Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   77,705 views  1,148 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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27   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 11, 10:36pm  

AmericanKulak says

Nobody is killing kids.


Last chance. I freely admit to the wrong on one side, you have yet to admit to any wrong on the other. I support neither, only the people, you haven't stated anything close to the same. Children have, are, and will be intentionally targeted and killed by IDF. Are you ok with that?
28   Misc   2023 Oct 11, 10:54pm  

Funniest thing I've noticed is that nobody is questioning the American Intelligence as to what they knew about the upcoming attacks on Israel before they occurred.

We have reports the Egyptian Intelligence warned the Israelis that something was coming from Gaza, but nothing as far as them warning the Americans as a well.

Even the Arabic media is staying away from that.
29   richwicks   2023 Oct 11, 11:09pm  

Misc says

Funniest thing I've noticed is that nobody is questioning the American Intelligence as to what they knew about the upcoming attacks on Israel before they occurred.

How do you know this is true?
30   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 11, 11:09pm  

NuttBoxer says


Last chance. I freely admit to the wrong on one side, you have yet to admit to any wrong on the other. I support neither, only the people, you haven't stated anything close to the same. Children have, are, and will be intentionally targeted and killed by IDF. Are you ok with that?

Haaretz (the Vox/Guardian of Israel) premium article I can't read past halfway the first paragraph without paying. Haaretz is infamous for twisting stories, like the Eithiopian women forcibly given permanent sterilization bullshit.

The "American Vagabound", an outrageously whacky Russo-Iranian-Syrian propaganda website. Here are two of their political cartoons:

Trump calling out Iran, but "Allies" have blood on his hands:

Trump not attacking Holy Venezuela, the Lattest Hope of the Reds:

Found at: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/cartoons/

With a "Serena Shim" Award, also given to Mint Press News. So FFS, we know we're dealing with a Red Shi'a website.

So yeah, neither source is good. On my own I Brave Searched it, and found nothing but Mondoweiss, Fat Qatari Bird Al-ajeezera, and Electronic Intifada.

Misc says

Funniest thing I've noticed is that nobody is questioning the American Intelligence as to what they knew about the upcoming attacks on Israel before they occurred.

We have reports the Egyptian Intelligence warned the Israelis that something was coming from Gaza, but nothing as far as them warning the Americans as a well.

Even the Arabic media is staying away from that.

THAT shit is very suspicious. In a few months, there's going to be a helluva hearing in Israel. I suspect Bibi formed a unity government not just for emergency, but to give himself cover. Bookmark this prediction. He fucked this up, or his cabinet did.
31   richwicks   2023 Oct 11, 11:14pm  

AmericanKulak says

The "American Vagabound", an outrageously whacky Russo-Iranian-Syrian propaganda website.

You mean this guy?


Or are you talking about somebody else?

If I got the right guy, he doesn't believe in the left or the right, and think people who do are children and I agree with him.
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 12, 4:45pm  

@AmericanKulak you basically said you were cool with murdering kids in my other thread because there's precedence. That's despicable. I don't associate with pedophiles, or anyone who advocates for harming children in any way. You disgust me.
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 12, 5:02pm  

We went from incubator babies to beheaded babies. Every fucking media outlet in this country is shilling for Israel. The only ones advocating any sort of sane view are the alternative outlets.

I was against the Scamdemic, the government was for it.
I was against Ukraine, the government was for it.
I said there's something wrong in East :Palestine, the government ignored it.
I said there's something wrong in Maui, the government covered it up.
I'm saying Saturday was a false flag, the government is shilling overtime for what will be genocide.

In every one of these incidents we have alternative media and conspiracy people like me on one side, and government, mainstream propaganda outlets, and the enslaved on the other. Truth vs Lies, which side do you fall on?
34   AD   2023 Oct 12, 9:19pm  


see above...the Hamas official says on Russia TV that since the US negotiated a prisoner swap with Iran recently, the same should apply with the US hostages in Gaza...

the Hamas official says that there are Palestinians sentenced to life in prison in the USA and that they should be set free as part of the swap...

35   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 3:05am  

NuttBoxer says

AmericanKulak you basically said you were cool with murdering kids in my other thread because there's precedence. That's despicable. I don't associate with pedophiles, or anyone who advocates for harming children in any way. You disgust me.

Dude, one side just shot up a fucking rave and murdered babies in their beds after they crossed a border on paragliders to do it.

That's a bit different that bombing terrorists who DO deliberately target civilians, and who do deliberately surround themselves with human shields. And/or when a piece of concrete is blown off a bunker when bombing the bad guys and hits a kid half a block away.

We have to cut the crap with the Moral Catch-22 where the terrorists who murder babies are protected by surrounding themselves with babies.

Radio,TV, leaflet warnings, "Knocking", and using smart bombs to kill with precision is plenty of care.
36   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:09am  

NuttBoxer says

In every one of these incidents we have alternative media and conspiracy people like me on one side, and government, mainstream propaganda outlets, and the enslaved on the other. Truth vs Lies, which side do you fall on?

We need to exchange sources at some point.

I'm tired of the government making people kill each other. I'm fucking fed up with this.
37   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:12am  

AmericanKulak says

Dude, one side just shot up a fucking rave and murdered babies in their beds after they crossed a border on paragliders to do it.

You don't know. You really don't know.

Our media is PURE propaganda, you must realize this at this point. Was Trump elected because of Russian Interference? Did he have to be removed with the 25th amendment because he was out of his mind? Is Ukraine "just about to win"?

US "news" media is full of shit, so you don't know. You know it's full of shit, but you still cite it. Why? We have no fucking idea what is going on, and I mean it, we really have no idea what is going on. We'll know in a few weeks, maybe months, but our "news" media isn't going to inform us, people will.

We have nothing but propaganda. Be patient, be reserved, think. We're all too far down this stupid ladder to push for action - our calls to action are being imposed upon us. This happens every time.
38   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 3:33am  

Palestinian Pizza place uses photo of an old lady taken hostage last week to promote their products.

The IDF comes by to place an order.

"I can't believe you're being so injust, all they did was promote old people being kidnapped and mock them!" - immoral Green-Red apologists
39   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 3:44am  

Hamas argues who will behead the Thais still breathing.

I think it's up to 14 Thais dead now.


These were videos Palestinians were gloating and gleefully sharing, before the bombing started and they switched to "Poor Us" mode.
40   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:44am  

AmericanKulak says

Palestinian Pizza place uses photo of an old lady taken hostage last week to promote their products.

The IDF comes by to place an order.

"I can't believe you're being so injust, all they did was promote old people being kidnapped and mock them!" - immoral Green-Red apologists

I doubt it. I actually doubt everything about it.
43   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 6:12am  

gabbar says

No link to the charter. Ignore it.

We have translation tools and hyperlinks today, if some fuck won't include links, just ignore them. It's either stupidity or they are lying. This is why we created hyperlinks, we got sick of propaganda 30 years ago.
44   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 13, 9:04am  

Tenpoundbass says

Not fake, he just doesn't understand how deeply Zionists views have infiltrated our world. Jews are untouchable, unless of course it's their own government standing down at their border wall(9/11 flashbacks..), or force injecting them with poison.
45   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 2:05pm  

I'm not for bombing Gaza into oblivion because that would kill a lot of innocent people. Yet this is still funny:

46   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 14, 8:12pm  

Just watch the first five minutes. Speech by a Jew with the longest nose, tightest wallet. The guy is so Jewy he makes Anne Frank look blonde haired and blue eyed. He's an avowed Zionist, and he absolutely destroys the Israeli government and leadership over Palestine.

If the biggest Jew you'll ever know says there's another side, best pull your lips off Bibi's ass and pay attention...

47   AD   2023 Oct 14, 8:22pm  

NuttBoxer says

Speech by a Jew with the longest nose, tightest wallet. The guy is so Jewy he makes Anne Frank look blonde haired and blue eyed. He's an avowed Zionist, and he absolutely destroys the Israeli government and leadership over Palestine.


48   AD   2023 Oct 14, 8:37pm  

ad says

NuttBoxer says

Speech by a Jew with the longest nose, tightest wallet. The guy is so Jewy he makes Anne Frank look blonde haired and blue eyed. He's an avowed Zionist, and he absolutely destroys the Israeli government and leadership over Palestine.


This Gerald Kaufman looks like a sell out and crook just like Roberta Lipson, who is also Jewish and sold out to the Chicoms.

49   komputodo   2023 Oct 14, 8:53pm  

NuttBoxer says

stfu says

I'll bite :

Those dirty Muslims governments deserve everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Jew government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Uke government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Rusky government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty American government deserves everything it gets. And it's definitely MY FUCKING BUSINESS.

Hey! it works! All 4 statements are true!

i see 5 statements...which one isn't true
50   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 14, 8:54pm  

ad says

This Gerald Kaufman looks like a sell out and crook just like Roberta Lipson, who is also Jewish and sold out to the Chicoms.

The worst of the worst is Susan Rosenberg.

But check out the Tides Foundation and Drummond Pike.
51   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 14, 9:19pm  

Remember how "Palestinians" were able to wage an "intifada" against brutal Israeli occupation for months and even years on end, but now they suddenly can't do anything to show their disagreement with Hamas policy of refusing to engage in the peace process as outlined in Oslo Accords and going on genocidal raids across the border? Or maybe they don't really disagree?
52   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 9:26pm  


Remember how "Palestinians" were able to wage an "intifada" against brutal Israeli occupation for months and even years on end, but now they suddenly can't do anything to show their disagreement with Hamas policy of refusing to engage in the peace process as outlined in Oslo Accords and going on genocidal raids across the border?

The US doesn't do anything to stop the US from bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, or Somalia.

I guess Americans agree with it all. After all the US is certainly more democratic than Gaza or the West Bank, isn't it?
53   AD   2023 Oct 14, 9:29pm  


show their disagreement with Hamas refusing to engage in the peace process as outlined in Oslo Accords

West Bank is not as much an Arab slum as Gaza strip.

Perhaps President Abbas (and PLO / Fatah) are too comfortable now to want to join in with Hamas, and they do not want to risk what they already have within the West Bank.

The economics and population density are a lot better in the West Bank compared to Gaza strip.

Now, will the militants assassinate him or coerce him into joining ? But I imagine Abbas is as much protected / guarded as Netanyahu from the fanatics and militants.


54   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 14, 9:44pm  

ad says


show their disagreement with Hamas refusing to engage in the peace process as outlined in Oslo Accords

West Bank is not as much an Arab slum as Gaza strip.

Perhaps President Abbas (and PLO / Fatah) are too comfortable now to want to join in with Hamas, and they do not want to risk what they already have within the West Bank.

The economics and population density are a lot better in the West Bank compared to Gaza strip.

Now, will the militants assassinate him or coerce him into joining ? But I imagine Abbas is as much protected / guarded as Netanyahu from the fanatics and militants.



I'm talking about people, not politicians or their military leaders. Nutt argues that Hamas should not be hit back because innocent Palis could be killed in process. But it's not like they didn't know that their own government is openly declaring the goal and dsire to kill Jews and eliminate the Jewish state. And it's not like they are too stupid to understand that any moves in that direction means war and all the shit which comes with it. Yet not a single demonstration, no "intifada", no disagreement of any kind. And we know they are capable of all the above - we've seen them do it when Israel was in charge there.
55   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 9:58pm  


Yet not a single demonstration, no "intifada", no disagreement of any kind.

You only see what the media permits you to see. You can't post freely on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter. They are all heavily censored. You don't know what is going on, and our intelligence agencies lies, every intelligence agency lies - yet you're eager to draw conclusions. You can't draw any conclusions.
56   Blue   2023 Oct 14, 10:36pm  

Israel two state solution is not acceptable to Palestine. Palestine questions the existence of Israel itself!
Islam can not coexist with any other culture particularly when the population percentage gets into double digits!
57   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 10:39pm  

Blue says

Israel two state solution is not acceptable to Palestine. Palestine questions the existence of Israel itself!

So? Israel claims Palestine doesn't exist, and never existed. They are the same.

Blue says

Islam can not coexist with any other culture particularly when the population percentage gets into double digits!

Well. Not anymore.
58   AD   2023 Oct 14, 10:44pm  

richwicks says

You only see what the media permits you to see. You can't post freely on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter. They are all heavily censored. You don't know what is going on, and our intelligence agencies lies, every intelligence agency lies - yet you're eager to draw conclusions. You can't draw any conclusions.

You telling me there are not other sites which bypass censorship and control ? How about Yandex ? What about Brave ?

Parler, Bitchute and Rumble seem to be uncensored.

This was dated December 2022: https://www.debka.com/israel-elevated-in-us-military-planning-for-potential-war-with-iran/

Recall they said the Hamas attack was planned starting October 2022.
59   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 11:24pm  

ad says

You telling me there are not other sites which bypass censorship and control ? How about Yandex ? What about Brave ?

No, NO sites completely bypass control. The FIB didn't always run Google, but they infiltrated it at least as early as 2005, along with the NSA. Psy-ops were run on it all the time. It's everywhere.

The problem is, people are too FUCKING STUPID to post to other sites. We've been warning for fucking years, "post to other sites". It's pissing into the wind. "Nah!!! Facebook wouldn't censor this! See? There's my post" - yeah, which only you can see.

ad says

Parler, Bitchute and Rumble seem to be uncensored.

They might be, but nobody posts on them. You might be able to find real information, if you search in Arabic. I'd do that test, doing simple searches in Arabic.

ad says

This was dated December 2022: https://www.debka.com/israel-elevated-in-us-military-planning-for-potential-war-with-iran/

Recall they said the Hamas attack was planned starting October 2022.

The article is indeed pretty old, but it's talking about Iran. Hamas isn't mentioned, Gaza isn't mentioned and it's talking about going to war with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran". We can't win a conflict with any of those, INCLUDING North Korea. We might squeak out a victor with Iran. Iran isn't like Iraq.

I wouldn't be surprised the Neocunts of hoping for such a thing. They're either stupid, or 5th columns trying to destroy the United States. No matter how much they "fuck up", they only seem to fall upward. They never try to avoid war, and are constantly trying to start one.
60   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 15, 11:37am  

Netanyahu is a stupid cunt - all these years of kowtowing to the Cretin of Kremlin and this is what he gets in return:

Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the few major world leaders who hasn’t called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to offer condolences over Hamas’s attack.
For years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pursued what he called a “complex” relationship with the Kremlin, maintaining cordial relations with an increasingly isolated Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Even Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its warming relations with Israel’s arch rival, Iran, failed to upend the cooperation. The leaders kept in touch by phone, and Netanyahu announced a nonaligned approach to the war in Ukraine, refusing to purvey lethal aid or air-defense systems to Kyiv, despite Western pressure.

Now, after the deadly attack by Iranian-backed Hamas militants on Israel, the conversations appear to have ceased. Putin is one of the few major world leaders who hasn’t called Netanyahu to offer condolences for the more than 1,300 Israelis killed by Hamas in the attack.

“Putin and Netanyahu used to communicate frequently,” said Vera Michlin, a former official at Israel’s national-security council and now director of education at Sympodium, a U.K.-based think tank. “The current silence is definitely indicative of the wider Russian approach.”


Over the weekend, Hamas wrote a message on its Telegram channel praising Putin’s position on the growing violence.

“We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) appreciate the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the ongoing Zionist aggression against our people and his rejection of the siege of Gaza,” the statement said.

Russia hasn’t denounced the attack by Hamas. Andrei Gurulev, State Duma deputy and member of its Defense Committee, noted the effectiveness of Hamas in overcoming Israeli defenses and wrote on his Telegram channel that Russian forces could learn from their methods and the Israeli response.

61   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 15, 11:46am  

Oh, looky who agrees with our Nutt:

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel's actions went beyond self-defense and it must stop the "collective punishment of the people of Gaza."

Source: Wang Yi in a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, reports Ukrinform with reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Direct speech: "Israel's actions went beyond self-defense. It must seriously listen to the calls of the international community and the UN Secretary General and stop the collective punishment of the people of Gaza."

Or is this the other way around?
62   richwicks   2023 Oct 15, 4:16pm  


Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the few major world leaders who hasn’t called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to offer condolences over Hamas’s attack.

It's just stupid US propaganda. How would a journalist know what Putin said to Netanyahu?

This is designed to provoke and emotion response. US media is complete garbage, and you should be able to see it by now

Blows me away anybody believes it still
63   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 11:18am  

ad says

This Gerald Kaufman looks like a sell out and crook just like Roberta Lipson, who is also Jewish and sold out to the Chicoms.

Once more patnetter I feel the need to mention assholes and opinions as I see no factual basis. I'm guessing you'd prefer anti-Semite to the adjectives you used, but of course you can't.

Starting to see some interesting parallels between self-hating whites in this country always praising black criminals, and self-hating non-Jews always backing Palestinian genocide.
64   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 11:20am  

komputodo says

NuttBoxer says

stfu says

I'll bite :

Those dirty Muslims governments deserve everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Jew government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Uke government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty Rusky government deserves everything they get. But it's none of our business anyways.
That dirty American government deserves everything it gets. And it's definitely MY FUCKING BUSINESS.

Hey! it works! All 4 statements are true!

i see 5 statements...which one isn't true

I modified his statement, and inserted one about American government. Funny how American's always forget the spec in our collective eye.
65   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 16, 11:24am  

Incredibly enough the following post comes from a Russian blogger addressing his countrymen. Hopefully, it’ll have a sobering effect on some of them.

“The joy of some domestic propagandists that the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation will help completely deplete Western arsenals and lead to a serious reduction in supplies to Ukraine is quite naive.

Of course, because it's their work they need to look for good news or try to interpret everything that happens in the “correct” and inspiring way. But...

Most likely, Israeli events will only accelerate the already brewing decision to expand the production of everything that shoots and explodes.

Until this moment, the remilitarization of the Western economy was going shaky and slow, with the constantly maintained hope that everything that was happening was an isolated, random event that would pass, ending with peace negotiations, and it would be possible to live as before.

Israeli events clearly demonstrate that it will not be possible to live as before and crises arise unexpectedly, spontaneously, in different places, requiring more and more shells, guns and tanks. Which are already desperately lacking.

They need to be prepared for new problems, replenish empty arsenals, and have more supplies in them than were stored there in quiet and calm times.

A return not even to militarization, but to some previously abandoned norm is almost inevitable and it’s getting more and more lobbyists every day.

This means that the system will, driven by current events, sway and accelerate. Moreover, taking into account the fact that Western economies, especially together with allies like Japan and South Korea, account for much more than half of the world’s GDP, even their slight militarization will have a huge effect.

Which cannot be interrupted by any “cunning decisions” and a total transfer of the shaky Russian economy onto a war footing. 1.5% compared to 60% of the world economy - the Western card cannot be covered with any trump cards, except perhaps an atomic bomb - but then this will be the last game.

Moreover, recent events are quite clearly pushing the same Israel, which will undoubtedly win now, towards the Western pro-Ukrainian bloc; in Seoul they look with hostility at the cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang; Tokyo is gradually abolishing the remnants of self-restrictions on the development of its army and military complex.

We woke up our opponents, they noticed us - what’s next? Has it gotten any better? More fun?”

66   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 11:24am  

I wonder if Biden Actor is going to be fake assassinated on a visit to Israel. That would add spice to the false flag, an additional false assassination to draw USA into war, promulgated by the heinous fake news MSM. Meets the requirements of Illuminati Satanic deception on many levels. Biden has absolutely no reason to go over there with Secret Foreign Agent Man Blinken on the down low.

That would create the 'near death' experience if anything would.

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