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"New flag of the Ass-sadist armed forces:"
Maybe, just Maybe, slapping the shit out of Iran's Proxies and Syria WAS the correct move.
Soo, why hasn't OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER flooded Syria with unlimited troops and weapons he has? (He has unlimited troops and weapons, right? Right?)
Biden said U.S. forces started airstrikes in Syria yesterday —an exciting new conflict!— hitting any holdout enemies opposing the loosely named, ill-defined, and mysteriously provenanced “rebel groups,” many of whom currently occupy slots on U.S. terror group lists. Corporate media has not explained or even expressed any curiosity about how the U.S. could so quickly tell the good guys from the bad guys with sufficient clarity to start dropping bombs on people. ...
On Saturday, as Syria fell and Bassad fled, Trump tweeted, “THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT!” and urged the U.S. to stay out of the conflict. Amusingly, the article quoted Jake Sullivan saying the U.S. would not get involved — one day before Biden announced U.S. airstrikes there and our intent to “help” build a brave new Syrian government for the right people. ...
Underscoring the significance of Syria’s sudden collapse within the larger Proxy War, the WaPo reported that deposed Syrian President Bashar Al’Assad was not, in fact, killed in a plane crash as was rumored over the weekend, but rather landed in Moscow, evidenced by videos circulating on Russian war blogs. The Times article stressed that Russia is losing regional influence, because the coup will probably sink Russia’s large naval base in Syria, and the future of Russia’s trans-Syrian national gas pipeline to Europe seems shaky. Conversely, the U.S.-backed, trans-Syrian pipeline now has a future so bright it needs to wear shades. Iran also loses, because everyone seems to expect the new Syrian government to be much more friendly to Israel.
So the Fall of Syria appears to be a major victory for the neocons, a last-minue win snatched from the jaws of defeat in the darkening twilight of Biden’s lame-duck term. The most suggestive remaining unexplained questions surround the inexplicable reason why the Syrian army simply melted away, allowing the “rebels” to snatch up the entire country in about ten days with almost no opposition, and why Russia and Iran more or less stayed out of the fight and let just it happen.
I can’t shake a wild theory I came across on social media this weekend: Russia traded Syria for Ukraine. There’s zero direct evidence, but it offers lovely explanatory power. We don’t know, and we will never know. So, we shall wait and see what happens next on the Ukraine front in the Proxy War. But I sense this is bad news for Zelensky.
"Two bases have been created here and will operate on a permanent basis, in Tartus and here in Khmeimim. And if the terrorists raise their heads again, we will strike them with blows they have never seen before"
Yeah it's always fun to kill off Kaddafi and have ISIS and Alqueada use the country as a terror breeding ground.
Assad is only bad because our CIA has plans for Syria but Assad was in the way.
Simple Question: WTF Are We Doing In Syria?
But I sense this is bad news for Zelensky.
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I mean...ZILCH!