IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   29,489 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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183   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 4:54pm  


By now you’ve probably heard that there was an explosion Tuesday night at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Hamas immediately claimed that it was the result of an Israeli airstrike, and that some 500 people had been killed.

Right away there were many reasons why any journalist should be skeptical. It is well known that Israel doesn’t target hospitals—so well known, in fact, that Hamas literally has its headquarters at a hospital. And it would obviously be extremely unwise for Israel to drop a bomb on a hospital — especially on the eve of President Biden’s visit — considering the monumental public relations victory it would hand Hamas during a time when many people around the globe aren’t exactly on the side of the Jewish state.

Moreover, Hamas has a long record of lying1 about munitions aimed at Israel that misfire and end up landing within Gaza. The terrorist organization fires a wide variety of rockets and mortar bombs, with some produced domestically that are effectively “homemade” from old water pipes. Unsurprisingly, the failure and malfunction rate of such ordnance is high. Back in the summer of 2022, Hamas tempers flared at Islamic Jihad over rocket attacks that killed Palestinian civilians. A year earlier, in 2021, Human Rights Watch investigated a barrage of rockets landing on both sides of the border and concluded that, “Munitions apparently directed toward Israel that misfired and fell short killed and injured an undetermined number of Palestinians in Gaza.”
184   stereotomy   2023 Oct 18, 4:55pm  

It's like the Hebrews - don't charge interest except to goyim. Similar, but more extreme, with muslims - don't rape, kill, or enslave your fellow muslim or his family, but any infidel, well then . . .
185   Blue   2023 Oct 18, 5:02pm  

ad says

but you notice the Muslim militants don't dare take on the more brutal Chicoms

There is one good thing about Chicoms is that they are brutal and far ahead of their game. They are also able to control both West, Middle-East "media". That is why they do not talk about it.
186   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 5:05pm  

Here's the dilemma:

If you are part of a tight group in which each member can safely trust all the others, there is no limit to the possible accomplishments of that group, because people helping each other are exponentially more effective than individuals.

But if you are part of such a group, you are also probably going to piss off everyone else and they're going to try to kill you. Similar story with the Armenians.

Some exceptions: the Parsis and the Amish. See https://patrick.net/post/1346373/2022-06-26-optimal-antisemitism
187   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 5:09pm  

ad says

but you notice the Muslim militants don't dare take on the more brutal Chicoms

Most Americans don't really understand the mindset that exists.

Sunnis don't care about the Shia. They're both "Muslim" but 99% of them would say the other isn't Muslim.
188   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 5:10pm  

Patrick says

It is well known that Israel doesn’t target hospitals—so well known, in fact, that Hamas literally has its headquarters at a hospital.

I call BS on this. What hospital, what floor?
189   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 18, 5:23pm  

IDF attempted to nasay this by posting a video claiming to show rockets came from Gaza, but timestamp was 40 minutes after the bombing. They've walked back or deleted everything they put out trying to blame Palestine. Or watch the NY Times article title morph to fit US Zionist agenda. I will provide links if people are genuinely having trouble finding info, but I prefer you do your own research.
190   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 5:37pm  

richwicks says

I call BS on this. What hospital, what floor?


The Al Shifa Hospital has been the headquarters for Hamas terrorists. The Washington Post in 2014 reported that Al Shifa Hopital had become the “de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders who can be seen in the hallways and offices”.

For example.
191   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 6:49pm  

Patrick says


So I started tracing sources. Here's one:


The Israelis are so sure about the location of the Hamas bunker, however, not because they are trying to score propaganda points, or because it has been repeatedly mentioned in passing by Western reporters—but because they built it. Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room and tunnel network beneath Shifa hospital—which is one among several reasons why Israeli security sources are so sure that there is a main Hamas command bunker in or around the large cement basement beneath the area of Building 2 of the Hospital, which reporters are obviously prohibited from entering.

Tell me, you ever get the feeling that our "leaders" don't work for the interest of the United States and actively work against the interests of the public, using foreign enemies like the Soviet Union, China, "terrorists", Russia - whatever, to keep people obedient?

I don't think any nation is any different.

According to source articles, Israel built it, Israel has the plans for it, and Israel knows precisely where it is. So... Why do they do nothing about it? We know that Hamas was funded by Israel...
192   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 18, 7:02pm  

Jews definitely charge interest to each other.

Also, Maddoff's victims were overwhelmingly and disproportionately Jewish like himself. Most scammers rip off their own; Ponzi's largest group of rubes were Italians, at least at first.
193   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 6:53am  

So far over a thousand children(mostly Palestinian) have died as a result of this false flag.
194   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 8:01am  

NuttBoxer says

So far over a thousand children(mostly Palestinian) have died as a result of this false flag.

Do we really know if it was a false flag?

IF I am to believe what I'm hearing, more than a dozen places in the fence were open for over 7 hours, and the IDF was ordered to stand down. This is according to somebody that CLAIMS to be an Israeli that monitored the fence in the 1990s.


It's all speculation, and who do you trust?

IF I am to believe what I'm hearing, many people in Israeli suspect this attack was purposely allowed to happen, but it's so easy to be misinformed about what the public thinks during a conflict.
195   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 8:08am  

richwicks says

NuttBoxer says

So far over a thousand children(mostly Palestinian) have died as a result of this false flag.

Do we really know if it was a false flag?

Do we really know a 1000 Pali children have really died?
197   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 8:43am  

Eric Holder says

Do we really know a 1000 Pali children have really died?

No, we don't.

A common tactic ALWAYS used in an Israeli / Palestinian conflict is to put out false information that is first blamed on Israel, and then is later said to be a result of the Palestinians. The hospital is one example in this conflict. There's always atrocity propaganda as well, that's the "40 beheaded babies".

If you question something that the Israel says the Palestinians did, you're called anti-Semite and said to support the Palestinians, if you believe the Palestinians, you're called a fool and a terrorist sympathizer. It's always a no win situation.

There is always TONS of false information produced, and I don't know which sides do it, but I know that Israel has a much more sophisticated propaganda operation than the Palestinians do. I have learned to trust nothing when it's ongoing, and to evaluate it afterward. We'll know the body count in a few months, and I expect it might be staggering, but time will tell.

The true score of the calamity will only be known when things settle down, and that might be quite a while in this case. If water and food are really cut off to Gaza, there's going to be chaos, murder, possibly even cannibalism. Water is the main problem I would think, but again, time will tell.
198   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 8:45am  

Shaman says

Keep in mind that Israel created and trained that dog.

Hamas is a creation of Israel, and it is funded by Israel. Sort of like BLM and Antifa are run by our government, and the Patriot Front is an intelligence front.
199   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 8:06pm  

richwicks says

Do we really know if it was a false flag?

Occam's Razor. And I tend to believe in Israel and Palestine over opinions thousands of miles away in the US. Mainstream media mostly shilling for Israel, alternative media saying Israel government is to blame. At this point if you don't believe false flag, you haven't done the research, or are giving into the propaganda.
200   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 8:08pm  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

NuttBoxer says

So far over a thousand children(mostly Palestinian) have died as a result of this false flag.

Do we really know if it was a false flag?

Do we really know a 1000 Pali children have really died?

Do you even read what you quote? It's a total count of all children. But does it really matter their ethnicity as they are children? You're right, it doesn't. It only matters who's most responsible for their deaths, the Israeli government.
201   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 8:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

At this point if you don't believe false flag, you haven't done the research, or are giving into the propaganda.

I think it was someone at the top in Israel deliberately letting Hamas massacre Israelis for PR and/or distraction purposes.

So the Hamas flag was real, and they really killed all those Israelis. What do you call that though? Not exactly false flag.
202   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 8:11pm  

Shaman says

Wow, full on propaganda cartoons. Are you going to post the video of the MaryJuana addict killing his mother with a frying pan next?
203   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 19, 8:12pm  

Eric Holder says

Do we really know a 1000 Pali children have really died?

Because the Gaza Health Ministry, run by Hamas for 15 years, says so. And you can totally trust people who send Paragliding terrorists to gun down Hippies at Peace Rave.

You have to stop listening to the IDF and the Zio-controlled Media, Eric, and listen to the unvarnished truths coming from PressTV, Al Jezeera, MintPressNews, Globalresearch.ca, and Bitchute Bloviators.
204   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 19, 8:15pm  

Palestine was not even a Province of the Ottoman Empire.

Vilayet: Duchy
Sanjak: County
205   Onvacation   2023 Oct 19, 8:38pm  

richwicks says

That was the spark that started this fire.

I thought it was cartoons of Mohammed?
207   HeadSet   2023 Oct 20, 2:25pm  

Booger says

Shapiro is being disingenuous. Israel is a NATION, and disagreeing with that nation's policy is not an attack on Jews worldwide. Are there attacks on Jews all over America? Any chance that America will cut off the $billions given to Israel every year? Maybe recall the carrier groups we are sending out to defend Israel? One American ship in the Red Sea just took out a drone and a cruise missile fired from Yemen that appeared to have been fired toward Israel. As it appears now, anyone who wants a job in high-end banking or law best not criticize Israel or the Jewish owners of these firms will blacklist them.
209   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 23, 8:28am  

My sources are independent, take no money from Israeli government, and are against war, and killing of ANY civilians. You source said covid would kill me, Ukraine is more important than Ohio and Maui, and that Biden won the election honestly.

Also my sources site Israeli government and US government for their JDAM theory. Whom to believe..? Also, just to confirm, you are saying the US military doesn't understand the bomb they designed, and the Israeli government social media is a bunch of liars?
211   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Nov 28, 1:50pm  

Same group who admit it's policy to kill children, also have a policy to kill their own citizens, see Hannibal Directive...

212   socal2   2023 Nov 28, 1:58pm  

Nuttboxer, even the notorious anti-Israeli "Human Rights Watch" has reported that it was a Hamas rocket that blew up the hospital parking lot.

Are you still standing by Hamas' claims?

213   socal2   2023 Nov 28, 2:03pm  

NuttBoxer says

Same group who admit it's policy to kill children, also have a policy to kill their own citizens, see Hannibal Directive...


What is this supposed to prove?

Are you somehow insinuating that Hamas did not kill, rape, torture and kidnap thousands of Israelis because you think the IDF might have killed some Israelis in the fog of war trying to drive Jihadis back into Gaza on 10/7?

Are all these videos of Hamas killing civilians fake?

215   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 3, 10:39am  

Well the Palestinians should all just yell "li li li li li li li li li li" from the top of their heads. It seems to calm them down when they get upset, that terrorists murdered hundred if not thousands of innocent victims in Israel and throughout the world.

What they ought to do, is get right with Jesus.
216   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 3, 10:43am  

Suspected Islamic terrorists bombed a Catholic Mass at Mindanao State University in southern Philippines on Sunday, killing at least four and wounding dozens more.

The Palestinian assholes will get my sympathy when they condemn the actions of their brethren.


Until then I'll point the ones getting away to Bibi while he bashes every last one of the scumbags scampering under his feet.
217   Blue   2023 Dec 3, 10:45am  

NuttBoxer says

Islamic-pedo media 'The Guardian' does not cover about the Jihadi who was using that girl as a shield.
218   Blue   2023 Dec 3, 10:48am  

NuttBoxer says

This is the best proof that Muslims use Children and Women as a shield in their Jihad all the time.
219   WookieMan   2023 Dec 3, 11:37am  

I'll be blunt. Who cares? As I believe I've said before. Kids shouldn't die. No one should be attacked and killed. At the end of the day this part of the world for centuries has been a shit hole of death and divide. What is gonna change?

There will be a cease fire over and over and then another major attack. Rinse and repeat. There's no solution to this problem besides frankly letting one side just genocide the other, look the other way, instead of dragging this out for another 10 centuries.

I'd literally propose nuking Gaza to be honest. Give warning and wipe it away. Worked pretty well with Japan if anyone is being honest about killing people. A group like Hamas doesn't come back in the future if everyone has the fear of death because of some disagreements over fictional books and "disputed" land masses. Puts life and things in perspective. Was this shit all worth it? Not moral by any stretch but is this constantly going on forever any better? Rip the bandaid off.

Harsh take but I don't care.
220   Ceffer   2023 Dec 3, 11:40am  

Every child is an Amalek when your customer base is jonesing for adrenochrome, stem cells, tissues and body parts.

Just find a Biblical edict for every crime of convenience. It's a dandy way to pull off Satanic inversions, and can be profitable, too!
221   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Dec 3, 3:16pm  

Blue says

Islamic-pedo media 'The Guardian' does not cover about the Jihadi who was using that girl as a shield.

That's actually a documented Israeli government technique. But I wouldn't expect you to know that being from a country that's dropped more bombs on the Middle East than any all the bombs dropped in several major world conflicts. Keeping funding your AIPEC!
222   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Dec 3, 3:18pm  

Blue says

This is the best proof that Muslims use Children and Women as a shield in their Jihad all the time.

Only 10% of those killed have been deemed combatants. So by your logic every Hamas fighter is surrounding themselves with 1,000 child shield? Maybe next you can try explaining how Epstein was actually a victim, after all, he's a Jew right...

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