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106015   truthhurts   2019 Oct 22, 5:43am  

So the accusation is that somebody made money in the markets by betting that Trump would make positive comments about the trade talks, and the only explanation for this is insider trading? And the only evidence of this happening is the trades themselves, which we don't even know who they were placed by?

Do you two ever reflect that maybe it's counter productive to your arguments that ORANGE MAN BAD!!! to be posting every random negative tweet about Trump on here and acting like it's the next watergate?
106016   WookieMan   2019 Oct 22, 6:02am  

truthhurts says
So the accusation is that somebody made money in the markets by betting that Trump would make positive comments about the trade talks, and the only explanation for this is insider trading? And the only evidence of this happening is the trades themselves, which we don't even know who they were placed by?

Exactly. Even if Trump knows who or what entity made the trade (he probably knows a lot of wealthy people, so chances are high he does know them), that constitutes insider trading though?

I don't claim to know trading well at all, but doesn't the term "insider" have something to do with it? As in, whatever shares were purchased, was done so based on information received from someone INSIDE the company? WTF does that have to do with Trump making a statement about China that could influence probably a thousand different stocks around the globe? He has to be able to talk about things the government is doing and not be accused of bullshit like this (this goes for any POTUS). I could be wrong, so point out where I am, but this seems like more shit being thrown at the wall and it won't stick as usual.

Also (I think Jazz has me on ignore) you should be substantially more upset the congress critters can personally trade on information they receive behind closed doors on committees and all that. Like defense contracts, etc. Trade with China was one of Trump's top campaign issues. He's going to talk about it and he always has. I don't understand the logic behind this story. I don't think there is any.
106017   Onvacation   2019 Oct 22, 6:32am  

WookieMan says
logic behind this story. I don't think there is any

106018   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 7:16am  

jazz_music says

106019   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 7:19am  

jazz_music says
No investigation right?

Because that would ruffle the great orange one.

It's up to SEC. If you have information about somebody preventing SEC from doing their job
- come forward.
106020   Onvacation   2019 Oct 22, 7:49am  

Trump has lost more money from being president than most presidents earn from corrupt book deals and speaking fees.
106021   truthhurts   2019 Oct 22, 9:39am  

jazz_music says
The trading will be investigated. This is real news.

It's real news after they investigate the trading and find some link to Trump or to some other insider knowledge that should not have been traded on. Which they haven't. The only thing that makes it news in your mind is because it's tangentially related to Trump and your TDS is telling you that it is.
106022   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 11:49am  

jazz_music says
Some may be getting locked up over this too.


Cohan says it’s time for action for authorities, starting with a look at this particular scenario: “In the last 10 minutes of trading on Friday, Aug. 23, as the markets were roiling in the face of more bad trade news, someone bought 386,000 September e-minis. Three days later, Trump lied about getting a call from China to restart the trade talks, and the S&P 500 index SPX, -0.26% shot up nearly 80 points. The potential profit on the trade was more than $1.5 billion.”



The entire system is corrupt, extremely corrupt.
106023   Hircus   2019 Oct 22, 11:56am  


For a while I've felt that if Trump makes it to second term, he can then get serious with China and turn up the pain dial on their punk asses and do what he needs to do to score a long term win. Right now, he has to be careful about short term sides affects for political reasons.
106024   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 22, 12:16pm  

truthhurts says
which we don't even know who they were placed by?

One court subpoena would fix that.
106025   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 22, 12:18pm  

richwicks says


The entire system is corrupt, extremely corrupt.

I was on the wolverine global risk desk at the time, remember large put purchases in airlines leading up to the event. Suspect order flow should be investigated
106026   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 22, 12:23pm  

Trump is attacking all of the Rinos but I don't see him putting in Endorsed well funded and liked replacements.
if he's not careful, not only will the election get stolen from him, he will be instrumental in clearing out what Republicans are in office.

He needs to circle the wagon and come up with a replcement plan. Not just supporting who ever manages to be on the ballet the day before the eleciotn with a rush snap rally.
He's failed at almost everyone of those. He needs to build a support base for replacements in competitive districts. Rather than just backing who ever wins the primary. He needs to support people at the primary level. The people that never win, because they are up against Lindsey Graham and his backer's money.
106027   EBGuy   2019 Oct 22, 12:24pm  

I predict he'll hand off the scepter to Ivanka and go golfing.
106028   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 12:26pm  

CBOEtrader says
I was on the wolverine global risk desk at the time, remember large put purchases in airlines leading up to the event. Suspect order flow should be investigated

Oh, you know it's not going to be. I remember hearing about the trades on that DAY. I was like "Great! We got 'em!! - they won't be able to hide this if there was any funny business!"

And it was on that day, I realized the entire society I thought I lived in, didn't exist.

I remember the 5 dancing Israelis, the vans that were stopped in explosives, the "largest Israeli spy ring", the Israelis that were illegally in the country working for a moving company? Doesn't matter, we had a coup that day, people aren't ready to accept it, although more are. I don't think we've ever been i a democratic system and haven't been for decades and decades. Maybe 9/11 was a good thing, it woke a bunch of people up.
106029   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 12:48pm  

If the LibbyFucks weren't programming the destruction of the middle class and their opportunities, then the middle class would expand and prosper, creating a much larger tax base since it has been shown time and again that trying to increase the taxes on the rich DOES NOT RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT GAINS. The vast bulk of taxes come from the earnings of the middle class.

That plus the LibbyFuck Royalty all make sure there are plenty of loopholes to preserve THEIR wealth while rabble rousing the thoughtless shills who vote them in.
106030   Shaman   2019 Oct 22, 1:26pm  

This looks promising, but I really am not understanding the process. Simply breaking down aluminum shouldn’t produce that much energy.
106031   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 1:34pm  

jazz_music says
The trading will be investigated. This is real news.

106032   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 1:35pm  

Hey find that weapons of mass destruction program yet in Iraq?

Stop that humanitarian crisis in Libya that Qaddafi was about to cause yet?

Stop that mean old Assad from gassing his own people yet?

Well at least Iran stop placing limpet mines on their ships..

Oh, and Juan Guido really honestly is prezdident of Venezuela really.

But now you're REALLY OUTRAGED that Trump said some falsehoods. Well, he's not started a new war yet. What are your priorities pinhead? I'm supposed to watch a 9 minute video of somebody whining about "how we're nut told the truth all the time!" - Welll DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH
106033   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 22, 1:35pm  

it sounds really cool, but I don't understand it or even believe that it works.

If it's real, would be amazing way to save money!
106034   HeadSet   2019 Oct 22, 2:10pm  


sunny is likely a bot
106035   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 2:11pm  

jazz_music says
That's really your loss.

No, it's not. I don't need additional false, unsupported, pretenses given to me, that I merely have to either ignore outright or prove to be false.

Sometimes I really get irritated on how ignorant Americans remain. I'm an electrical and computer engineer in Silicon Valley. I was born in 1971, when when I left college, the fundamental infrastructure of the Internet was being put together, and I became a part of that. I worked at Cable Labs in Boulder Colorado in the DOCSIS specification. We invented the Internet.

As a young engineer, the thinking among my colleagues and myself was that once people were able to talk to everybody on that planet, people would, and propaganda would just end.

So instead of watching two assholes on duh teevee propaganda box argue "Is Iraq better off since the US invasion? What do you think white liberal twat that has absolutely no experience in Iraq and you asshole Neocon?", you'd just talk to an Iraqi and ask them "hey, are you better off since my country killed your leader?"

We, stupidly I guess, never, ever imagined, you would prefer to willingly remain ignorant. Even when I point out your ability that you can literally talk to a Ukrainian with just a tiny amount of effort, you will continue to argue about a video. Oh it's my loss not to watch it. Well, you don't have any idea what you have skipped out on. You can talk to the whole planet, and you never do.

See? Ви думаєте, що в Україні відбулася революція. Не було. Це був переворот США. Ви думаєте, Росія вторглась в Україну, вони цього не зробили, вони ввійшли до Криму. Жарт у Росії ще в 1985 році був у «Известиях», немає новин, а в «Правді» немає правди. Well now it's true for US "news" today.

It's really easy to speak to a Ukrainian today. I'm not Ukrainian, I don't speak Ukrainian, but the tools are trivial to make use of. You won't. Back in 1990, Ignorance was imposed on the population, today, it's a choice. You chose to be ignorant. You still listen to this silly garbage produced by 3rd parties. There's nothing complicated into talking to the planet now. It's really a pity you still trust so-called "authorities" than you do yourself.

I understand Edward Bernays disgust for average people, he had true contempt for them.

jazz_music says
Your being triggered is not a priority, buttercup.

The United States hasn't entered a war or engaged in a coup without blatantly lying about it and this should be blatantly obvious to you, but it's not. I mean, it's not just a mere exaggeration, I mean it's a wholesale, utterly laughable lie. Those people have been in absolute control for 30 years solid and Trump is a mere interruption, and how they whine, and how their unknowing meat puppets whine about it.

We were supposed to at war with Iran by now, maybe even in direct conflict with Russia. But that "evil liar" screwed up that plan. Isn't that terrible?

Hey, tell me, where's your nearest nuclear bomb shelter? You dumb morons have been maneuvered into restarting the Cold War. Just incredible.
106036   RC2006   2019 Oct 22, 2:17pm  

I hope this is real, I didn't see anywhere that said how it charges or how quickly did I miss it?
106037   Onvacation   2019 Oct 22, 2:24pm  

jazz_music says

Inundation with lies robs truth and reality of their power. Even obvious lies are higher effective at shaping public opinion.

That is why the media continues to push the impeachment and Russian collusion narratives in spite of no valid evidence.
106038   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 3:00pm  

jazz_music says
You however build yourself up to be this great man, and a man of the world too. Now why would someone want to do that?

Not a great man. A man. I'm one of apparently the very fucking few.

Stop listening to propaganda you slave, and start talking to other men. So fucking sick of wasting 30 years just to have you stupid fucking idiots repeating the same bullshit propaganda, and not once considering talking to a source, even thought it costs NOTHING to do.

Fuck you you ignorant cocksocking pig.

Jesus, you're SO EASILY controlled, and then actual people get dragged along either with you DUPES or your PROPAGANDISTS.

jazz_music says
ARPANET 1969? 2 years before you were born?

Arpanet wasn't the Internet. Do you know about the Arpanet rebellion? It was a DARPA project and DARPA was insisting that unless people could prove they needed access to the net, they had to be removed from it. All the researchers, engineers and scientists told DARPA to go fuck themselves, they'd take over the project entirely. This is back when people on it knew the value of talking to counterparts in other countries, and DARPA was finding that to be a problem for their control.

jazz_music says
The one thing I let people know about me is that I'm 68 years old. Your assessments of me are boring me already.

Unsalvageable. A generation of morons raised on television from birth. Tom Luongo said it best when he was talking to Lew Rockwell, that the boomer generation has to die, because they won't change their minds or even consider that they could possibly be incorrect.

The boomer generation betrayed their parents, then went on to betray their kids then their grandkids. The entire generation has nothing but interference to the Silent Generation, X, Y, and the Millennial. Not a single accomplishment of that generation. The Silent Generation went to the moon, we build the Internet.

You're the generation that protested the Vietnam war, when you had to fight it, then turned around and dumped my generation in Iraq, then the next in Iraq again, and Afghanistan, and Syria, and Libya. It's your generation that runs the country now, and has since 1992. Look at what a remarkable job you fuckers how have been asleep at the wheel for 30 fucking years did. Good job there.

Bunch of pot smoking LSD taking assholes get to the 1980's, then it was coke is great!! Greed is good!! Oh, and let's put mandatory sentencing on the kids we're a little fearful of so somebody caught with a bit of crack could spent 15 years in prison. That's your generation!!!

BTW your generation had nothing to do with ending segregation - that was the Silent Generation. When the Civil Rights Act was passed, the OLDEST boomer was 18 years old. You're the generation that put black people in prison for a decade and a half for SMOKING coke, rather than snorting it.

jazz_music says
Why not get irritated on how increasingly ignorant our elites are making Americans by weaponization of falsehood inundations

I am. You're the only generation that is ENTIRELY controlled by them. You think there's a difference between the Republican and Democratic party? There isn't. The Silent Generation knows that. Half of you dumb shits think the Rooskies are still Communists. WTF?

You're the big dumb weapon. Your entire generation is. Hey, did your dumb fucking generation use your home as a credit card to live a lavish lifestyle? Don't worry, the government is happy to put a gun to my head, bail your ENTIRE generation out, the banking system, and you fuckers - running the system, are entirely content with that. No prosecutions for anybody. Guess somebody forgot what the Savings and Loan Scandal was. And shit, destroying the Middle Class - well it will destroy any resistance to growing government criminality, but hell, that's not your problem.

As long as you assholes get what is good for you NOT MATTER HOW ILLEGAL OR DAMAGING IT IS TO THE COUNTRY, you always got it. Well, the Millennials are now the largest voting demographics. If you assholes had paid ANY attention to what happened to the old there that also betrayed their parents and were parasites on their children and grandchildren in Russia slightly after December 26, 1991 - you'd seriously be considering suicide.

Your generation undid almost EVERYTHING your parents did, and then have spent decades trying to sabotage the next generations. In 1971 you got rid of Nixon who was proposing national health care, but you didn't want it, because it would have increased your taxes, so you shoved your parents into retirement homes. Come around to 2010 something, oh gee, fuck the kids. That's your ENTIRE generation. Greedy self serving IGNORANT bastards.

The US government went ENTIRELY corrupt from 1992 to now. Under your generation's watch. Entirely. The last time we didn't have a president that absolutely SUCKED was Reagan. You know, the guy that actually put corrupt bankers in jail?
106039   mell   2019 Oct 22, 3:15pm  

I never understood the use of a dog beyond companion for kids and elderly and family/guard dog in a house with a big garden or farm. I think SF has more dogs than kids.
106040   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 3:21pm  

Are you telling us you are a Russian?
106041   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 22, 3:30pm  

Just support Ted Cruz for POTUS in 2024. He wants a flat tax. Taxing everyone the same percentage is the most fair way except for just having a per-capita tax where everyone pays the same amount.

106042   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 22, 3:32pm  

The less government takes, the more freedom we will have. Government doesn't take because they are caring nice people, they take so they can give to friends and family. It's pure corruption and it should be limited. It is a tax on success. It has to be minimal to prevent anarchy, after that not an inch should be surrendered to these people.

Free enterprise is better than government at providing for the needs of the markets and the people, government should stay the fuck out and only prevent monopolies, which is a legitimate government function.
106043   Bd6r   2019 Oct 22, 3:53pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Just support Ted Cruz for POTUS in 2024. He wants a flat tax.

1. He is quite a weasel (very, very intelligent but that just makes it worse).
2. He is extremely unlikable - he will lose election.
106044   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 4:08pm  

The article is to vague to take seriously. The reputation of the newspaper it's printed in doesn't help ether.

I guess we'll have to wait for these 1,500-miles-on-one-charge Austin cars to materialize.
106045   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 4:12pm  

jazz_music says
Reagan did more to destroy the country than anyone before him. Look at his playbook, the declassified Powell Memorandum.

You mean this?


What is with people not providing a link to exactly what they want to talk about? I'm trying to figure out if that's the Memorandum, but it seems unlikely, since that was written in the 1970s and frankly, having gone through a portion of it, it's hardly threatening, it's prescient.
106046   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 4:14pm  

Ceffer says
Are you telling us you are a Russian?


However I did have family in Soviet occupied Poland during the 1980's under Solidarity. Apparently nobody knows what communism was like or remembers.
106047   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 4:24pm  

jazz_music says
MLK and JFK et al do not qualify as silent generation.


Hey, what were the years of the silent generation, and when was Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy born. Here, let me help:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Generation (1928 to 1945 a widely accepted definition.)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr. (Born January 15, 1929)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy (Born May 29, 1917)

I just have to accept it, the Internet just wasn't made for your generation.

You know what the first thing somebody in Generation Y does when they hear something they think is a lie? They check. For all the complaining about how supposedly stupid the next generations are, they aren't. Silent Generation had the best formal public education - my generation was the first to have access to a world wide research tool, it was just dead weight in between.
106048   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 22, 4:42pm  

I'm surprised mainstream media gives Hillary Clinton any time in the spotlight. She's not running and she turns off a lot more voters and donors than she attracts.
106049   Bd6r   2019 Oct 22, 4:44pm  

OccasionalCortex says
It doesn't really. It just binds it to oxygen and energy is released from that. A form of chemical combustion like a fuel cell does with Oxygen and Hydrogen to make water + energy.
The electrolytes are the problem as far as damaging the aluminum is concerned.

These batteries are not rechargeable - you can't turn some form of Al2O3 which is the result of reaction back into Al easily. So, after you drive xx miles, you would need to remove Al2O3 from your car and stick another piece of aluminum into your battery. I do not think this battery is practical in anything other than devices which are used once, such as naval torpedoes etc.
106050   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 4:50pm  

jazz_music says
The internet was made by my generation, like the Apollo program,

The youngest Apollo astronaut was Charles Duke, he was born October 3, 1935. The Apollo program was on December 7-19, 1972. The oldest boomer was 1973-1945 = 28

jazz_music says
the integrated circuit,

The Integrated circuit was made around 1960.


The oldest baby boomer was 1960-1945 = 15.

jazz_music says
the Space Shuttle

Oh yeah, that thing that blew up 2 times, and had a (2/134) = 1.49% failure rate. Way to go!

jazz_music says
all that taxpayer funded work gets handed over to brutal capitalists for nothing, and then turned into weapons of war.

We did not restart the Cold War. The Silent Generation ended that, largely by luck and the incompetence of the USSR (not to mention it's corruption) - your generation is trying to restart it - but I expect incompetence will put an end to the US Federal government itself.

And good riddance. It's totally corrupted.
106051   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 5:22pm  

jazz_music says
And government is going to stay corrupt until we force them to be honest.

No, it's going to collapse. Force the government to be honest?

Let's see, George H Bush lied the nation into a war.

William Clinton sold out the nation to NAFTA and traded secrets with the Chinese with Loral. He opened up the country to H1B's and basically ruined what could have been a great relationship with Russia.

George W. Bush even more blatantly lied us into a war and frankly probably Afghanistan. Lot of suspicious crap about 9/11 but engh, no point in going there. BTW Michael Chertoff, that ghoul that ran "homeland" security, made a ton of money installing those radiation machines in airports also Dick Cheney setup Halliburton real well too. When the 2007 financial crisis came around, nothing happened, and it was expected the next administration would at least look at it.

Obama lied us into Iraq and Syria, refused to prosecute any banking criminals, and let the secretary of the state sell her office to the highest bidder, as Joe Biden was also selling his office in Ukraine and China. Clinton laundered information on an unsecured server, the DOJ refused to prosecute even though they caught her red handed on Title 18 violations (it's not she's SUSPECTED, she's guilty and they will not enforce the law), there's been a 2 1/2 year coup attempt to remove the president conducted by the intelligence agencies, and the remnants of our "news" media have dropped all pretense of producing anything that is true and will blatantly lie.

Last time it could be reformed was 8 years ago.

jazz_music says
Elect the one who will respond hopefully to the will of the people

Haha - it doesn't matter who you elect.

Do you believe we have a bureaucracy that determines what actually is policy and places pressure on lawmakers and other elected officials to do what they want collectively, as they act as a fat lazy mafia of communists? That's our deep state! You could elect God and it wouldn't change anything.

We're collapsing baby! I told you, the boomers screwed over their parents, then their kids using the government to transfer wealth to them. Who is going to keep the stockmarket up, and fund the 20 trillion dollar debt, the housing markets, and the credit markets? The MILLENNIALS? End of the line. Think they are going to pay for your Social Security, as you start to draw money out of the stockmarket? Either the Fed will just print money to buy stocks destroying the dollar, OR the stock market plummets - if it's the second a private central bank is going to own most of the stockmarket, and we'll end up in communism or fascism. I bet, again, the boomers will be ecstatic with that.

That National Debt doubles ever 8 years, on average, regardless of who is president and has since 1971. That started to break down toward the end of Obama's term. Do you think it's because we had a roaring economy, or now, it's necessary just to lie about it, so the US dollar doesn't go to 0 over night.

jazz_music says
No president will ever be your savior.

Oh I know that. It will either be military revolution, civil war, or just collapse - remember what happened to Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife?

I'm sorry, but people have been reasonable for a long time, a lot longer than it was reasonable to be reasonable.

The military is the most betrayed as well. Lot of kids signed up after 9/11 "to protect the nation" who are realizing they just got misused. They have a tremendously high suicide rate. I wouldn't be surprised to see a coup from the military - from the ground up.
106052   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 22, 5:25pm  

jazz_music says
Inundation with lies robs truth and reality of their power. Even obvious lies are higher effective at shaping public opinion.

Yep, we saw that with Globalist backed Kavanaugh hearings, the Trump groped 1000 women in first class, and with the whistleblower nonsense. "Look at the number of weak claims with no evidence behind them made by people getting paid or linked to dem groups!"
106053   Onvacation   2019 Oct 22, 5:49pm  

NoCoupForYou says
the Trump groped 1000 women in first class

And a hell of a lot more than that on his private plane!
106054   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 22, 6:57pm  

It all depends on the definition of "rich". Case in point: AMT was initially designed to tax 200 or so wealthiest families. We all know how that turned out.

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