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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104930   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 17, 4:09pm  

Trump broke the system.
Before 2016, those that were not polling in double digits bailed out. Trump's primary rivals, were all financed to stay in the race regardless how low they polled. Just to keep pressure up and siphon off votes from the candidate that doesn't have the Establishment's blessing Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and the Spoon Bender chick are those candidates that the Establishment don't want in the race. So they are keeping those candidates financed and in the race to keep their numbers in single digits and to make sure Bernie doesn't think it's a two way race.
104931   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 17, 4:17pm  

Automan Empire says
Article is full of shit and contains a correction at the end.

Also National Review website was hogging computer resources when I came back to the computer. 6gb memory and 27% of 4 processor cores to run all the spam ads.

They're mining BTCs.
104932   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 17, 4:18pm  

OccasionalCortex says
HeadSet says
You take a "suburban" voting district, redraw to include small but highly populated section of a city. Then when the city voters outnumber the County voters, claim the Dems won a "suburban" district.

But don't they call that 'gerrymandering' and isn't ONLY the EVIL GOP that does it?

But it's for The Greater Good!
104933   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 17, 5:13pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The whole idea is to be beamed aboard and then OPEN FIRE! on alien freak asses.

If they make it to CA, they'll get driver licenses, free healthcare and welfare. Mandatory diversity training will be then added to schools to ensure new man eating monsters feel welcomed and not discriminated at all.
104934   Ceffer   2019 Sep 17, 5:31pm  

Well, gee, if the Navy says so. We had to wait with bated breath until they approved.
104935   Hircus   2019 Sep 17, 5:33pm  

I remember when these came out a few years ago, there was other info that said something about multiple different pilots of commercial airplanes who were near that area had made reports of seeing stuff that was similar in description on the same day.

Maybe the ruskies have EM drive and are teasing us? :D
104936   marcus   2019 Sep 17, 6:48pm  


We've known how to deal with this kind of thing since the 80s. Don't worry about it.

Daddy Ron taught the boomers that everything is going to be okay.

104937   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 17, 8:00pm  


The Civil Liberty Cut and Paste Spammer is back.
104938   SoTex   2019 Sep 17, 9:39pm  

Yeah, seems like a spammer. Hey corn pop your new picture looks like an avacado vag haha...
104939   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 17, 10:02pm  

good, shoot him in the face.
104940   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 18, 8:52am  

Why do you hate diversity?
104941   RC2006   2019 Sep 18, 9:15am  

Iranian_Oil_Burse says
Why do you hate diversity?

Why does diversity hate me?
104942   Ceffer   2019 Sep 18, 1:29pm  

It's bad enough being ruled by Morons. We now have to tolerate Asymmetric Morons.
104943   Ceffer   2019 Sep 18, 1:30pm  

"And I expect a personal blowjob from each and every one of them!"
104944   HeadSet   2019 Sep 18, 1:56pm  

“A tax break for child care for 720 million women would put them back in the work force”

He must be thinking of all the illegals he wants to let stream in.
104945   Shaman   2019 Sep 18, 3:36pm  

Most of the Union guys i know are Trump supporters or at least Trump voters. It’s just in our best interests to support the guy that wants to make great jobs plentiful, claw back outsourcing from overseas and Mexico, and has no intent or history of union busting. We don’t need new pro-union powers. We just need the jobs to stay here, and retain the powers of group contract negotiations we already enjoy.
It’s funny when my union posts on Facebook some pro-D or anti-Trump article or statement. Nearly all the replies are guys who are pissed odd at the sentiment and giving reasons to support the President. There’s a YUUUGE political disjointment between the union leaders and the members.
Democrats left American workers behind... and we noticed.
104946   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 18, 4:15pm  

HeadSet says
“A tax break for child care for 720 million women would put them back in the work force”

He must be thinking of all the illegals he wants to let stream in.

Well, China and India are definitely capable of providing the requested numbers. And then some.
104947   ForcedTQ   2019 Sep 18, 4:42pm  

These ignorant fucktards don't understand the constitution of the United States of America, AT ALL!

If they were truly intelligent, they would fight the Federal government over the existence of the Federal EPA. IT is not constitutional. IT has no basis in existing due to what the charge and duties of the Federal government was given through the constitution BY THE STATES, BY THE PEOPLE! Amendment 10 clearly states things not charged of the Federal government to control, ARE LEFT TO THE STATES!

You want an EPA??? As a private resident body? You charge your state government to create it and you should CONTROL IT! Don't let the whore federal government create something that is not valid!

The people of the states should be allowed to control their state EPAs so that they can control their administrative law, policies, and procedures such that their control doesn't become overly burdensome and benefits of existence menial AS THEY CURRENTLY HAVE BECOME!
104948   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 18, 6:29pm  

I literally deleted that fucking channel from my tv. Those people are mentally insane in every way.
104949   Dholliday126   2019 Sep 19, 8:43am  

Wasn't it Obama who inked that deal?
104950   rdm   2019 Sep 19, 9:32am  

OccasionalCortex says
WHY do union members keep voting in these mob-buddy commie Democrats

Because Republican politicians in general despise unions and and support corporations over workers and unions. Republicans have made as many states as they can "right to work states" and try to weaken unions every chance they get. That union members do often vote republican shows their general level of misplaced (from an economic point of view) anger in voting against their own economic interests because of a conservative social agenda which many in the trades believe in.
104951   Booger   2019 Sep 19, 3:21pm  

The quality has been just as bad for decades.
104952   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 19, 6:44pm  

I would love them to try.

The most outrageous part of the whole hearing was. The Democrats knew there was no crime commited.
Trump was not charged with a crime, there was no criminal investigation, and the AG works at his pleasure.
The Mueller Report was the accumulation of Bluffs and inuendoes that fell flat.
So the Commitie wanted Lewandowski to Say he did not deliver the note because he didn't think it was right, for any reason. And by him admitting that, he would be admitting guilt, Guilt to a crime that did not exist mind you.

There's a million reasons he didn't deliver the message. What if Sessions got wind of the firing and called up Trump and chummed him into believing not to worry the special council is just a formality, and it's best to leave Sessions than to remove him and stir up a bigger mess.Trump could have contacted him and told him not do it for many reasons. And Lewandowski could have not wanted to deliver that message to Sessions out of not wanting to get in the middle of their spat. Not in the middle of a legality of it, but the conflict between the two.

Humpty Dumpty and all the King's men couldn't get Lewandowski to say... "I didn't deliver it because I thought it was wrong."
Even if he did say that, that doesn't invoke an unwritten law. Law is the Law, it does not care if you knew you breaking it or not. Just as Ignorance is no excuse for the Law.
Trump could have fired Sessions, we all know it. If it were a crime to do so, then Trump would have been recommend for prosecution by Mueller.

Trump did put in the order, he did have some one write down the message. He did send some one to deliver it. If there was no intervention by Trump to not deliver it because he got cold feet. Then as far as the deed goes, he instructed someone to fire Jeff. That would be a crime itself if doing so were illegal.
He showed full intent to do so. They want Lewandowski to say he got cold feet because it was wrong.

104953   Booger   2019 Sep 20, 5:50am  

They are stopping manufacturing because no one is buying them. You can get a comparable AR style rifle from a ton of other manufacturers for 1/2 their price now.
104954   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 20, 12:00pm  

Booger says
They are stopping manufacturing because no one is buying them. You can get a comparable AR style rifle from a ton of other manufacturers for 1/2 their price now.

But it's not a Colt! ;-)

Colt was never good at it.
When someone says Colt, you think gun, not rifle.
Kind of like when someone says Lemon, you think GM, not an actual lemon
104955   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 20, 1:10pm  

We're still paying for Katrina.
104956   NDrLoR   2019 Sep 20, 1:31pm  

"Texas Is Drowning Under One of the Wettest Storms in US History"
Houston is--what else would anyone expect?
104957   Bd6r   2019 Sep 20, 2:55pm  

P N Dr Lo R says
Houston is--what else would anyone expect?

Winnie, Beaumont, and redneck-land north of Houston are drowning.
104958   Patrick   2019 Sep 20, 9:19pm  

Had not heard of the 48 Hour Trump Rule:

Any News report by the MSM concerning Donald Trump should be considered false on its face and ignored for at least 48 hours unless said report contains:
Actual video or audio confirming said report
At least two on the record sources willing to confirm it
Work from this rule and you’ll be fine. Of course we’ve reached the point where most of the people reading this rule likely have already applied it.

104959   rdm   2019 Sep 20, 10:17pm  

Maybe the "whistleblower" complaint should be sent to congress, rather than spin and bull shit? Perhaps there is some reason Trump doesn't want congress to see the complaint? That's why they call it whistle blowing. If its a bogus claim so be it. Maybe just follow the law, which requires that the complaint shall be sent to congress ( Intelligence committees) after review by the IG ( a Trump appointee), who has said it was credible and urgent. That is fact. Is it too much to expect the law be followed? Or is Trump above the law? His lawyers now claim that not only can he not be indicted he cant even be investigated. In other words he is currently above the law. And how in the hell have Trump and others in the administration seen this complaint? That is another deviation of the law and puts this and all whistle blowers at future risk and makes a mockery of the statute. But lets ignore the facts and talk about Biden and the 48 hour rule.
104960   Ceffer   2019 Sep 20, 10:33pm  

Didn't the Mueller Report extend the 48 hours to two years?
104961   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 20, 11:18pm  

rdm says
Maybe the "whistleblower" complaint should be sent to congress, rather than spin and bull shit? Perhaps there is some reason Trump doesn't want congress to see the complaint? That's why they call it whistle blowing. If its a bogus claim so be it. Maybe just follow the law, which requires that the complaint shall be sent to congress ( Intelligence committees) after review by the IG ( a Trump appointee), who has said it was credible and urgent. That is fact. Is it too much to expect the law be followed? Or is Trump above the law? His lawyers now claim that not only can he not be indicted he cant even be investigated. In other words he is currently above the law. And how in the hell have Trump and others in the administration seen this complaint? That is another deviation of the law and puts this and all whistle blowers at future risk and makes a mockery of the statute. But lets ignore the facts and talk about Biden and the 48 hour rule.

This is so great. It's another Trump set up.

It's how he's going to get the media to finally talk about Hunter Biden's shenanigans.

You might be mad that the President was demanding Ukraine explain why they fired the prosecutor looking into Hunter Biden's malefeasence, but you're not mad the then Vice President of the United States called the Ukrainian Prime Minister and DEMANDED! that they stop investigating his son and fire the Prosecutor.


Also, McCabe is going to be indicted. Not only did his attorney put out a list of character witnesses, then a few hours later remove everybody of substance like Comey off of it, but because now Politico is poisoning the well with a piece like this:

104962   rdm   2019 Sep 21, 7:51am  

But speaking of malfeasance that is not theoretical and unproven, is it too much to ask that the Trump administration comply with the whistleblower law as it was written?
104963   Y   2019 Sep 21, 9:02am  

This is comical coming from a liberal...
rdm says
Is it too much to expect the law be followed?
104964   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 21, 9:28am  

rdm says
Perhaps there is some reason Trump doesn't want congress to see the complaint? That's why they call it whistle blowing. If its a bogus claim so be it.

Your last statement said the full truth about how you really feel. You know it's bullshit, but "Hey! Keep up the pressure, the Fuckhead Democrats have got NOTHING!"

The President can say anything he damn well pleases to a foreign leader. "Investigate the last Scumbags, that the Scumbags in our Congress refuses to investigate." Is perfectly acceptable, as Biden's crimes did fall within Ukraine's jurisdiction. Unlike the Steel Dossier that Obama and Clinton had worked up from foreign intelligence to meddle with domestic issues locally.

Surely you see the difference here, and know right from wrong, less you admit you're a blithering Idiot and deserve no serious debate for your senseless comments.

I just wish for once Democrats will admit, the shit they are pulling, they hope it doesn't set precedence and doesn't come around and bite them in the Ass. Because it is, and it will.

Just admit they hate Trump so much they would burn down a house to get rid of a rat. They just hate Trump and don't care about laws, or legality. They know they are wrong and breaking laws, but they hate Trump. So they don't care.

I would respect the first Democrat as an equal that would at least admit that. Rather than selling their Fantasy Bullshit as facts.
104965   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 21, 10:46am  

rdm says
But speaking of malfeasance that is not theoretical and unproven, is it too much to ask that the Trump administration comply with the whistleblower law as it was written?

Somebody hearing something 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand dealing with a matter that is outside your job description is not being a Whistleblower; it's being a gossip.

It certainly does not trigger the handover of transcripts of conversations with a foreign power by the President, whose Foreign Policy powers are largely unrestricted as the SCOTUS has made clear repeatedly.
104966   HeadSet   2019 Sep 21, 10:57am  

CornPoptheOriginalGangster says
rdm says
But speaking of malfeasance that is not theoretical and unproven, is it too much to ask that the Trump administration comply with the whistleblower law as it was written?

Somebody hearing something 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand dealing with a matter that is outside your job description is not being a Whistleblower; it's being a gossip.

It certainly does not trigger the handover of transcripts of conversations with a foreign power by the President, whose Foreign Policy powers are largely unrestricted as the SCOTUS has made clear repeatedly.

This whole affair shows that the deep state is still spying on the President, just like during the campaign.
104967   Onvacation   2019 Sep 22, 7:03am  

rdm says
But lets ignore the facts and talk about Biden and the 48 hour rule.

So what impeachable offence has the president committed?
104968   Onvacation   2019 Sep 22, 7:04am  

rdm says
But lets ignore the facts and talk about Biden and the 48 hour rule.

So what impeachable offence has the president committed?
104969   Onvacation   2019 Sep 22, 7:04am  

rdm says
But lets ignore the facts and talk about Biden and the 48 hour rule.

So what impeachable offence has the president committed?

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