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103670   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 6, 1:33pm  

100 years of the KKK committed less major crime than 1 neighborhood in 1 weekend in Chicago?

Thanks for proving the KKK doesn't exist jazz
103671   RC2006   2019 Jul 6, 1:51pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The only place to see the Blue Angels is Pensacola Beach.

Fucking guys practice with real diligence.

Thought they tour, I've seen them at Edwards afb.
103672   NDrLoR   2019 Jul 6, 2:04pm  

RC2006 says
I've seen them at Edwards afb.
They've even been to Waco!
103673   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 2:40pm  

REALITY: it's ANTIFA that doesn't exist.

The Antifa have active recruitment, and advertise openly.
103674   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 2:43pm  

That biker bar shoot out a few years ago. Ever wondered what happened to that case?

That case was thrown out, because each group were being worked by an FBI agent. Even that meeting was an FBI set up.
They infiltrated local Motor Cycle clubs and when they didn't find the White Supremacist they were looking for they goaded them into being their stooges for the optics.
103675   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 2:50pm  

Democrats aren't Americans and what they say, think and do doesn't matter nor count.

Riddle me this. What's the Deep States next stage in their evolution, after they have defeated and suppressed all political opposition to them?

You don't have to think to hard on that one. And the Answer is exactly why, what ever you guys thinks Trump is doing to fuck up your shit, doesn't stop with Trump leaving office.

Actually Trump is the nice way to reverse this disastrous course the Commies have us on. You don't want to see the Patriots resisting those Power hungry bastards.
103676   BigFrank   2019 Jul 6, 2:56pm  

TDS! Which is entirely different from the Obama Delusion Syndrome that the simps suffered from for the past decade. Because only Democrats are bad! Republicans are above reproach, and should never be scrutinized. Just bitch and whinge about Liberals/Liberty constantly because everyone knows America was always destined to be a Shithole dictated by the whims of the mindless Christian Right Wingers!
103677   BigFrank   2019 Jul 6, 2:57pm  

Military Veterans Hate Him
103678   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 6, 3:01pm  

Headline should be: 100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump has Hurt Americans Streamlined the Federal Government and Saved Taxpayer Money.

103679   HeadSet   2019 Jul 6, 7:43pm  

Out of about 2,800 such ballots, elections officials invalidated nearly 80 percent of the votes and only counted 487 of the provisional ballots cast. Ballots may be invalidated if the person is not registered to vote, did not vote at the correct polling place or was not registered as a Democrat under the state closed primary rules.

I guess the "vote harvesting" backfired.
103680   Hircus   2019 Jul 6, 8:02pm  

jazz_music says
but you can't find out how many people attended Trump's event.

haha, your pathetic fake news tried to lie. here's a cap from the video you linked, where they say "a small audience"

This is how many actually attended:

Media + google has done a good job of burying this event. It's actually semi difficult to find much video and images considering how big an event this was. I even saw some silly dem congressman try to tweet a fake pic showing a tiny crowd size, but he got roasted when people posted the above photo and showed the truth. Anyone who watched the speech video knows this crowd size is real.

btw - all the military and veterans in my life (friends, family) have said they loved it and felt so proud. Somehow, libtards seem to think it's inappropriate to honor our military on a day when our military became victorious, earning our freedom by sacrificing their lives fighting for us. And to this day, they stay ready to defend us all, including the defense of the traitorous anti-american sentimented, entitled, sniveling cowards who sow division and hatred via their insane identity politics.

I hope we make this a regular thing, honoring them every 4th.
103681   Hircus   2019 Jul 6, 8:30pm  

jazz_music says
You’ve got an ironic lament there

oohhhhhh nooooooooooo!

103682   HeadSet   2019 Jul 6, 9:54pm  

This attempt at pushing small crow size reminds me of "Baghdad Bob." You know, the Saddam propagandist who kept spouting about Iraqi victories as the Americans where devastating the Iraqi army. Baghdad Bob had those that believed him as well.
103683   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 7, 12:03pm  

Um dark skin around the eyes, gloves to cover the fact that it's a Black Lives Matter operative under that regulation size Liberal Agenda Uniform.

Nice try race Hustler, nice try.
103684   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 7, 2:02pm  

Wow! Loads of facts there Panther and no conjecture whatsoever. Well argued point of view.
103685   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 7, 2:04pm  

Citing the daily Propagandist? Again we’ll argued Panther!
103686   BayArea   2019 Jul 7, 2:59pm  

Fake news
103687   Bd6r   2019 Jul 7, 3:32pm  

jazz_music says
where 13 people were injured, some got knifed?

Not that it matters too much, but one could wish for a peaceful protest, or even better Klan rally to be completely ignored by public, press, and all other media - they want attention and if they do not get it, they will fade into obscurity, all 500 of the Klansmen currently in US. In this case, protesters gave them media exposure by fighting with them.

Fighting broke out moments after Klan members exited the vehicle. Some of the protesters could be seen kicking a man whose shirt read "Grand Dragon." At some point, a protester collapsed on the ground bleeding, crying that he had been stabbed.

A Klansman in handcuffs could be heard telling a police officer that he "stabbed him in self-defense." Several other people were also handcuffed.


Witnesses said the Klansmen used the point of a flagpole as a weapon while fighting with protesters.

Two other protesters were stabbed during the melee — one with a knife and the other with an unidentified weapon, said Sgt. Daron Wyatt of the Anaheim Police Department.

Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing near the KKK members when several protesters attacked them with two-by-fours and other weapons.
103688   Bd6r   2019 Jul 7, 3:41pm  

jazz_music says

Trump fanned fears and rode anger into power.

Let me rephrase it:
Trump fanned justifiable fears that blue-collar workers are out of jobs and luck and rode their anger into power. The other candidate thought that her $MILLION book deals mean that country is doing just fine.
103689   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 7, 3:52pm  

jazz_music says
"More than half of today's Klans formed in the last three years."
--US News

In 2015, the overall number of organized hate groups spiked from 784 the year before to 892. In 2015, the top five states with the most hate groups were Texas, California, Florida, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania
--CS Monitor

What's the membership numbers like.

If they were going from a few thousand to a million, you'd be pumping them. But they aren't.
103690   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 7, 3:55pm  

jazz_music says
People are exhibiting a real short memory for White Extremist violence incidents.

How many cops were killed in Dallas by a BLM Symp a few years ago?

How many gays were killed by the son of an Afghan refugee who claimed allegiance to ISIS/AQ?
103691   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 7, 4:03pm  

Hey, guess what?

Fuck you Donald Trump
Fuck you FIFA
Fuck you US Soccer
Fuck you, all men everywhere
Fuck you, haters
Fuck you, misogynists
Fuck you, homophobes
Fuck you, bigots everywhere.

The #USWNT are back-to-back champions.

— Bailey Sparklefists 🌈 (@BaileyGrey789) July 7, 2019

"The Decline of Empathy".

Also, no matter how much lesbians (pretty much the only women's sports watchers) complain, nobody gives a fuck about women's sports outside of their family.
103692   Hircus   2019 Jul 7, 4:10pm  

jazz_music says
porkchopexpress says
The way to transform yourself into human garbage is to care only about getting more money.

Very True.

Also true: the way to transform society into garbage is to enact socialism, annihilating the incentive to produce, innovate, and excel, bringing the standard of of living down for everyone. Yes, we will be "more equal" when it comes to 1 specific metric, but life got much worse for the vast majority, and life got better only for a tiny minority. As time goes on, even the minority will suffer.

The rate at which we grow matters. A homeless person likely enjoys a better standard of living today, than a typical working person from 300 years ago. Socialism, in the rare case that the country actually works, grows much slower than capitalism. Everyone gets lifted with our advancements. I think it's critical that govt policies focus on incentivizing people to behave in ways that are beneficial to society.

If you give everyone free shit, the rate of production and innovation will greatly fall.

We have a pretty good brand of capitalism IMO. Capitalism and free markets are our default, but in cases where it works badly for some people, we step in via govt and help people. I think we have good welfare and social programs, and they will continue to evolve and improve. I'm always eager to find ways to help people help themselves, creating systems that naturally incentivize and disincentivize things that form a better society at scale.

IMO Socialism is mostly appealing to those who react on emotion, lack key scientific skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and economics, and often use mostly short term thinking. Hugs and rainbows do not form a good substituent for economics.
103693   Hircus   2019 Jul 7, 4:13pm  

jazz_music says
Trump fanned fears and rode anger into power. All radio voices like Limbaugh and TV voices on Fox fan the same fears and hatred while ridiculing any opposition. TOTAL PROPAGANDA, LIES, DISINFORMATION ALL CONTRIVED TO MAKE AUDIENCES FEEL SMARTER WHILE ACTUALLY BECOMING DUMBER. --PROVEN FACTS HERE!

Very True.

Also true: CNN and other left wing media has been doing the same. Identity politics is a vile scourge.
103694   epitaph   2019 Jul 7, 4:50pm  

You are a goddamn fool if you think somebody is gonna care about you more than you do. Empathy isn't giving handouts, it's teaching people how to bootstrap themselves.

103695   mell   2019 Jul 7, 4:57pm  

epitaph says
You are a goddamn fool if you think somebody is gonna care about you more than you do. Empathy isn't giving handouts, it's teaching people how to bootstrap themselves.


That's right - but it's actually fairly easy to give somebody enough empathy to accept their different point of view on something. Doesn't cost you much if at all - only the triggered left can't do it.
103696   Hircus   2019 Jul 7, 4:58pm  

jazz_music says
Hircus says
CNN and other left wing media has been doing the same.

When did any of them make up shit?

The more common tactics are to "conveniently" mislead viewers (aka "oops"), or to "conveniently" leave out key details in a story that just happens to significantly change the story, allowing it to fit their narrative. Also, choosing to cover certain stories, or to skip them, is another form of dishonesty and misrepresentation of the truth. Also, another one of their favorites is to recklessly run stories frontpage, with the agenda amplification knob turned to 100 when the story is new, and facts are scarcer. Then, as the truth emerges, retractions are put on the backpage, if any. The net result is lots of people see the first story, and very few see the retraction. This is very much intentional, and works incredibly well with our current system of news aggregators which wont float low volume stories to the top, where anyone would see them.

I see it often. If you really care, you would make it a point to follow both left and right wing news out of an honest desire for the truth. It seems like you don't if you genuinely think CNN is isn't a dishonest propaganda outlet who quietly poisons the water.

It's easy enough to search https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=INCOH2&PC=IFJ1&PTAG=ICO-c9d0fc87&q=cnn%20caught%20lying

Remember the Covington scandal CNN orchestrated? That one was huge. In fact, they're being sued for it right now. You may even still think it was real.

Or, here's an arbitrary one I'm not familiar with, but the vid seems self sufficient enough:
Watch the end where they show the orig clip w/ the kid saying murderers, then rewind to the beginning and watch the blonde CNN Shill deflect and carefully and confidently choose her words to trick her viewers into thinking the accusations are false. A court might say she didn't technically lie, but she accomplished the very same thing.

Also, back in Nov or whenever the first caravan happened and it was all over the news, I watched that unfold. I watched MANY different news outlets, and it was my opinion that CNN was playing the games I described above. The would cover certain things, and skip others. Even worse, they would quote statements from interviews, leaving out the statements that revealed the truth about why the illegal immigrant child died (the father specifically said it wasnt the border patrols fault), but CNN ommitted that statement, even though they quoted other statements he made at the same time, and this allowed them to maintain the public outrage. They let that run for 1 or 2 more days before they finally ran another story which revealed that the child was NOT withheld water, food, and medical attention like they had been saying, and like the father had said. It was gross propaganda. CNN just couldn't resist - the primary elections were unfolding if I recall, so they had to vilify the evil republicans for things they didn't do.

I'm being serious here. I'm not saying that I think the left wing media lies and the right doesn't, nor am I trying to imply one lies more than the other. They both lie, a lot. I AM SAYING that if you don't realize that, you should wake up. I feel that watching just left, or just right, makes one see a very, very false reality.

edit - oh, wasnt that you who posted a vid that tried to lie about the size of trumps crowd at 4th of july, saying it was small, and showing a crowd that was misleadingly small? And, I showed you the real pic?
103697   Bd6r   2019 Jul 7, 5:01pm  

jazz_music says

Nobody runs around through life with a fact checker so they're in making you feel not only smarter but smug too while being full of outrageous lies.

Reality is that life of blue-collar workers suck. Every other candidate told them that this is their fault and they need to "learn to code", which is preposterous. Trump tapped into their anger and got elected. I do not think Trump will make their life better, but he at least pretended to care.
103698   mell   2019 Jul 7, 5:27pm  

d6rB says
jazz_music says

Nobody runs around through life with a fact checker so they're in making you feel not only smarter but smug too while being full of outrageous lies.

Reality is that life of blue-collar workers suck. Every other candidate told them that this is their fault and they need to "learn to code", which is preposterous. Trump tapped into their anger and got elected. I do not think Trump will make their life better, but he at least pretended to care.

Agreed and Trump did make their life better, the economic data doesn't lie. Having a job and self worth or not can mean everything for a displaced cis white straight fucking male who just wants to care for his family and who has been hated on by the leftoids on a daily basis. Trump is a breath of fresh air.
103699   Bd6r   2019 Jul 7, 5:30pm  

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000. This is an utterly insignificant number and there will always be a few marginal lunatic idiots, courtesy of way how human brain works. I am not sure how we would be able to bring their number to 0, which obviously would be preferable.

SPLC was recently outed as not being exactly trustworthy, I will take Anti-defamation number.
103700   mell   2019 Jul 7, 5:52pm  

Don't blow a fuse, it's just logical. Occam's razor says there's a 99.999999% chance that Trump bettered their lives economically, and a less than 0.000001% chance that Trump voters suddenly became overnight white supremacists and are voting in hope for the next Hitler and concentration camps. That would be an exceptional case of mass hysteria. Also there are more and more hispanics and blacks voting for Trump, without their vote he could not have won in 2016. How do you explain that? More mass hysteria, they want to deport themselves into concentration camps by voting for ZOMG! literally Hitler? Come on, you possibly can't believe that.
103701   mell   2019 Jul 7, 5:54pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The 13th Amendment was illegally imposed.

Therefore the KKK is merely standing up for property rights of the disenfranchised plantation owners who were denied the fruits of their assets' labor, exactly as the Founding Fathers commanded.

It's crap but amendments can't be thrown away, can they? Only deactivated by new amendments or so. Nobody advocates for the 13th amendment. Not on patnet and not everywhere else, except for a few kkklansmen maybe.
103702   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2019 Jul 7, 9:17pm  

This is the bestest idea all year!

Over the holiday I was at my uncles house discussing my dad buying a sofa bed. Never typed anything in. About 30mins in I realized that bitch was listening to me so I told her to go to sleep. I've been getting sofa bed adds for the past 3 days.

Somebody needs to kill it.
103703   BayArea   2019 Jul 7, 9:48pm  

It’s just creepy isn’t it?

On many occasions I’ll be discussing a topic, and over the next few days get bombarded with ads for that topic.
103704   WookieMan   2019 Jul 8, 6:04am  

jazz_music says
Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.

320+ million people. 320+ million people. 320+ million people. Fucking 3,000 of them are a concern? You'd literally have an easier time finding a legit needle in a haystack versus a public encounter with a KKK member. Explain why this is a problem? And then why this isn't a problem in your world? https://heyjackass.com

3,000 poor white trash people "talking" about "niggers" and you've got a city where they just shoot each other all the time? I'm sure the klan is to blame for this problem, right? Your priorities and faux outrage are so misdirected it's not even funny anymore. You are the symptom to a societal problem with the fact you've even posted anything about the kkk. Make them relevant. You just posted a screen shot of a graphic for kkk annual flier distribution for what? What's the end goal? Flier distribution?
103705   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 8, 6:49am  

WookieMan says
3,000 poor white trash people "talking" about "niggers"

More people ate tide pods. There are 5 times as many members of the church of Satan. There are more members in that NXIVM sex trafficking club than KKK members.

KKK is as irrelevant as a group could be.

Yet, during the 2016 election cycle the KKK got more press per member than the Golden State Warriors.

Propaganda much?
103706   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 8, 7:01am  

Still going to need that KKK landing page and sign up sheet. What you saying that the KKK is now a secret society of Bat Man Billionaires and don't need active fund raising and new membership drive?
103707   HeadSet   2019 Jul 8, 7:06am  

BayArea says
It’s just creepy isn’t it?

On many occasions I’ll be discussing a topic, and over the next few days get bombarded with ads for that topic.

What did you expect? After all, you hooked up an ear that is on the Internet 24/7. May want to think twice about hooking up cameras to protect from burglars.
103708   Shaman   2019 Jul 8, 7:27am  

I have no idea why anyone would voluntarily put an Alexa in their home. Might as well install a spy cam in your bedroom with a hard link to the internet.
103709   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 8, 8:26am  

Jazz really why are you spreading misinformation? Do you honestly believe that in 2020 the KKK are a REAL Threat?

A fucking Senator can't even eat in peace in a fucking public Restaurant without being harassed and chased off. And the Police will just sit there and watch and not do a damn thing about it. NOW If there really were KKK(Of course there are KKK, but I mean if they were Trump supporters like you are fantasizing about) wouldn't the Soros ANTIFA Army harangue them and make their life difficult? I mean if your chart there has actual counts of groups, then they must know where they are. Why hasn't Open Borders Society sent the Antifa there to fuck their shit up. Why hasn't a zealot Liberal Congress critter called them to Congress to testify? There are so many fucking what IF's I could do this for hours.

One thing for sure, the Antifa are hell bent on suppressing Trump supporters and give three shits about the KKK real, invented or otherwise? Where is the KKK Doxing, and violent threats against them?

Either give a real honest answer to these questions, or I'm going to have to write you off to the realm of HeyYou, and not take one thing you say seriously.

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