💉🩸♿️☠️ 是什么让所有疫苗如此危险? What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous ?

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2024 Nov 10, 4:12pm   35 views  0 comments

by HANrongli   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


In the first part of this series, I discussed how diseases frequently emerge that before long affect many people, and how in many cases conventional medicine cannot acknowledge what happened. Instead, these diseases will often be labeled as “syndromes,” a designation that is often a result of politics. This is because those syndromes often arise from a recently introduced environmental toxin that no one in power is willing to blame for causing a catastrophe.  
In the second part of this series, I discussed how vaccines, particularly the Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus vaccine, have had a large number of issues, one of which was causing sudden infant death syndrome. Despite a century of evidence clearly showing DPT causes SIDS however, the cause of SIDS remains “unknown.”
In the past, unless you were a parent who lost a child to SIDS, deaths from vaccines were typically not an issue of immediate concern. However, now that the spike protein vaccines are triggering the emergence of sudden adult death syndrome, this has become an issue that affects everyone. Because of this, I believe an exploration of how vaccines can cause sudden death is important.
To do so, we must first cover some foundational concepts that are not normally taught within medicine. This article will hence be the longer end, and I believe it is one of the most important things I will write here so I sincerely thank you for taking the time to consider its contents.
If you can’t understand some of the concepts listed here that is fine; all of them are essentially different ways of explaining the same thing that I have to present in order to justify my hypothesis, so just focus on what makes sense to you (much more will click the second time you read this). In the future that will no longer be necessary and I will publish an abridged version of this article.
Early Observations
When COVID-19 started, I began to receive a variety of reports from colleagues suggesting this virus did not behave like a typical respiratory infection. I was particularly concerned by their observations that various fluids throughout the bodies of COVID-19 patients became frozen or solidified (blood clotting is the most well-known example). All of this suggested the pathology of SARS-CoV-2 was in part mediated by changes in the physiologic zeta potential. 
After I formed this hypothesis, the next question was “what part of the virus could account for its ability to collapse the zeta potential of the body?” Knowing that it would have to be a positively charged protein on the surface of the virus, I looked through each of the surface proteins and noticed there was a remarkable positive charge density on the spike protein that exceeded what had been found in SARS-CoV-1 (subsequently it was also discovered that further increases in the positive charge of the spike protein correlated with the increasing pathogenicity the SARS-CoV-2 variants).
After discovering this potential issue, I then learned that some of the COVID-19 vaccine candidates functioned by causing the body to mass produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein internally (at this time the toxicity of the protein was not understood, but it was suspected by some to play a key role in disease pathology). The potential effect on physiologic zeta potential was my initial reason for being highly concerned about the spike protein vaccines, and this concern significantly worsened when I later learned the spike protein shared an unusual degree of homology with human tissue (as this is a recipe for developing autoimmune disorders, the other frequent severe consequence of vaccination).
Since that time, although I have not yet found a study where the zeta potential of the spike protein was directly tested, I have found numerous studies that suggest the spike protein disrupts physiologic zeta potential. More importantly, I have observed a variety of therapies that restore zeta potential benefit both individuals with COVID-19 and those with spike proteins vaccine injuries, sometimes to a minor extent, and sometimes to the point they fully resolved an otherwise fatal disease process (the exact result largely depends on the specific therapy utilized and the exact issue the patient has).
All of that is a lot to unpack, and the purpose of this article is to explain exactly what all of that meant. Much of this was made possible by the work of Thomas Riddick and Andrew Moulden. 在本系列的第一部分中,我讨论了疾病如何频繁出现并在不久之后影响许多人,以及在许多情况下传统医学如何无法承认所发生的事情。 相反,这些疾病通常会被贴上“综合症”的标签,这一名称通常是政治的结果。 这是因为这些综合症通常是由最近引入的环境毒素引起的,没有人愿意将造成灾难的责任归咎于这种毒素。  
在本系列的第二部分中,我讨论了疫苗,特别是白喉百日咳破伤风疫苗如何存在大量问题,其中之一是导致婴儿猝死综合症。 尽管一个世纪的证据清楚地表明 DPT 会导致 SIDS,但 SIDS 的原因仍然“未知”。
在过去,除非您是因婴儿猝死综合症而失去孩子的父母,否则疫苗造成的死亡通常不是立即关注的问题。 然而,现在刺突蛋白疫苗引发了成人猝死综合症的出现,这已经成为影响每个人的问题。 正因为如此,我认为探索疫苗如何导致猝死很重要。
为此,我们必须首先涵盖一些医学领域通常不教授的基本概念。 因此,本文将是较长的结尾,我相信这是我将在这里写的最重要的事情之一,因此我真诚地感谢您花时间考虑其内容。
如果您无法理解此处列出的某些概念也没关系; 所有这些本质上都是以不同的方式解释我必须呈现的同一件事,以便证明我的假设是正确的,所以只需关注对你有意义的内容(当你第二次阅读本文时,你会点击更多内容)。 将来不再需要这样做,我将发布本文的删节版本。
当 COVID-19 爆发时,我开始收到同事的各种报告,表明这种病毒的表现与典型的呼吸道感染不同。 我特别担心的是他们观察到 COVID-19 患者体内的各种液体变得冻结或凝固(血液凝固是最著名的例子)。 所有这些都表明 SARS-CoV-2 的病理学部分是由生理 zeta 电位的变化介导的。 
在我形成这个假设后,下一个问题是“病毒的哪一部分可以解释其破坏身体 zeta 电位的能力?” 我知道它一定是病毒表面带正电荷的蛋白质,因此我检查了每个表面蛋白质,发现刺突蛋白上有显着的正电荷密度,超过了 SARS-CoV 中发现的正电荷密度。 1(随后还发现刺突蛋白的正电荷进一步增加与SARS-CoV-2变种的致病性增加相关)。
发现这个潜在问题后,我随后了解到,一些 COVID-19 候选疫苗的功能是通过使人体在内部大量产生 SARS-CoV-2 刺突蛋白(此时该蛋白的毒性尚不清楚,但它 一些人怀疑在疾病病理学中发挥关键作用)。 对生理 zeta 电位的潜在影响是我高度关注刺突蛋白疫苗的最初原因,当我后来了解到刺突蛋白与人体组织具有不寻常的同源性时,这种担忧明显恶化(因为这是开发疫苗的秘诀) 自身免疫性疾病,疫苗接种的另一个常见的严重后果)。
从那时起,虽然我还没有找到直接测试刺突蛋白 zeta 电位的研究,但我发现大量研究表明刺突蛋白会破坏生理 zeta 电位。 更重要的是,我观察到各种恢复 zeta 潜力的疗法对 COVID-19 患者和刺突蛋白疫苗损伤患者均有益,有时程度较小,有时甚至完全解决了致命的疾病过程( 确切的结果很大程度上取决于所使用的具体治疗方法和患者的具体问题)。
所有这些都有很多需要解开的内容,本文的目的是准确解释所有这些的含义。 这在很大程度上归功于托马斯·里迪克和安德鲁·莫尔登的工作。

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