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6271   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 8, 3:54pm  

From Wikipedia:

2012 Budget of the United States federal government
Submitted February 14, 2011
Submitted by Barack Obama
Submitted to 112th Congress
Total revenue $2.627 trillion (estimated)
Total expenditures $3.729 trillion (estimated)
Deficit $1.101 trillion (estimated)

From nytimes:
Deal at Last Minute Averts Shutdown; $38 Billion in Cuts to Spending This Year

From me:

38b/3729b = 1 point 0 FUCKING percent (edit). Was this a major victory for the House? Was this worth vetoing? Remind me again why any of these assholes got elected???

6272   leo707   2011 Apr 8, 4:24pm  

shrekgrinch says

Uh, sorry..but EVERY case they decide not to hear falls under the category of ’something they just do not want to deal with’. Not my problem you have really poor reading comprehension skills there.

Come on shrek, are you bullshitting on purpose or do you really have such a limited understanding of our legal system that you would characterize the US Supreme Court’s choices in those terms.

And of course the shenanigans still stands, ah... sigh... one of the many points you will never address.

6273   nosf41   2011 Apr 8, 5:10pm  

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

Bingo! But Saudi Arabia is NEVER criticized in the US press. Seriously. Find me an example. Now why would that be?
Bush kissing Saudi

There is a more suitable image to illustrate the relationship: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/04/obama_bows_down_to_saudi_king.html

6274   Vicente   2011 Apr 9, 12:46am  

We are addicted to Saudi drugs, if we whack our drug dealer we'll have to go cold turkey.


6275   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 9, 2:47am  

How about criticized for systematically teaching hatred of all non-Muslims?
Bin Laden was a pure product of Saudi education. Sure, he hated them too, but not as much as he hated us.

Yeah, good point.

What a weird country. Run by the house of saud and their thousands spoiled brat princes who for the most part couldn't give a damn about Islam, but they have to pay tribute the the wahhabi clerics to keep power.

6276   bob2356   2011 Apr 9, 5:47am  

MarkInSF says

Criticized for what? It’s not like the Saudi government was involved in 9/11. Laden was an ENEMY of the Saudi regime post Desert Storm.

Perhaps they might be criticized just a little for being the biggest source of funding for terrorism for the last 30 years? Or perhaps for establishing and funding a world wide network of madras schools to teach islamic fundamentalism and hatred toward the west. Maybe just a little criticism you think? Wasn't one of the big reasons for going into Iraq and Afghanistan because they funded terrorists? Curious choices.

The house of saud will fall in the not to distant future. The demographics are unsupportable. Good riddance.

6277   Â¥   2011 Apr 9, 8:36am  

ChrisLA says

If they cared to fix the budget, they would get together cut the loopholes and lower taxes for the middle class. But thats not the case and never will be the case. Right now it’s just political games.

I for one think taxes should be set at what it takes to pay for government.

We don't need to "soak the rich", just tax everyone.

If we actually had to pay for our military adventures we'd get into a lot less of them, and if our taxes were broken down on our paychecks like our phone bill is that would be a very good thing.

The PTB don't do this because they know the game would be up.

Big-ticket items in the 2011 budget, with increases over 2007:

Defense $964.8B (+48%)
Welfare 283.8 (+58%)
Unemployment 134.8 (+284%)
Education 129.8 (+27%)
Transportation 94.5 (+30%)
Housing Assistance 69.4 (+75%)
Protection 60.7 (+47%)
Agriculture 32.8 (+41%)

Broken out into per-household numbers, that's

Defense $730/mo
Welfare $220/mo
Unemployment $100/mo
Education $100/mo
Transportation $70/mo
Housing Assistance $50/mo
Protection $45/mo
Agriculture $20/mo

So the big-ticket stuff is costing $1300/mo per household at the Federal level.

That's $7.50/hr from monthly wages just to break even.

Clearly we have a spending problem. But with corporate profits and cash-hoards, we probably need to start pushing taxation onto corporations more, to get them to pay more for the services they are consuming. All the above big-ticket items benefit corporations immensely so they should pay more for them, much more.

If I were King I'd cut military in half, covering 1/3 the deficit, and raise taxes on individuals to cover the other 1/3 and corporations for the last 1/3.

Corporations that don't like paying more taxes are welcome to move their operations elsewhere. If any actual capital is going unused as a result I'd nationalize it and show them what real state socialism looks like.

6278   FortWayne   2011 Apr 9, 8:42am  

Troy says

If we actually had to pay for our military adventures we’d get into a lot less of them, and if our taxes were broken down on our paychecks like our phone bill is that would be a very good thing.

I think that is a brilliant idea, I've been thinking the same thing lately.

Why not simply break all the taxes down (like a phone bill) so that instead of a lump sum I get to see what every penny of it does. And overtime make programs live within their means or get cut. That would be beautiful.

Just to be clear I'm not advising soak the rich, (I don't subscribe to that). I'm simply saying it isn't fair that most of us get to pay taxes, and some get loopholes to not pay their share making the burden fall onto others.

6279   FortWayne   2011 Apr 9, 8:48am  

thunder are you shorting anything specifically?

6280   Â¥   2011 Apr 9, 9:01am  

Regarding the actual spending agreement, letting the Republicans "win" this one is good I think.

Gives them some actual skin in the game for 2012.

If the economy bounces back, then cuts were good. If it doesn't, cuts were clearly bad.

The optics is pretty easy on this.

6281   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 9, 9:17am  

Of the hijackers on 9/11, all were from Saudi Arabia, with the exception of Fayez Banihammad, yet we attack Iraq & Afghanistan? Regarding Afghanistan, does anyone really know WHY we are there? Literally tens of thousands of innocent civilians (including children) have been killed, wounded and made into nomads because their villages and homes have been destroyed. Over 800 of our own troops have been killed. Not one army in history, beginning with Alexander the Great, has ever succeeded in Afghanistan. The CIA reports that there are only 200 al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Bin Laden is probably in southern Pakistan (if not already dead). Yet we not only remain in Afghanistan, but we are expanding our operations there … WHY??

6282   theoakman   2011 Apr 9, 9:53am  

I'm still choking on the day that I was going to buy Silver Wheaton $30 call options for a buck a piece. I was too tired and just went to bed and never bothered. Now that it's passed $45 I woulda turned my paycheck into a car. I'm going to start major profit taking on mining shares if Silver crosses $50.

6283   marcus   2011 Apr 9, 11:55am  

Troy says

If the economy bounces back, then cuts were good. If it doesn’t, cuts were clearly bad.

The optics is pretty easy on this.

Right. Like they wouldn't put the entire right wing media and HUGE teabagger campaigns behind arguing that it was Obama's fault for his healthcare plan or changes in regulations for...whatever.

Wouldn't be surprised if there is a republican agenda right now (in some circles) that would like to take down the economy for exactly that reason. Take it down, blame Obama.

6284   leo707   2011 Apr 9, 12:30pm  

RayAmerica says

Of the hijackers on 9/11, all were from Saudi Arabia, with the exception of Fayez Banihammad,

I am not sure where you are getting your facts from Ray, oh... wait... I remember, you just make them up.

19 hijackers total:
Saudi = 15
UAE = 2 (FYI, Fayez Rashid Ahmad Banihammad, was one of these guys)
Lebanese = 1
Egyptian = 1


6285   bob2356   2011 Apr 10, 4:32am  

RayAmerica says

Not one army in history, beginning with Alexander the Great, has ever succeeded in Afghanistan.

It depends on your definition of succeed. Actually Alexander did succeed in Afghanistan. He conquered them with a campaign from 330 to 327 BC and left an occupation in the area for several years. After his death the area became part of the empire of Seleucus Nicator. Dozens of rulers and empires have conquered Afghanistan over the last 2500 years. Like Alexander, when they died so did control of the country. Of course this conquest and reconquest is also true for almost every place in Asia and Europe so I guess pretty much everywhere in the old world could be called the graveyard of armies.

6286   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 10, 1:44pm  

"Excuse me but when the government shuts down, what happens is that the Treasury and various laws determine what is ‘essential’ and what is ‘non-essential’ with the essential still provided and just the non-essential no longer provided. With me so far?"

A govt. shutdown resulting from the fialure to pass a budget is MUCH different from failing to raise the debt ceiling. In the case of the ceiling, if we don't raise it, the U.S. defaults on it's debt and cannot borrow any money. Spending would have to immediately be cut by over 40%. And the U.S. will lose it's AAA credit rating, which will result ina double dip worse than the first dip since interest rates will skyrocket.

6287   seaside   2011 Apr 10, 1:54pm  

Going offroad trucking / hiking would be way better than having a wooden box in the place like that.
6288   Patrick   2011 Apr 10, 2:15pm  

I wonder why Google maps can't find the address. Is it a very new development? Maybe the address doesn't officially exist yet.
6289   Nathan   2011 Apr 10, 4:52pm  

I think it's the best time to buy and flip properties now.

6290   Nathan   2011 Apr 10, 4:55pm  

I saw a lot of flippers making good money now, and I bought my primary home in 2010, even the price went down a little, but it doesn't matter to me. Because I am only paying $1550 per month include all the fees, after tax deduction, and principle, I am only paying $1000/month which is less than renting for sure. the rent in my area needs $1500 to $1800 for 3 bedroom and 2 baths.

6291   bg1   2011 Apr 10, 10:35pm  

http://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/reb/2312093969.html Cute house. 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath. pretty kitchen, bath, floors. Looks tiny. No info on the size. My bet is less than 1000K square feet. "Offereed at 429K" with pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/105301312620625706332/770IvyDrive#
6292   bubblesitter   2011 Apr 10, 11:50pm  

Nathan says

I think it’s the best time to buy and flip properties now.

Enjoy the flipping. :)

6293   theoakman   2011 Apr 11, 2:17am  

Hit $42 last night. Pretty insane.

6294   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Apr 11, 3:32am  

Back on topic.

Sarah Palin supports Trump's "birtherism".


In a Saturday interview on Fox News's Justice with Judge Jeanine, Palin stopped short of saying she believed the claims, but said "more power to" Trump if he wanted to use his considerable resources to look into the matter.

"He's not just throwing stones from the sidelines, he's digging in, he's paying for researchers to find out why President Obama would have spent $2 million to not show his birth certificate," Palin told host Jeanine Pirro.

"I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was the birth announcement put in the newspaper - but obviously if there's something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate, that he's going to great lengths to make sure that it isn't shown, and that's kind of perplexing for a lot of people," she said.

Meanwhile, on ABC's "This Week" yesterday, White House senior adviser David Plouffe called Trump's recent claims "sideshow behavior" and said he had "zero chance" of being elected president.

"There may be a small part of the country that believes these things, but mainstream Americans think it's a sideshow," Plouffe said, of the birther issue. "And what they want our leaders to do is focus squarely on the issues right in front of us: how we're going to keep growing the economy...how we keep our people safe, how do we make sure we're going to win the future by focusing on things like education and innovation? So that's what they want us to focus on."

He added that he hoped Trump continued to do well in presidential straw polls.

"I saw Donald Trump kind of rising in some polls and given his behavior and spectacle the last couple of weeks, I hope he keeps on rising," Plouffe told said. "There is zero chance that Donald Trump would ever be hired by the American people to do this job."

In a recent interview with NBC News, a former Hawaiian state health official who twice reviewed Mr. Obama's birth certificate called the renewed discussion over the president's birthplace "ludicrous," and affirmed - for the third time - that that his original birth certificate was "real."

"It's kind of ludicrous at this point," said Dr. Chiyome Fukino, former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, told NBC in a phone interview.

Fukino said she has examined the president's "record of live birth" on multiple occasions. (The document circulated on the internet is Mr. Obama's "certificate of live birth," which is a shorter version of the original.) The birth certificate, she said, is kept in a bound volume in Hawaii's Department of Health, and features the signature of the doctor who delivered Mr. Obama.

6295   Vicente   2011 Apr 11, 5:33am  

If they joined forces, would it be Trump/Palin, or Palin/Trump?

6296   EBGuy   2011 Apr 11, 5:34am  

Looks like Obama’s Birther strategy may pay off big time.
Here's my favorite scenario. Right after the Republican National Convention, hire Geraldo Rivera to open the file cabinets at the Hawaiian Department of Health and broadcast a live unveiling of the bound long form.

6297   sfbubblebuyer   2011 Apr 11, 6:37am  

Ugh. East Menlo. Nicely done up like that, it should be 350k, tops. But it's only BLOCKS from a Million Dollar House!
6298   Done!   2011 Apr 11, 6:51am  

Vicente says

That's exactly how I saw Obama campaign posters.

6299   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 11, 7:50am  

I just saw that:

Silver Options Trader Bets $1 Million on Price Drop by July

Anyone on this board, by chance?

6300   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 11, 7:56am  

CRB also had a bit on base metals this morning too:

Softer Commodity Prices?

The copper stockpiling is an old story at this point, though.

6301   MAGA   2011 Apr 11, 8:12am  

I wonder why Google maps can’t find the address. Is it a very new development? Maybe the address doesn’t officially exist yet.
Yes, it's a new custom home development. Started at the peak and now has all these empty acreage sized lots.
6302   FortWayne   2011 Apr 11, 12:23pm  

They are a weird bunch. Sometimes I think CTA is mentally on another planet and are completely out of touch with reality.

6303   bg1   2011 Apr 11, 12:38pm  

Maybe 350, but I am pretty sure it is teeny, tiny. sfbubblebuyer says
But it’s only BLOCKS from a Million Dollar House!
That house and that price totally crack me up!
6304   Â¥   2011 Apr 11, 1:14pm  

The funny thing is the $3T of SSI/Medicare assets are counted as part of the debt ceiling since they are government bonds.

So either this debt is bona fide obligations of the US government or we're still 2-3 years away from hitting the statutory debt limit.

The idiots on the right can't have this both ways, tho of course they try.

6305   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 12, 1:37am  

Shrek ... If Mumia had killed a teacher (human being) instead of a cop (brutal non-human), I wonder if the teachers would be supporting the "union supporting, pro-education, civil rights hero?"

6306   Patrick   2011 Apr 12, 2:34am  

The first human comment deletes any comments generated by the calculator.
6307   anonymous   2011 Apr 12, 4:18am  

Just another housing complex.
6308   Patrick   2011 Apr 12, 4:20am  

Backs up to highway.
6309   Patrick   2011 Apr 12, 4:26am  

How can I get people to comment on property? Maybe no one ever really wants to comment, because the sellers just let the agent advertise, and the buyers don't want to let anyone else know that they're interested in a property.
6310   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Apr 12, 4:57am  

shrekgrinch says

Yeah, because Trump gets to drive this as an independent candidate while the Reps benefit w/o risk.

If the strategy is to appear to be the lesser of two crazies, then yes Republicans will benefit. They will not benefit if the angry Tea Party denizens vote Trump as a protest vote during the general election. There is ample evidence that Tea Party voters would rather cast a vote in protest giving Obama a second term than elect a moderate Republican. Obama's Presidency has been a great recruiter for the Tea Party.

Republicans can hope Trump drops out before the general election after rallying the base and reaping the rewards, but history shows differently. Trump is an egomaniac. I don't see him dropping out and endorsing a Republican candidate late in the game.

The best thing Democrats can do at this point is help Trump. Obama should cryptically allude to the fact that his "long" form has irregularities and may be incomplete. Birthers will seize on any little "evidence" like this to support their position.

The Republicans want to straddle the fence on this as a "safe" position. The issue will only become more polarized during the election. Fence sitters like Palin are indicating a willingness to take a side which shows that fence sitting Republicans will be destroyed in the primaries.

If I were Obama, I would order the Secret Service to safeguard Hawaiian birth records and keep them secret.

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