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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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41838   Ceffer   2014 Jan 23, 3:14pm  

Smooth Jazz. Proof positive that Slash is a Yanni Zionist!

A musical interlude between conspiracies!

41839   Ceffer   2014 Jan 23, 3:49pm  

Carolyn C says

Maybe global warming will turn Portland into the Bay Area.

It seems to have turned the Bay Area into SoCal. When I lived in SoCal, maybe two weeks of rain, then nada. Now it seems SoCal gets more tropical stuff than it used to.

41840   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 3:53pm  

bgamall4 says

Don't troll Bigsby. Bring something to the table if you don't want to be deleted.

You delete anything that points out the idiocy of your posts, which is why all your conspiracy threads are almost entirely made up of your own posts.

And there was nothing trolling about the post you deleted. You simply don't want to acknowledge actual eye witnesses to the crash. Instead you make out that another one of your ridiculous Youtube videos, put together by a know nothing kid, is somehow conclusive proof that flight 93 never crashed. It isn't. It begins with clear and obvious lies and yet you lap it up. The crash site has impacted plane parts. There is nothing strange about the impact site given the speed and angle of impact. And yes, there weren't any 'bodies'. What there was were small fragments of body parts scattered around which enabled investigators to identify all of the people on board. Only on your planet does that translate as no bodies were found.

You are the one trolling this site, peddling obvious lies that you attempt to pass off as the truth to the more gullible on here. You don't want to examine evidence, which is why your 'evidence' is never anything more than laughable Youtube videos.

And why don't you want to take me up on my Sandy Hook offer? Don't you want to speak to the actual people you claim to be actors and liars? You make baseless assertions but are too much of a coward to actually face the people you accuse.

41841   Bigsby   2014 Jan 23, 10:34pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You delete anything that points out the idiocy of your posts, which is why all your conspiracy threads are almost entirely made up of your own posts.

And there was nothing trolling about the post you deleted. You simply don't want to acknowledge actual eye witnesses to the crash.

Actually there were eyewitnesses that didn't see anything but a little trash.

If I saw Robbie Parker I would call him out for being as phony as a three dollar bill. I doubt if he is still in Sandy Hook. He just moved there for an acting gig.

If? Why not go there and demonstrate to all of us what you'd do? You've obviously got an inordinate amount of free time on your hands. I predict that you'd scuttle away with your tail between your legs given the merest whiff of anyone who was actually caught up in that horrific event.

And there were eye witnesses that saw the plane come down. Let me guess, they are all actors/paid government conspirators/blah-blah-blah.

41842   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Jan 23, 10:48pm  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

DJIA drops of 200-300 a day will be the new norm. Good for gold in the long run. Hope everyone is accumulating or kiss your savings goodbye.

Here is 2 in a row. Next week will be out of this world. I think we have just started what everyone around here has predicted for a long time. God help us all. Depression on its way. Ugh

41843   marco   2014 Jan 23, 11:40pm  

"Every fraud causes harm or loss and we will work with our law enforcement partners to stop any and all criminal activity.”

Boy, this isn't Eric Holder talking, is it? Obama's supine attorney attorney general, a literal doormat for the "contributor" corporations that own the White House and Congress. Bush prosecuted over 3,000 cases of financial malfeasance, and put over 1,000 in jail for it. Scorecard for Obama and doormat Holder?

0 arrests, O convictions. Yes We Can't (and I used to be a Democrat, gag).

41844   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 24, 12:08am  

I think that the coverup with 9/11 is that there was plenty of data to suggest an attack, but either 2+2 wasn't put together OR it was ignored.

This is important because the Patriot Act and other nonsense will be shown to be superfluous, and that the real problem was crunching the information, not collecting it.

41845   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 12:22am  

One thing we can all agree on here is that there are problems with the official story surrounding the whole 9/11 event. There are other events in our countries history that are also equally problematic and should be investigated further as well.

Many make interesting cases and provide interesting information which can make you think about the whole 9/11 incident in greater depth.

41846   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:35am  

mfs.admin says

One thing we can all agree on here is that there are problems with the official story surrounding the whole 9/11 event

That would entirely depend on what particular problems you are referring to.

mfs.admin says

Many make interesting cases and provide interesting information which can make you think about the whole 9/11 incident in greater depth.

That sounds like a lead in to some conspiracy nonsense. Perhaps you'd like to explain what 'interesting information' you are referring to.

41847   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:40am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

If? Why not go there and demonstrate to all of us what you'd do? You've obviously got an inordinate amount of free time on your hands. I predict that you'd scuttle away with your tail between your legs given the merest whiff of anyone who was actually caught up in that horrific event.

So your time isn't free Bigsby? Are you paid to troll?

You're retired. You spend a huge amount of time blogging on numerous sites about supposed conspiracies. You spout enormously offensive crap about individuals who have been through barely imaginable traumas and yet you are too much of a chicken shit to actually go and confront these people face-to-face, people you so freely accuse on the internet. That's you Gary. That's what you are. A very sad old man, who doesn't have enough balls to follow through on his baseless assertions.

41848   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:46am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You spend a huge amount of time blogging on numerous sites about supposed conspiracies.

How do you know that? Are you shadowing me?

Shadowing you? You post all the time about having your own blog. You post moronic thread after moronic thread on here. You also frequently boast about the idiotic articles you've posted on other sites. Hardly requires me to 'shadow' you to know exactly how you are spending your waning years.

41849   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 12:48am  

Hey Bigsby....

I read your comment and as far as my post is concerned, I was careful to not go into any detail for the reason that there is a lot of data surrounding the 9/11 event. If we were to discuss is all here, I'd be writing a novel here in the forum and others here would not appreciate that. Instead, I simply mentioned that the event is not a clear, cut and dry situation. With that said, I'm not into conspiracies and all I can say about it is that further investigation is needed. With the current data we have available to us, it's clear that this event is complex and to jump to a quick conclusion as to what occurred would be irresponsible so I chose to instead say that the event and what occurred is not clear to me personally at this time, simply put. Sorry for the confusion......

41850   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:49am  

bgamall4 says

There was data, and the obvious and provable reason 2+2 was not added up was because the government wanted the attack and was in on it. That makes infinitely more sense than the government was incompetent and didn't know better.

The proofs abound that the government knew everything.

You aren't very good at keeping your thoughts together, are you? Exactly what are you now claiming? Try and remember that you believe the government planned the whole thing and planted bombs in the buildings. You seem a bit confused about that in this post.

41851   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:55am  

mfs.admin says

I simply mentioned that the event is not a clear, cut and dry situation.

And I'm simply asking what's not clear, cut and dry? I think the events of that day are extremely clear. That it wasn't prevented is an obvious failure on the part of the intelligence agencies. It happens. And the world was a quite different place over a decade ago, so that kind of failure isn't exactly that surprising. Terrorist attacks still occur around the world today despite the massive ramping up of the intelligence services since then. It simply isn't that easy to stop small groups of determined individuals.

41852   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 12:57am  

bgamall4 says

I am not discounting that they are the same person.

Er, you were claiming they were definitely the same person in the other thread.

bgamall4 says

But, there are ways of filling in the dent in Rebekah's chin, and change the botox in the lips, and even put caps on teeth. Rebekah's teeth are not perfect, and Kaitlins are too perfect. Until they stand side by side, there are still doubts.

Good grief. They aren't the same person. Just bloody admit it.

41853   indigenous   2014 Jan 24, 1:11am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Who will return the integrity of Nixon to the White House?

As opposed to LBJ, Cater, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, FDR, Wilson, Roosevelt, Lincoln

Clinton reminded me of this joke:

A vacationing penguin is driving his through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.

After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas station and asks the mechanic if he's found the problem. The mechanic looks up and says "It looks like you blew a seal."

"No no," the penguin replies, "it's just ice cream."

41854   indigenous   2014 Jan 24, 1:13am  

jazz music says

Ohh, that's just silly

Wow, I gave you more credit than Tat, my mistake

41855   Entitlemented   2014 Jan 24, 1:13am  

Like only showing Obama up to 2010. Obama - puts to bed the conversation about indebtedness caused by presidents.

41856   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 1:16am  

Just admit you were wrong and that they aren't the same person. Is it really that difficult for you? You used two photos to try and claim they were the same person. You can do that for many people. The videos above clearly show them to be different people, so you spouting on about injections and caps is ludicrous. Mind, it does rather mess with your laughable conspiracy theory.

41857   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Jan 24, 1:19am  

sbh says

Depression on its way

OK, let me get out my calendar. Let's see, breadlines by when? How 'bout April 1? That's got a nice ring to it. And riots by June 15.

It really is nothing to joke about. The snap to worse times will be quicker than anyone predicted.

41858   indigenous   2014 Jan 24, 1:23am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Here is 2 in a row. Next week will be out of this world. I think we have just started what everyone around here has predicted for a long time. God help us all. Depression on its way. Ug

Gotta graph?

41859   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 1:26am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Just admit you were wrong and that they aren't the same person.

Not until someone does a voice comparison or they appear together. And again, troll, it does not stop the mountain of evidence that Sandy Hook was a Zionist hoax.

Voice comparison? Look at their bloody faces. They are clearly two different people. You based your argument on two blurry images and your hugely biased conspiracy leanings. You have two videos in front of you that clearly show your claims to be false. You know that to be the case otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. It's the nearest you ever come to holding up your hands and admitting you were wrong. You were wrong by the way. And you were making major mileage out of this person supposedly being an actress. Your argument was bull just like your hoax theory.

41860   Entitlemented   2014 Jan 24, 1:27am  


41861   Entitlemented   2014 Jan 24, 1:27am  


41862   finehoe   2014 Jan 24, 1:28am  

Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion.

41863   indigenous   2014 Jan 24, 1:32am  

finehoe says

Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion.

Yea but Tip Oneal had something to do with it as well as going off the gold standard.

41864   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Jan 24, 1:46am  

indigenous says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Here is 2 in a row. Next week will be out of this world. I think we have just started what everyone around here has predicted for a long time. God help us all. Depression on its way. Ug

Gotta graph?

Take notice of the morning spike in volume as many seasoned investors are starting the dumping when the market opens with any strength. Not a good sign.

Dow takes a dump

41865   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 1:48am  

The Professor says

No need to apologize to Bigsby. He is in the top ten most ignored people on Patnet for a reason. It is suspected that he is a government troll tasked with spreading disinformation on the Internet. Or maybe he is just gullible and lonely.

Duh, the Professor scuttles out of the dark to post more of his drivel. Should I point out to the poster that you're a conspiracy nut in the same vein as Bgamall? And I'm a government troll, am I? That must be because I'm not American and don't live in the US presumably.

The Professor says

There are OBVIOUS problems with the official story of 911, which have been iterated on other threads. Bigsby seldom addresses the facts and often goes on personal attacks or changes the subject to something ridiculous.

I deal in facts all the time. The whole point is that you and Bgamall completely ignore facts from actual scientists in favour of people who post up Youtube videos. Says it all really.

The Professor says

If we do not question the official BS they serve us we will end up in worse shape as a country than we already are.

Question all you want but try and use your brain when you do so. Posting up Youtube videos made by 20 year olds with no background on the topic at hand isn't 'questioning the official BS,' it's being infantile in your analysis of a complex event that you have no scientific knowledge of.

41866   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 2:11am  

The Professor says

No need to apologize to Bigsby. He is in the top ten most ignored people on Patnet for a reason. It is suspected that he is a government troll tasked with spreading disinformation on the Internet. Or maybe he is just gullible and lonely.

There are OBVIOUS problems with the official story of 911, which have been iterated on other threads. Bigsby seldom addresses the facts and often goes on personal attacks or changes the subject to something ridiculous.

You don't have to be cowed by people that call you a "conspiracy theorist" or "troofer" or any of those other names they use to personally attack anyone that questions the governments BS. If we do not question the official BS they serve us we will end up in worse shape as a country than we already are.

Brought to you by the people that caused 911.

Thanks Professor and I was not irritated or upset by Bigsby's comment. I do not know of him here and when he questioned my comment, my belief was that I may have been unclear about what I said. With this new information you have given me, I'll now know that Bigsby likes to stir the pot, which for me makes the conversation fun and to Bigsby, I'm not mad and I welcome your comments to my posts. I like individuals who question things and are passionate about their beliefs, even when they are not received well as your comments are here in the forum. All of you here on Patrick are awesome and any judgement leveled on me in any forum I participate in is welcome, fun and entertaining so keep on keeping on!!!!

41868   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 2:23am  

Damn, I'm losing my touch!!! It's been 5 minutes since I refreshed and Bigsby hasn't flamed me out for my comment so now I'm going to have to drown my sorrows in a bottle of vodka, maybe even play a few rounds of Russian Roulette or something...........I love you man.......LOL

41869   carrieon   2014 Jan 24, 2:27am  

Next week news break ",The Rise of the Planet of the Apes," is not fiction.

41870   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 2:38am  

The Professor says

According to the official story two airplanes caused three buildings to collapse into a pile of twisted broken steel and pulverized concrete.

Perhaps mfs might like to remember that comment when considering the veracity of the arguments you post.

41871   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 2:40am  

mfs.admin says

I do not know of him here and when he questioned my comment, my belief was that I may have been unclear about what I said.

You didn't say anything. That was the point. You questioned the official line without stating what it was that you questioned. I asked you to clarify and you haven't. It is as simple as that.

41872   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 2:44am  

Well, I'll say this about it, I definitely don't buy into the 9/11 commissions official story, that's for sure. In my case, the jet fuel wouldn't burn hot enough to melt the steel beams of the WTC, second, the whole Building 7 collapse dilemma. Also, the large gold reserve that existed below the WTC melting away and evaporating into thin air.

Third, which is my own thing; if I were the terrorists and I really wanted to destroy US commerce, I would have crashed one of the planes into the Empire State Building to spread the destruction, making transportation through the 34th Street subway station difficult or impossible, crippling Manhattan for years because 34th Street is a main transfer hub to most of the important train lines that bring passengers from other boroughs into Manhattan. By only crashing the WTC, they limited the damage to the edge of Manhattan, allowing business to continue uninterrupted in midtown and upper Manhattan for the most part. I would have crashed the other into the Chrysler Building, that way all of Manhattan would have become inaccessible by multiple transportation types. The Chrysler Building is closer to the 59th Street bridge, so now cars would have had difficulty getting into Manhattan and the Midtown Tunnel would be a mess with the Empire State in ruins. I'd figure that if you had a brain you'd immediately come to this conclusion, so when I saw the attack occur in such a tight area, I came to the realization that it was a setup because the quote "terrorists" were not good planners considering that Osama and his buddies supposedly took years to come up with this plan, whereas I came up with this opinion in 5 minutes and I'm not a terrorist who's mission was to destroy America

41873   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 2:48am  

I would love to hear from Bigsby right now because his opinion on my vision of the attack as I would have done it is valuable and as he said.........

Bigsby says

I deal in facts all the time. The whole point is that you and Bgamall completely ignore facts from actual scientists in favour of people who post up Youtube videos. Says it all really.

Bigsby says

Question all you want but try and use your brain when you do so. Posting up Youtube videos made by 20 year olds with no background on the topic at hand isn't 'questioning the official BS,' it's being infantile in your analysis of a complex event that you have no scientific knowledge of.

41874   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 2:50am  

Perhaps you'd like to explain how him being a Major General impacts on his ability to determine what sort of damage the plane would cause on hitting the Pentagon.

And what do you mean 'where did the wings go?' Have you actually read any of the reports on what happened? I take it you think there should be a cartoon cut out of an aeroplane on the side of the Pentagon. How very insightful of you.

41875   Bigsby   2014 Jan 24, 3:01am  

mfs.admin says

I would love to hear from Bigsby right now because his opinion on my vision of the attack as I would have done it is valuable and as he said.........

a. You claim it melted steel. The official reports don't state that. The reports point to the steel losing structural integrity. That is not the same as melting.

b. What building 7 dilemma? A severe, prolonged and uncontrolled fire raged for an extended time in that building leading to a progressive internal collapse.

c. The WTC buildings were symbolic - hence why they were previously attacked. The terrorists weren't trying to destroy US commerce. Try reading up on some of the stated motives of al-Qaeda for attacking US targets.

41876   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 3:02am  

Also Bigsby
-Look at the Lowy 100 year lease deal and understand that the WTC needed major renovation.
-If anyone is old enough here and from NY, they may recall a story somewhere in the late 80's or 90's when Donald Trump gave money towards renovating the elevator banks in the WTC so the building was in financial trouble.
-Also, what about the fake Osama videos claiming responsibility
-The meeting between the Bin Laden family and the Bush family on 9/11
-GWB's brother being the head of Securcom, which was responsible for security at the WTC and the airport where the hijackers departed from.......and much more

In the end Bigsby, if you are for the official story despite this, I don't know what to tell you...

41877   mfs.admin   2014 Jan 24, 3:08am  


I was waiting for you man!!! Why were you so late to the party Bigz, I missed you man. I had Japanese for lunch today, I hope you were enjoying a good Friday afternoon lunch as well. I saw you speaking about Al-Qaeda here....
Bigsby says

The WTC buildings were symbolic - hence why they were previously attacked. The terrorists weren't trying to destroy US commerce. Try reading up on some of the stated motives of al-Qaeda for attacking US targets.

If my memory serves me correctly, weren't we now working with Al-Qaeda as allies in Syria?? Is the enemy of my enemy my friend or my enemy?? Are you sure that it was them because I thought they were our homeboys???

As Morpheus once said "take the red pill and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes....."

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