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112118   AD   2020 Jun 22, 8:07pm  


Newbie123 says
I’d be worried if this would have been a prolonged shutdown. But we are back in business and low wage jobs are hired back.

You are correct as low wage jobs get filled a lot faster than higher paying white collar jobs. I remember it took about 6 to 8 months to fill a federal government (GS - 13 level job). It took 8 months from the time of requesting to fill an empty position to the replacement worker's first day on the job.

112119   AD   2020 Jun 23, 12:08am  



At May's sales pace, it would take 4.8 months to exhaust the current inventory, up from 4.3 months a year ago. A six-to-seven-month supply is viewed as a healthy balance between supply and demand.

Last month, houses for sale typically stayed on the market for 26 days, down from 27 days in April, but matching the duration a year ago. Fifty-eight percent of homes sold in May were on the market for less than a month.

First-time buyers accounted for 34% of sales in May, down from 36% in April but up from 32% a year ago.

112120   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 23, 8:00am  

80 million people watched it, between television and online streams.
112121   Onvacation   2020 Jun 23, 9:58am  

The Far-Left and the Far-Right Are Two Peas in a Pod

Stalin and Hitler were far left. What is your best example of far right?
112122   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 23, 10:02am  

I don't know about far right, because I simply don't even see it in existence, or whatever it means considering there is no far right today.

I do see that the left is so insane that the moment you simply disagree with them on anything, you get labeled a "far right", "something-ist, something-phobic", which is used as justification to hurt and kill. As far as I know normal people and healthy societies celebrate good things, like creation, productive and constructive behavior that leads to better life. But left today celebrates only destruction, degenerate behavior, and promotes everything that destroys America (or any society). Race riots, gays, abortions, sex work. It's just suicidal and stupid. And what does the left hate? Families, religion, patriotism, America (enough to remove all the founding fathers statues).

Left controls a lot today, media, social media, CA is completely gone left (propaganda works), many institutions. People are afraid to speak up against the left, because left wing inquisition comes at you fast, violence against people who disagree with the left is normalized and promoted.

Left vs right doesn't matter. Left are the assholes today who are destroying America.
112123   Bd6r   2020 Jun 23, 10:12am  

Onvacation says
Stalin and Hitler were far left. What is your best example of far right?

Dunno, Stalin has been characterized as far-right sometimes. Agreed about Hitler tho, he is typical far-left.
112125   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 23, 10:16am  


Now you know damn well you've never seen an AR-15 with a Dildo Duct taped on the end!
112126   Ceffer   2020 Jun 23, 10:54am  

This was a tragedy for Trump. The tobacco spittoons at the rally were only half full!
112127   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 23, 11:22am  

Be careful what you wish for. Left is not good.
112128   Patrick   2020 Jun 23, 5:29pm  

Added more:

cancel cancel culture
resist the violent left
resist the intolerant left
protect our history
statues can't fight back, but we can
112129   Patrick   2020 Jun 24, 9:01am  


democracy not mobs!
rule of law, not mob rule
112130   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 24, 9:33am  

People who say Hate Speech, just hate the people talking.
112131   Patrick   2020 Jun 24, 9:58am  

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

""It's vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economy recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed 1:09PM - 20 May 2020"

Putting the text here so that DuckDuckGo can index it.
112132   Patrick   2020 Jun 24, 9:58am  

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

""It's vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economy recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed 1:09PM - 20 May 2020"

Putting the text here so that DuckDuckGo can index it.
112133   HeadSet   2020 Jun 24, 12:55pm  


Oh, be real. The ultimate "far right" is an anarchist, who wants no government at all, while the "far left" wants total government control and ownership of everything. Don't even tell the far right anarchist what side of the street to drive on, while the far left would allow the government to assign him a wife.
112134   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 24, 1:05pm  

HeadSet says
Oh, be real. The ultimate "far right" is an anarchist,

Liberals own Anarchy. I don't know one single Right conservative person that wants anarchy. Not one!

Just because someone doesn't like the Left's leadership, does not automatically make them a conservative rightwinger.

Far Right, simply means the crazier Liberals and the Left gets, the more they Object.
112135   Onvacation   2020 Jun 24, 1:38pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I don't know one single Right conservative person that wants anarchy. Not one!

Anarchy as in no government, not the hooliganism going on in the streets.

So if far left means total government control perhaps the far right means total personal responsibility?

We give power to government to protect us and our rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
112136   WookieMan   2020 Jun 24, 2:11pm  

Who cares? 2nd wave is coming and you already know it. I know you're gearing up for it.

Also, my SIL lives in Austria. They're not doing anything different than what's going on here in IL. Like zero. Our entire mortality rate is due to the fucking Cuomo retard that should likely be in jail for his dip shit moves.

Take out the Northeast and we're doing slightly better than the EU probably. You have New York ass holes that just killed a bunch of people for fun it appears. You also have countries counting deaths correctly in the EU, like Germany. Dying OF Covid versus dying WITH Covid. There's a neat little distinction there. We're mostly not doing that in the US. Colorado at least revised some numbers. We know high death count states won't though. There's a reason.
112137   mell   2020 Jun 24, 2:20pm  

This depends on comorbidities, on average Americans are fat and unhealthy, and/or trans/lgbtqxyz+_---- which also comes with lower life expectancy. We're literally killing! grampas! and! homos!, but there's nothing to be done about it. Also as Wookie already observed and which I can corroborate, often old males are the ones not wearing masks and mingling happily and extensibly - good on them, there is more to life than hovering at home and being afraid! The curves look pretty much the same once you correct for the slightly but measurably unhealthier average American and the difference in counting (the EU does not count everything as a Covid-19 death just because the patient tested positive or was presumed positive).
112138   theoakman   2020 Jun 24, 2:24pm  

Here's what I learned about New Jersey. Not only did we send all the Wuhan Virus patients into nursing homes, but we diverted all the PPE from nursing homes to hospitals in March and April. The nursing homes, as a result, were set up to inflict mass amounts of death through no fault of their own.
112139   Bd6r   2020 Jun 24, 2:38pm  

theoakman says
The nursing homes, as a result, were set up to inflict mass amounts of death

Social Security will have huge $$$avings! Win-Win!
112140   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 24, 2:43pm  

U sure 'bout that?

112141   HeadSet   2020 Jun 24, 2:59pm  

So if far left means total government control perhaps the far right means total personal responsibility?

Well put.
112142   Shaman   2020 Jun 24, 3:58pm  

The best part of that entire analysis was the reference to this “horseshoe theory” where the left and right wings bend around towards each other.

This is ALMOST true. The truth is that the political spectrum is a circle, and the left and right wing extremists meet at the intersection of totalitarianism. Bookended on the left with Communism and on the right with Fascism, nevertheless each side slips with undeniable gravity to Totalitarianism. Communism and Fascism are transitory states, full of ideals which are wholly unworkable in practice. Those in charge will try to make them work, but to do so they have to resort to Totalitarian control of ever more harsh constraint.

On the other end of the circle ⭕️ is Anarchy. It’s bookended by Libertarianism on the right and Democracy on the left. Once again, both states are transitory, but the slippage tends to be AWAY from Anarchy instead of towards it. Indeed if anarchy becomes the political state, society recoils from it immediately in horror, willing to accept any other system of government.
This is why totalitarian governments are so frequently established after a period of anarchy.
112143   WookieMan   2020 Jun 24, 4:38pm  

Deaths are all that matter.

F'CCP - You got a link to those graphs? I'm interested in what the data is and does it account for aging population? As boomers age, more people are going to die annually than the previous year. Basically, is this what naturally would have happened? The graphs look like gross deaths and not an average. Basically we could see another peak every year for the next 20 years that coincides with flu season as boomers pass and even older people pass.
112144   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 24, 4:41pm  

WookieMan says
F'CCP - You got a link to those graphs?

It's from FT: https://www.ft.com/content/a26fbf7e-48f8-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441
112145   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 24, 4:44pm  

I still think "attributed deaths" is garbage and the only meaningful number is excess deaths.
112146   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 24, 4:48pm  

Maybe this explains the difference...

The US obesity rate is 36.2%.

Obesity rate in Europe, by country (top 15 shown):

112148   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 24, 6:19pm  

It's mostly woo with a shit track record of predictions.
112149   AD   2020 Jun 24, 8:37pm  


1990s the economy was on a roar just given by the velocity of money.

But notice it has steadily decreased since then despite major market upticks like 2003 to 2007, and 2010 to 2020.

112150   Shaman   2020 Jun 24, 8:44pm  

NoCoupForYou says
It's mostly woo with a shit track record of predictions.

Indeed. The markets are best understood as a graph of rich people’s feelings. Dog their heels or (if you can) stay one step ahead of them. They determine the market, not economic forces or whatever. It’s all about the rich people and how their feelz are doing.
112151   AD   2020 Jun 24, 8:48pm  


There is less risk of inflation with a drop in velocity of money.

Notice despite all the Federal Reserve quantitative easing and zirp (zero interest rate policy) that the velocity of money has not recovered to the 1990s level.

That is one reason why I never thought the Fed policies would lead to major inflation. The money never trickled down and never was like sending out stimulus checks or other government checks.

112152   Ceffer   2020 Jun 24, 10:21pm  

NoCoupForYou says

Glad to see non-Whites are so mentally healthy. Probably because the therapist doesn't want to get a beatdown for telling them they have a mental condition, and they wouldn't collect the hourlies, anyway, like with neurotic whites.
112153   komputodo   2020 Jun 24, 10:25pm  

Psychopathy is typically diagnosed using a 20-item checklist called the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. This list features questions that gauge common traits such as a lack of empathy, pathological lying, and impulsivity (among many others).

That explains black thugs.
112154   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 3:24am  

jazz_music says
Yeah, so is every other country in the world handling COVID better than the United States.

Did you not look at comment #5?? Maybe you have him on ignore I suppose, so graph quoted below. The graphs in the image show 9 out of 20 (excluding the US) countries doing worse, with another 3 basically similar if you factor data error of 2%. So we're in the middle with our handling of it at worst. Take out the Northeast (NY, NJ, MA, etc.) and the rest of the country is handling this extremely well.

We're not the best, but the claim is Europe and now you with every other country handling it better. It's literally right there for you from FuckCCP's comment. Our country is also one of the few that's mostly counting deaths with COVID as COVID deaths. Versus say German counting deaths caused by COVID. So a person maybe had cancer or some other ailment that was close to killing them anyway. We count that as a COVID death in most states, whereas other countries don't. This is why FuckCCP posted the graph, because actual COVID death counts are not the same everywhere. And China lies. Easy to hide 1M deaths with 1.4B people.

FuckCCP89 says

We're not the worst versus Europe or all the other countries per your claim. There are more overall deaths. There is a pandemic. But it's not as big and scary as it's being made out to be and we aren't remotely the worst country dealing with it.
112155   Shaman   2020 Jun 25, 5:46am  

I’ve seen hard drug addiction turn people into psychopaths. When they’re jonesing for that hit, they’re capable of damn near anything.

Otherwise psychopaths are out there and I’ve run into them more than a few times. I had a boss who would have tested high on that scale, and he almost made me quit before I decided to fight back and got him demoted. Once he no longer had any power he was neutered and mostly kept to himself until he retired. Good enough for me.
112156   NDrLoR   2020 Jun 25, 8:03am  

Shaman says
I’ve seen hard drug addiction turn people into psychopaths
Or it could be that the psychopathy is what turned them to drug addiction in the first place.
112157   Shaman   2020 Jun 25, 9:07am  

NDrLoR says
Shaman says
I’ve seen hard drug addiction turn people into psychopaths
Or it could be that the psychopathy is what turned them to drug addiction in the first place.

Nope. It’s usually childhood trauma that sends people into addiction behaviors. Although enough trauma as an adult will help that along as well.

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