✍️ Every one of the CEOs involved in any of the demonic hospitals must be prosecuted. It has to happen. They were clearly protecting their federal revenue without any regard for human suffering and death. 每一位参与任何一家恶魔医院的首席执行官都必须受到起诉。 它必须发生。 他们显然是在保护联邦收入,而不考虑人类的痛苦和死亡。
✍️ Thank you, Dr. Bowden, for clearing My name and the names of many others who did nothing but keeping our oath…
✍️ Medicine and politics do not mix. Medicine is founded in knowledge, ethics, and doing what is best for the patient. Politics is a menacing black cloud that acts without reason, doesn’t care who gets wet, doesn’t care who gets pummeled by hail, and doesn’t care who gets swept away in the storm. 医学和政治不能混为一谈。 医学的基础是知识、道德和为病人做最好的事情。 政治是一朵来势汹汹的乌云,无缘无故地行动,不在乎谁被淋湿,不在乎谁被冰雹袭击,不在乎谁在暴风雨中被卷走。
✍️ We all know now that IVM can sterilise and even kill you but that doesn’t alter the fact that it blocks nicotine receptors in the brain also used by the COVID poisons to paralyse organs.
Using venom based drugs, doctors too can easily shut down organs and make death seem perfectly natural.
These are not hypothetical musings. I was poisoned by doctors and I was saved by two Ivermectin pills smuggled in by my grandson.
The hospital had already confiscated two entire packets brought in days earlier.
I was so afraid that the nurses would find them and confiscate them, I hid them in the crease of my backside 🤢
After I’d taken them, I recovered in seconds. No kidding ! It was seconds !
I was unceremoniously thrown out of the hospital but I wasn’t dying so I didn’t care.
No one at the hospital appeared happy that I’d survived. In fact, everyone was very angry !
✍️ Every one of the CEOs involved in any of the demonic hospitals must be prosecuted. It has to happen. They were clearly protecting their federal revenue without any regard for human suffering and death. 每一位参与任何一家恶魔医院的首席执行官都必须受到起诉。 它必须发生。 他们显然是在保护联邦收入,而不考虑人类的痛苦和死亡。
✍️ Thank you, Dr. Bowden, for clearing My name and the names of many others who did nothing but keeping our oath…
Héctor Carvallo PhD 谢谢你,鲍登博士,为我和许多其他除了遵守我们的誓言之外什么也没做的人洗清了罪名……
✍️ Medicine and politics do not mix. Medicine is founded in knowledge, ethics, and doing what is best for the patient. Politics is a menacing black cloud that acts without reason, doesn’t care who gets wet, doesn’t care who gets pummeled by hail, and doesn’t care who gets swept away in the storm. 医学和政治不能混为一谈。 医学的基础是知识、道德和为病人做最好的事情。 政治是一朵来势汹汹的乌云,无缘无故地行动,不在乎谁被淋湿,不在乎谁被冰雹袭击,不在乎谁在暴风雨中被卷走。
✍️ We all know now that IVM can sterilise and even kill you but that doesn’t alter the fact that it blocks nicotine receptors in the brain also used by the COVID poisons to paralyse organs.
Using venom based drugs, doctors too can easily shut down organs and make death seem perfectly natural.
These are not hypothetical musings. I was poisoned by doctors and I was saved by two Ivermectin pills smuggled in by my grandson.
The hospital had already confiscated two entire packets brought in days earlier.
I was so afraid that the nurses would find them and confiscate them, I hid them in the crease of my backside 🤢
After I’d taken them, I recovered in seconds. No kidding ! It was seconds !
I was unceremoniously thrown out of the hospital but I wasn’t dying so I didn’t care.
No one at the hospital appeared happy that I’d survived. In fact, everyone was very angry !
现在我们都知道 IVM 可以绝育,甚至杀死你,但这并不能改变这样一个事实:它会阻断大脑中的尼古丁受体,而新冠病毒毒物也利用尼古丁受体来麻痹器官。
这些并不是假设性的思考。 我被医生毒死了,是我孙子偷运来的两颗伊维菌素救了我。
服用后,我几秒钟就恢复了。 不开玩笑! 就几秒了!
医院里没有人对我的幸存感到高兴。 事实上,大家都很愤怒!
✍️ You’re fighting over whether or not to ingest PGLA nano tech?
您正在为是否摄入 PGLA 纳米技术而争论吗?
✍️ Correction my dear, they banned it because they knew it was a low cost solution to the Wuflu. 纠正一下,亲爱的,他们禁止它是因为他们知道这是一种低成本的 Wuflu 解决方案。