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Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.
Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.
Also "Sin" investments. Booze, Casinos that sort of thing. Always a good hedge in a downturn.
Booger says
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
ad says
Booger says
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
Why would I invest in 3% funds when Tbills pay more?
Preferred stock ETF's seem to pay better than either those or Tbills. That is what I am looking into right now.
A lot of the Preferred stocks are issued by the banks. Banks are an unusually leveraged investment and even ones that are seemingly sound can go belly-up overnight. Historically if something bad causes the common stockholders to loose everything, then it is probably bad enough to wipe out the Preferreds.
« F
Is anybody contemplating any of the new Crypto ETF's
Is anybody contemplating any of the new Crypto ETF's (Just 'approved' by the SEC yesterday)?
I think metal silver in hand is likely to beat inflation in the coming years.
Just a hunch.
Physical holdings in gold or silver are subject to a capital gains tax equal to your marginal tax rate, up to a maximum of 28%.
I was thrown off Bogleheads and I'm a Vanguard investor since 1992.
Ammo and Yams?
After reading thegreattaking.com
Lots of laws have changed over the past decade to make it easier for the fat fucking cats to do this to us more easily as well.
"Here's a picture of Michele pregnant, you conspiracy theorists!"
Before or after tax?
Physical holdings in gold or silver are subject to a capital gains tax equal to your marginal tax rate, up to a maximum of 28%.
Eman, how does someone at the Federal Reserve see someone's net worth and assets.
Tip: My Vanguard Variable Annuity is unreported to any government department; it's a contract between me and TransAmerica.
Eat shit Uncle Sam.
just_passing_through says
Lots of laws have changed over the past decade to make it easier for the fat fucking cats to do this to us more easily as well.
I am a Certified Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist but I ask why the hell would they, slowly and quietly, make these changes (which I think many [most] are unaware of) if they don't intend, at some point, to TAKE OUR FUCKING MONEY.
Isn't this what we do, discuss on facebook, whatsapp, p.net?
Exactly. Real Estate, 401k, even cash will be taken by some governmental body “for your own good” of course.
Is there a bulletproof long term dividend paying stock?
I own some Phillip Morris. I think they have a viable long-term business in the "electric cigarettes" market. My idea is that their profits (and stock price) rise at the rate of inflation while spinning off a 5.5% (and increasing) dividend.
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Gold holds value but no return.
Berkshire may be good investment
Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well