Deportation Thread: You gotta go back

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2025 Jan 23, 12:26pm   3,211 views  218 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Gang Members, Drug Dealers, etc. all going back

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117   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 6:05pm  

I wonder if the MSM Mockingbird is creating more panic about bailing workers as exaggerated propaganda about people losing their work forces to get them into hysteria mode.

My guy (citizen) showed up today and apologized for absence but said his guy broke a machine and had to get a new one. He still has ALL of his hispanic crews working, present and accounted for, nobody bailed out. He was getting materials ready for the next phase.

Hopefully, my projects can wrap up in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed).

My wife was black pilling over it (as is her catastrophizing wont).
118   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 7:30pm  

"We will make them pay for their own destruction." The gloating anthems of the Globalists, Brits and Vatican. Is they can't have us as their vampire feeding station, then they will do everything to destroy our country and society.

119   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 7:39pm  

LOL! I like that. 'Illegally dumped'. Sounds more like karma.

123   Patrick   2025 Jan 30, 1:29pm  


DHS Chief Kristi Noem Scraps Biden’s Amnesty for 600,000 Illegal Aliens

Newly anointed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kristi Noem has scrapped former President Joe Biden’s parting gift to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.

In the last few days of his presidency, Biden’s administration extended the protected status of 600,000 Venezuelan migrants who had entered the United States illegally.

On January 10, Biden’s former DHS chief, Cuba-born Alejandro Mayorkas, announced he would extend the status by 18 months, starting Jan. 17.

Mayorkas first granted “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) to two groups of 600,000 illegal aliens in 2021 and 2023.

The Venezuelan migrants had moved illegally into the United States after 2018.

The extension would have continued the Venezuelan TPS amnesty until late 2026. ...

“Ms. Noem’s decision finds fault with the move by Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary under Mr. Biden, to extend the protections for Venezuelans in the final month of Mr. Biden’s term.

“The agency generally must decide at regular intervals whether the protections should be extended before they expire.

“The notice argued that Mr. Mayorkas made his move too early and said the extension should not remain in effect ‘given the exceedingly brief period’ since it was issued on Jan. 17.”
127   Patrick   2025 Jan 30, 7:58pm  

Posted before, but especially relevant now:

128   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 1:46am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

We just had the foundation on the house poured today. Our builder uses all legals, but everyone showed up and they're all Mexican. 6 Trucks of cement. Obviously I'm in a sanctuary state, but the Mexicans I know aren't scared. I think most of it is on the southern border. The left media just overhypes they're coming for you in any state.

I'd "maybe" be scared if I was an illegal in TX, NM, AZ or CA. If you're in prison here you're going home. Most illegals will be fine. Although Tom seems like a hard ass, so who knows what he goes after when the criminals are gone.
129   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2025 Jan 31, 3:49am  

There was a major panic article on a local news source. ICE had shown up at a home looking for an illegal alien criminal and he wasn’t there but they did arrest another resident who was also an illegal but whom ICE was not targeting.

Boo fucking hoo.
130   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 5:01am  

WookieMan says

Obviously I'm in a sanctuary state, but the Mexicans I know aren't scared. I think most of it is on the southern border. The left media just overhypes they're coming for you in any state.

I'd "maybe" be scared if I was an illegal in TX, NM, AZ or CA. If you're in prison here you're going home. Most illegals will be fine. Although Tom seems like a hard ass, so who knows what he goes after when the criminals are gone.

Did you hear yourself?

--JD Vance
131   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 5:02am  

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH
132   clambo   2025 Jan 31, 6:50am  

In Santa Cruz the Chinese restaurant I went to had a little house in back of the parking lot; this was housing for their illegal guys from China.

I met the owner's daughter, Lilly, and spoke to her sometimes. She was cute but unfortunately got FAT, a sad waste. I digress.

The owner guy owned various apartments in Salinas, he was definitely bucks up.
133   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 6:54am  

GNL says

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH

Literally no clue what you're talking about. If you're an illegal here, in prison, you're going home to your country of origin. Not sure what wasn't clear there.
134   rocketjoe79   2025 Jan 31, 11:29am  

The hard work will be lowering the total population of millions of illegals. Removing illegals will take them off the U.S. Census. Census numbers are used to apportion Federal Benefits to states, but most importantly, to apportion seats in Congress. Sanctuary states get more representation and more electoral votes. 20 Million Illegals tip the balance of fairness.

Homann's Deportation Job won't be as difficult as many think. Most have addresses where they receive federal or state benefit checks. Read on.

Don't hold onto the fantasy that illegals don't vote. They may deny it, but the Democratic machine votes for them if they do not. Here's how it works:

1. Biden's administration made sure illegals were all paid benefits upon entry processing. (These "processing centers" are not open to public or even congressional scrutiny.)
2. To get paid, the illegal had to sign paperwork agreeing to payroll tax deduction.
3. To pay these taxes, the illegal has to be issued an "taxpayer ID number" AKA SSN.
4. A valid SSN gives the illegal the right to a drivers license.
5. Viola! The illegal is automatically registered to vote in many states (All Dem controlled states, go figure.) It's called "Motor Voter Registration."

Notice that there is no check in the system for legal citizenship status. If Homann does his job right, total votes should go down by a number similar to total deportees.
135   Eric Holder   2025 Jan 31, 11:41am  

rocketjoe79 says

3. To pay these taxes, the illegal has to be issued an "taxpayer ID number" AKA SSN.
4. A valid SSN gives the illegal the right to a drivers license.

No, it's called ITIN. But you don't need valid SSN to get DL in sanctuary states.
136   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 12:11pm  

Eric Holder says

No, it's called ITIN. But you don't need valid SSN to get DL in sanctuary states.

This is 100% correct. Probably shouldn't put in writing but it wasn't me. My former boss would hire illegals to do construction on the buildings we had. He just asked that they had an ITIN so he could send them a 1099 and write it off. He knew they were illegal. I don't know if they paid taxes or not. Some of them it was $60k a year.

He was a fucker though and didn't care about the outcome. He just needed cheap labor for his half assed projects. I had no stake or ownership and would just walk out of meetings. We came to an agreement we can't work together. I'm a do it right guy and I had no intentions of getting dragged into his shenanigans. We parted ways mutually. Besides swearing I know I still have my integrity.
137   RC2006   2025 Jan 31, 1:05pm  

Can the DMV records of states with DL for illegals be seized and used to find and deport illegals?
138   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 1:10pm  

WookieMan says

GNL says

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH

Literally no clue what you're talking about. If you're an illegal here, in prison, you're going home to your country of origin. Not sure what wasn't clear there.

Ok, certainly glad to hear that.
139   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 1:13pm  

RC2006 says

Can the DMV records of states with DL for illegals be seized and used to find and deport illegals?

Just need an anonymous leaker.
140   Patrick   2025 Feb 1, 2:41pm  


As someone who used to follow up on some of these tips, let me offer some advice. To maximize the chances of the illegal alien being caught, it is best that you leave a contact number for follow up. I understand that a lot of people don’t want to do that and prefer to stay anonymous. That’s fine, but follow up investigations (or intel gathering as we were supposed to call it) often have questions.

Some of the most basic are:

1) What makes you think they are illegal aliens? – There are a lot of legal immigrants in the country now, and a lot of Americans don’t realize that Puerto Ricans are U. S. nationals. A lot of illegal aliens know that. (One of the more amusing apprehensions I once made was when I was questioning a woman claiming to be Puerto Rican. I asked her when she flew into the United States. She told me she didn’t fly, but took the bus. I said to her, you’re coming with me. She must have missed the day they gave geography class in Guatemala). If an Agent were to ask you about a suspect’s immigration status, it would be nice if you have a good reason to suspect them of being illegal. Q. “What makes you think he’s from Nicaragua? ” A. “I asked him where he was from and that’s what he told me. ”

2) When are they home/When do they leave for work? If you want us to encounter illegal aliens, knowing when they have days off, and when they go into work is crucial.

3) What do they drive, can you get their license plate? Very often, someone legally in the country or a U. S. citizen is driving the illegal aliens around. However, that person might have a criminal record, or, a past history of transporting illegal aliens. That helps with things like probable cause when it comes to pulling illegal aliens over.

4) Is there any criminal behavior observed by them? Are they armed? Depending on the jurisdiction, some police departments work very well with ICE and/or the Border Patrol. Not all of them are woke, and even some that are have patrol officers who wish to get rid of illegal aliens. Sure, some of those officers are deplorable Republicans, but, even some Democrat leaning cops (there are a few of them) wish to get criminal illegal aliens out of their hair. If an illegal alien is driving with deep dark tinted windows, or, he likes to speed, a friendly police officer might pull that person over and have his dispatch call us. “Or, gee look at that, I just pulled you over for a tail light out and a friendly Border Patrol Agent pulled over to inquire if I needed backup. I was just about to ask for Spanish translation. ”

One police department near where I used to work always called us for Spanish translation. We’re friendly and we help out when we can.

Now, if you are one of those horrible, evil, disgusting people who believes that laws should be followed and illegal aliens did in fact break the law (8 USC 1325), and you want to go full blown MAGA on some illegals, there are other things you can do. If you are willing to spend a few bucks, you can use services like Intelius.com, Spokeo.com, or another people finder style service, you can often get full names from addresses or telephone numbers. A full name and date of birth allows us to run them through our systems and find out more accurately if they are indeed legally in the United States. It prevents us from wasting time interviewing a person who obtained a green card, and adds to your credibility.

Other telephone numbers of interest from the Border Patrol for reporting illegal aliens:

Southern Border

Rio Grande Valley Sector 800-863-9382

Laredo Sector 1-800-343-1994

Del Rio Sector 1-866-511-8727

Marfa Sector 1-866-581-7549

El Paso Sector 800-635-2509 or -915-314-8194

Tucson Sector 1-877-872-7435

Yuma Sector 1-877-872-7435

El Centro Sector -800-901-2003

San Diego Sector 619-498-9900

Northern Border

Blaine Sector -Couldn’t find one. Try -360-332-9200

Spokane Sector 509-353-2747

Havre Sector 800-232-5378

Grand Forks 1-800-982-4077

Detroit Sector 800-537-3220

Buffalo Sector 1-800-331-0353

Swanton Sector 1-800-689-3362

Houlton Sector 1-800-851-8727

Here’s a map of the US Border Patrol Sectors:

143   Misc   2025 Feb 1, 4:32pm  

Revoking Biden's humanitarian parole program for about a half a million migrants is in the works.

"You gotta go back and no more welfare checks for you".

144   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 1, 4:38pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

I can fix her!


If we're paying, they should be layin'
145   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 1, 4:38pm  

But how can we continue to build high value housing without ILLEGALZ!?

146   HeadSet   2025 Feb 1, 4:42pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

I can fix her!

She has that angry girlfriend look.
147   clambo   2025 Feb 1, 4:46pm  

I doubt that picture of Ana Franquez is real; do you believe they use such flattering lighting when taking pictures of deportees?
148   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 1, 9:14pm  

Anti-ICE protesters burn the US Flag while waving foreign ones

149   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Feb 2, 12:35am  

HeadSet says

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

I can fix her!

She has that angry girlfriend look.

150   WookieMan   2025 Feb 2, 5:09am  

clambo says

I doubt that picture of Ana Franquez is real; do you believe they use such flattering lighting when taking pictures of deportees?

It's government. No they don't have good lighting. Probably a photoshop job meme. Hence why I dislike memes and photos in general. One of my favorite photos of my family is after the wife and I got in fight with Mt. Hood, OR as the backdrop.

That's why on places like Facebook I've stopped checking in on friends that post all the time. It's bull shit. I know you. Behind the scenes I know your life is miserable and for whatever sick reason you portray it as good. I printed the picture just to troll my wife, but didn't post it anywhere. We laugh at it now. It was a cool photo though.
152   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2025 Feb 2, 8:21am  

AmericanKulak says

Anti-ICE protesters burn the US Flag while waving foreign ones

155   HeadSet   2025 Feb 2, 8:53am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Oh, one can do both. Do not even have to be an immigrant to take welfare/disability while working an under the table job. No problem working for $10/hr cash when the gov covers one's living expenses.
156   RC2006   2025 Feb 2, 9:05am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

AmericanKulak says

Anti-ICE protesters burn the US Flag while waving foreign ones


It's a cancerous invasion, look at maps over the last 50 years of the population in CA. There I think it's to late the cancer has went to far to save the host but it's not to late for most of the US. Our currupt government has allowed multiple groups of foreign cultures to invade and balkanize to weaken the host populations influence.

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