involves a Final Solution on someones part.

there’s no such thing. human nature will make new wars. but i can guarantee whatever war, our tax dollars will be spent there, big business.
109   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 8:49pm  

GNL says

Ok, so I guess they have access to a high enough mountain to jump from and reach Israel?

The current "propaganda?"/hypothesis is they were power paragliders, but I've not seen an example of a powered paraglider except from legacy news media, which sharply chops up the footage, so you can't tell where it's from.

The only video I've been able to find is from Jimmy Dore, and I cannot see fans.

original link

And Dore, very frustratingly, doesn't give sources to his videos. It could be the angle, but it doesn't look like paragliders to me, it looks like parachutes, again, to me.

Also, it takes some skill to steer, these people would have had to practice in my opinion. When I used to hang glide, I heard stories of people that were strapped in, and told to go off the mountain, and "figure it out". Landing is the hardest part of flying. You have to learn how to hit your target landing zone, and I've fucked this up myself - you only fuck up once, then you start paying better attention to your instructor. In an unpowered flying device, there's an angle which you cannot get below, and if you do, you will never hit your landing zone - you land in a tree, at about 20-30 MPH. I've avoid this, but people die from this - even though we are trained how to do it. Most people killed in hang gliding get killed for making stupid mistakes. 1/2 the people that die in hang gliding accident run off the mountain, but forgot to hook into the glider, they run off a cliff, and fall to their death. Hang check, hang check, hang check. Certain you're hooked in, check again, over and over. OCD works in that sport.
110   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Oct 11, 5:00am  

GNL says

Ok, so I guess they have access to a high enough mountain to jump from and reach Israel?

See step-towing a hang glider. Bascially, you get towed until airborne.
111   Shaman   2023 Oct 11, 7:13am  

American Kulak is correct, Biblically-speaking, that the people of Israel are prophesied to turn back to God before the End. The prophet Ezekiel wrote about this in 570BC.

“ 11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

112   Shaman   2023 Oct 11, 7:16am  

Keep in mind that Israel as a nation hasn’t existed since before Ezekiel wrote those words, around 2600 years. They’ve been under occupation or kicked out of their land for all that time. Rome expelled them as a people from Israel in 70AD, leading to the Great Diaspora.

Right now they’re the dry bones. But God always keeps His promises. Don’t bet against Him.
113   AD   2023 Oct 11, 10:26am  

Shaman says

Rome expelled them as a people from Israel in 70AD

Yeah and then I read Palestinian comments that Israel never existed as well as the religion. I think it is part of them denying any legitimacy of Jewish people association with the land of Israel.

I then ask did they actually read Greco-Roman history (i.e., Flavius Josephus , etc) about the conquering of the Jewish people and also the Jewish people revolt against the Romans ?

I then ask if Islam never existed then what would be the religion of the current Palestinian population ? Would it be Judaism or Christianity ?

Would the Bosniaks of the southern Slav regions also be Christian instead of Muslim ?

114   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 11, 11:31am  

Tenpoundbass says

When Bibi comes flying in on a whirly bird leading the Hamas asault then I'll join in on who's fault is who's to blame.
People start organizations all the time that run away get away from the original intent.
I mean do we blame George Washington for Joe Biden and Obama's miserable excuse for Presidential administrations?

What about when his snipers shoot kids, or bomb them like they are right now?

Washington started a Terrorist organization? Yeah, that's a fucking cop out and you know it.
115   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 11, 11:33am  

Before any of you justify killing innocent civilians and kids, watch a video, see their faces, then say it. At least at that point you will have completely owned up to what you're advocating, instead of being a pussy bitch who refuses to look at what their beliefs result in.

original link
116   Misc   2023 Oct 11, 12:21pm  

I watched the video. I quit at about 17.01 'cause the guy was kinda rambling at that point.

Hamas was elected in 2006, with the decree that they were going to kill every Jew. The Israelis have shown a huge amount of restraint until now, and have put up with many terrorist events.

The video with the children is quite old and the population of Gaza has increased by about 500000 people since that clip. Having children does not protect a person from their actions. After the events of 10/7/23, I feel that the Israelis are going to do to Hamas what Hamas has stated that they will do to the Jews. I think they are going to try and kill every member of Hamas. If the Hamas hierarchy was concerned about the children of Gaza, they would surrender themselves to the IDF. Hamas knows they have no chance militarily against the IDF, so they will play the victim card to its fullest extent using their children.

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