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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   175,569 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104829   WookieMan   2019 Sep 11, 10:08am  

Tim Aurora says
HeadSet says
And Obama is doing all of this, not because he loves Biden's sense of leadership. Obama is slated to be his running mate.

Obama as Biden's running mate? Is this like Putin-Medvedev taking turns?

Total Bullshit but we digress from the topic. If you want to talk the ticket start a new thread and we can discuss that there.

Tim, it's a forum. Conversation ebbs and flows. A point was brought up that Obama let people go and/or they resigned. Trump has had people fired and/or resigned. What is the difference? For some reason, because it's Trump, it's a problem.

Here's the deal. I don't know you. But presumably you can run for office and hire and fire whoever you want. My suggestion is to stop complaining and you can just fix what you deem is a problem, Trump. Run for president. Whether it's left or right leaning people, bitching on Patnet ain't solving a thing in your world. You seem to have the solutions to all that is wrong with the country, go ahead and step up and fix it then.
104830   Patrick   2019 Sep 11, 10:13am  

I do find it disturbing that the Federal Reserve is not federal, and has no reserves.

It's a cabal of big banks dedicated to the proposition that no bank in the cabal should be allowed to fail no matter how irresponsibly they lend.
104831   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 11, 10:21am  

There's a good book on this for kids called "Creature from Jekyll Island".


Explains to kids really well how government controls value of currency.
104832   komputodo   2019 Sep 11, 11:19am  

Tim Aurora says
he sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. 1. He does not get along with smart people
2. He does not know whom to hire
3. He is totally stupid and people just tire of him

Definitely impeachable offenses!.
104833   komputodo   2019 Sep 11, 11:44am  

Tim Aurora says
My goal is to get a Democrat elected and I will work on that including voice my opinion here.

Why does it need to be a democrat? I think most americans would like a great leader, irregardless of the political party.
104834   clambo   2019 Sep 11, 2:27pm  

My "pension" is my own dough invested in stock mutual funds in an IRA, Roth IRA, SEP-IRA, Variable Annuity and taxable accounts.

If you aren't investing in stocks while interest rates are low, maybe you are missing out on having a secure retirement.
104835   Bd6r   2019 Sep 11, 2:42pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Freddie would be turned back into private companies but would be required to pay taxpayers a fee for government protection. It would also open the market up to competitors for the first time.

Excellent and extremely logical.

Lets now wait and see how Media will turn this into ORANGEMANBAD. Any guesses from patnetters?
I propose Talking Point #1 will be TRUMP IS RAYCIST.
104836   Shaman   2019 Sep 11, 2:48pm  

Overt insanity has consequences
104837   mell   2019 Sep 11, 2:56pm  

clambo says
What do the Trump haters think of Biden's wish to double the Federal Capital Gains tax to 40%?

How is that going to affect your future financial well being?

I of course didn't mention that California also has its own Capital Gains Tax.

If you hate Trump you hate yourself if you have any money.

Cap gains is already double-taxation for most ordinary investors. Increasing it to 40% is insane. Fuck Biden. Here's an alternative proprosal. Abolish cap gains up to 500K, 10% 500k-1MM, 20% 1MM, 30% 2MM, 40% 5MM+.
104838   Hircus   2019 Sep 11, 3:02pm  

I'm guessing he picked up some of the independents who realized the conclusion of the Mueller hoax was the moment they need to wake up and accept that there really is an industry of journalistic dishonesty aligned against him.
104839   Hircus   2019 Sep 11, 3:17pm  

clambo says
What do the Trump haters think of Biden's wish to double the Federal Capital Gains tax to 40%?

I wonder if he really means this. IMO it would markedly reduce capital investment, hurting growth ... I would imagine noticeably.

Maybe it's his campaign strategy of making people think he's woke and has some "fuck the rich" gusto in him, but he doesn't plan to really do it.

Still, I don't trust that shit.
104840   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 11, 3:23pm  

We need a Federal "Rocket Bankruptcy" procedure for failing banks, that slices and dices the assets to performing companies faster than Benihana's.

No bailouts, investors suck a dick, performing loans go to performing companies. The only way companies, in the long term, are going to do right is if the investors are freaked out over losing bigly. Not if they are assured sucker taxpayer to the rescue.
104841   Hircus   2019 Sep 11, 3:30pm  

6rdB says
Lets now wait and see how Media will turn this into ORANGEMANBAD. Any guesses from patnetters?
I propose Talking Point #1 will be TRUMP IS RAYCIST.

I think by turning it over towards private industry and letting market forces be more dominant, it may naturally gravitate in a direction that makes it harder for poor people to get loans / favorable terms in some cases. This might happen if it becomes less political and more objectively based.

The coincidence that poor people are more likely to be black / brown, will be invoked as usual. It may even end up overall better for poor people, but that doesn't matter - they will just zoom in and focus on some specific aspect supportive of their narrative.

Trump made change > change hurts poor > poor mostly black > raycist change
104842   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 11, 8:49pm  

OccasionalCortex says
FortWayneIndiana says
Explains to kids really well how government controls value of currency.

There is a video documentary with the same name.

Ha! I wonder if it's done by same people. This is by libertas group. They are libertarian.
104843   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 12, 12:20pm  

Recommends? Who in the hell prosecutes?
104844   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 12, 12:22pm  

104845   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 12, 1:25pm  

Word is McCabe appealed to the DOJ not to charge him, but deputy DA Rosen rejected his request.

Also, the 302 - a mandatory document after an interview - with Strzok's interview with Flynn, is missing from the FBI Database. "Missing".

The Insurance Company is trying to barter with Trump to not go after Flynn if they leave McCabe alone. Thing is, Flynn is already going to get off because the Insurance Company violated Brady and exculpatory evidence, there are witnesses for Flynn, so it's already not going to happen.
104846   Onvacation   2019 Sep 12, 1:54pm  

Tim Aurora says

1. He does not get along with smart people
2. He does not know whom to hire
3. He is totally stupid and people just tire of him

4. He's your president until 2024
104847   mell   2019 Sep 12, 2:31pm  

Because the leftoids and dems have completely abandoned God and their judeo-Christian tradition every crime committed by clergy is now by default The GOPs and Trump's fault? lol
104848   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 12, 2:42pm  

Trump is very wise to hold up the "4 Women of the Democratic Apocalypse" as representative of the direction of the Democratic Party as a whole.

I'm surprised the party hasn't been able to stop those 4 and stop the insanity that is the Democratic primaries, where each contestant tries to out-crazy the others to get attention. Looking forward to round 3 of the debates 3-ring-circus tonight!
104849   Bd6r   2019 Sep 12, 2:44pm  

Can not say for sure if they are tRUMP voters and GOP icons. However, they did rip people off exactly as OLD! TESTAMENT! commands.

All 12 defendants, including the former pastor Victor Gonzalez, were arrested Tuesday in El Centro, San Diego and Brownsville, Texas. They face charges of conspiracy, forced labor, document servitude and benefits fraud.

Officials identified them as:

• Arnoldo Bugarin, 47, of El Centro
• Jose Gaytan, 47, of El Centro
• Sonia Murillo, 51, of El Centro
• Sergio Partida, 32, El Centro
• Ana Karen Robles-Ortiz, aka Karen Partida, 29, of El Centro
• Azucena Torres, aka Susana Bugarin, 43, of El Centro
• Jose “Chito” Morales, 47, of San Diego
• Jose “Joe” Anthony Diaz, 39, of Brownsville
• Jose Demara Flores, aka Joe Flores, 52, of Brownsville
• Mercedes Gonzales, aka Mercy Diaz, 37, of Brownsville
• Victor Gonzalez, 40, of Brownsville
• Susan Christine Leyva, 39, of Brownsville

104850   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 12, 2:44pm  

jazz_music says
It's sure not because of dishonesty

Nope. It's because the Democrats have bad ideas. Not every USA citizen (and hopefully not even half of them) want's to give their current and future prosperity away.
104851   Onvacation   2019 Sep 12, 2:47pm  

But Tulsi!
104852   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 12, 2:47pm  

The plastic is delicious! 😋
104853   mell   2019 Sep 12, 3:10pm  

They sound mostly Mexican / Hispanic to me. Who let the dogs in?

6rdB says
Can not say for sure if they are tRUMP voters and GOP icons. However, they did rip people off exactly as OLD! TESTAMENT! commands.

All 12 defendants, including the former pastor Victor Gonzalez, were arrested Tuesday in El Centro, San Diego and Brownsville, Texas. They face charges of conspiracy, forced labor, document servitude and benefits fraud.

Officials identified them as:

• Arnoldo Bugarin, 47, of El Centro
• Jose Gaytan, 47, of El Centro
• Sonia Murillo, 51, of El Centro
• Sergio Partida, 32, El Centro
• Ana Karen Robles-Ortiz, aka Karen Partida, 29, of El Centro
• Azucena Torres, aka Susana Bugarin, 43, of El Centro
• Jose “Chito” Morales, 47, of San Diego
• Jose “Joe” Anthony Diaz, 39, of Brownsville
• Jose Demara Flores, aka Joe Flores, 52, of Brownsville
• Mercedes Gonzales, aka Mercy Diaz, 37, of Brownsville
• Victor Gonzalez, 40, of Brownsville
• Susan Christine Leyva, 39, of Brownsville

104854   Bd6r   2019 Sep 12, 3:18pm  

mell says
They sound mostly Mexican / Hispanic to me. Who let the dogs in?

They are 100% Hispanic. Having said that, Brownsville has been Hispanic since before forever.
104855   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 12, 3:45pm  

WookieMan says
I frankly consider it a handout to the middle class (and yes big corps too) which I can't stand. I'm biased living in IL. I actually have low property taxes somehow, but high income tax. Getting capped at $10K itemizing SALT hurt my tax situation this year 100%. I paid more than previous years. The tax cuts are being funded by limousine liberals for the most part if you truly look at it and think about it.

My income was right in that "sweet" spot where I lost SALT deductions due to AMT before the Trump plan. Under the Trump tax cuts, with much less aggressive AMT schedule, I actually saved money. That's right, a standard deduction of $12k was better deal than $60k of SALT deductions but more aggressive AMT. I actually plugged my 2018 numbers into TurboTax 2017 and saw that those same numbers produced higher taxes in 2017 than in 2018.
104856   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 12, 3:53pm  

socal2 says
You have to consider that we had Hillary and the lapdog Media calling Trump a Russia asset within days of winning the election - so why would Republicans and Never-Trumpers want to be tied to an administration that they thought would be impeached within the first few months?

Even the total hacks at Politifact admit that it is "half true" that Democrats have done a bang-up job slow walking and blocking many of Trump's appointments.

Who wants to sit through Senate hearing with total morons like Kamala Harris and Corey Booker calling you a racist rapist like they did with Kavanaugh?

And, followers of Mad Max physically harassing you "wherever you go."
104857   ForcedTQ   2019 Sep 12, 3:57pm  

How many of the mother fuckers are illegals or were born here to illegal parents?
104858   Ceffer   2019 Sep 12, 4:28pm  

Oh, goody gumdrops! Maybe Barr will have another 'quashing party'. Let's hear the creative lingo on this one. With Barr as AG, it's a wonder anybody even bothers to hire defense attorneys any more, unless the 'perps' threaten to come down on the wrong side of the deep state, or are patsies to give the real culprits a rolling cover.
104859   Ceffer   2019 Sep 12, 4:31pm  

This is ground breaking revolt against the Thirteenth Amendment! When do they get the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Peace Prize?
104860   clambo   2019 Sep 12, 8:28pm  

This may be fun to watch.

Tick, tock.

There may be some more dominoes to fall after 2020.
104861   mell   2019 Sep 12, 9:35pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
All libbies are church burning stalinist atheists who hate jesus and would go to golgotha with ladders to piss on his face.

A majority of the modern left, yes. Absolutely they would.
104862   rdm   2019 Sep 13, 10:06am  

clambo says
This may be fun to watch.

Why the hell haven't they brought formal charges? They have a grand jury and as they say grand jury's will indict a ham sandwich...
104863   Bd6r   2019 Sep 13, 11:27am  

OccasionalCortex says
Can't wait for McCabe to screw over Comey/Shrillary in order to cut a plea. It will be glorious!

Yes, McCabe will hang himself in toilet paper string afterwards, just like Epstein did. You heard this on patnet first
104864   Ceffer   2019 Sep 13, 1:50pm  

Living in the Great Socialist Paradise is like winning the lottery EVERY DAY!
104865   Hircus   2019 Sep 13, 2:51pm  

I'm not doubting this operation broke laws and did bad things, but the CNN article sounds like it's exaggerating and leaving out pertinent details, like the fact that these people were addicts. Leaving out key details is CNN's favorite way of lying and embellishing a story to make it more outrageous.

Maybe this article gives a better image of what the situation was: https://www.kqed.org/news/11773897/imperial-valley-ministries-had-a-growing-empire-before-forced-labor-charges

To me, it sounds like they were strict and controlling not because it was some "forced slave labor camp", but because they were dealing with junkies. No wonder they locked doors via deadbolts at night, took away their EBT cards so they couldn't trade them for drugs, and took away some of their documents so they would have some leverage over them to help keep them from running off and doing something regretful. Maybe they even agreed to this stuff upfront? Asking people to panhandle and turn the money over to the church sounds like payment for the services received.

"We certainly encountered a lot of people who were very appreciative of going cold turkey and getting off of drugs," Christopher Tenorio, an assistant U.S. attorney based in San Diego, said Wednesday.

Sounds like they had at least some happy customers. But, the CNN article wouldn't dare share a detail like that.

leftist CNN's very first sentence:

A dozen leaders of a California-based ministry have been indicted by a federal grand jury, accused of forced labor of mostly homeless people

intended propaganda: Church is bad. They enslaved poor homeless people.

Fake ass news.
104866   Bd6r   2019 Sep 13, 3:27pm  

I'm starting to think that his simply was a healthy Hispanic approach to dealing with junkies. Hispanics have preserved lots of common sense...they used method which, while somewhat crude, was effective. Takes $$$ away from police, pharma, prisons...so can not be tolerated.
104867   Hircus   2019 Sep 13, 3:27pm  

Ah. I forget myself sometimes.

For MSM, impartial, unbiased fact reporting = bad. The more propaganda the better.
104868   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 3:35pm  

Salon Media says they have reached an 11th hour deal to sell the company and its flagship property Salon.com for $5 million. In an SEC filing, Salon also revealed its position was dire and that it would face imminent “bankruptcy and liquidation” if the deal should fall through.

“We have agreed to sell substantially all of our assets (the “Asset Sale”), including all pertinent intellectual property rights comprising the Company’s business of owning, operating and publishing the website known as Salon.com,” the filing read.

The company buying Salon was named only as Salon.com LLC and appeared to be getting an even better deal than the top line figures first suggest. To complete the sale, the buyer need only pay $550,000 at closing, with an additional $100,000 left in an escrow account. The filing also showed that a deposit of $500,000 had already been paid.


Think about the fact that Salon, which is lecturing people about Coddling Minds, sold for only $550,000 down, less than half the average cost of a San Francisco Home.

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