Did he really drop out?

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2024 Jul 21, 4:02pm   737 views  39 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Where's the video?

Just a Tweet from some staffer? A photo of an easily-forged resignation letter?

OK, it would be hard to keep him doing appearances after this without mentioning that he has dropped out, but so far I haven't seen any real proof, only what the corporate media tells us.

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1   WookieMan   2024 Jul 21, 4:06pm  

Patrick says

Where's the video?

Just a Tweet from some staffer? A photo of an easily-forged resignation letter?

OK, it would be hard to keep him doing appearances after this without mentioning that he has dropped out, but so far I haven't seen any real proof, only what the corporate media tells us.

I think it's true. It's been a big rumor all week. Even on a Sunday, if it wasn't true it would have been squashed by now. It's 7pm east coast time. He's probably sleeping, but no chance it would be a fake. If it was, with no response, he's forced to resigned by default.
2   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jul 21, 4:12pm  

Here's your proof (and more like it is coming, I am sure):

3   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 21, 8:24pm  

It almost sounds like you expect Biden to be coherent enough to tell you he's resigning.
4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 21, 8:46pm  

My wife voted Dem her whole life until 2016.

She’s voted Republican since.

Her response was “I don’t think Biden knows he resigned.
5   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 12:49am  

Bill Ackman

If this were a hostage situation, that letter would not qualify as proof of life.
7   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 12:55am  

Can anybody find an example of Biden underlining his signature?
8   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 6:21am  


They said he was sharp as a tack! Never in finer form! Expert-approved mental acuity! Nothing whatsoever to worry about!

CLIP: Six minutes of democrats calling Biden “sharp as a tack” and so forth LAST MONTH (6:23).

And, just like that, BOOM. The tack fell out. As you surely already know, at 1:46pm yesterday afternoon, on a Sunday, someone operating Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s Twitter account posted a hastily-written and, frankly, fake-looking de-nomination letter that some other unidentified person had typed up. Politico ran the story last night under the four-word headline, “Why Biden finally quit.”

Huddled together —but socially distanced— in Biden’s secretive Rehobeth lair, with the putative President hoarsely dry-coughing (despite four shots, a carton of Paxlovid, and a fifth of Jameson), the aides debated the best way to make the historic announcement.

Suggestions swirled around the room. A press conference? A televised appearance to the Nation? A polished, well-produced video message with his family beside him? A professional White House photo of Joe signing his letter surrounded by supporters? An airplane banner flying above the White House? Smoke signals? Wait! Eureka!

Then —we don’t know whose idea it was, maybe everyone— the most effective way to make the historic, unprecedented announcement suddenly emerged from the chaotic conversation, every head nodding in agreement, like a CVS shelf of Nancy Pelosi bobblehead dolls.

A Tweet! On Twitter! That was clearly the best and most professional way to memoralize the historic decision. Of course! So simple! Anyone with the password could do it! And it would neatly bookend Joe’s “I’m staying in the race” tweet from just three weeks ago:

But, well, you know social media. Doubters everywhere. Nothing is ever good enough. Conspiracy-minded people immediately started asking questions: where is Joe? Why hasn’t he been seen for five days since he ‘got covid’ and bowed out of that fund-raiser in Las Vegas? Is he being held hostage? Is he still ALIVE? Who REALLY signed the letter?

To calm a nervous nation, not to mention NATO allies, former comedians fighting with Russians, and America’s enemies, Team Biden knew it had to do something. Something more that would prove Biden was still alive, still in control of the levers of power. Another brainstorming session ensued, and once again, Biden’s best and brightest found the answer.

They cleared Biden’s entire calendar for the next week! Including a widely publicized meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That would reassure everybody, they concluded, and just like that, Joe’s handlers grabbed another week of downtime.

9   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 6:29am  


Mere days following the failed assassination attempt on President Trump, with Joe Biden smothering under a giant, irresistible pillow made out of Democrat officials, corporate media, and pollsters, who all dialed up the intensity Sunday morning, publishing demanding editorials, joining lists, and posting cratering poll numbers, Biden finally tapped out. He was facing a horrifying deadline—time was up, and he was about to face the hard way. Politico:

"Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way," said
one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity
to speak candidly. "She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to
be the hard way."

So what else could he do? Joe exited stage left. He threw in the towel. He pulled the curtain. He bailed out. We don’t know yet whether it was in a body bag.

No one will has heard a word from Biden personally about resigning, only a Tweet and a letter.

OK, prediction: He will be invisible for the next week, then oops! he died.

Body will look less than fresh, having been killed on the day "Biden" announced his withdrawal.
11   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 22, 6:59am  

He's getting ready to run in 2028.
12   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 8:38am  


At 7:16 pm on 20 July, the Joe Biden Twitter account posted that the upcoming election “is the most important … of our lifetimes” and said “I will win it.”

According to the New York Times, this tweet went up hours after Biden had already resolved to leave the presidential race. ...

The Joe Biden Twitter account finally posted this document to Twitter on Sunday afternoon, at 2:46 pm...

It is a very strange text. You’ll note that it’s not on official letterhead, and some have raised doubts about the authenticity of the signature, which indeed compares poorly to the many published authentic Biden signatures out there. ...

As I write this, Biden has yet to make any kind of personal statement before a camera to confirm that he is dropping out of the race. Press reports tell us only that he personally telephoned Kamala Harris, his chief of staff Jeff Zients and his campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon. Then, exactly one minute before his Twitter account posted his resignation, he notified some of his aides, via what means is unclear. Everybody else was in the dark. Since then, it is not Biden but Zients who has handled communication...

That Politico article abounds in intriguing details. They quote a “Democrat familiar with private conversations” who reports that Nancy Pelosi was the leading force behind those pushing Biden to drop out of the race:

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way … She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way” …
15   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 9:09am  


The bizarre resignation of President Joe Biden plunged the United States into a crisis unlike any it has known. This is what Biden and his party, those stalwart Defenders Of Democracy against the Trumpian menace, have done to the country, out of their arrogant self-righteousness.

The June 27 Atlanta debate with Donald Trump destroyed the lie told by the White House, the Democrats, and their lackeys in the news media: that aging, enfeebled Joe Biden was fit for office. The post-debate network interviews and the campaign speeches at worst reinforced the declinist narrative, and at best failed to reassure anybody not already blinded by ideology. That number includes donors, whose idealistic political zeal is tempered by the hard fact that they have to pay for it.

Donations dried up. More and more Democratic members of Congress began to say Joe must go. Over the past few days, the Democratic leadership played an extraordinary game of psychological pressure, leaking to the media stories that the president was on the verge of withdrawing from the race, forcing the White House to issue denials. Was this an attempt at some kind of soft coup, an attempt to gaslight Biden into quitting?

And then, on Sunday afternoon, came the Biden letter standing down from the race, but not the presidency. Shortly thereafter came an announcement the president is fully behind Kamala Harris’s campaign. You would have thought such a momentous event would have been announced in a nationally televised speech, right? That’s what Lyndon Johnson did in 1968. Or at least a proper White House press conference. They did none of that. The White House, or whoever is running it now, announced a changing of the guard over Twitter.
16   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 10:14am  


“The easy way or the hard way.” No one ever talks about the fact that Nancy Pelosi is literally the Meadow Soprano of Baltimore—to be exact, the daughter of Thomas D’Alesandro, the old Mafia mayor of Baltimore.

See, before Baltimore, the—uh—(checks notes)—“Charm City”—was controlled by Black criminals, it was controlled by Italian criminals. (Thomas Aquinas used to call this the “Great Chain of Being.”) As Wikipedia explains:

FBI records released on January 6, 2021 showed D’Alesandro had been the subject of a Special Inquiry investigation in March and April 1961, revealing numerous unsubstantiated allegations of association with criminals in Baltimore.
17   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 10:34am  

Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro. The official story was that Joe Biden's trip was cut short last week due to COVID. However, according to this source, US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest. Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to "medivac" POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.

I didn't think too much about this lead, seemed too wild to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight for days and dropped out of the race via an 𝕏 post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported. If anyone with LV Metro has information, please email Freedom@CharlieKirk.com . I want to hear if there is more to the official story than what they're telling us.

18   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 10:34am  

AF One has a full medical clinic on board.
19   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 10:59am  


From the objective, Rankean method of history, we do not know any other fact than that someone who knows the President’s password resigned for him. Maybe it was the President. Maybe it was some 27-year-old girl who looks like a horror-movie doll:

20   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 11:02am  

Maybe just dropped out of a helicopter.

What's all the signature brouhaha? His silicon replica's signature NEVER matched the original Biden. That's been known impotently for a while.
21   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 11:08am  

BREAKING REPORT: Boebert demands proof of life by 5:00pm.

“He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he’s aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable.”

C'mon folks: President disappears on a Wednesday with a Cold. Resigns on non-letterhead paper, no WH Photographer, no speech (live or recorded), signature doesn't match, hasn't been seen in 24 hours.

Any other country we'd say "Coup!"
22   clambo   2024 Jul 22, 11:30am  

"Trust, but verify."
He could be dead, locked in a closet, have stroked out, etc.
23   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 22, 12:15pm  


This is so lol. Hard to believe people are so batshit insane.
24   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 12:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

Any other country we'd say "Coup!"

LOL! 'Coup de Grace' for the already dead masked man? They just killed their cartoon Precedent soap opera character. They have the burden of at least a diminuendo theater exit, which they obviously don't givvee shittee about.

Do we have some Biden Actors in barrels of acid at the moment with one kept around for any necessary nip and tuck appearances?
25   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 12:52pm  

I would have at least enjoyed another 'crazed lone gunman' shit shows to end the Biden Actor shit show. They owe us that.
26   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 12:57pm  

BREAKING: Joe cancels meeting with Bibi, hasn't attended regular meetings, nothing else scheduled. Doctor releases this:

Well, if all his signs are good, and he's mostly asymptomatic, he can certainly "Zoom" in, no?

Biden was last seen making for his residence July 17th, 5 days ago.
27   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Jul 22, 1:37pm  

His doctor is an osteopath? Usually that means he couldn’t get into an MD med school.
29   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 2:45pm  

Multiple reports of half mast flags at US Capitol...
31   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 2:53pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

His doctor is an osteopath?

An osteopath for a sociopath. Makes perfect sense.
32   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 22, 2:54pm  

AmericanKulak says

Multiple reports of half mast flags at US Capitol...

I checked some live cams. Flags seem to be at full height

Wait. Senate - half staff
33   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 3:06pm  

Ultimate absurdity theater. Asking for 'proof of life' for a guy that's been dead since 2018? Proof of life for the actor playing the dead guy? Maybe 'proof of silicon'.

35   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 3:13pm  

Doesn't seem like they can get their story straight. A sloppy choreography to deep six the Biden Actor?

36   Patrick   2024 Jul 22, 3:15pm  

Ceffer says

I would have at least enjoyed another 'crazed lone gunman' shit shows to end the Biden Actor shit show. They owe us that.

I was thinking they'd try that, because it would not only get rid of their Biden problem, but they could then blame a Republican patsy.
37   Ceffer   2024 Jul 22, 3:15pm  

Really, is that something he/she/it/shadows can even do?

38   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 22, 3:15pm  

Fox just aired him calling into the Harris campaign. He made off the cuff remarks.

He is fine, probably pressured into resigning but may have a medical diagnosis indicating he won’t be able to carry on as president and campaigning.

Look, dudes old, feeble, and shitting his pants regularly. Shouldn’t have taken the Dems this long, and sure is bullshit that someone else was running the show with Biden as ceremonial figurehead only, but dudes alive and coherent.
39   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 22, 3:17pm  

Ceffer says

If this is true, there’s zero reason for him not to resign and let Kamela be President.

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