Last Time GOP Controlled Congress and White House More than Two Years We Got 9/11, This Time...

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2024 Jul 24, 7:59am   537 views  35 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I could have added this to a number of open threads, but the smug arrogance of Reps/Cons/Right on this forum needs to be taken down, more than a few pegs. You false paradigmers(both fake sides) always claim "Everything would be fixed if only my party where put in power!". So I've started with a remind of the last time the GOP was in power, and now I'm going to highlight the very likely outcome of the next time.

And who is Trump fingering for Treasury Secretary in his next government? Jaime Dimon and Larry Fink. Drain that swamp!!

"My big concern is the Republicans are now gonna be used to market the control grid to conservatives...You've seen a lot of factions coalesce around a Republican sweep of...Congress and the presidency. And on that sweep, they would love to push through the control grid."… pic.twitter.com/7oN0FJAClT— Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) July 19, 2024

But let me remind everyone that a false paradigm means it doesn't matter who wins, they'll all push this. Wake the fuck up, the time for the pen has passed, it's time for the gun.

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1   mell   2024 Jul 24, 8:08am  

That wasn't the gop, that was the uniparty, the 4 years of Trump were the most peaceful ones in decades
2   Onvacation   2024 Jul 24, 9:00am  

Is Trump part of the deep state?
3   Onvacation   2024 Jul 24, 9:01am  

NuttBoxer says

it's time for the gun.

Who you going to shoot?
4   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 24, 9:27am  

Bzzzzt! Wrong!

The last time the GOP controlled both the White House and Congress was during the early years of Donald Trump’s presidency. Specifically, from January 2017 to January 2019, Republicans held the presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
5   Tenpoundbass   2024 Jul 24, 9:35am  

I think you're getting donor hard on for the wrong candidates. Don't blame us if you fell for the RINO lies time and time again. FTR the GOP is dead and no more. It is just barely hanging on. It is the Mitch and Mitt party. The Republican party belongs to MAGA now. Not the shitty fucktards GOP.

Seriously don't blame us we rejected Bush, Mitt,Shit stain McCain and only registered as Republicans to vote for Trump. So we could send the RINOs and commies back to the bowels of hell.
6   komputodo   2024 Jul 24, 10:03am  

NuttBoxer says

And who is Trump fingering

7   FarmersWon   2024 Jul 24, 10:06am  

Depends how much “dirt” deep state have on Trump and to save himself he execute their dangerous unpopular agenda.

I think after getting rid of Biden , They may put their eggs in Harris basket and manipulate her win.
8   komputodo   2024 Jul 24, 10:06am  

NuttBoxer says

You false paradigmers(both fake sides) always claim "Everything would be fixed if only my party where put in power!".

Nothing will be "fixed"
9   WookieMan   2024 Jul 24, 10:08am  

mell says

That wasn't the gop, that was the uniparty, the 4 years of Trump were the most peaceful ones in decades

Concur. People need to get over the grab them by the pussy and nasty comments. He's a dude. If you don't talk like that on occasion you're a beta gay. He fucked up covid which I think most here would agree with. If you read, this isn't a Trump fanboy club.

Biden is and has been a shit show of a POTUS. There's no argument that Trump is and was a better POTUS in the last two decades. Obama was black, so that literally was the only reason he got elected. Bush because of daddy. Trump has been the best POTUS if you're under 55. It's not even a debate. I couldn't vote, but I'd take 90's Clinton over what the Dems are putting out there.

Now they put forth a cum guzzling semi black person that was first out of the primaries in 2020. That's your choice. Go ahead and take it Nutt, because you know she does.
10   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 24, 10:22am  

11   PeopleUnited   2024 Jul 24, 10:32am  

Someone should report the OP for incitement. There is no need for violence and only fools or feds promote violence. So which are you?
12   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 24, 10:33am  

PeopleUnited says

Someone should report the OP for incitement. There is no need for violence and only fools or feds promote violence. So which are you?

He's with Ham-Ass.
13   PeopleUnited   2024 Jul 24, 10:47am  

Sure sounds like it. Might as well change his avatar to the terrorists flag in solidarity if not transparency.
14   DhammaStep   2024 Jul 24, 12:12pm  

Too many clever and productive people end up obsessing about the parts of politics that do nothing for anyone. Many gripes could be fixed at local levels if people weren't so transfixed with the Big DC Show. That we've gotten to the point where men with great potential ahead of them think that the gun is the answer shows how pitifully powerless we've become in these situations. I still think there's time to talk to our neighbors about how we really feel before bloodshed begins. Maybe that's idealistic.
15   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 24, 12:24pm  

FarmersWon says

Depends how much “dirt” deep state have on Trump and to save himself he execute their dangerous unpopular agenda.

I think after getting rid of Biden , They may put their eggs in Harris basket and manipulate her win.

I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of a very old man(78) who has absolute FU money and no filter. Kris Kristopherson wrote a number of philosophically wise things at a young age, none moreso than “freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose”.

Donald Trump at this point knows freedom that only those living on self sustaining remote farms will ever truly know. I doubt he cares if he dies, or at least he accepts that as a consequence that holds a non zero chance of happening. It’s why the picture of his assasination attempt is already so iconic. He has nothing to lose.

At this point President Trump can’t be bought, intimidated or compromised.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:01pm  

Onvacation says

Who you going to shoot?

You know power transitions never happen peacefully. But if you're asking me personally, I hope the answer is no one.
17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:03pm  


The last time the GOP controlled both the White House and Congress was during the early years of Donald Trump’s presidency. Specifically, from January 2017 to January 2019, Republicans held the presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

So during the Epstein debacle, and right before the Scamdemic. To be fair, they only had two years...

Corrected the title, thank you for pointing out that mistake.
18   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:05pm  

FarmersWon says

Depends how much “dirt” deep state have on Trump and to save himself he execute their dangerous unpopular agenda.

I think after getting rid of Biden , They may put their eggs in Harris basket and manipulate her win.

Or maybe it just depends on whether Trump is willing to risk a second attempt? Harris can't fight her way out of a paper bag, she has no chance.
19   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:08pm  

DhammaStep says

That we've gotten to the point where men with great potential ahead of them think that the gun is the answer shows how pitifully powerless we've become in these situations.

Founding Fathers disagree with you, as does history. It won't be our neighbors, that civil war stuff is horse shit. It will be deep state goons and mercenaries.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:11pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

At this point President Trump can’t be bought, intimidated or compromised.

Which is why he's picking bankers this time around, just like last time? Why his number two has deep ties to the technocracy? You're a step away from bringing out the Trump savior memes. But Musk is still my top candidate for anti-christ.
21   FarmersWon   2024 Jul 24, 1:14pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

At this point President Trump can’t be bought, intimidated or compromised.

Hope so, But deep state is really powerful.
22   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 24, 1:34pm  

FarmersWon says

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

At this point President Trump can’t be bought, intimidated or compromised.

Hope so, But deep state is really powerful.

What influence do they have over someone who has nothing to lose?
23   FarmersWon   2024 Jul 24, 1:40pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

What influence do they have over someone who has nothing to lose?

There are many suicidal people in society, That doesn't mean they can bring down deep state.
They already got rid of Biden, What had Biden to lose with ready to jump in grave?..Also he had power of presidency.
24   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 24, 1:44pm  

NuttBoxer says

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

At this point President Trump can’t be bought, intimidated or compromised.

Which is why he's picking bankers this time around, just like last time? Why his number two has deep ties to the technocracy? You're a step away from bringing out the Trump savior memes. But Musk is still my top candidate for anti-christ.

Because bankers are the ones who understand banking systems?

Listen to Kevin O’ Leary’s comments on the Canadian minister of finance who he calls an incompetent idiot precisely because she has zero clue what she is doing:


It’s something of a double edged sword, and what really needs to happen is the us public needs to hold politicians accountable when they vote for corrupt government bailouts.

Of course I also get that’s unlikely to happen. Look at the braindead idiots who live here in California with me and continue to vote in leftist politicians even though crime continues to get worse.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:46pm  



That's exactly what you get when you promote imperialist agendas like endless war. Spend all your time whining about dictators overseas while ignoring the senile pedo at home. Hate people because of where they live or their ethnicity. Cling to a hopelessly corrupt and dead system for a better life. In short, everything you believe and promote on here all the time.

I'm saying leave the darkness behind. Roll up your sleeves and work as a free man. Depend on your community and yourself. Take personal responsibility instead of arm-chair QB'ing shit you have no reason to care about, and no ability to change. Grow some food, or raise it. Spend real money. Work for real wealth.

Or keep playing with your pile of shit yelling Doom, gloom! at my back as I leave...
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 24, 1:53pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Because bankers are the ones who understand banking systems?

Touche! Although Fink doesn't have much banking experience. Also I'm not sure if you understand what that knowledge means? Our banking system is built on lies, deceit, and theft. So you want someone who's really good at lying and stealing running the Treasury...

Hey, at least you abandoned the BS argument that a New York real estate mogul is some kind of outsider. I'm gonna try to say this one more time. They don't want Trump because he delay's their timeline, not because he's on some other team. The only people on our team is us, never them.
27   PeopleUnited   2024 Jul 24, 4:01pm  

NuttBoxer says

as I leave...

You’re leaving? You started this thread, advocating for violence as a solution to political concerns. This ridiculous and dangerous thinking, a new low for even you. God have mercy, come back to reality before it is too late. Violence will not solve any political problems, rather those who live by the sword will likewise die by violence as well. Matthew 26.

Blessed are the peacemakers. Matthew 5.
28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 25, 7:08am  

This is what I'm trying to get you false paradigmers to understand. And I know you think somehow it's different this time. But look at the broad strokes and you'll see Trump kept to the same policies of his predecessors. Otherwise he would have been dead or not allowed to run. Stop being naive.

29   SoTex   2024 Jul 25, 8:24am  

NuttBoxer says

And who is Trump fingering for Treasury Secretary in his next government? Jaime Dimon and Larry Fink. Drain that swamp!!

Trump said that's bullshit.
30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 26, 6:58am  

He was quoted on Dimon by one of the propaganda networks. But we shouldn't listen to Trump or the networks, just look at his last cabinet, chock full of bankers...
31   Tenpoundbass   2024 Jul 26, 8:44am  

Trump's cabinet in his term, we're people that the establishment sent him.They ran Trump's people out of town and Sessions used the might of gulag Mueller to incarcerated those that didn't leave Washington.

Every cabinet pick they sent Trump was fired in disgrace,but then ran to the media and spread proven bold faced lies that were untrue and unfounded. The DOJ hatchet men then used those rumors to further imperil Trump. That doesn't seem like Trump people to me.

I hope the folks he brings this time will have a backbone and not run because Rachel Maddows cried on air.
32   Shaman   2024 Jul 26, 12:47pm  

This time, the oligarchy which has been holding back the ruinous financial situation that overspending and bank corruption has caused will “flip the monopoly board” and let everything crash once Trump is elected.
Prepare for action, boys! Dollar to lose as much as 2/3 value in months.
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 26, 7:40pm  

I think they use him to dupe people who otherwise would have woken up and left the system. Dupe them into supporting the technocracy(JD Vance), global ID's, CBDC's, complete suppression of 1st Amendment.
34   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 27, 1:30am  

When finally given real power and authority, Jeff Sessions fucked it all up and bent the knee to the deep state.

Everything flowed from Sessions allowing Mueller.
35   mell   2024 Jul 27, 5:16am  

Shaman says

This time, the oligarchy which has been holding back the ruinous financial situation that overspending and bank corruption has caused will “flip the monopoly board” and let everything crash once Trump is elected.
Prepare for action, boys! Dollar to lose as much as 2/3 value in months.

I think that's at least a possibility. It would shift the burden onto Trump and if he manages to turn the debt/inflation ship around it's a win win for them.

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