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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   177,367 views  117,730 comments

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105784   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 7:53pm  

LOL, he lists fat nasty wicked witch Andrea Dworkin as a fighter against Radical Evil along with Emma Goldman, Joe Hill, Big Bill Haywood.

Hey Jazz, do you know what ever happened to Big Bill Haywood?
105785   Patrick   2019 Oct 14, 8:27pm  

BayArea says
Why do the elites hate “America First”

I know it's a rhetorical question, but I feel compelled to answer anyway. The elites hate "America First" because:

1. they took bribes from China to screw over America (Hunter Biden, for example)
2. screwing over America is profitable! much cheaper to produce in places with no pollution or labor laws
3. the elite has always feared and hated democracy, because the only thing more powerful than a multi-national corporation is a national government

Probably lots of other reasons too.

BTW great post @OccasionalCortex
105786   Bd6r   2019 Oct 14, 8:31pm  

Dwelling in past is irrelevant, I think. We should care about present only - if we don't, then where do we draw a line? Are Mongolians still responsible for Gengiz Khan?
And today so-called Fucking Whita and Asian Males are the only ones who are demonstrably discriminated against and racism/sexism against them is acveptable in our press.
105787   marcus   2019 Oct 14, 8:44pm  

Patrick says
political left has utterly and completely failed to protect the working class of the various nations, and instead become obsessed with imaginary "racism" by whites (not by anyone else!), tranny bathrooms, and the right of men to fuck each other in the ass.

Wow, 7 likes. Patrick is basically a rock star. One of the few people that have figured it all out.

Thank God for Trump. AmiRight ?

You voted well, and can forever feel proud of that Trump vote ! Never question it. Trump will basically go down in history as a messiah. He might not have the greatest character, ethics or values, and he might even be extremely corrupt. But he is clearly the best President we have ever had, becasue correlation is causation. And record deficits in growth times are actually a good thing, I know, you just haven't figured out the best way to explain that to those less intellectually gifted among us.

You are extremely intelligent and wise.

Good job, figuring everything out !
105788   Patrick   2019 Oct 14, 8:55pm  

Not everything, just the obvious things:

1. We have been screwed over by globalists who are bleeding the country for profit, with cooperation from our government.
2. The Democratic Party and the press have both abandoned their duties and instead become the wholly-owned lapdogs of those globalists.
3. The continuous accusations of "racism" are simply intended to divide us and distract us from what is really going on.

But thanks, I guess.
105789   marcus   2019 Oct 14, 9:05pm  

Globalization happened. (ancient history really)

Homosexuality happened.

I know what let's do. Let's blame it all on the liberals. It must be their fault.

And let's believe this con artist that supposedly understands our anger and says he'll fix everything for us. He makes me feel like he can magically undo all the things I don't like. Or, well, he knows what to say to make me feel like he agrees with me, that everything is the fault of Obama and the liberals. Especially that thing about letting trannys have a place to go the bathroom. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
105790   clambo   2019 Oct 14, 9:27pm  

No good deed goes unpunished; liberating Europe then defending it from the Soviets at a fantastic cost of blood and treasure has produced lousy results for the American taxpayer. Trump is 100% correct that NATO should pull its own weight.

Elites dislike Americans and like foreigners for various reasons; I know a wealthy female who hired an illegal alien lady from Guatemala to be her housekeeper, "girl Friday", babysitter, etc. Talking with her I think she has the liberal guilt gene, but is actually too afraid of American poor so she had to hire an illegal alien.

Others who run businesses like Carly Fiorina thought that American wages in tech were too high so to help the bottom line she decided to hire foreigners with H1B visas to reduce the payroll expense when HP took over Compaq. I know personally an American who was fired so guys from India could take his job at lower pay.

A lot of ambitious foreigners come here to try to get rich and they don't give a shit about American workers or taxpayers or even investors; Elon Musk (Tesla) and Adam Neumann (Wework) are examples. I don't think they give a shit about anything but themselves. These two conmen are getting rich off our system, but don't respect it.

I know a ton of stuck up people who will never step inside a Walmart because it "abuses its workers" and other bullshit.
105791   SoTex   2019 Oct 14, 9:38pm  

"Get a grip whites!"

This guy! lolz..
105792   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 14, 9:45pm  

Patrick says
globalists like Soros would cut off their easy funding. So it's a choice between integrity and money.

Hard to tell if Rudi G is being completely honest, but he says Ukraine brought him evidence of soros/clinton collussion to steal the 2016 election, and frame trump.

Soros may no longer be a figment of conspiracists, but rather a real life godfather of global fascism.
105793   Patrick   2019 Oct 14, 9:59pm  

clambo says
A lot of ambitious foreigners come here to try to get rich and they don't give a shit about American workers or taxpayers or even investors

In my first job out of college I worked with a Chinese guy who openly told me he came here to make money and didn't "give a shit" about the country. He used those words.
105794   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 10:48pm  

clambo says
Others who run businesses like Carly Fiorina thought that American wages in tech were too high so to help the bottom line she decided to hire foreigners with H1B visas to reduce the payroll expense when HP took over Compaq. I know personally an American who was fired so guys from India could take his job at lower pay.

In the late 60s, 70s, and 80s, STEM esp. IT Guys were in short supply, and in many companies they made more than their managers, which hurt the Pointy-haired bosses self-esteem, that's another reason for H1Bs and trying to oversupply IT. "Those workers are too Saucy; I am the great Planner, they must know their place".
105795   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 6:29am  

Patrick says
The ruling parties thought they had successfully and permanently killed democracy... until the people disobeyed direct orders to vote for Hillary and elected Trump instead.

I was agreeing with much of what you said, until here. But also the "them" behind globalization was something that made sense to many of us.

IT always seemed to me that some sort of world cooperation, if not world government was inevitable, if we were to have hope of avoiding nuclear war and if we had hope of protecting the global environment.

Something like a U.N., that is sort of, to the worlds states, the way the US to it's states. We've been gradually moving in that direction, becasue of collective common sense. IT's a way we might sustain humanity.

The idea that avoiding the destruction of the planet through nuclear world war or environmental degradation is someone elses problem seems very short sighted to me (if not downright retarded).

In my view "globalization": isn't any more of a boogeyman than capitalism itself is. nothing is perfect. We aren't ever going back to when one mans salary gave an American family "the good life" while much of the world lived on way less than a dollar per day.

Your views sound like nonsensical fantasy island conspiracy theories to me. Donald Trump played you like a fiddle. It's just stupid. THe conspiracy you describe is something that much of the world bought in to. MAybe it needs to be tweaked, but we can't just bury our head in the ground and hope everythng works out.

This sounds like a plan: "Let China and Russia and everyone else figure out how to not destroy the world, becasue you know, fuck them all, we've got ours."

105796   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:02am  


105797   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 7:05am  

As if you understood anything I said.
105798   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 7:06am  

Here's the situation.

It's not that we disagree about how to solve the worlds problems.

We can't even agree on what the big problems and questions are.
105799   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:08am  

"Get a grip, white people. We’re not the victims."

^^ this monolithic thinking is a byproduct of a propagandized mind.

At the very least it is always illogical and wrong.
105800   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:11am  

marcus says
As if you understood anything I said.

Lol, this is as ignorant as can be.

"Everyone who disagrees w me is BLANK"

Fill randomly with : racist, sexist, homophobic, uneducated, or evil.

You will never find the truth as long as you keep doing this.
105801   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 7:13am  

CBOEtrader says
Lol, this is as ignorant as can be.

"Everyone who disagrees w me is BLANK"

Just trying to play your insightful game.

I try my best to respond showing my point of view and this is what I get ?

CBOEtrader says


Pot calling kettle black much ?

CBOEtrader says
ignorant as can be
105802   marcus   2019 Oct 15, 7:14am  

105803   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:15am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
You will never find the truth as long as you keep doing this.

Fuck off.

Most people are happily, even willfully misled. Your reaction is basic
105804   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:24am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
You will never find the truth as long as you keep doing this.

Fuck off. Moron.

Nice edit to add the moron. You dont like being called on your illogical thinking do you?

Have you ever thought of maybe trying to UNDERSTAND someone who disagrees w you?

Regarding globalization above, you failed. Bigly.

Trump, conservatives, liberals, and pretty much everyone basically want the same things. The core disagreement is usually in regards to how to get there.

However, just like professor haidt points out, liberals have never exposed themselves to real counter arguments whereas conservatives cant help but be bombarded by liberal logic. Therefore, when asked to answer questions like the other side, conservatives were accurate in showing understanding of the left where the "liberals" totally failed to understand the right. The kids on the right look at problems realistically, as a tough decisions with no perfect answers. Whereas the left thinks their way is purely virtuous and a counter opinion is merely "racist".

You are displaying the exact same phenomenon. Its gross, its weak, and it shows totally lack of self reflection or knowledge of history, or even basic humility.

Be better man.
105805   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 15, 7:38am  

We're not the Victims, don't confuse our patience for Obedience to the Commie new world order.
We're just giving Trump first crack at it. I suggest the Liberals shit heads stand down and let the man do his job.
105806   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 7:50am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
You will never find the truth as long as you keep doing this.

Fuck off. Arrogant moron. You and Trump were made for eachother.

A third edit. I wouldnt be in your head like this if your subconscience didnt recognize my truth.

Do you disagree that monolithically accusing groups as [racist/et all] helps lead to truth?

Or are you simply displaying exactly what Jonathan haidt sees in his misguided school children?
105807   Shaman   2019 Oct 15, 8:23am  

Tim Aurora says
Not really but it was one of the side effects and knowing that, lets keep abortion legal , at least in most cases.

So you hate black people I guess. At least you admit your hate.
105808   Shaman   2019 Oct 15, 8:28am  

105809   SoTex   2019 Oct 15, 8:46am  

Ohw! That's gonna leave a mark!
105810   Patrick   2019 Oct 15, 9:01am  

H1B's are the illegals of the tech world, driving down wages.

Except they are legal, because we have been betrayed by our government here too, so that the very rich can get even richer. The H1B program primarily benefits Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates etc.
105811   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 9:04am  

Tim Aurora says
CBOEtrader says
Most people are happily, even willfully misled. Your reaction is basic

Right back at you ;-)

I know you are but what am I. Very adult of you.

You see I was pointing out a specific behavior that Marcus displayed. Please point out where I am making the same mistake.

(You cant, because I dont accuse those who disagree a me as being racist/evil en masse. I attempt to have moral and intellectual humility, something the left needs more of.)
105812   NDrLoR   2019 Oct 15, 9:06am  

Tim Aurora says
We’re not the victims
You have to choose to be a victim.
105813   komputodo   2019 Oct 15, 9:18am  

marcus says
This sounds like a plan: "Let China and Russia and everyone else figure out how to not destroy the world, becasue you know, fuck them all, we've got ours."


And your plan is to argue daily with a few guys on PATNET?...lol......that'll work
105814   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 9:40am  

komputodo says
marcus says
This sounds like a plan: "Let China and Russia and everyone else figure out how to not destroy the world, becasue you know, fuck them all, we've got ours."


And your plan is to argue daily with a few guys on PATNET?...lol......that'll work

It's stupid because noone is suggesting we stick our heads in the sand. Marcus is displaying a fundamental disagreement on the virtues of centralized power vs localized power.

Trump and his supporters want power to remain local, which is the spirit of the American experiment. Trump feels this has far better results for everyone, and I agree with him.

Let's not try to understand Trump or his supporters though, so much easier to dismiss them as racists/uneducated/evil.

This type of logic will always lead people in the wrong direction. If you add righteousness to this ignorance (like today's left) we have a potential recipe for the worst possible human behavior.
105815   clambo   2019 Oct 15, 9:54am  

I really dislike guys who post a link to an article rather than giving an opinion which they composed themselves.

White people used to mean Americans of European descent as opposed to the blacks who were brought as slaves to North America.

I feel victimized by Uncle Sam every April 15 when I have to write a big check to US Treasury or go to jail. I know a lot of people who are scamming the govt. and others who are just lazy losers who have bastard children who are receiving my tax payment. Fuck them all.

Fuck also those who hire foreigners to replace American workers.
105816   Shaman   2019 Oct 15, 10:02am  

I think his superpower is being 100% wrong about every single thing. I’m gonna call him “Wongcus.”
It’s actually quite impressive. You can set your watch and accurately predict the future by reversing his conclusions and betting on the opposite result.
105817   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 15, 10:18am  

Happy liberation from Stone Age Death Cults day!
105818   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 15, 10:48am  

I to am an indigenous person. The only place I have ever called home is America. From birth till death America will always be my place of origin. Making me an indigenous person.

— TONI (@MuhhPrivilege) October 14, 2019

Check the replies, have fun!
105819   Ceffer   2019 Oct 15, 11:00am  

Does this mean on this day I don't get my own special pronoun any more?
105820   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 15, 11:18am  

Quigley says
I think his superpower is being 100% wrong about every single thing. I’m gonna call him “Wongcus.”
It’s actually quite impressive. You can set your watch and accurately predict the future by reversing his conclusions and betting on the opposite result.

Hes right about the Trump deficit being a big problem.

Although, I dont think this is Trumps fault whereas he blames the tax breaks. We are paying $200 billion more per year pm interest payments due to higher debt and higher rates, as compared to just a few years ago under Obama.

^^ this interest payment increase is most of the deficit increase.

Also if you look at federal spending, its healthcare and MIC that take up our federal dollars. Trump is addressing both of these issues as much and as well as could be expected.

Ending wars, lowering medical costs via increased freedom, etc... I think trump is doing pretty well here.

Deficit still a huge problem though, marcus right on that
105821   HeadSet   2019 Oct 15, 12:13pm  

No I don't hate any race race, much less african americans. It is the young teenage mothers which was the problem. It was fatherless kids growing up in a violent env which is a problem.

And whose policies promoted and encouraged having fatherless kids?
105822   richwicks   2019 Oct 15, 12:30pm  

Patrick says
The answer, amazingly, is Trump. But that's only because the political left has utterly and completely failed to protect the working class of the various nations, and instead become obsessed with imaginary "racism" by whites (not by anyone else!), tranny bathrooms, and the right of men to fuck each other in the ass.

The "left" doesn't actually care about any of these issues. Maybe the stupidest of "the left" follow this garbage, but that's it. I'd say about 1/2 of the United States is "stupid". Interestingly, about 1/2 of the United States who is registered to vote is registered as either a "Republican" or "Democrat", and the other 1/2 is registered independent..
105823   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 15, 2:53pm  

Trump is enforcing (or at least convincingly threatening) that asylum seekers will be returned back across the border (to Mexico side) to wait for their (mostly bogus) asylum claims to be adjudicated. That means the caravans will be waiting and causing problems for Mexico, so Mexico is now turning the caravans around at their southern border (which has a big, beautiful wall and guards with machine guns).

This is excellent news for USA citizens who don't want to live in a 3rd-world country. There's also a positive feedback loop: as Mexico turns around the caravans, people in the would-be caravans give up hope and so don't even try in the future; with fewer caravans, Mexico's defenses against them are even more effective; that results in even a higher percentage of caravans being stopped and more would-be caravans not even trying, etc.

When I heard months ago about Trump negotiating this, I thought at the time it would be a huge win for USA border security.

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