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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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39773   New Renter   2013 Nov 25, 9:42am  

Call it Crazy says

If they react abruptly to falling sales by building less, the housing market may be “on the verge of a significant correction”, argues Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Macroeconomics.

Are you sure they don't mean a correction upward? This is The Economist after all who believe higher home prices are a good thing.

39774   New Renter   2013 Nov 25, 9:43am  

Or actual train wrecks. Our nations infrastructure is still pretty crappy.

39775   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Nov 25, 10:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Can anyone name one American who would not delight at dismembering a bankster and eating its face?

John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford & J.P. Morgan.

Also Gordon Gekko... And also me.

I would delight at eating American peasants' faces and dismembering their children's heads afterwards.

I'm scum...

39776   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Nov 25, 10:50am  

I financed George Zimmerman because I want all niggers dead.

39777   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Nov 25, 11:01am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

And you like genocidal psychopaths to fuck you in the ass while you shout, "MOMMEEEEEEE!"

Why don't you accept my financial bribes and join my side in the genocidal agenda?

You won't have to nurse from your mother's breasts anymore. You'll have enough food...

39778   Ceffer   2013 Nov 25, 11:08am  

Why can't we all just love one another without the ass fucking?

39779   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 25, 11:09am  

As a Democrat, I hate personal responsibility, self-reliance, and America.

Is there anything I can do to protect these black criminals from this great American?

39780   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 25, 12:49pm  

Ceffer says

Why can't we all just love one another without the ass fucking?

What are you talking about? Are you some kind of communist?

Nobody in the United States has had vaginal intercourse since The Columbian Exposition of 1893.

39781   Dan8267   2013 Nov 25, 1:09pm  

In retrospect, wasn't it obvious that the whole affair was all Trayvon Martin's fault? Yep, the Zimmerman apologists were all right. He's a model citizen and gun owner.

39782   Vicente   2013 Nov 25, 1:23pm  

By rural Georgia standards, Mr. Zimmerman would be nearly unarmed.

"I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee! "

39783   ChapulinColorado   2013 Nov 25, 1:30pm  

Ceffer says

Why can't we all just love one another without the ass fucking?


Oops, that's not right.... Anti-sodomist?

Not quite...

Dick Cheney?

No, that's not right either.... Republican?

Yup. that's it.

39784   upisdown   2013 Nov 25, 1:56pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Does Zimmiecakes say MOMMEEEEE! when he gets fucked in the ass?!

He probably will if he's convicted.

39785   Homeboy   2013 Nov 25, 2:00pm  

Straw Man says

And what would be the message conveyed by such renaming?

What's plenty good enough for us, proles is not good enough for Inner Party and Grassley is to blame for forcing the inferior product on them? Are you sure that would play out as you think it would? ;)

That's just it - Obama doesn't do a good job of controlling the message, and allows the right to put false messages out that become accepted as truth. Even you bought into it. This is not a difference between superior/inferior products, it is a difference between employer and individual insurance. Employer insurance has ALWAYS been a better deal than individual insurance - obviously. If it weren't, there would be no point in having it. Everybody would just buy their own insurance. What Grassley did is amend the law to say Congress, and Congress only, must buy INDIVIDUAL insurance from the exchange instead of getting the employer insurance they've always had. Well, one of the things insurance companies do to equalize the higher risk of providing individual insurance is that they charge older people more. So if republicans are going to bitch that older Congressional staff members have to pay more, I think it should be made clear that it was Grassley's idea - a republican. This has nothing to do with ACA making insurance more expensive; it has everything to do with Grassley forcing Congress to buy INDIVIDUAL insurance, which costs more, rather than GROUP insurance, which costs less. That's fine if he wanted to do that, but don't do it and then bitch about it.

Where Obama has lost control of the message is where the republicans have planted the meme that Congress is getting "the same" insurance as "the rest of us". Totally false. Most of "us" get insurance from our employers. The exchanges are only for the 10% of us who buy individual insurance. And guess what - individual insurance ALWAYS cost more for older people. In fact, it was worse BEFORE ACA, because the differential was not limited to 3X as it is now. The republicans have managed to get a completely false idea to be accepted as truth by most everyone, perhaps because it takes a little explanation and a little thought to understand the truth, and it can't really be put in a 2 second sound bite.

39786   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 25, 10:00pm  

Zimmermann is already the GOP frontrunner for 2016.

If he shoots another black kid, he'll stomp any Democrat in the general.

39787   bob2356   2013 Nov 26, 1:25am  

bgamall4 says

Perhaps you would not be lost and confused so much if you didn't believe in Martians.

That's really funny coming from someone who believes in bubblews.

39788   smaulgld   2013 Nov 26, 2:08am  

There is some truth to both your positions. Volatility means up and then down and then up. That is to be expected when the market is being manipulated. It is to be expected when the cash buyers can be all in and then unload, etc.

That is the point - Re is being manipulated higher by the artificially low rates- but there is a limit

39789   upisdown   2013 Nov 26, 2:15am  

smaulgld says

That is to be expected when the market is being manipulated. It is to be
expected when the cash buyers can be all in and then unload, etc.

Just how is it being manipulated? A buyer is a buyer whether it's with one's own cash, inherited money or borrowed from famil, friends, or co-workers, or even a bank.

It's called the market, and what it does is change constantly along with the players in it. Is the standard 'manipulation' label for something that you dislike or don't understand?

39790   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Nov 26, 2:45am  


Austrians are calling for unbelievable Weimar-level inflation again. Nevermind that Weimar's hyperinflationary problem was deliberate government policy to get out of debts imposed by victors in a war and has no bearing on today's situation. Nor is the USA an impoverished third world country where almost all GDP comes from Agriculture and Mining like Zimbabwe.

39791   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Nov 26, 2:48am  

It must suck to be a Trayvon Martin case ex-juror right now.

39792   Reality   2013 Nov 26, 3:42am  

thunderlips11 says


Austrians are calling for unbelievable Weimar-level inflation again.

Some Austrians do. Others argue against that as possible in our immediate future. Hyperinflation is the end game in almost every fiat money; we may not however be at that end game yet in the next few years or decades.

BTW, rare alternative end to fiat currency does exist: the Czarist paper money became more valuable after the communists toppled the regime and killed the Czar . . . because the communist regime rapidly hyperinflated their own currency, and the old dead Czarist regime's paper money became more valuable and more acceptable in the market place as nobody was printing any more of it.

Nevermind that Weimar's hyperinflationary problem was deliberate government policy to get out of debts imposed by victors in a war and has no bearing on today's situation.

German WWI debt was not denominated in local paper money, but linked to assets, foreign currency and gold. Weimar hyperinflation came about because the government had to pay workers on strike in Saar and Ruhr due to French and Belgian occupation after German government stopped paying war debt. The workers were paid full wages while nothing was produced, so the result was hyperinflation.

Nor is the USA an impoverished third world country where almost all GDP comes from Agriculture and Mining like Zimbabwe.

Banking and financing centered economy would probably exacerbate the swing if there is significant monetary instability when the tipping point is reached.

39793   deepcgi   2013 Nov 26, 3:45am  

You have to believe that people will never lose faith in fiat currencies for gold to "crash" like a bubble bursting. History is on the side of the bugs.

39794   mell   2013 Nov 26, 4:00am  

Why do you hate family values?

39795   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 26, 4:20am  

If he didn't raise her taxes, or encourage her to get an abortion, then there is no crime here.

39796   smaulgld   2013 Nov 26, 5:44am  

upisdown says

smaulgld says

That is to be expected when the market is being manipulated. It is to be

expected when the cash buyers can be all in and then unload, etc.

Just how is it being manipulated? A buyer is a buyer whether it's with one's own cash, inherited money or borrowed from famil, friends, or co-workers, or even a bank.

It's called the market, and what it does is change constantly along with the players in it. Is the standard 'manipulation' label for something that you dislike or don't understand?

inventory and interest rates are being manipulated whether any one likes it or not

No one disputes it- the Fed states it as intention for QE to help home prices

39797   smaulgld   2013 Nov 26, 7:25am  

There was plenty of mafia anger towards Robert Kennedy as he as attorney General went after certain mafia dons which the mob found offensive as they had worked with Joe Sr during prohibition to bootleg liquor

39798   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 26, 9:32am  

HydroCabron says

Zimmermann is already the GOP frontrunner for 2016.

If he shoots another black kid, he'll stomp any Democrat in the general.

crying shame Zimmermann is a registered democrat...

is this how one minority group treats the other minority group in their party !

Cannibal Anarchy in Democratic Party indeed ! brings a tear to my eye !

who else are you Democrats ready to sacrifice next ?

39799   marcus   2013 Nov 26, 10:15am  

I'm not sure whether bgamall4's sense of humor/irony is more advanced than all the others in this thread, or whether it's,...you know, that other thing.

39800   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 26, 10:16am  

thomaswong.1986 says

is this how one minority group treats the other minority group in their party !

It's called "putting one's country and one's principles before one's party."

As a conservative, you, of course, have no idea what that even means.

39801   Y   2013 Nov 26, 11:14am  

Zimmerman is a product of Liberalism gone wild.

thomaswong.1986 says

HydroCabron says

Zimmermann is already the GOP frontrunner for 2016.

If he shoots another black kid, he'll stomp any Democrat in the general.

crying shame Zimmermann is a registered democrat...

is this how one minority group treats the other minority group in their party !

Cannibal Anarchy in Democratic Party indeed ! brings a tear to my eye !

who else are you Democrats ready to sacrifice next ?

39802   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 26, 11:25am  

I honestly believe that you are too soft on him.

39803   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 26, 11:28am  

HydroCabron says

It's called "putting one's country and one's principles before one's party."

As a conservative, you, of course, have no idea what that even means.

so conservatives dont put the US constitution first... such as the 2nd amendment to be specific.

39804   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 26, 11:33am  

anyone want to throw the Koreans next under the bus !

39805   Ceffer   2013 Nov 26, 11:40am  

There will be two stumps. Is it necessary to fuck both?

That's what I call stumping for the Church, goodun, Bill Donahue!

39806   bob2356   2013 Nov 26, 12:41pm  

bgamall4 says

Hey Bob, pay the 5 bucks to Patrick and you can abuse me all you want as a premium member. You cheapskate.

How about I send you the 5 bucks and you can buy a clue.

39807   upisdown   2013 Nov 26, 1:32pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

GOP PA Icon Looking at 19 Counts of Really Twisted Neofascist Sexual

Ahhhhhh, those 'family values' rear their head again. Somebody should send that to Rick Santorum so he could find a place for him in the moral majority camp.

39808   mell   2013 Nov 26, 1:44pm  

What's better than campaigning on family values and hiking the Appalachian mountains?

39809   bob2356   2013 Nov 26, 4:03pm  

bgamall4 says

bob2356 says

How about I send you the 5 bucks and you can buy a clue

I don't want the 5 bucks. I don't need your clue. You are such a tightwad that you can huff and fume and yet refuse to pay 5 bucks. Is it because you are as poor as a church mouse, Bob? I hardly think that. You just want to insult people for free.

Why are you concerned about my finances. There are far too many conspiracies out there waiting for you to waste time thinking about my 5 bucks. 911, moon landings, jfk, area 51, holocust, jesas and mary, paul. You can't afford to waste a second. get cracking. Everyone on patnet anxiously awaits.

39810   smaulgld   2013 Nov 26, 7:08pm  

bgamall4 says

smaulgld says

There was plenty of mafia anger towards Robert Kennedy as he as attorney General went after certain mafia dons which the mob found offensive as they had worked with Joe Sr during prohibition to bootleg liquor

I think it was the CIA. Much too sophisticated for the mafia.

How about the mafia contracted the CIA for the hit in exchange for something the Mafia would do for them or forebear from doing? The problem with trying to identify guilty parties is there are too many people amd groups with motives and means

39811   Ceffer   2013 Nov 27, 2:33am  

Comely narcissists, spit curls flapping in the warm breeze, gazing with polished visages across the landscape that they know is theirs by right, wresting their nascent birthright with manic commitment and then copulating ecstatically with their grasping equals for advantage.

Sounds like movie stars marrying other stars to pimp up their press releases. Was Ayn Rand a gold bug?

39812   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Nov 27, 3:01am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

The chinese are out of treasuries, so much for the easy money route. Gay chindian billionaires and Saudi princes buying up everything in Concord and Phoenix is the only likely route to propping up the zombified housing market.

Someone has to recycle those dollars.

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