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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   177,539 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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105980   clambo   2019 Oct 19, 11:03am  

Everyone is so concerned about the Kurds we have of course forgotten about the thousands of Americans killed by illegal Mexican thugs, fentanyl, black tar heroin, drunk drivers, drunk maniacs, etc.

Turkey will pay a price indirectly in due time.

The real danger is on our southern border; the other day the Mexican Army captured El Chapo's son in Culiacan; the gangsters had a battle and won and the Mexican Army let him go and retreated

Large areas of Mexico are not under Mexican government control , and they all want to come up here either to 1. escape the situation 2. continue to do "gangsta shit" up here.

Fuck Turkey and Syria, let's deal with our border with Mexico.
105981   Shaman   2019 Oct 19, 11:03am  

Patrick says
I will also register as Democrat just to support Tulsi in the primaries!

You guys are late to the party. I registered as a Democrat a few months ago when Newsom sighed that abortion of a bill banning Trump from the primaries. I figured I had options for fucking with the Democrat primary.
105982   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 19, 11:30am  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
I registered Democratic when I last renewed my Cal drivers licence. Might as well chose your poison.

I also want to vote for Tulsi in the primary!

Good idea @Onvacation !

I will also register as Democrat just to support Tulsi in the primaries! Assuming Hillary hasn't done away with her by that point.

I'm in too. I'll register as a D.

Itd also be a great show stopper when someone is accusing me of white privilege for not hating Trump... which happens by some brainwashed leftist almost every time I've criticized CNN or Shillary at a party
105983   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 19, 12:21pm  

Replacing Americans with illegals and H1Bs for profit is the biggest game.

Tucker Carlson said it best that “politicians abandoned the working class.”

Patrick says
Not everything, just the obvious things:

1. We have been screwed over by globalists who are bleeding the country for profit, with cooperation from our government.
2. The Democratic Party and the press have both abandoned their duties and instead become the wholly-owned lapdogs of those globalists.
3. The continuous accusations of "racism" are simply intended to divide us and distract us from what is really going on.

But thanks, I guess.
105984   SoTex   2019 Oct 19, 12:40pm  

Tim knows his REAL strategy is to soon attack Guam with the help of the Saudis.
105985   Shaman   2019 Oct 19, 12:47pm  

Tim Aurora says
You think Turkey would have attacked !! No way.

It’s pretty easy to armchair quarterback when you’re 8,000 miles away and have no skin in the game. I’m sure you also have access to joint chiefs intelligence and operational support. Why aren’t you the President?
105986   RC2006   2019 Oct 19, 12:57pm  

Been doing this for over a decade. Best part is when they contact me with thier surveys and I tell them I hate dems running and feel like im being forced to vote rep. We have no voice being registered as a rep.
105987   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 19, 1:13pm  

Tim Aurora says
You think Turkey would have attacked !! No way. That is where we got played by Turkey or did they threaten to flatten the Trump towers in their country

Here's the Difference: Obama kept drawing red lines, and they kept being crossed. Obama never followed through with an ultimatum.

Trump said "If you invade Syria, there will be consequences."

When Turkey crossed the Red Line, the sanctions were barely announced before Erdogan caved.

105988   mell   2019 Oct 19, 1:22pm  

This is bullshit, Turkey is a NATO PARTNER, as much as most dislike Erdogan, it was chosen as a buffer between the hordes of chaos in the middle-east and the western world. If I had to house 3 million rapefugees I'd also demand some more land and authority. Erdogan may be an asshole but he is not stupid. As it currently stands, any NATO member actually has an obligation to support their allies and this includes Turkey, spare me the hypocrisy here. After US leaves the NATO or the NATO kicks Turkey out and declares all bindings null and void, then maybe we can talk. This is Europe's problem as Trump is right to stop policing the world for little to no return, unnecessarily sacrificing the lives of American citizens. Neocon Romney and the lamestream media are just suffering from extreme TDS.
105989   SoTex   2019 Oct 19, 1:25pm  

This ^
105990   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 19, 2:06pm  

Tim Aurora says
You think Turkey would have attacked !! No way.

Yeah, Timmy, we know you have better intelligence sources than US Secy of Defense.

They wouldn't have attacked US troops per se, more like moved in with tens of thousands of troops, hundred tanks and APCs and such. How do you propose 50 Rangers stop them? Make a final stand on some grassy knoll? Call in airstrikes? You realize that there could be an attack in our troops by some third party to provoke a clash between NATO allies? Putin would like that very much, rest assured.
105991   clambo   2019 Oct 19, 4:27pm  

Why does it matter what Turkey does anyway? Tim please enlighten us all.
105992   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 19, 4:45pm  

Tim Aurora says
It is up to Americans to decide if they want highly skilled here or the highly skilled Jobs to to other countries. I have no preference either way.

Nothing tariffs wont fix. BTW Americans have already decided, that's what we elected Trump for.
105993   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 19, 5:33pm  

Tim Aurora says
It is up to Americans to decide if they want highly skilled here or the highly skilled Jobs to to other countries. I have no preference either way. Canada and Australia are going to benefit from that.

First, you need job QUANTITY.

Replacing 100,000 decent jobs with 10,000 good paying jobs while you've been allowing 100k's of immigrants per year isn't a winning strategy

Second, as they've been outsourcing decent manufacturing jobs, they've been importing 100k's of H1Bs - and its not just the Republicans. Washington and California Googled Microsoftified Democrats have been instrumental in raising H1B caps.

This Bill passed the Democrat House, with over 200 Dem co-sponsors. It had so much support it didn't need to be voted on, it was fast tracked.

If you want to help Tech without hurting US Workers, the key is to link IP theft, such as unauthorized copies of Windows, to Tariffs. Every importer must certify, at own expense, that the products their importing comes from a company that has 99% of workstations - from their retail to sales to accounting to Board Room - running a certified copy of Windows/Adobe Acrobat/Quicken less than 7 years old.
105994   HeadSet   2019 Oct 20, 10:38am  

However, her Bunda has a blue tattoo for USDA top grade.

No, that is a bruise. Sex was a little rough last night.
105995   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 20, 1:33pm  

TDS. Sad.

Also expected.

Propagandized rhetoric has control of jazz's psyche
105996   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 20, 1:43pm  

And the unemployment rate is at 50-year lows, stock market highs, and huge manufacturing gains.
105997   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 20, 2:42pm  

105998   steverbeaver   2019 Oct 20, 2:54pm  

People could die! I remember this from Obama era.
105999   marcus   2019 Oct 20, 3:09pm  

They can't handle the truth.

Don't you get it ? Trump is for the regular working guy. HE's all about working class and middle class Americans.

Plus he's the only politician past present or future who is willing and able to stand up against the Globohomoists.
106000   marcus   2019 Oct 20, 3:11pm  

NoCoupForYou says
And the unemployment rate is at 50-year lows

Straight line continuation of trend of Obama years.

NoCoupForYou says
huge manufacturing gains

Show a Trump Cuck the evidence, and just like their messiah, they will repeat the lie over and over and over. To them it's not about the truth.

I even detect a recent downturn (or at least flattening similar to 15/16. I guess the effect of the tax cuts and massive deficit spending is wearing thin ?

How much of this is due automation ? Manufacturing profits dont look nearly as dismal. I guess TRump supporters think that aspect should be kept a secret and we should continue to blame foreigners, for some reason ?
106001   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 20, 3:29pm  

marcus says
Straight line continuation of trend of Obama years.

Slowest recovery in history under Obama, endless quarters of growth under Trump.

This may be the longest expansion in US History, and it has nothing to do with Obama.

Obama blamed his weak economy as late as 2011 on W. Now Obama fanboys want to blame 2017-2019's awesomeness on a rather tepid Obama recovery.
106002   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 20, 3:59pm  

marcus says
blame foreigners, for some reason ?

Are you suggesting illegal immigration doesnt suppress the working man's wage? https://chicago.suntimes.com/2018/2/16/18355997/at-major-northwest-side-bakery-labor-issues-pit-blacks-vs-hispanics
106003   Patrick   2019 Oct 20, 5:14pm  

TrumpingTits says
Newsom just signed into law a bill that allows illegals to sit on state boards and commissions

That would make a good post. Got a link?
106004   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 20, 5:41pm  

"Republicans must lie to survive"

You mean just like Hillary saying Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are Russian assets?
106005   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 20, 5:52pm  

Let me translate this for those of you as confused as you should be.
The post in the OP does not prove Republicans must lie to survive.
It's just more TDS whining, saying Republicans are Doody Heads.

Embrace the Head Doody.
106006   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 21, 11:55am  

It wasn't an outreach to Muslims, it was an attempt at getting Arab pirates to stop pirating US Vessels.

The North African Pirates demanded 1/6th to 1/3rd of the entire US Budget to stop pirating US vessels, or payment of a Dhimmi Tax.

At a meeting in London, US Officials were informed that it was okay for US Ships to be pirated by Muslims, as Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja of the Barbary States said:

It was written in their Koran, (that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.

It failed anyway, and Jefferson reversed Adam's policy of appeasement by sending Preble and Bainbridge to the "Shores of Tripoli" in the USN's first new frigates, including the Constitution, to hammer the fuck out of the Barbary pirates, who then gave in.
106007   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 12:21pm  

Sorry, there could be an actual funny way to do this. There's plenty of material on Trump, but this just wasn't funny. All for political humor if it's funny, this wasn't. As has been said before here the left struggles with memes and humor as is the case here, which is scary considering how easy it would be to blast Trump AND actually make it humorous. This was a strike out. Sorry.
106008   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 12:28pm  

jazz_music says
the ability to reformulate misstatements into truth so long as they conform to our own biases.

You know you're a victim of this too. Right? Everyone is.
106009   WookieMan   2019 Oct 21, 12:53pm  

Tim Aurora says
There is no caving Turkey gets all it wants

What does Turkey want and why? And why do you care? Is it a legitimate reason or is this just another attack on Trump? It can be an attack, I don't care. Just not sure the concern over Turkey and some bull shit civil war in a shithole and "abandoning" a group of people we should have never been involved with in the first place. I have zero guilt over it. That guilt lies at the feet of the Bushies...
106010   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 21, 1:41pm  

jazz_music says
Erdogan met with Putin yesterday in Sochi about getting nukes.

If he's getting nukes it's a smart move indeed: watching how US persuaded Ukraine in the 90s to give up world's third largest nuclear arsenal only to leave it twisting in the wind in 2014 when attacked by Russia is a powerful fucking lesson. This one is on Obama fair and square.
106011   GNL   2019 Oct 21, 4:42pm  

Dare to dream.
106012   Patrick   2019 Oct 21, 7:43pm  


In a video statement released Sunday on Twitter, Gabbard talks about the origins of her long-standing feud with the Democratic elite, dating back to her support of Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election.

Gabbard famously resigned from her post within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in protest at the way then-chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) was mistreating frontrunner Bernie Sanders.

Her claims were later vindicated by Wikileaks, which released emails proving that Democratic leaders had conspired to help Clinton secure the nomination, forcing Schultz to resign.

Breitbart.com reports: In Sunday’s video, Gabbard recalls: “People warned me in 2016 that my endorsement of Bernie Sanders would be the end of my ‘political career.’ They said, ‘Clinton will never forget,’ that ‘she and her rich and powerful friends, her allies in politics and the media, will make sure that you are destroyed.’”

Hillary & her gang of rich, powerful elite are going after me to send a msg to YOU: “Shut up, toe the line, or be destroyed.” But we, the people, will NOT be silenced. Join me in taking our Democratic Party back & leading a govt of, by & for the people! https://t.co/TOcAOPrxye pic.twitter.com/TahfE2XOek

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) October 20, 2019

106013   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 21, 7:57pm  

Patrick says
Breitbart.com reports: In Sunday’s video, Gabbard recalls: “People warned me in 2016 that my endorsement of Bernie Sanders would be the end of my ‘political career.’ They said, ‘Clinton will never forget,’ that ‘she and her rich and powerful friends, her allies in politics and the media, will make sure that you are destroyed.’”

What else would you expect a Russian asset to say?

Only the deep state of dedicated, selfless Public Servants can save us!
106015   truthhurts   2019 Oct 22, 5:43am  

So the accusation is that somebody made money in the markets by betting that Trump would make positive comments about the trade talks, and the only explanation for this is insider trading? And the only evidence of this happening is the trades themselves, which we don't even know who they were placed by?

Do you two ever reflect that maybe it's counter productive to your arguments that ORANGE MAN BAD!!! to be posting every random negative tweet about Trump on here and acting like it's the next watergate?
106016   WookieMan   2019 Oct 22, 6:02am  

truthhurts says
So the accusation is that somebody made money in the markets by betting that Trump would make positive comments about the trade talks, and the only explanation for this is insider trading? And the only evidence of this happening is the trades themselves, which we don't even know who they were placed by?

Exactly. Even if Trump knows who or what entity made the trade (he probably knows a lot of wealthy people, so chances are high he does know them), that constitutes insider trading though?

I don't claim to know trading well at all, but doesn't the term "insider" have something to do with it? As in, whatever shares were purchased, was done so based on information received from someone INSIDE the company? WTF does that have to do with Trump making a statement about China that could influence probably a thousand different stocks around the globe? He has to be able to talk about things the government is doing and not be accused of bullshit like this (this goes for any POTUS). I could be wrong, so point out where I am, but this seems like more shit being thrown at the wall and it won't stick as usual.

Also (I think Jazz has me on ignore) you should be substantially more upset the congress critters can personally trade on information they receive behind closed doors on committees and all that. Like defense contracts, etc. Trade with China was one of Trump's top campaign issues. He's going to talk about it and he always has. I don't understand the logic behind this story. I don't think there is any.
106017   Onvacation   2019 Oct 22, 6:32am  

WookieMan says
logic behind this story. I don't think there is any

106018   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 7:16am  

jazz_music says

106019   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 7:19am  

jazz_music says
No investigation right?

Because that would ruffle the great orange one.

It's up to SEC. If you have information about somebody preventing SEC from doing their job
- come forward.

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