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105321   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 1, 7:12pm  

Quigley says
rdm says
Yep, Trump is nutts I've said that before. Even had a few of his cult agree. Is that really in question?
Now you can like his crazy, hate it or something in between. But he is one crazy MF.

He may be crazy or he may be brilliant. The two are frequently confused. Best way to tell the difference is by examining the results.

105322   Hircus   2019 Oct 1, 7:35pm  

jazz_music says
This whole Biden investigation was debunked years ago and that’s why the media is not focusing on it at all.

It’s Trump, only Trump is trying to make this thing into a reality. Trump needs it.

Notice there’s not very much interest in any of the news on any scandal about either of the Bidens, that’s why.

105323   richwicks   2019 Oct 1, 7:36pm  

rdm says
So what was Trump's motivation in his conversation with Zelensky? Do you seriously believe Trump is concerned about corruption in the Ukraine?

I think he's concerned with corruption in the United States, not Ukraine. Ukraine was just a victim.

Don't you realize yet that Ukraine didn't have a revolution, they had a coup? A US led coup. Do you really think that Hunter Biden ended up on the board of Burisma because he actually was qualified for the job? He's a cokehead that was kicked out of the Navy, and he's got basically nothing on his resume. Somehow, he ended up making $50,000 a month by being on a the board of directors for a Ukrainian company. I doubt Biden even knows Ukrainin, hell, I doubt he even knows the Cyrillic alphabet, yet he's on the BOD of a Ukrainian company...

Sure, nothing suspicious about that... No, Biden wasn't selling his office or anything..

Believe it or not, lots of people are fed up with this rampant, blatantly obvious corruption. It's been going on for decades. Michael Chertoff is the reason you get irradiated at an airport when you have to fly the friendly skies.. Gee, I wonder how he got THAT contract? Halliburton got most of the contracts for Iraq. We're fed up with this bullshit, and if it starts with Biden, I don't care.

Let me explain to you what happened. Ukraine was overthrown because Viktor Yanukovych wouldn't join the EU, also there was the Nordstream (Russian pipeline) going through Ukraine into the EU. Well, that competed against Genie Energy who signed a deal with Israel in 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights, which is Syrian land controlled by Israel. On the "strategic board of directors" of Genie is Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey, and Jacob Rothschild. So, overthrow Ukraine (that was in 2014). Also overthrow Syria (started at the end of 2013) - you think Assad was so mind numbingly stupid he was using chemical weapons to kill civilians? Why would he use the ONE WEAPON that gave Obama carte blanche to bomb Syria when he's got an army and airforce under his command? Gee I guess Assad is the stupidest MEDICAL DOCTOR ever, and so were all his advisors... Anyhow, Biden took his little bit by putting his useless crackhead son on the BOD of foreign company for which he was ENTIRELY unqualified for, using his position as VP to help Burisma in exchange for $$,$$$ a month. Obama got $60 million dollars in an "advance book deal" for a book literally nobody read, and I'm not even certain was written.

The entire goddamned system is crooked as hell, and I'm sick and tired of dopes like you know realizing it.

Engh, shrug. Whatever, people are willingly ignorant at this point. It's not like you don't have access to information at this point. Tired of ignorance though.
105324   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 1, 7:39pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
If Trump was playing 5 dim chess, and this is all a trap for dems, wouldn't he now play it cool - instead of the complete hysteria - as they totally fell for it?

Nope, he'd tweet storm twice as hard to make them think he's gone insane.

We're living in an alternate reality where the consumers of mass media actually believe the Transcript is fake, but dismiss the now FOUR (4) points of evidence that Biden was involved with Bursima and protecting his Son's $.5M/year payola.

Edit: Updated

1. Photo of Joe, Hunter, and Devon Archer (Bursima Board Member) Golfing in the Hamptons, 2014
2. Sworn Affidavit of Prosecutor Shonkin that he was investigating Bursima, that Hunter was on his list of suspects, and that Porky gave him a resignation ultimatum.
3. Biden's Own Mouth at the CFR in January 2016. "...and sonofabitch, wouldn't you know it... he (the prosecutor) was fired."
4. Hunter Biden's $600k/year salary as to be on the Board of a Ukrainian Nat Gas Company as a Cokehead Wastrel Expert
105325   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 1, 7:42pm  

Tim Aurora says
Yah Alex Jones and Limbaugh - Keep on believing them

RIght, something that was already admitted didn't happen, but this "Might" be true:

Trump a Russian agent since 1987 by Jonathan Chait

The Media is going so far as to push the idea that the Transcript is fundamentally false.
105326   richwicks   2019 Oct 1, 7:46pm  

Hircus says
This whole Biden investigation was debunked years ago and that’s why the media is not focusing on it at all.

Debunked? You mean like this:


So, why did Biden want the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, fired? You know, the company that Hunter Biden, the cokehead, SOMEHOW ended up on the board of directors? Do you think Hunter Biden even speaks Ukrainian? How the F did he end up on the BOD of Burisma?

Oh, and Hunter Biden got more than $50,000 a month to be in that position. I wonder why Hunter Biden, a man that was just tossed out of the Navy for coke use, managed to get the job? I guess he must be really really smart...

Or maybe connected. Think he might have some connections Burisma wanted, because that would help them? Hmmmmm...

Anyhow, as you say "it's debunked", that's what the very same media that told you 15 years ago that Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program, ignore it, because it's not like they aren't blatantly obvious propaganda at this point. Remember, Trump colluded with Russia to get elected. Also Russia hacked out elections. It's all true. We have media in the United States today that makes Izvestia and Pravda from 1985 look like news and truth..

I'm sure you're no idiot, I'm absolutely certain you're not stupid, but quite being so gullible. Your government is a mafia, and has been for at least 20 years, and that's all it is. It's a bunch of thugs, the end. If you realize it's just a bunch of thugs everything they do suddenly makes sense.
105327   Hircus   2019 Oct 1, 8:14pm  

Tim Aurora says
But some of them are souring on him after constant barrage of antics by this President.

105328   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 1, 8:29pm  

It's pure fool's luck that Trump has survived 365-24-7 attacks from the Media, the Deep State, the Chinese, the EU, Canada, all of the Democrats along with a sizeable number of Republicans, since the day he came down the escalator in Summer 2015.

Or, he knows what he's doing.
105329   mell   2019 Oct 2, 2:55am  

CornPoptheOriginalGangster says
It's pure fool's luck that Trump has survived 365-24-7 attacks from the Media, the Deep State, the Chinese, the EU, Canada, all of the Democrats along with a sizeable number of Republicans, since the day he came down the escalator in Summer 2015.

Or, he knows what he's doing.

Amazing, isn't it. The media has given up on reporting news entirely. Instead they fabricate them. 24/7 attacks on the orange man.
105330   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 5:55am  

richwicks says
I'm sure you're no idiot, I'm absolutely certain you're not stupid, but quite being so gullible. Your government is a mafia, and has been for at least 20 years

At least 50. They killed Kenny!
105331   komputodo   2019 Oct 2, 6:14am  

mell says
Amazing, isn't it. The media has given up on reporting news entirely. Instead they fabricate them. 24/7 attacks on the orange man.

and the dems have given up all work for the people and waste all their time attacking TRUMP. What a great system we have!
105332   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 6:34am  

Tim Aurora says
Obama survived 8 years of attack from right wing media and that was without scandals on his part.

"(1) The IRS scandal — selective targeting of conservative groups. (2) Benghazi scandal — cover up. (3) Bowe Bergdahl scandal — traded five Gitmo terrorists for an Army deserter. (4) Iran deal ransom payments. (5) Veterans Affairs death list scandal. (6) Solyndra scandal — $500 million lent to a failed solar company."

Not to mention the tan suit.
105333   HeadSet   2019 Oct 2, 6:58am  

What you and the rest of the Dr Mengele types really fear from the ultrasound is showing the woman how advanced into babyhood that unborn child really is.
105334   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 7:03am  

Tim Aurora says
an impeachable offense. If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport,

TDS is a lot like gymnastics.
105335   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 2, 9:12am  

No one forced her to have sex. I'm against people being forced to do anything, but it's no longer just her life involved.
105336   rdm   2019 Oct 2, 9:30am  

mell says
It's pure fool's luck that Trump has survived

Nope not luck, The first two years unified Republican government saved his ass. Second two years remain to be seen, can he run out the clock? He almost did (and may yet) there was no way Polosi was going to impeach until this stupid Ukraine thing happened. He is a " fucking moron". His worst enemy....Donald Trump
105337   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 10:02am  

Tim Aurora says
Obama survived 8 years of attack from right wing media and that was without scandals on his part.

Right Wing Media is the 5% of the Media, maybe, at best, including Fox and Breitbart. The other 95% was 95% positive happy talk on Obama 365-24-7. Most people have no idea Obama Mr. Transparency prosecuted more Whistleblowers than any President in history.
105338   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 10:14am  

Tim Aurora says
In fact by firing that Prosecutor Biden was risking that the investigation would start again

If Biden's son was not doing anything wrong, what was the risk?
105339   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 10:16am  

Tim Aurora says
Why not make a law against sons & daughters of high end politicians doing business.

Why not just enforce the laws about corruption and influence peddling?
105340   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 10:59am  

Tim Aurora says
It was the Bush administration not the MSM. And Fox news and Trump were endorsing it . Only Obama opposed it.

Judith Miller, I'll never forgive that 2003 era Fox Employee!
105341   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 2, 11:19am  

A 1-hour drive anywhere in Virginia will get you to another state.
105342   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 2, 11:24am  

You're citing NY Times? You're going to have to do better than that.
105343   Ceffer   2019 Oct 2, 11:50am  

Since they have been labelling him insane, Trump has applied his brand name powers to chains of private asylums with gold faucets and toilets. Go Trump! MAGA!
105344   Ceffer   2019 Oct 2, 12:02pm  

Trump's prolapsed rectum can beat up Schiff without leaving bruises, unlike Michael Obama's prehensile penis, that would leave ugly, penis shaped welts. Be afraid, Schiff-Fuck, be very afraid!
105345   Onvacation   2019 Oct 2, 12:47pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
House investigators are looking into an allegation that groups —

Who are the alligators? Do they live in the swamp?APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
selling out AMERICA! for room night reservations as his cheezy chain of dime store whorehouses.

What about
The Lincoln bedroom
105346   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 1:13pm  

The New York Times is the new Salon. They're now totally pandering to the 10% (Progressive Activists/SJWs/Urban Leftists)

105347   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 1:14pm  

Tough shit. Of course, with all the Somalian gangs blessing people with diversity at bus stops, they wouldn't.

BTW, Minnesota demanded their uniformed city police line up behind Obama and Clinton when they spoke. Now they're telling their police they can't attend in uniform.
105348   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 2, 1:19pm  

minnesota elected a terrorist into Congress after Obama seeded the state with muslim terrorist sympathizers.
105349   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 2, 1:22pm  

Yeah that's what they would love people to believe.

The Democrats here at work are not buying the Joe is innocent and Trump guilty bullshit.

The Democrats are going to scare away their base this election. They are starting to see Marxists Dictator in the making patterns here. Where as before they thought it was just hyperbole, now they are suggesting it. They no longer cringe at "Cultural Marxism".
105350   Ceffer   2019 Oct 2, 1:46pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The Democrats here at work are not buying the Joe is innocent and Trump guilty bullshit.

They need to be flogged from the Great Socialist Paradise, or at least sent to re-education programming to be re-zombified.

A LibbyFuck who realizes they have served the Party Of High Crimes, Selective Justice, and Constitution Trampling is a sad thing to behold.

Of course, the prime joy of the political psychopath is to commit crimes and treason, and manage through crooked press and publicity fiat to blame their own crimes on their opponents. Their sad little crumb lapping puppet apparatchiks echo their efforts.
105351   Booger   2019 Oct 2, 2:19pm  

GM seems to be doing a good job working off thier excess inventory lately.
105352   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 2:22pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Tim Aurora says
It was the Bush administration not the MSM. And Fox news and Trump were endorsing it . Only Obama opposed it.

Judith Miller, I'll never forgive that 2003 era Fox Employee!

I doubt they realize that Judith Miller worked for the NY Times, repeating the lies of Ahmed Chalabi. The truth is that the entire corporate propaganda "news" system was on board for the 2nd Iraq war. Phil Donahue was fired because he wasn't repeating the propaganda on February 25, 2003 from MSNBC, even though it was the top rated show. The entire system is a farce and our government is just a group of criminals. I have to laugh that people still hold out hope that the corporate media isn't entirely compromised, or that anything in the government is useful at this point. I'm rather surprised at how naive people remain.
105353   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 2:35pm  

Tim Aurora says
richwicks says
So, why did Biden want the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, fired

The investigation against Burisma was dormant . All western governments including US and IMF wanted that prosecutor fired. In fact by firing that Prosecutor Biden was risking that the investigation would start again

You mean other western governments are entirely corrupt? Gee whiz, tell me it isn't so! I'm certain that Brexit will happen any time now, that the Yellow Vest Movement will be reported in the Western Press, and the 5 start movement will actually get some traction...

richwicks says
Oh, and Hunter Biden got more than $50,000 a month to be in that position. I wonder why Hunter Biden, a man that was just tossed out of the Navy for coke use, managed to get the job? I guess he must be really really smart...

Trump kids are getting millions in investment and fast track permits, you are looking at peanuts here. Why not make a law against sons & daughters of high end politicians doing business.

Trump's kids aren't using the government to enrich themselves - Hunter Biden did. The United States overthrew the Ukrainian government under Obama in 2014, and as soon as that was accomplished, Hunter Biden ends up on the board of directors of Burisma in a nation that he didn't even speak the language and got more than $50,000 a month for this position. How much more blatantly corrupt can you get?

What are the Trump kids doing that's even REMOTELY similar? Please enlighten us.
105354   Hircus   2019 Oct 2, 2:42pm  

More fake news birdfeed for and from the lefties.

Look at the shadows in the photoshopped pic
- look at the shadow of the bike handle, which tells you the light source location.
- now, look at the shadows on pedo boy's chin. it aint right. ivanka should also have some major shadow from pedo's arm/body, but there's none aside from overcropping of the black area. also, his shoulders are dark, while trump and ivankas arent.
- pedo just looks odd and out of place too.

jazz_music says

Ooh look, another load of vile right wing bat shit! Wow!

Fake news peddlers get so dissapointed when they get caught and revealed like this. They sound like:
105355   WookieMan   2019 Oct 2, 2:53pm  

Hircus says
More fake news birdfeed for the lefties.

Look at the shadows

Lol, I was drafting a comment on this, but figured it was a waste of time considering the source and never responding to questions authentically without feelings being involved.

It's 100% fake having done a decent amount of photo/video work and understanding photoshop at a higher level than most. You are spot on sir and it's not even worth the time explaining the many things wrong with this photoshop work.

I actually just checked back in on the Pepe clown meme that's back at the top (cannot remember OP title). Stuff like this is going to go on and has been. It's kind of scary to be frank. Might have to have all high schoolers take a photoshop class as a requirement to graduate.
105356   Y   2019 Oct 2, 2:58pm  

the senate will shit on any impeachment trial, so why all the hubbub???
Libbies lose!!
105357   HeadSet   2019 Oct 2, 2:59pm  

Yep, that was a fake. Here is the original photo the hack used to add in the pedo:

105358   WookieMan   2019 Oct 2, 3:09pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
What are the Trump kids doing
They are raking in tens of millions EACH OF THEM in taxpayer money to basically insulate the Donald from dealing with people that are not set to inherit from him.


What are you doing? It's humorous that you think this is something new. ALL LEVELS OF POLITICS HAVE NEPOTISM!!!!!! This isn't exclusive to the executive branch. Almost none of the bull shit ANYONE pulls can be found out because they talk on phones or use private and not government accounts (hello Hillary). You can't ignore your team doing it and then be outraged when Trump does it. Take the damn jersey off and have some respect for yourself and not be some political party's bitch.

I'm currently working with the FBI on a scandal with my school board. No political affiliation is required for those spots in my town. Half a million dollars wasted and they violated law in the process. Most are likely Republicans (farmers). Everyone needs to be held accountable. I'm sure I look like I lean right here at Patnet, but no one is above the law. I'll go after anyone that is fucking with my money.

I wish more people had this perspective.
105359   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 3:13pm  

I wonder if Malia Obama will get lucky and land an unpaid internship sometime soon. hahahahahaha
105360   Hircus   2019 Oct 2, 3:20pm  

jazz_music says
What are the Trump kids doing
They are raking in tens of millions EACH OF THEM in taxpayer money to basically insulate the Donald from dealing with people that are not set to inherit from him.

Ever see the connections between the rulers of CA?

Such pillars of virtue. Yet, they're worshiped. Time to wake up.

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