Crystallizing Public Opinion & Propaganda by Edward Bernays

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2023 Oct 14, 7:06am   939 views  18 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Edward Bernays is perhaps the most important, and, influential person in American history that few people have heard of. Governments, revolutionaries and corporations all hired him to help them achieve their goals. His methods of mind control on a massive scale are still being studied and used.

A nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays is considered to be the father of public relations. He believed, and built his long career on the premise that the masses were irrational and subject to herd instinct—and he outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desired ways. He applied his techniques to effectively sell the masses on everything from smoking cigarettes to eating bacon with your eggs to overthrowing governments and to rallying the the unwilling masses to go to war.

Just a sample: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” - Edward Bernays, Crystallizing Public Opinion

If you haven't already, consider taking the time to read these relatively small books. Both are considered classics and are still being read and studied. If you do read these, you'll never look at the world the same again. Free download in a number of different formats here: (I usually download as a PDF)

Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923)

Propaganda (1929)

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1   Ceffer   2023 Oct 14, 12:39pm  

If you notice even our treasured memes turn back the propaganda state upon itself, using their catchy movie and advertising AV accumulated assets to disseminate certain core logics and truths in bites rather than marketing deception.

It is a sword that can cut two directions. The meme hypothesis is that truth is always more powerful than a tyrant manipulating and imposing fictions for profit and manipulation. One would hopium the meme lords are correct.
2   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 14, 1:13pm  

I find it rather amusing that most Americans, when they think about propaganda, immediately associate it almost exclusively with Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. What they don't know is that Goebbels actually read, and studied, the two books mentioned in the above thread, and diligently applied its teachings. Also amusing, to some degree, is that the Nazi Goebbels studied the works of Bernays, who was Jewish.

Furthermore, what most Americans do not know, is that it was an American, and not Goebbels, that first mastered the art of propaganda and put it to use on a national scale, thereby applying it on his own American countrymen, long before Goebbels and the Nazis came to power.
3   Ceffer   2023 Oct 14, 1:26pm  

I think what the basilisks of propaganda have discovered, which has reversed a bit of their arrogant and presumptuous venom, is that that propaganda works in blocs and sorties, but not universally as they would like. It is also why it is universally backed up by arbitrary force and terror, because propaganda is insufficient.

Propaganda works great with addictive substances, because once an addiction is established, it becomes self sustaining and needs only dollops of propaganda to keep it active in its most exploitive states. All the propaganda needs accomplish is to make the PROCESS leading up to addiction seem glamorous and attractive.

However, most propaganda has an extinction state of variable timing. In other words, most propaganda has to be hysterical and its effectuators need to strike while the iron is hot. That is why they do so much fear stacking. The extinction state is the bugaboo of the propagandists. For instance, the ten trillion fiat dollar Covid Fraud is reaching an extinction state.

Also, the democide, genocide and brain chip transhumanist policies are peaens to the limitations of propaganda. If you can't baffle them with bullshit perpetually, murder them down, dumb them down, and implant them down until you have a genuinely manageable population.
4   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 14, 1:32pm  

Ever wonder how bacon became so popular?

Edward Bernays and Why We Eat Bacon for Breakfast

Believe it or not, people had to be convinced to eat bacon for breakfast.

In the 1920s, the Beech-Nut Packing Company wanted to sell more bacon. So it hired Edward Bernays.

Bernays, dubbed the “father of public relations,” is a fascinating figure. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays pioneered the use of psychology in a wide variety of marketing efforts, from government propaganda to Lucky Strike cigarettes.

When it came to boosting demand for bacon, Bernays saw opportunity at the breakfast table.
At the turn of the 20th century, a light breakfast was the norm in America. Most people had coffee and a roll, maybe some cereal.

So Bernays asked his agency’s doctor (yes, his PR agency had a doctor on staff) if a larger meal in the morning would be better for people’s health. The doctor said yes – more energy at the start of the day is a good thing.

Bernays then had the doctor write to 5,000 of his closest doctor friends asking if they agreed. More than 4,500 wrote back saying they did.

That gave Bernays a story to pitch. “4,500 physicians urge Americans to eat heavy breakfasts to improve their health” the newspaper headlines read. Many of them also referenced bacon and eggs as the perfect hearty breakfast.

Not many PR shops have doctors on staff these days, but Bernays’ survey holds lasting marketing lessons. Rather than trying to sell or advertise his product directly, he turned to experts his customers trusted to tell the story. He highlighted a problem for consumers and let them find their way to his product as a solution.

Today, 70 percent of bacon is eaten at breakfast. Bacon and eggs is an iconic American combo. All thanks to Edward Bernays.

Article above from here:

5   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 14, 2:49pm  

How Bernays used propaganda to influence women to smoke cigarretes:

After WWI, Bernays was hired by the American Tobacco Company to encourage women to start smoking. While men smoked cigarettes, it was not publicly acceptable for women to smoke. Bernays staged a dramatic public display of women smoking during the Easter Day Parade in New York City. He then told the press to expect that women suffragists would light up “torches of freedom” during the parade to show they were equal to men.

Once Bernays removed the stigma of women smoking, the tobacco industry began running ads informing women of the benefits of smoking:

Try to find a movie from the 30's - 50's in which the main character, both men and women, didn't smoke. No doubt, the tobacco companies paid the studios to have that subliminal advertising in their movies, as did the liquor industry. Later, starting in the 60's, drug use was depicted as being 'hip' and 'cool.' We've all been propagandized, often without even realizing what they are doing to us.
6   Ceffer   2023 Oct 14, 3:12pm  

RayAmerica says

Try to find a movie from the 30's - 50's in which the main character, both men and women, didn't smoke.

Don't have to go that far. Contemporary medias show all kind of smoking. Tobacco pays programs big bucks to portray smoking as an 'enjoyable optional pleasure' as opposed to an addiction that makes you feel miserable if you DON'T do it. Also, actors who darken no doorstep without running to a bar or bottle of wine to slosh down a toddie right away for the liquor and alcohol lobbies.

Like said, once addictions are established, all you have to do is convince the addicts that the first puff, hit, drink whatever is attractive and the addiction takes care of the rest. That's an easy one for the pusher propagandists.
8   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 18, 9:43am  

Patrick says

Can't imagine anyone watching any of these movies voluntarily.
9   Patrick   2024 Jan 27, 3:36pm  


This, in turn, inverts the credibility hierarchy, as the individual or organization being labeled “an expert” by the Party, now means the exact opposite in reality, i.e., the presence of that “credential” certifies that the holder has subjugated any and all expertise in the service of the Party and its narrative, otherwise they would not have been awarded their credential. Similarly, the chillingly dystopian “trusted source” designation is a similarly clever semantic trick, as the Party is indeed telling you to “trust” the source, but they are neither inviting you to investigate that source for yourself, nor establishing why they should be trusted save once again pointing at their Party-approved credential. This circular logic creates an unfalsifiable feedback loop in the mind of the Indoctrinated.

11   stereotomy   2024 Jan 29, 1:26pm  

Bernays was right - most people are herd animals who can easily be manipulated.

Why do you think this country was constructed based on the separation of powers and a representative republic. It was to short-circuit this crap.
12   Patrick   2024 Feb 12, 11:34am  


GLENDALE, CA - A man was rushed to the hospital yesterday after encountering a slightly different viewpoint than his own.

Shortly before 12:30 p.m., Glendale PD officers responded to a 911 call at the Java Lounge Coffee House in the 900 block of North Emerson Road. They found a man who had collapsed in shock and went to the station for help. Witnesses say the man was having a casual conversation about politics with another patron when the minutely opposing viewpoint was expressed.

"They were both Democrats, Bernie supporters," said Janice Hughson, a barista at the Java Lounge. "Then the guy he was talking to said he had some issues with abortion and thinks there should at least be a few limitations put on the practice. That's when the man seized up and began foaming at the mouth. It was terrible."

Four other bystanders were also emotionally injured by the moderately divergent opinion but were not hospitalized.

The man is being kept stable on ideology support at St. Francis medical center, surrounded by friends and family who agree with him 100% on every single issue.

The man who suggested the slightly differing opinion fled the scene. Anyone with information is asked to alert the authorities.
15   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 13, 10:55am  

Obama repealed this 1948 act so he could flood our media with endless propaganda…

Peeling back the layers of the Obama era is like opening Pandora’s box and finding out it’s deeper than we thought. Obama might have slithered out of the White House without a flashy “legacy” tag, but he sure did leave a mess. It’s as if he was the Dems and Deep State’s MVP, playing a long game we’re still trying to wrap our heads around. He wasn’t just about making policy changes; he was on a mission to infiltrate every corner of our sacred institutions and flip them inside out for his—and their—advantage. Just look what he did by weaponizing the intel community, churches, health care, and so much more. But if you think Obama had nothing to do with the wild turn our media took, guess again. Obama had a hand in turning our media into a progressive propaganda machine.

How did he do it? Well, back in 2013, he made a move to ditch the Smith-Mundt Act, basically rolling out the red carpet for propaganda in our national media. This wasn’t just a small change; it was a game changer for how stories are told and sold to us to this day.

More here: https://revolver.news/2024/02/obama-repealed-this-1948-act-so-he-could-flood-our-media-with-endless-propaganda/

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