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If you're not actively trading (vis-a-vis investing) the money and thus, don't have a sense of creating a basket of dividend paying stocks or ETFs, then I'd default to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The reason for choosing the Dow30 is that unlike the S&P500, only 3 tech "LALA" stocks like Apple, Microsoft, & Saleforce are in the Dow30 capping out at ~15%. Other Dow30 "technology oriented" stocks like Honeywell, IBM, CISCO are no longer a part of the Silicon Valley 'buzz' and almost appear to behave like utility companies from a portfolio p.o.v. And many of the other Dow stocks like Chevron, 3M, Verizon, etc, give dividends and thus, will do all right with a DRIP set in place.
I am holding out for a crash. I hear that China is slowing down too. I am gonna give it 6 more months and see how things pan out.
Thank you.
Also, 1.8% over the rate of inflation is typically what a person would expect from investing in stocks
Misc says
Also, 1.8% over the rate of inflation is typically what a person would expect from investing in stocks
Misc, I would expect to earn that with a 70/30 fund (70% investment grade bond fund/30% stock index fund) such as retirement income fund, but I would reasonably expect at least a 6% real annual return for stocks like total stock market index fund.
Mathematically, for the vast majority of people, they must lose value on their holdings.
People should really regard their financial statements from their financial institutions as they would any other Wall Street propaganda. The sheer amount of malinvestment in unfucking real.
Nope he's just running a classic pump and dump scam.
How does the media know what trades he's made? ? ? - He is the one that leaks it to them.
What you guys think of 3M MMM it's around 91 $ with 6% dividend? It gave profit warning for 2024 n stock already went down.
What you guys think of 3M MMM it's around 91 $ with 6% dividend? It gave profit warning for 2024 n stock already went down.
gabbar says
What you guys think of 3M MMM it's around 91 $ with 6% dividend? It gave profit warning for 2024 n stock already went down.
That has been on my watch list. I plan to buy if it falls to $90.
i’m researching REO/Foreclosures, gonna try to do eman type of business here buying foreclosures, remodel and sell. everyone starts somewhere.
Headset, sell 2 or 3 Puts at strike $90 that expires next Friday.
Use the puts to acquire the stock if the price stays above $90.
So ballpark about $5.25 Trillion each and every year at an ever increasing amount. Puts it at about 19% of GDP. At this point the Wall Street folks aren't even trying.
People should really regard their financial statements from their financial institutions as they would any other Wall Street propaganda. The sheer amount of malinvestment in unfucking real.
The funny thing about investors is that they would rather lose money in the market than pay even 25% of that amount in taxes.
They've got a goofy way of looking at things.
If you had to pick any combination of the following 3 ETF's, where would you invest this chunk right now?
1) IUSG iShares Core S&P US Growth
2) SCHB Schwab US Broad Market
3) SCHD Schwab US Dividend Equity
stfu says
If you had to pick any combination of the following 3 ETF's, where would you invest this chunk right now?
1) IUSG iShares Core S&P US Growth
2) SCHB Schwab US Broad Market
3) SCHD Schwab US Dividend Equity
Depends on how old you are. If nearing retirement or in retirement pick #3.
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Gold holds value but no return.
Berkshire may be good investment
Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well