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113472   Karloff   2021 Apr 23, 9:35am  

Denninger covers this in more detail: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=242128

Interesting that last year they were showing nearly 0 flu deaths for almost the entire year, now all of a sudden, here's a big number that's in line with previous years.

Also read carefully footnote b, "Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19". With money being given out to everything covid, I'm sure nobody would classify a death as covid related unless they were absolutely sure.
113473   WookieMan   2021 Apr 23, 9:38am  

mell says
Correct, a lot of drug overdoses (unintentional injuries?) as well. 2020 was a drop in the bucket and hardly an aberration, just a continuing trend. Also the covid-19 deaths are deaths while testing positive, many if not most covid was not the main cause, so pretty much in line with an influenza season. See that little b there? "Deaths with confirmed (= positive bullshit PCR) AND PRESUMED (more BULLSHIT grouping flu, pnemonia and colds into the covid bucket). Conclusion = worthless rubbish.

You're correct. Beyond that. Is it even safe to assume stats are correct from anywhere now? The stats we're given, assuming correct cannot possibly lead to the narrative that is being spun. Covid is real. The "story" isn't.

I think that's hard for some people to navigate. Look at stats and you can create a narrative if you're a thinking person. The problem is people follow the narrative from people that aren't experts in anything #media. Covid kills old and unhealthy people. Age you can't fix, health you generally can. Nah, shut down the country and try and force people to get a poke. That totally makes sense.
113474   socal2   2021 Apr 23, 9:41am  

All COVID did was kill the already sick and dying a few months earlier than they normally would have from other diseases.

We are already seeing historically low deaths from all causes this year. Excess COVID deaths probably won't show up in 5 year averaging.

Was it really worth fucking our children over for 1.5 years to give the old and sick a few extra months of life?

113475   Shaman   2021 Apr 23, 10:23am  

socal2 says
Was it really worth fucking our children over for 1.5 years to give the old and sick a few extra months of life?


It really really wasn’t.
And the DIFFERENCE in educational and crime statistics BETWEEN STATES that develop in the next few years are going to be absolutely conclusive about this. States that had Democrat leadership are going to fare much much worse than states with conservatives in charge.
We have a control for this social experiment. It’s called Florida and Kansas vs the experiment in distance education they ran in California and New York. Nobody will take the bet on which kids did better.
113476   FarmersWon   2021 Apr 23, 11:23am  

All this stats ignore the impact of deaths from:
1) Disruption to medical services caused by "stupid and overly draconian" response.
2) In old age, You need social interactions to retain will to survive. Senior citizens were basically shut in their homes with depressive situation.
3) Lack of fresh air. My parents had hard time not able to go to park and interact with their friends... Made them sicker.
4) Depression.
5) Childbirth related difficulties due to COVID fearmongering.
6) Drugs/Excessive drinking to beat loneliness and "lack of positive news".

I can go on for days or making this pandemic really dangerous, Rather than pointing out that response was the most scary and fatal part.
Living beings are not meant to be in captivity.. What is median age and suicide rate of inmates?

As in life moderation always is best option. You see any happy long life living folks, You will always in them measured in response to everything equivalent of political centrists or independents.
Life is full of gray shades and we should appreciate it rather than coloring everything black and white.
I can give you tons of good points about "Hindoooo" someday, Although I don't feel like to give ammunition to some Hindooo folks here...But I do know those and appreciate it.
113477   Onvacation   2021 Apr 23, 5:11pm  

WookieMan says

Was it really worth fucking our children over for 1.5 years to give the old and sick a few extra months of life?

The kids were set back a LOT more than a year and a half. The "lost year(s" it is not over yet) will cascade down over the decades to come. I read somewhere that the kids have lost a lot of ground in math, not to mention the emotional trauma of telling kids their actions can "kill grandma".

On the plus side, nobody will be expected to go to work with a cold anymore.
113478   Onvacation   2021 Apr 23, 5:17pm  

ThreeBays says

The stats show what people died from, and they show there's no impact.

Was it worth it? How many lives do you think were saved by the lockdowns, masking, social distancing, restricting travel, closing schools, and suspending the first amendment?
113479   Onvacation   2021 Apr 24, 8:48am  

ThreeBays says

Nobody suspended the first amendment.

Do you even know what the first amendment is?

Maybe you mean that because our first amendment is a right the government CAN"T restrict it?

Restricted it is.
113480   Onvacation   2021 Apr 24, 8:49am  

ThreeBays says
I think we saved 1.5 Million lives.

You got the vax. What is your comorbidity?
113481   mell   2021 Apr 24, 8:57am  

ThreeBays says
Nobody suspended the first amendment.

Of course and not only the first A. And they "saved" close to zero lives as the curves were dropping sharply even before the vaccine rollout due to herd immunity. Norway calculated that the chance of death is higher from the vaccine than from covid and stopped vaccinating. It's actually possible that longer term lives are lost net net as we don't know about cumulative side-effects.
113482   mell   2021 Apr 24, 9:29am  

ThreeBays says
did it for the community

Plenty of vaxxed people still get covid. Now you may say less serious / asymptomatic and thus less "infectious", but that's what was argued in favor of kids and asymptomatic/ healthy adults, yet they were forced by threat of punishment and violence to wear masks, so ergo not much if anything at all was done for the community by vaccination. Can't have it both ways. Better keep wearing that mask til eternity.
113483   WookieMan   2021 Apr 24, 10:12am  

ThreeBays says
My wife and I and everybody I know did it for the community and to get our schools open.

Schools should have never been closed. You're free to inject what you want, but it's not necessary.

ThreeBays says
If you're healthy, that's more reason to not be scared of it.

No one is scared. No one needs it. It doesn't stop the spread of covid. It minimizes symptoms. If anything it's likely to put those susceptible to a negative outcome more at risk as people loosening hygiene standards because they think they're "immune" from it. People still die from classic influenza AFTER being vaccinated. No different this time around.

Let the body do its work. Stay healthy. Everyone that still has 9 holes to play in life is going to get this virus. Vaccinated or not.
113484   Onvacation   2021 Apr 24, 10:52am  

ThreeBays says
Onvacation says
You got the vax. What is your comorbidity?

Hehe, I'm not worried about my own safety from covid or from the vaccine.

Huh. I kind of figured it was obesity.

Why would a perfectly healthy person take the experimental biologic agent? Asymptomatic spreading has been thoroughly debunked.
113485   mell   2021 Apr 24, 11:43am  

ThreeBays says
mell says
Now you may say less serious / asymptomatic and thus less "infectious", but that's what was argued in favor of kids and asymptomatic/ healthy adults, yet they were forced by threat of punishment and violence to wear masks, so ergo not much if anything at all was done for the community by vaccination. Can't have it both ways. Better keep wearing that mask til eternity.

That was rather unintelligible, but anyway masks are hardly the only metric. Lower deaths and hospitalizations, opening of businesses and schools, the ability to gather and attend sports events, all of those are more important than the mask issue.

Masks will be the last measure to be dropped, it's obvious. 85% of independents supported mask mandates... I dont think the GOP is gaining any points by arguing on this issue.

I don't care what goppers say either about this, masks are harmful when worn for a prolonged time and don't work for airborne viruses, and I won't subject any of my family to this bullshit voodoo science. When we're out and about there are no masks, if a private business requires them for a short time I'm ok with it. Not that it will do much of anything, but at least it's a choice to frequent such businesses and events. Outdoors the masks stay off and anyone is welcome to take a roundabout hike of about 3-30 ft or more if they like.
113486   Bd6r   2021 Apr 24, 11:47am  

ThreeBays says
increase people's confidence

I still have to see a clinical study showing that masks work. I've see at least one reputable study that masks do not work (Danish study I posted a while ago, and no one here has shown that study is flawed). About vaccinations, they are helpful, but no one should be forced to vaccinate - if I am afraid of covid, I will vaccinate; if someone thinks he is better off without a vaccine, I am fine with him not getting vaccinated and if he contracts covid, it is his own damned problem.

However, policies should not be made just because they make people feel better and more confident. They should be made based on science, otherwise we are back to Salem witch trial-type situation "my crops failed because Mary did not wear a mask, so lets burn her"
113487   Onvacation   2021 Apr 24, 1:00pm  

ThreeBays says
That was rather unintelligible

Brain fog is a common side effect of the jab.
113488   Onvacation   2021 Apr 24, 1:06pm  

ThreeBays says

They left out the question about all the major league sports leagues selling out America. Fuck those racially oppressed multimillionaires.
113489   mell   2021 Apr 24, 1:58pm  

ThreeBays says
Onvacation says
Brain fog is a common side effect of the jab.

I don't think Mell had the jab.

That was funny so one thumbs up
113490   Onvacation   2021 Apr 25, 7:47am  

ThreeBays says
Onvacation says
Brain fog is a common side effect of the jab.

I don't think Mell had the jab.

Because Mell is smart and informed.
113491   WookieMan   2021 Apr 25, 9:01am  

ThreeBays says
Vaccines and masks increase people's confidence to go back to normal. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are barking up the wrong tree.

There's ZERO data showing masking has done anything. In fact once mask mandates were a thing, cases started rising. As I notice less people wearing them, cases start dropping. It's not "fact" but anecdotal info matters. Touching your mask 5 times a minute is way more than being maskless. AND the masks 90% of people wear can't stop a virus. A viral load can stick to it and make the situation worse.

What's going to happen is we'll see another massive wave. Because those that got vaccinated are going to be lacking on things like hand washing. You can still spread Covid or even other strains of flu if you're vaccinated. It's a virus. Just because your body is able to handle it naturally or via a vax, doesn't mean you still can't spread it. The cat is out of the god damn bag. This is basic, basic science. ER's were NEVER overrun with covid patients. Every news source replayed the same clip over and over of a busy ICU. Gee golly, never has that happened in the history of mankind. So we'll use the only clip we have.

The manipulation is obvious. Myself and others have been pointing it out for the last year on this site. The raw data is out there. If people were truly concern about keeping people alive, go look at data for heart disease. Many conditions that kill MOST people are controllable. You can't control a virus.
113492   WookieMan   2021 Apr 25, 9:28am  

ThreeBays says
When the weather gets hot, your A/C goes on, when it gets cold your A/C goes off. Does that mean A/Cs make the weather hot?

Anecdotal info matters, and so dues critical thinking about cause & effect.

Dude, I'm not sure your point. You don't NEED A/C either way. You're kind of proving my point. My neighbors down the street don't use A/C during hot humid IL summers. They're still alive.

You need to be healthy. Eat well. This virus is a monster nothing burger if you do that. You don't need vaccination. You don't need a mask. This is all fact and science.
113493   mell   2021 Apr 25, 9:48am  

ThreeBays says
WookieMan says
In fact once mask mandates were a thing, cases started rising. As I notice less people wearing them, cases start dropping. It's not "fact" but anecdotal info matters.

When the weather gets hot, your A/C goes on, when it gets cold your A/C goes off. Does that mean A/Cs make the weather hot?

Anecdotal info matters, and so does critical thinking. That's been missing often from you. Not trying to personally attack you but what's your education level?

The burden is on you to prove that masks do anything but the obvious harm and you haven't done so, neither has anyone else. And you can't and since they do nothing for airborne viruses. So why are you still discussing this point. Wear one of it makes you feel better or if you want to avoid droplet based infections (which is NOT covid) just in case someone sneezes on you. But this is just beating not only a dead but an insanely wrong horse at this point.
113494   WookieMan   2021 Apr 25, 9:56am  

ThreeBays says
WookieMan says
Dude, I'm not sure your point.

Yeah, I get it. Again not trying to personally attack you but what's your education level?

Why would that matter? FYI you can attack me if you want, I don't care. I have a college degree. For my age, I'm a 1%'r financially. Degrees don't make one smart either. Money doesn't make one smart.

Anecdotal evidence matters if you're out and about enough. Not going to rehash past comments too much, but according to the narrative I should have gotten severely ill or died by now. So should my 3 kids now. 16 one way flights. Airports. Going out to eat 2x weekly. Not wearing masks. When a National Guard soldier at a point of entry in a US territory doesn't ask for your "mandated" covid test and says it's not a big deal, I don't know, that means something.

There are a lot of things I've experienced that this is bull shit. The biggest being that the 30+ people I know that have gotten covid are all alive and didn't even notice it. One guy went to the doctor. Not ER or ICU. He napped for a week, couldn't smell, and had a slightly more difficult time breathing (#HeWasFat)..
113495   Onvacation   2021 Apr 25, 10:22am  

WookieMan says
What's going to happen is we'll see another massive wave. Because those that got vaccinated are going to be lacking on things like hand washing.

Nobody is getting vaccinated. They are taking an experimental biologic agent that does not confer immunity.
113496   Onvacation   2021 Apr 25, 10:26am  

ThreeBays says
critical thinking. That's been missing often from you.

Not trying to be personal, but you may be projecting.

I have three degrees and multiple technical certifications. But you don't need an education to smell bullshit.
113497   Onvacation   2021 Apr 25, 10:33am  

ThreeBays says
The data implies about 4 out of 5 people that have covid antibodies never knew / were never tested.

Amazing! For such a lethal disease.

So 80% of people who get the Wuhan don't even know?
113498   Karloff   2021 Apr 25, 11:30am  

ThreeBays says
Vaccines and masks increase people's confidence to go back to normal

Placebos have shown to be effective at treatment when the underlying cause was psychological.

Sort of a "perception is reality" situation.
113499   stfu   2021 Apr 25, 3:32pm  

The data is troubling. I've long been on the side that there is no pandemic because the total mortality data for 2020 didn't support it. This post had me rechecking the data and sure enough there was a huge spike in mortality (from all causes) in the last 9 weeks of 2020 that continued into the first 3-4 weeks of 2021. The spike in deaths at the end of the year is unusual, as every year from 2013 through 2020 had the spike occurring later in the spring. This is all based on CDC data through week 12 of 2021.

in 2018, the average deaths for the last five weeks of the year was 3.13% higher than the average for the previous 47 weeks
in 2019, the average deaths for the last five weeks of the year was 5.97% higher than the average for the previous 47 weeks
in 2020, the average deaths for the last five weeks of the year was 15.07% higher than the average for the previous 47 weeks

The total deaths for 2020 should have been slightly below 3 million, not 3.4 million. After the spring spike we were under trend and on track to come in at 3 million but something happened in the last 9 weeks - really accelerating in the last 5 weeks.

I have no faith in the how the CDC classifies the deaths because I believe they are supporting a narrative but I can't deny that there was an spike in overall deaths in late 2020/ early 2021 which is out of the ordinary. I will revisit in the fall to see if this was just an early spike (and if the spike is happening sooner every year) or if it predicted an unusually deadly 2021.
113500   RC2006   2021 Apr 25, 4:06pm  

Will there be less deaths in the next few years because deaths were pulled foward in 2020?
113501   Patrick   2021 Apr 25, 5:12pm  

RC2006 says
Will there be less deaths in the next few years because deaths were pulled foward in 2020?

Yes, I expect exactly that.

A lot of elderly were bumped off the ledge by this, but it doesn't take much to do them in.
113502   Shaman   2021 Apr 25, 5:27pm  

I expect there to be more deaths per year next year and the following ten afterwards. Boomers are aging and dying. It’s inevitable. My boomer parents are getting up there. Have to make the most of the time they have left.
Covid was a bump in the mortality but it was already headed up as @threebays graph clearly shows. Covid probably advanced the deaths of several hundred thousand and another fifty or so who could have lasted another ten to twenty at their current levels of poor health.

The deaths from Covid are, however, insignificant in the long run. What is significant is the horrifyingly inappropriate Covid RESPONSE that many lefty run governments inflicted on the public. That will cause years and maybe even decades of problems, exacerbating poverty, crime, education drop-outs, and worsening the average situation for minorities across the USA significantly.

Just remember: when it came time to protect the rich old white people, they happily tossed PoC communities under the bus, laying off or firing almost all entertainment workers and service workers, a category that is MOSTLY filled by PoC. Then they lied these people into fear of Covid and loathing of their fellow citizens, and urged them to riot and loot to get their aggressions out.

It really was one of the most heinous and cynical policy decisions of all fucking time.
Only a bunch of sociopaths could have come up with it.
113504   Onvacation   2021 Apr 25, 8:03pm  

stfu says
there was a huge spike in mortality (from all causes) in the last 9 weeks of 2020 that continued into the first 3-4 weeks of 2021.

The hopeless time of year.

To live takes will.

For some, you can crush their body like it went into a press die and they will still live. Others catch a cold and it's the end. I've seen friends and family suffer near the end. It's never over until they give up the ghost.

A year of fascism with no end in site is kind of depressing. I suspect many of the extra deaths were caused by the despair of living in the twilight zone, Alone.

That and the oldest baby boomers are kicking the bucket.
113505   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 25, 8:19pm  

Onvacation says
So 80% of people who get the Wuhan don't even know?

A gigantic study out of Wuhan indicates that asymptomatic spread is not significant:
So they don't know it and it doesn't fucking matter.
113506   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 25, 8:55pm  

Meanwhile, in China:

In China, from 3 January 2020 to 6:00pm CEST, 25 April 2021, there have been 103,464 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 4,856 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 17 April 2021, a total of 188,090,000 vaccine doses have been administered.

Only 5,000 COVID deaths in all of China. 100k's in the USA. My ass.

It's !!!!Science!!!! though. The WHO wouldn't just repeat a baldfaced lie.

113507   Patrick   2021 Apr 25, 8:58pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Only 5,000 COVID deaths in all of China. 100k's in the USA. My ass.

It's !!!!Science!!!! though. The WHO wouldn't just repeat a baldfaced lie.

True. There's just no possible way that both China and the US is telling the truth.
113508   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 25, 9:14pm  

This dang China Death Flu has interrupted our steady, century long, decline in death rate per 100k and, very temporarily, knocked us all the way back to 2006 or so.
113509   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 25, 9:33pm  

Here is deaths per million going back to 1900. In the Terrifying Year of Covid we were much, much, less at risk of death than say, 1968, when we stupidly partied right on though the Hong Kong Flu.

What a nation of dripping sissies. My pal sent me pictures of the hiking trails in West Marin, couples and solo hikers all masked up out on an un-crowded trail, a year into this charade.
113510   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 25, 9:36pm  

Robert Sproul says
This dang China Death Flu has interrupted our steady, century long, decline in death rate per 100k and, very temporarily, knocked us all the way back to 2006 or so.

These comparisons are great.

And those who pat themselves on the back for being the reality based community are the most Chicken Little of all in regards to the recent comparisons.
113511   Patrick   2021 Apr 25, 10:46pm  

Robert those are fantastic graphs!

Where did you get them?

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