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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   172,345 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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46252   FortWayne   2014 May 15, 3:07am  

All those government buddy system contracts that are completely fraudulent, union pension spiking to a point that no amount of taxes will ever be enough. And now they want to add another tax for it.

Enough is enough we are all already overburdened with taxes!

46253   FortWayne   2014 May 15, 7:34am  

Sure puts Ukraine situation into a different perspective.

46254   ttsmyf   2014 May 15, 9:46am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Thursday, May 15, 2014 __ Level is 103.6

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

46255   IonNemerenco   2014 May 15, 10:43pm  

[b]Ion Nemerenco[/b]
Unless you're a freegan and have found a way to live entirely off the grid, you probably need some sort of steady income in order to survive. The traditional way to earn money, of course, is by having a job. You work for a company or start your own, and the work you do earns you money, which you spend on things like a mortgage, rent, food, clothing, utilities and entertainment.
Most people typically work from their company's central location, a physical space where everyone from that organization gathers to exchange ideas and organize their efforts.
But a few lucky souls have found ways to make money within the comfort of their own home. With the Internet, an ever-changing arena for businesses, some people looking to earn money are finding ways to do so. Some forms are best for part-time endeavors for those looking to make a little extra money on the side, while others can lead to full-time jobs and Internet success stories.
Ion Nemerenco put together a list of our top 10 ways to make money on the Internet, in no particular order. On the next page, we'll start with an old favorite.

46256   Facebooksux   2014 May 15, 11:09pm  



46257   Y   2014 May 15, 11:40pm  

Everything you say sounds great!
Unfortunately, however, your HTML skills reveal your incompetence.
How can I trust what you or your company say, if you cannot even get a simple 'bold' command straight?
This indicates you either:
a- have not proofread your post, in which case I must assume you are lazy and have not really researched the positions you put forth, or
b- you have proofread your post, in which case I must assume you are lazy, since you failed to take the time to correct your mistakes. How much of this laziness has poisoned the position you put forth, I don't know. I do know that it's not worth my time or risk to find out.
IonNemerenco says

[b]Ion Nemerenco[/b]

Unless you're a freegan and have found a way to live entirely off the grid, you probably need some sort of steady income in order to survive.

46258   HydroCabron   2014 May 16, 1:56am  

I'm torn: these illegal aliens are clearly liberals, but they will boost house prices. It really comes down to whether gay platinum excreters can have anchor babies.

Are they only coming across the galaxy for free health care and social services?

46259   Dan8267   2014 May 16, 2:36am  

Ah, but will the pope and all Christians accept Plateu, the one true god as evident in the holy book Yertimu? When the aliens come down to the Vatican, their first words will be
Have you been saved? Have you welcomed Plateu into your heart?

The pope is in for a big surprise. The aliens will be missionaries trying to convert humans into the "one true religion" by force if necessary. Better to gouge out a human's eyes and anally probe him then to let his soul fall into the Great Wormpit of Andromeda.

46260   HydroCabron   2014 May 16, 2:37am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Is a bump up in home prices so vital we'll encourage pederast rape from space aliens in cassocks?

Any reason to believe the human race has yet to care about pederast rape?

We have such a poor track record of preventing it, that I'm not sure we really give a damn, except for scoring political points after the fact.

46261   FortWayne   2014 May 16, 2:50am  

Ever since Vietnam, our government has been committing despicable crimes.

It's a depressing reminder sometimes, because I know in our "Democracy" we don't have any say in this.

46262   Ceffer   2014 May 16, 3:00am  

Is it derogatory to call them "platinum packers"?

46263   Dan8267   2014 May 16, 3:04am  

Ceffer says

Is it derogatory to call them "platinum packers"?

They prefer to be call bi-metals.

46264   Ceffer   2014 May 16, 3:10am  

I got suspicious when the son changed his name to Kim Biden-un.

46265   HEY YOU   2014 May 16, 3:26am  

Why do you hate TBTF? roflmao

To paraphrase the great philosopher,AF. DIE TBTF,DIE!

George Carlin:
"Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls."

46266   bob2356   2014 May 16, 3:30am  

FortWayne says

Ever since Vietnam, our government has been committing despicable crimes.

Ever since September 17, 1787 our government has been committing despicable crimes. You didn't get the memo?

46267   FortWayne   2014 May 16, 3:41am  

bob2356 says

FortWayne says

Ever since Vietnam, our government has been committing despicable crimes.

Ever since September 17, 1787 our government has been committing despicable crimes. You didn't get the memo?

Attribute that to my public education, those history books white washed everything, and I wasn't around to judge. But Vietnam, I got friends who were in Vietnam and they tell it like it was about free fire zones, etc...

46268   bob2356   2014 May 16, 3:51am  

FortWayne says

Attribute that to my public education, those history books white washed everything, and I wasn't around to judge. But Vietnam, I got friends who were in Vietnam and they tell it like it was about free fire zones, etc...

The entire north american continent was a free fire zone when the indians had it and the colonists wanted it. Nothing changes.

46269   FortWayne   2014 May 16, 3:54am  

Check this little wikileak about Ukraine, we are trying very hard to get there:


Ukraine and Georgia's NATO aspirations not only touch
a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about
the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does
Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine
Russia's influence in the region, but it also fears
unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would
seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us
that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions
in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the
ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a
major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In
that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to

intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.

46270   FortWayne   2014 May 16, 4:16am  

bgamall4 says

Our crazy neocons in both parties will lead us to WW3 if Russia perceives the encirclement is not manageable.

They'll probably start something in Syria and Iran first. I remember when Obama tried to sell that war to the public, didn't work out too well for him. They'll try again later I'm sure. Working hard to preserve that right wing budget.


46271   zzyzzx   2014 May 16, 4:21am  

bgamall4 says

Our crazy neocons in both parties will lead us to WW3 if Russia perceives the encirclement is not manageable.

Not likely. Ukraine is the new Poland and nobody will care.

46274   FortWayne   2014 May 16, 5:07am  

zzyzzx says

bgamall4 says

Our crazy neocons in both parties will lead us to WW3 if Russia perceives the encirclement is not manageable.

Not likely. Ukraine is the new Poland and nobody will care.

I don't think so. There are too many factories in Ukraine that support Russian military. Russia will probably feel too suffocated, and you never know how they'll react, considering our involvement.

46275   ttsmyf   2014 May 16, 7:22am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, May 16, 2014 __ Level is 103.9

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

46276   clambo   2014 May 16, 10:08am  

So can Hillary, Kerry and the rest since they voted for it.

Since there's no hell I am not concerned about it.

Wait, maybe "hell" will be the beach in Cabo with the bikini clad "personal attendant" serving me an umbrella drink. It's hot in the sun sometimes, almost "hellish".

46277   myob   2014 May 16, 10:26am  

How is this just a Republican problem? The Democrats are subservient to the military industrial complex too.

46278   zzyzzx   2014 May 16, 10:33am  

A LOT more people died in Woodrow Wilson's WW1 and Johnson's Vietnam.

46279   CL   2014 May 16, 10:39am  

myob says

How is this just a Republican problem? The Democrats are subservient to the military industrial complex too.

Really? So why is it that when they negotiate, the GOP insists on cuts to social spending and the Dems insist on cuts to the Pentagon.

Strange way for the Dems to curry favor with a group they're supposedly subservient to.

Next you'll tell me that the GOP is actually unionism's biggest supporter!

46280   JH   2014 May 16, 11:03am  

zzyzzx says

A LOT more people died in Woodrow Wilson's WW1 and Johnson's Vietnam.

A LOT LOT more died in Lincoln v. Grant

46281   HydroCabron   2014 May 16, 3:30pm  

On the plus side, we are getting time off from the saturation anti-Obamacare fusillades.

The troops await fresh marching orders.

For now, it's just the "Obama did what?!?!" horror stories over the usual quiet background of anti-Fed wailing.

46282   thomaswong.1986   2014 May 17, 2:02am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says


See? These are mainstream Teabagger positions.

really ? i wasnt aware we were violating OUR constitution when shooting the Germans and Japanese in WW2...

after all, based on Liberal view, even Hitler had the right to " life liberty and pursuit of happiness " regardless which country he invaded.

46283   clambo   2014 May 17, 2:12am  

The point of Benghazi is it was a lie to the public to suit Obama's political needs before an election. Some people take great exception at being lied to.

Susan Rice going onto 5 Sunday TV shows and lying about the cause of the terror attack was wrong.

Others object to the ineptitude of people like Obama and Hillary by ignoring the request from our ambassador for higher security at the place where he was killed.

Others wonder how we can have a GIANT military with a budget so huge it defies belief and they never sent a fucking PLANE to fly over and bomb the scumbags or shoot them up? We had plenty of planes and bombs when the pantywaist Brits and French asked us to bomb Ghadaffi previously.

The objection of reasonable people to Obama/Hillary/Rice concocting a lie about this terrorist attack is that they continue to cover up this entire LIE and evidently if you dislike the govt. lying to you it's your fault?

46284   anotheraccount   2014 May 17, 3:20am  

Benghazi is somewhat of a joke. When driving, for fun I turn on fox news on sirius, and then wait for a number of seconds it takes before I hear "Benghazi" Usually it's within minutes. It's similar to Obamacare opposition; focusing on the wrong poitns. Republicans could focus on so many other substantial foreign policy failures, and instead they choose Benghazi because they think it will hurt Hillary. For example. how about Nuland's "fuck EU" comment, or Kerry's mishandling of Ukraine's crisis, or the fact that we are still in Afghanistan wasting billions every month while not extending long term unemployment insurance here and cutting food stamps?

Clambo, I do agree with you that it was a lie before the election, but it's a small lie in comparison to other issues. Romney also did not have a real chance after the primary, his 47% comment, and not releasing tax returns.

46285   storm1   2014 May 17, 5:21am  

Please call Sleepy about the sale of the van

46286   storm1   2014 May 17, 5:31am  

Ha ha you can delete everything if you want. You made it necessary to contact you this way since you were not answering your cell phone sweetie!!

46287   Strategist   2014 May 17, 5:46am  

Call it Crazy says

It's amazing that the duck thinks these type of posts gain him ANY creditability....

Hello sailor....did we have a nice vacation? I see you haven't changed much.

46288   zzyzzx   2014 May 17, 8:05am  

JH says

zzyzzx says

A LOT more people died in Woodrow Wilson's WW1 and Johnson's Vietnam.

A LOT LOT more died in Lincoln v. Grant

A lot more Died in WW2, and we really didn't have to go to war with Germany until after defeating Japan, We just chose to so so to help Stalin get half of Europe quicker.

46289   Ceffer   2014 May 17, 8:05am  

You can always find the middle ground win-win. With diplomacy like that, I'm thinking State Department instead of Comptroller.

46290   curious2   2014 May 17, 8:23am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

What do you say?

Good idea, but can we say skip the bullhorns? Sometimes I like to sleep in. Maybe the police sketch artists could taunt silently with unflattering caricatures.

46291   marcus   2014 May 17, 9:45am  

One other thought on Benghazi. IT's clear that there were aspects to what was going on in Beghazi that are secret, that is with respect to what the CIA was doing there. This is all classified. What if there was indirection in the story that was put out about Benghazi in the imdiate aftermath, that was done not because of presidential politics, but for other reasons having to do with classified information?

What if some high level republicans know this, and are actually stiring all of this up for reasons having to do with their own agendas relative to classified activities in the region. That is to shine a light on what we were doing there, just to be dicks ? WHo knows, maybe because their backers didn't get to do what they wanted to do there, or something along those lines. OR because they hate it that Obama gets to run these operations. In other words, this could be (in part) some totally other kind of dysfunctional nonsense than what it appears to be.

Just a thought.

It seems like there must be more going on here than meets the eye. Not that the Foxbots aren't as moronic as most of us undersatand all too well.

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