Of course, he doesn't talk about those huge, unaudited sums as money laundering (which is its basic function) that the state would lose if the virtue signaling handle of the homeless excuse, er, 'problem', went bye bye. Maybe he's too young to know things like that.
The 'problem' of homelessness is an infinite social services tax wallet for money laundering. Of course, you can't do that without the public rage at psycho druggie homeless banking up all over the cities (state).
Remember when Newsom wanted to sell California to China with Xi's visit? They set up Chinese flags all over the streets? They cleaned up the homeless in San Francisco overnight. That means that Newsom and corruptocrats WANT obvious and glaring homelessness as their laundering handle. It's not about public safety or what we want, it's what the corrupt elites want in their playgrounds with each other.
Rumors were also with Xi and CCP help, many of the homeless from SF were killed and disposed of technologically and anonymously in some as yet undisclosed manner. Apparently, dousing populations without undue publicity is one of China's major skill sets. When you traffick humans/children and harvest organs on an industrial scale, you learn to do those things.
Move. It can get better in two decades, but you CA guys are only year 5 of a 20 year issue. Got one life. I'd get the fuck out. You can make the same money ANYWHERE in this country at a lower cost of living, less crime and less homelessness.
Anyone that's been or even reads MSM news knows CA is a shit hole. I lived the IL shit hole for 2 decades. You're at the front end. I don't think the weather is worth it is all I'll say. I would have moved, but my $$$$ was too hard to move. It's a printing press for my family so we stayed. We at least got out of Chicago and the suburbs. So it was kind of a move but still in the same state.
Might be tough. You might like surfing or something near the ocean. I'd just get out. You will be happier. You have to let it crumble before it gets better. You can pick up different hobbies. Just don't trash the state you move to. I'd leave if I were anyone from CA on this forum. As someone that lives in a shitty blue state, moved within it at least almost 100 miles, the grass is greener on the other side.
Here's one: