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100393   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 11:38am  

Rocketmanjoe says
How are you so sure that the globalist didn't choose Trump?

Glad you asked.

100394   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 11:54am  

"Prosecutors did not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks or with the Russian officers Mueller says hacked the emails. Instead it mirrors other Mueller cases in alleging cover-ups and deception, accusing Stone of lying to lawmakers about WikiLeaks, tampering with witnesses and obstructing a congressional probe into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the election."

Looks like an attempt at a process crime.

100395   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 11:55am  

Glorious day, Roger Stone is in jail

Actually, he is not.
100396   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 12:00pm  

Rocketmanjoe says
HeadSet says
Glorious day, Roger Stone is in jail

Actually, he is not.

Fixed it for ya

Now that is quality service!
100397   Bd6r   2019 Jan 25, 12:29pm  

Jan 15: My guess is that Dems will not cave in and let everything burn hoping that population will blame Trump. At some point Trump folds while ferociously tweeting and pretending that he did not fold.
100398   Bd6r   2019 Jan 25, 12:36pm  


funny and true. Mirror image of LOCK HER UP!
100399   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 1:13pm  

Looks like you won this one.

The sellouts who want unfettered immigration for votes and cheap labor do not mind flooding the country with unskilled masses at a time when technology is destroying low level jobs. And for those worried about the "declining birth rate won't fund my SS, so we need immigrants" may find that instead of paying taxes, these low skilled folks will put a demand on Welfare that will compete with SS for funds. Tell your kids to bone up on their Spanish, as in the future only the bi-lingual need apply for service, teaching, or public interface jobs. And not that Democrats really cared about AGW, but unfettered population growth means more resource depletion, more pollution, and more carbon footprint.

If you were here Hey You, I'd pour you a drink. How does a Drambuie sound?
100400   Bd6r   2019 Jan 25, 1:29pm  

HeadSet says
Looks like you won this one.

It was not too difficult. t-RUMP tweeting about his victories even if he loses is a given, as is D's caring only about next election.
100401   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jan 25, 2:24pm  

Never give up!
Wimp out but declare victory.
100402   Ceffer   2019 Jan 25, 7:19pm  

I think Mueller gave Stone special Justice Department witness software on a mobile computer. It's like "plug in the indictments" and "fill in the pleadings blanks" for alleged co-conspirators to make sure they word their entirely fabricated testimony against Trump correctly.

After he signs some affidavits, they will found him hung in his cell with a rope made from tied together mattress tags that he cut off from all the Trump hotels. Of course, a 'suicide' yuck, yuck!
100403   marcus   2019 Jan 25, 7:37pm  

Could we please go back to talking about how mean those liberals were to the kid with the MAGA cap ?
100404   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:43pm  

Rocketmanjoe says
WineHorror1 says
IT IS BEST TO VOTE FOR SMALLER GOVERNMENT AND AGAINST CORPORTISM. Corporations are as powerful as the government. Why? Because government and wall street are a turnstyle.

Is that why Trump gave yuge tax cut to the rich? I thought it was so the rich could keep buying off politicians while we keep fighting amongst ourselves. It's worked so far.

It's both parties. I'm guilty of rah rah for "my team" just as much as the next person except, I try very hard to not jump into things that are unprovable(?). We have no idea who is telling the truth. You have to, imo, realize that government is not our friend.
100405   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 9:53pm  

Rocketmanjoe says
This doesn't includes the value of what the Russians provided so I don't think we can really rely on it.

We have that. A free Tumblr page and a few thousand bucks on Facebook promoting Black Lives Matter.
100406   Ceffer   2019 Jan 25, 11:15pm  

"Make Way For Injun Joe's Guard!"
100408   anonymous   2019 Jan 26, 2:18am  

In an impassioned call for preemptive action against the Middle Eastern nation, United States national security advisor John Bolton insisted Thursday that Iran was likely harboring the dangerous terrorist Osama bin Laden.

“For the good of our nation, we must act immediately,” said Bolton, citing several intelligence reports providing significant evidence that Iran is currently providing sanctuary to the Al-Qaeda leader and mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks. “We must never rest until this fugitive is brought to justice, and the only way to achieve that is through repeated and prolonged military strikes on Iran.

We have reason to believe that he’s living in a compound there where he’s training a legion of bloodthirsty Iranian civilians to take up arms as the next generation of terrorists. It is our solemn duty as the international safeguard of freedom to prevent this at all costs.”

At press time, Bolton had left the podium to follow up on an important tip that Iranian leaders had hired American nuclear physicist Otto Gunther Octavius.

100409   rdm   2019 Jan 26, 8:01am  

FortWayneIndiana says
Once I get my money back

Let us know when that happens...
100410   Shaman   2019 Jan 26, 9:50am  

jazz_music says
Conservatards are not the majority in this country, but they are the majority of media

Fake news. So very fake. Probably wrong to a ridiculous degree.
100411   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jan 26, 10:00am  

Left would be screaming on the streets if Trump started hailing leftists politically.

We are on way to dictatorship. Left is making conservatism and manhood illegal and punished, trying to beat free people into obedience. Their national propaganda radio (npr) is taxpayer funded. Same shit as Nazi Germany, just instead of Jews they target conservatives and white men.
100412   anonymous   2019 Jan 26, 11:37am  

Venezuela offers to help depose U.S. despot

Thousands of angry protesters against ‘El Naranja Presidente’ took to the streets of Washington to protest the longest running government shutdown.

In solidarity, the people of Venezuela said they would do what they could to help the US topple a ‘corrupt regime’ and a President who had got less votes than his opponent. Further support for their action came in the shape of a statement which appeared across social media platforms purporting to be from the legendary Man From Del Monte who said a very definite and categorical ‘No’.

Despite suffering their own political turmoil, Venezuelans have said they are willing to help stage a coup against President Trump: ‘We will bring democracy and liberty to America and this has nothing to do with their rich oil reserves. Although Texas is clearly part of Caracas’.

The first steps in a coup are to seize state media or, in this case, Mr. Trump’s twitter-feed. Ironically, Black Ops were sent to spread lies and undermine Mr. Trump, but discovered he was already doing a ‘bang up job’ himself.

Mr. Trump has long been a divisive figure, proposing a severe socialist agenda; whereby everyone pays an equal share for his wall, his tax bill and his hush-money to porn actresses. In a bold move, President Maduro declared Hillary Rodham Clinton interim US President – but even he failed to keep a straight face.

100413   Bd6r   2019 Jan 26, 12:44pm  

jazz_music says
Patrick says
Diversity definitely divides us.


The “Whites Only” sign on the restaurant door creates unity inside, but the people banished from entry might object. When they do, the crisis is not “polarization,” and the solution is not to “tone down the rhetoric.”

I think it is much more complicated than "diversity good" or "diversity bad". Everything depends on context and perceived fairness of system we are operating under. Both Singapore (very diverse) and Iceland (very homogeneous) are successful. In US, diverse Chicago is circling toilet bowl while diverse Houston is doing extremely well. Putting up "whites only" signs to ensure racial homogeneity or instituting affirmative action to ensure forced diversity are perhaps exactly wrong ways how to operate.
100414   Patrick   2019 Jan 26, 12:53pm  

Trump is right that there is a conspiracy against him, people quite willing to abuse FBI powers or break laws to bring him down because they just didn't like the way the election went.

Democracy itself is under attack by Democrats, ironically.
100415   Patrick   2019 Jan 26, 12:55pm  

The American people lost.

Democrats want the votes of illegals and lower wages to please their corporate donors above all else.
100416   Bd6r   2019 Jan 26, 1:42pm  

Patrick says
The American people lost.

Democrats want the votes of illegals and lower wages to please their corporate donors above all else.


my skeptical mind says that it was all a YUUGE circus. Neither side wants to increase wages of people who actually do the work. Think logically - what was the chance that D's will give in about the wall since it is in some way symbol of Trump or his legacy? I'd say 0.000000 and anyone with one neuron in brain could see it.

What is the chance that R's want higher wages for blue collar workers? Who will work for $5/hr in construction or meat packing? Will they really support Trump in limiting illegal immigration or will they quietly support D's in bringing in new batches of illegals? I have not made up my mind on what Trump wants yet, since his gyrations are difficult to analyze, but fact that he employs H1's in his hotels is telling. I know these are not illegals but they still decrease wages of locals.
100417   Patrick   2019 Jan 26, 1:52pm  

Sure @d6rB I agree that the Democrats were dead set against the wall simply to deprive Trump of another opportunity to claim success. They have lots of lame rationalizations, but the true reason is simply hate for Trump, as ever. He threatens their comfy sinecures.

And I agree that Republicans in general, as the other party of the bosses, also did not want to stem the inflow of illegals in the least. But Republicans have always been for the bosses, so it's impossible to be disappointed in them.

Trump alone is the missing Labor Party in the US. He alone is speaking the truths about illegal immigration which the party duopoly will not speak. Trump is not a Republican. He is sui generis, something we desperately needed. Some thing different, even if not ideal.

Of course if Trump were really serious about protecting US workers, he would be proposing mandatory prison time for all employers of illegals. But he hasn't done that, so that inspires doubt. But at least Trump is a far better traditional Democrat than the current withered crop of Democratic politicians are. So workers at least have a little bit of representation where before they had no representation at all in either party.
100418   Bd6r   2019 Jan 26, 1:59pm  

Patrick says
Of course if Trump were really serious about protecting US workers, he would be proposing mandatory prison time for all employers of illegals. But he hasn't done that, so that inspires doubt.

I'd say D's would have much harder time fighting against this proposal as it would involve weeping CEO's hauled off to prison instead of weeping minority womyn on TV. Perhaps that is why it is not suggested? Or R's are dead set against this proposal, since their sponsors would be ones going to prison?
100419   WillPowers   2019 Jan 26, 3:52pm  

Yeah, rigged in Hillary's favor, which goes to show how unliked she really was. Everyday I thank God that horrendous old cow isn't president. It's doubtful the world would have survived 4 to 8 of Hillary in office.
100420   WillPowers   2019 Jan 26, 4:01pm  

I scoff at what you said. What a joke, not even funny. We all know who the real socialist party is and it has become obvious with the radical lefts Dems like Ocasio Cortez, and you just watch CA governor wreck this state with his socialist policies. He'll have a rampant homeless population and shit all over the streets. You won't be able to walk out your door in four years. Gee, I wonder if you'll be making jokes about Republicans and socialism then.

If you were smart you would never vote for another Democrat. They're nothing but a pack of liars working against your own interests, that is if you're interested in a strong economy, strong infrastructure, and actual border security, that includes a wall.

If you're for mass immigration, flooding the state with illegals, giving them free health care and everything else including free lawyers, then Gavin Newsom is your man.
100421   Patrick   2019 Jan 26, 6:27pm  

And yet somehow Trump was elected.

That's not a fringe thing, nor a cult. It's democracy.

Trump, for all his faults, is doing quite well as president by all objective measures.

The haters need to look at themselves and understand that they are the cult now.
100422   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 26, 11:17pm  

I can't wait for Valenti and Marcotte to shriek in rage at the inevitable Jokes, wanting everybody to ignore how Kamala's rise was related to Mr. Brown's Willie. Or rather Willie's rise was related to Kamala.

Here's the new action figure:

100423   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jan 26, 11:48pm  

Hey, good catch! I'll switch my bookmarks over. Thanks
100424   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 26, 11:48pm  

The Elites say if the Borders aren't wide open, no work will get done from a labour shortage.

The Elites say if middle Class Whites have children, it'll deprive them of a half million in income, and pollute the planet.
100425   anonymous   2019 Jan 27, 2:04am  

Its Started: GOP Media / Pundit Types Use the media To Shank "The Golden Golem" Like Gangs In Prison after he caved on the wall. To be more precise he got his fat pasty white ass handed to him in his hands by a woman of all things.

Ann Coulter and other conservatives have vented their frustrations over a risky bid that eroded support for Trump......

“Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,” Coulter tweeted Friday.

Tomi Lahren, a Fox Nation host, tweeted that Trump allowed “Nancy to walk all over him,” referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “It’s President Trump, not President Pelosi. Act like it. #BuildThatWall,” she wrote.

Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who described himself as an “an animated, energetic supporter of this president,” conceded that Pelosi “has just whipped the president of the United States.” “It will be perceived as such on every television monitor and screen in the country and to deny it is to escape from reality,” he said.

On his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson left most of the opining about Trump’s shutdown deal to his guests, adding that “you know what erodes your popularity with the public? Weakness.”

The Daily Caller seemed to capture the sentiment with its headline about the deal on the homepage. “TRUMP CAVES,” its headline read in all caps. “A serious reversal.”

There was similar frustration in the headlines of the Gateway Pundit, a Trump-aligned site known for helping to spread conspiracy theories. “TRUMP CAVES!” one headline shouted. “Ends Shutdown with NO BORDER WALL — Pelosi’s SECOND BIG WIN This Week.” That article included a YouTube video from December of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) dancing.

Breitbart wrote: “Government Open……And Border. NO WALL.” “The White House finally caved to Democrats demands,” the Breitbart article said, “despite Trump’s repeated assertions this week that he would not do so.”

Like a pack of Hyenas at feeding time with the caveat that hyenas have better morals and more class
100426   Onvacation   2019 Jan 27, 8:44am  

freespeak says
Adios, Land of the Free? New Princeton study says we're an oligarchy now

Now? Where have you been for the last 50 years?
100427   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jan 27, 8:47am  

I've never seen so many defeatist Liberals enslaved by their own paranoid minds. But thinks the con men that has fucked up this country for the last 40 years, are their salvation.
Trump just got here and all of your worldly problems are Trump's fault. You people are piss poor pathetic. I would stay home and lick my anal wounds and never leave home if I were you pathetic little snot whistles.

I choose free will, and Chose Trump so we can continue to chose free will.
100428   Patrick   2019 Jan 27, 9:04am  

I thought about it, but worried that the certificate will be revoked for political reasons and so thought it best to at least leave plain http as an option.

Dependencies on centralized authorities simply to speak kind of bothers me. I wish there were a way to encrypt the site without any external dependency. Maybe via javascript somehow?
100429   ForcedTQ   2019 Jan 27, 9:32am  

Elgatouno says
“He put a lot of American federal workers through hell for nothing. This whole idea of building the wall was not something that had any validity on Capitol Hill,” said former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele. “If this was a such a priority for them, why didn’t they pass it over the last two years?”


Why post this and then immediately change your screen name from Rocketmanjoe to Elgatouno? You do realize this assbag is speaking for the establishment that wants access to illegal aliens to depress labor prices, don't you?
100430   marcus   2019 Jan 27, 9:41am  

ForcedTQ says
speaking for the establishment that wants access to illegal aliens to depress labor prices, don't you?

IT doesn't make the question any less legitimate. Perhaps implied in your response is the answer ?

Trump waited until he knew he would be able to get it, to try to make it happen ? That's why it wasn't a priority when he had congress and could have done it ?

I guess even back then, if Trump went for it there would have been congressional meeting in which they would have had to look at all the facts and data which say the wall is a waste compared to other ways we could continue the successful increase in border security that's been going on for nearly a decade. And they did allocate $1.6 billion last year for repairs and extensions to the fences. What happened is Ann Coulter.

Perhaps Steele isn't representing the establishment as much as he is pointing out what's obvious, which is how easy Trump finds manipulating his base to be.
100431   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jan 27, 9:42am  

Left has been very adamant about silencing disagreement, that’s for sure.

freespeak says
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.
100432   Patrick   2019 Jan 27, 9:43am  

One kind of DNA testing I think we really need is mandatory paternity testing at birth.

Every man should know with 100% certainty whether the kid is his or not. I think a lot of child abuse is because the father suspects he has been defrauded by a cheating woman and resents it. But if he knew for sure, he'd be more caring toward his actual kids, and absolutely refuse to support the kids of some other guy.

Unfortunately, militant feminists currently control the courts and routinely make men pay to support kids that are not their own. The guy just has to have "acted as the father" or some such bullshit. It's essentially indentured servitude, and should be ruled unconstitutional.

The NY Times reported the case of one man in 2009 who found out after three years that his daughter was not his. He continued to pay child support but when his wife later married the child’s biological father, he sued to end paternity rights. He lost the case. He loves his child but is paying for “a biologically intact family.” The biological father didn’t show up in court but his ex-wife did and contested it. She won and continued to receive support payments from the man she defrauded. ...

Many worry that the state will be forced to pick up the costs of supporting the children if men are allowed to bow out of paternity.

Last year, the Toronto Sun reported a case of a father in Canada who discovered after 16 years of marriage that three of his four children were not his and were sired by three different men. He was ordered to pay child support despite this revelation. The man knew his wife cheated but he didn’t expect the results to be what they were.

If the man acts like the father, he is the father in some states. There is a time limit on how long a man can request a change in payments.


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