Election Day Thread

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2024 Nov 5, 11:21am   6,425 views  433 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

It ain't over till the toque wearing libtards scream.

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275   PeopleUnited   2024 Nov 6, 11:03am  

WookieMan says

I got MN wrong which pisses me off, but I have to own that. If he gets MI then I was 80% right on the Midwest and PA. If he gets MI, AZ and NV this for sure is a blow out and the popular vote.

You called it! Nice call. I knew there was no way Trump wins Minnesota, but you sure were right about the rest!

WookieMan says

I think R's get 2028 and 2032. We'll see how they do in congress moving forward, but I feel like we're entering a golden age of America. I'm hoping the gender and gay shit stops and those idiots wake up. Maybe wishful thinking, but they aren't going to win.

You underestimate the power of the dark side. This was not a victory over woke ideology nor over totalitarian government. Trump won primarily because he did a better job of managing the business of running a country (economy, regulations and national security). But that woke shit is entrenched and it’s probably only a matter of time before we see GOP candidates touting their woke and identity politics credentials.

Trump’s win is not a sign of a golden age as much as it is a sign that people vote for candidates who deliver prosperity. But there are forces inside and outside of America that are moving to create war, scarcity, and world government. This will continue even under Trump, and we can expect that before he leaves office (or dies which is not unlikely) there will be a national or global crisis event equal to if not worse than the pandemic of 2020 which derails Trump and creates more control for the globalists.
277   WookieMan   2024 Nov 6, 12:29pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Yeah I mentioned that in this thread or another. Trump got just as many too in 2020. I guess 40 million people died of covid? 2020 was not a normal outlier statistically. If I was to cheat with mail in ballots, I'd send in a bunch to red states you know you're going to lose so it looked more "fair" by the popular vote.

I don't like mail in besides for deployed military. IF they keep it, it needs to be a notarized ballot with 2 forms of ID present for the notary to stamp it and a received signature via certified mail or UPS, FEDEX, etc. signed acceptance and tracking. That puts the onus on the lazy people that cannot get out vote day. You've got to sign in front of the notary. Then there's the acceptance signature.

And shit, I just looked at IL results. With no 3rd party on the ballot, Trump was within 300k votes of winning in IL. RFK took 80k votes that would would either be no shows or pick the lesser of 2 evils which likely would have been Trump. IL is getting closer to a swing state is my point. Which is a good thing. If you just campaign in Chicago and surrounding suburbs it's easy. It's the size of Rhode Island and easily accessible.
278   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 6, 12:44pm  

Leftoids: What happened to our 15M votes from 2020?!
279   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Nov 6, 1:20pm  

It's very fucking quiet today at work lol.
280   Ceffer   2024 Nov 6, 1:26pm  

AmericanKulak says

Leftoids: What happened to our 15M votes from 2020?!

The answer to this question is going to be a very strange trip. Those fake votes are out there like they were in 2020, but hopefully with arrest warrants attached to them.
281   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 6, 1:40pm  

Kamel-uh's concession speech. She mentioned J6 propaganda, of course.

282   mell   2024 Nov 6, 1:54pm  

I see violent rhetoric meltdowns on facetwat from friends, ex gfs and network, even at work. It's amazing what media mass propaganda can do to people
288   Booger   2024 Nov 6, 3:03pm  

Woman screams as Donald Trump is sworn in as President


Comments are priceless
290   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Nov 6, 3:25pm  

Booger says

Woman screams as Donald Trump is sworn in as President


Comments are priceless

It took years for me to realize she's female. Originally I'd thought it was some soy guy.
291   stfu   2024 Nov 6, 3:49pm  

WookieMan says

Trump got just as many too in 2020

No he didn't. He got 74 million in 2020 and 72 million last night - that's a long way from the 15 million vote difference on the Democrat side.
292   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Nov 6, 4:21pm  

Booger says

Woman screams as Donald Trump is sworn in as President


Comments are priceless

I was todays years old when I discovered that dude in green is actually female.
293   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Nov 6, 4:24pm  

stfu says

WookieMan says

Trump got just as many too in 2020

No he didn't. He got 74 million in 2020 and 72 million last night - that's a long way from the 15 million vote difference on the Democrat side.

It was fucking sending people ballots without request. I’m sure cheating too. 80% of LA County voted in 2020. 90% in OC which is statistically impossible and probably why that bloated flatulence filled load Katie Porter won a congressional seat. They probably got 5 to 10 million votes out of California alone.
295   WookieMan   2024 Nov 6, 5:09pm  

stfu says

WookieMan says

Trump got just as many too in 2020

No he didn't. He got 74 million in 2020 and 72 million last night - that's a long way from the 15 million vote difference on the Democrat side.

Trump didn't get 74 million though. The cheat is more thought out. Cheat for Trump in red states you're not going to win to make your cheat not look as bad when Trump will appear to have somewhat similar popular vote. Then cheat blue in the swing states and it's less obvious.

There are so many things that are so obvious that so many people miss. Diddy probably fucked up, but NEVER expect Epstein list to put a single soul in jail. Maxwell and Epstein will be the only ones. One is supposedly dead. A no passport territory and no proof anyone actually went to that island. It's an ironclad defense. They boat in. No records at all besides landing at STT.

This time they literally just tried to kill him. Biden wet the bed and Kamala is a common retard. Wasn't worth cheating. Deep state threw their hands in the air and said fuck it this cycle and regroup. I'm not sure they can.
296   Patrick   2024 Nov 6, 8:09pm  


So, what’s next? Well, the dust hasn’t fully settled from this election yet. There are still several House and Senate races that are too close to call, and some that may require recounts. Our focus remains on these areas, but we’re also looking ahead to what comes next in the 2024 election cycle. Here’s a breakdown of the critical milestones still to come:

Certificate of Ascertainment of Appointment of Electors: Deadline December 11, 2024
In every presidential election year, each state’s executive (governor or secretary of state) issues a Certificate of Ascertainment—a document that officially names the electors who will cast the state's electoral votes for president and vice president.

While this process was contentious in 2020, we hope that 2024 will see it carried out smoothly and without issues.

What’s included in the Certificate of Ascertainment?
Names of electors who are appointed to cast votes.

The state’s certified election results (the "canvass") showing the total number of votes cast and how they were distributed among presidential candidates.

The seal of the state, verifying the authenticity of the certificate.

A security feature to prevent fraud and verify the certificate’s legitimacy.

Meeting and Vote of Electors: December 17, 2024
On December 17, 2024—the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December—electors will meet in their respective states to cast their official votes for president and vice president. This is a key safeguard to ensure electors vote according to the certified results of the election.

During this meeting, electors must:

Cast their votes for president and vice president.

Sign multiple certificates affirming their votes.

Transmit these certificates to Washington, DC, and state officials.

These protocols ensure that the electors’ votes are legitimate, transparent, and in line with the outcome of their state’s election.

Deadline for Electoral Votes to Be Received: December 25, 2024
By December 25, 2024, all states must submit their electoral certificates to Washington, DC. If any certificates are not received by this deadline, the President of the Senate or the Archivist of the United States will request that the state’s chief election officer submit the missing certificate.

This step ensures that every electoral vote is accounted for and that the process remains transparent and timely.

The 119th Congress Convenes: January 3, 2025
On January 3, 2025, the 119th Congress will convene, and newly elected members will be sworn in. One of the first tasks in the House of Representatives will be the election of the Speaker of the House, which sets the stage for the important business ahead—including certifying the electoral votes.

Congress Counts Electoral Votes: January 6, 2025
On January 6, 2025, Congress will meet in a joint session at 1:00 p.m. to officially count and certify the electoral votes. The President of the Senate will preside, but their role is purely ministerial—they have no authority to unilaterally accept, reject, or alter the certified results of the electors.

If any objections are raised, they must be filed by both a member of the House and Senate, and they will be debated and voted upon according to established procedures. This process ensures that every electoral vote is thoroughly scrutinized and that the final result reflects the true will of the American people.

Inauguration Day: January 20, 2025
The newly elected president and vice president will take their oaths of office at 12:00 p.m. on January 20, 2025, marking the peaceful transition of power and reaffirming the strength of our democracy.

Looking Ahead
In addition to monitoring these milestones, our team will continue reviewing reports filed with us over these last few weeks, and preparing for advocacy opportunities in 2025, including reforms like photo voter ID, secure paper ballots, and accurate voter rolls!
297   Patrick   2024 Nov 6, 8:33pm  


CNN Analyst: “So you asked: are there any places that the vice president is overperforming Joe Biden in 2020? So we can show you that as well. We just bring that out here. Harris overperforming 2020.”

Jake Tapper: “Holy smokes”.

CNN election analyst: “There you go. So let this go away and see if there's anything on the east side there.”

Jake Tapper: “Literally nothing?”

CNN election analyst: “Literally nothing”.

Jake Tapper: “Literally not one county?”
298   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 6, 9:01pm  

Wow, WV and OK. Not one county went Blue.

299   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Nov 6, 10:53pm  

For my British and European friends who are "shocked" and "surprised", here are 10 reasons you didn't see this coming.

Read this short post and then read the replies from our American friends who will confirm what I'm saying.

1. Americans love their country and want it to be the best in the world. America is a nation of people who conquered a continent. They love strength. They love winning. Any leader who appeals to that has an automatic advantage.

2. Unlike Europeans, Americans have not accepted managed decline. They don't have Net Zero here, they believe in producing their own energy and making it as cheap as possible because they know that their prosperity depends on it.

3. Prices for most basic goods in the US have increased rapidly and are sky high. What the official statistics say about inflation and the reality of people's lives are not the same.

4. Unlike you, Americans do not believe in socialism. They believe in meritocracy. They don't care about the super rich being super rich because they know that they live in a country where being super rich is available to anyone with the talent and drive to make it. They don't resent success, they celebrate it.

5. Americans are the most pro-immigration people in the world. Read that again. Seriously, read it again. Americans love an immigrant success story. They want more talented immigrants to come to America. But they refuse to accept people coming illegally. They believe in having a border.

6. Americans are sensitive about racial issues and their country's imperfect history. They believe that those who are disadvantaged by the circumstances of their birth should be given the opportunity to succeed. What they reject, however, is the idea that in order to address the errors of the past new errors must be made. DEI is racist. They know it and they reject it precisely because they are not racist.

7. Americans are the most philosemitic nation on earth. October 7 and the pro-Hamas left's reaction shocked them to their very core because, among other things, they remember what 9/11 was like and they know jihad when they see it.

8. Americans are extremely practical people. They care about what works, not what sounds good. In Europe, we produce great writers and intellectuals. In America they produce (and attract) great engineers, businessmen and investors. Because of this, they care less about Trump's rhetoric than you do and more about his policies than you do.

9. Americans are deeply optimistic people. They hate negativity. The woke view of American history as a series of evils for which they must eternally apologise is utterly abhorrent to them. They believe in moving forward together, not endlessly obsessing about the past.

10. America is a country whose founding story is one of resistance to government overreach. They loathe unnecessary restrictions, regulations and control. They understand that freedom comes with the price of self-reliance and they pay it gladly.

300   Ceffer   2024 Nov 6, 11:57pm  

I wonder what happened in the background that was different this time since the entire election fraud apparatus appeared intact from 2020. It was even deployed in 2022 without significant molestation. It's very mysterious.

Basically, Trump declared victory before the engines of fraud (3:30 AM ballots) could even be installed. He literally won and got KamalaToe to concede in THE MIDDLE OF THE FRAUD as it was unfolding.

Obviously, something serious happened in the counter-infiltration by Trump assets. Maybe many of those alleged but invisible tribunals took place after all and caused many of the fraudsters to take pause out of an even greater fear than that of their blackmailers and paymasters.

Curious minds would like to know, but the fraud got stalled or rendered impotent somehow for the Presidential race. Those extra phony 15 million ghost voters never had a chance to deploy, and the alleged illegal immigrant voter storm never got off the starting block.
301   WookieMan   2024 Nov 7, 12:13am  

Ceffer says

Curious minds would like to know, but the fraud got stalled or rendered impotent somehow for the Presidential race. Those extra phony 15 million ghost voters never had a chance to deploy, and the alleged illegal immigrant voter storm never got off the starting block.

They brought in the wrong illegals that are capitalist and take over apartment buildings. They didn't have time to vote being a landlord. Then most others were criminals. It's going to take some time to unwind what happened the last 4 years.

I'm convinced they pumped 20-50k ballots in RED states they knew they would lose to hide the fake ballots in swing states. A 30M vote difference would look too obvious.
305   Patrick   2024 Nov 7, 10:07am  

AmericanKulak says

Wow, WV and OK. Not one county went Blue.

You can really see the difference in California between the far-left extremists on the coast and the moderates inland.
306   Ceffer   2024 Nov 7, 10:25am  

It's a cancer scan, Batman.
Patrick says

AmericanKulak says

Wow, WV and OK. Not one county went Blue.

You can really see the difference in California between the far-left extremists on the coast and the moderates inland.
308   Ceffer   2024 Nov 7, 10:28am  

The only thing the chart of California shows is that they overtopped the fraud out of fear of Trump.

I doubt KamalaToe got even 30 percent of the California vote, and that slimy non human pedophile slug Schiff did NOT win.

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