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7850   Clara   2011 Jul 1, 12:01pm  

Regarding the concerns:

- ipad clones getting very good
^-- I don't think the clones are that good. It can't replace ipad

- Google is entering the market
^-- Yes, Google is there but I played with several different tablet. They don't have what Apple has. The User Experience and the way the ipad device touches the user's heart & mind. Google don't have 'it'.

- iphone and droid sales currently about even
^-- iPhone don't have to grow tremulously, just steadily will just be fine for Apple to be very profitable

- product shortages for apple coming
^-- Not a bad thing, it drives demand and higher revenue. I am sure they know the pros and cons of factory ramp-up. So, this is priced in already (to me)

- chart looks identical to Google in late 2007
^-- Past result from a different company cannot be used to judge Apple. They have a very different philosophy behind what they do.

I have both Apple & Google stocks and I think they will both prosper. Nokia, RIMM, Motorola etc, I don't know..

Long on Apple & Google.

7851   clambo   2011 Jul 1, 1:44pm  

Thunderlips, I have been to China. There are 1000 million poor people. There are still 300 million who have a few bucks to spend.
Having seen human nature in other situations, people who have had less in life are MORE brand conscious than you or I are.
I for example can own a virginmobile android phone and do not care, but my friends in China all want Apple. My father and my neice and nephew are also unsatisfied with anything less than Apple.
My friend in Mexico was ecstatic with her little iPod I bought a couple of Christmases ago and gave her.
My Chinese girlfriend from Shanghai told me that it seems crazy to her how Chinese struggle to buy Apple products. But, she herself is also extremely brand conscious. She will give her parents in Shanghai an Apple computer so she can video chat with them, although any crummy windows paperweight will suffice. She would not insult them with a Dell hunk of junk.
Apple will go to at least $500/share in a few years. Depending on Jobs' health, it could be $1000 in a few more.
Women decide in China what is bought in the household. For better or worse,a guy in China must shuck out the dough if he has it.
Think about it, has your girlfriend ever asked you if you had paid for your retirement or health insurance or PG&E before she requested the lobster at that restaurant?

7852   C Boy   2011 Jul 1, 3:33pm  

What currency is there available to replace the dollar?

The Euro? Yen? Yuan? Swiss Franc? None of those will work.

As there is nothing right now to replace the dollar with, so it will remain the world reserve currency for the foreseeable future.

7853   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jul 1, 3:49pm  


those are not the only choices for investment.

You can invest in yourself, or invest in others, to pay for good training, education and the like. Or you can live off the cash while you startup a business.

7854   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 1, 3:55pm  

C Boy says

What currency is there available to replace the dollar?

Bancor, proposed by IMF which is a version of SDR (composition of different currencies). US wouldn't want that for sure, as it cannot print its way out of its deficits, while having the luxury of being the world reserve currency.

C Boy says

As there is nothing right now to replace the dollar with, so it will remain the world reserve currency for the foreseeable future.

until it won't. The US Govt is in a Catch-22 situation. They can raise taxes and cut spending, which will push us into a recession. Or the Fed can print more money for Govt spending, which means inflation will be worse. So really inflation + recession = stagflation. Sure US can borrow money, but then 14 trillion $ of debt doesn't sit well with foreign creditors.

7855   Done!   2011 Jul 2, 12:24am  

She had Vadge bruises where the Old Dirty Bastard grabbed her Cootch. What kind of sick mother fucker grabs a girls junk like he's grabbing a rope. Maybe he was looking for other equipment, and didn't like what he found.
One thing is for certain, there ain't no woman signed up for the treatment her lawyer described, how that bastard abused her. I don't care what the circumstances are. He deserves every thing he's gotten to date for it.

The Lawyer hit the nail on the head about the inept prosecutor that will probably end his career if he loses this case. He's lost every high profile case to date. Why is this fucker even on the pay role if he can't deliver? Probably in training for the next supreme court judge head scratcher appointment.

7856   Katy Perry   2011 Jul 2, 12:55am  

learn to garden for food.
study yoga.
learn to live with less.

7857   mdovell   2011 Jul 2, 1:04am  

End of capitalism? doubtful. Even if you removed the dollar as areserve currency it would still exist. Technically even if you removed all currencies it would still exist.

How about these for ideas

get an ebook reader and chock it full of books on various diy stuff. I say a ereader because laptops are heavier and the battery life isn't as long. kindle and nook (I think) can read pdf's. How to cook, how to preserve foods etc.

Make friends with people that can fix things. Cars are obvious but if you use power tools that might help as well.

7858   FortWayne   2011 Jul 2, 1:57am  

I've heard Chinese women were tough, but I never knew they were this tough.

7859   Done!   2011 Jul 2, 2:15am  

You get NOTHING! Now good day Sir!

7860   FortWayne   2011 Jul 2, 2:41am  

Is that from the movie Producers? That was a great film.

7861   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 2, 3:46am  

I think that's the original Willy Wonka.

7862   FortWayne   2011 Jul 2, 3:51am  


government only knows how to waste resources, not create it.

Take any private company, lets assume Apple. If it was ran by the government we would still be walking around with tape players instead of smart phones, they would be bankrupt, there would be public service unions fighting tooth and nail to keep their bloated pensions and salaries while providing absolutely no benefit while the government would be bailing them out on a daily basis like Fannie and Freddie.

This smells like communism.

7863   bob2356   2011 Jul 2, 3:56am  

Anyone that can rack up a 100,000 bar bill on a plane is my hero. You go girl. Who says dems aren't any fun?

7864   bob2356   2011 Jul 2, 4:08am  

What can't be paid won't be paid. The money is gone. Tax rates high enough to balance the budget won't happen. Inflation or default are it.

7865   marcus   2011 Jul 2, 4:12am  

Okay, so Bachman is not only a very stupid right wing nut job, but also a liar.



And then there are stupid and dishonest people who pass this stuff around in emails (eg shirkworm).

7866   elliemae   2011 Jul 2, 4:45am  

shrekgrinch says

And then there’s Biden….who wants to touch that one?

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! Shrek wants to "touch" Biden!

7867   Patrick   2011 Jul 2, 4:47am  

And I wouldn’t be surprised if they just keep the $25 I supposedly earned. Probably some fine print says they can do that.

I looked it up. Amazon actually owes me $57 in commissions on referrals from Patrick.net, and there is no way to request payment on the affiliate site. It just says "account closed" and does not explain how to get the commission money. I wrote their support email yesterday, but did not get any response yet.

Tenouncetrout says

You get NOTHING! Now good day Sir!

Yup, that seems to be what Amazon is saying to all of its former CA affiliates.

7868   elliemae   2011 Jul 2, 4:51am  

Damn it Marcus, there you go again fact checking. If you'd just believe everything you heard and read on the interwebs, you wouldn't have ruined shirworm's day.

You know if they say it in the interwebs, it must be true.

7869   Done!   2011 Jul 2, 5:03am  

The Guy was a bigger Idiot, than I thought.
Just days before the episode, he tells everyone to keep their eyes peeled and their ears open, less there be a Prostitute that will ensnare him in a scandal. Then the first chance he gets after saying that, is goes and gets his freak on with a hotel Maid that looks like she just fell of the cover of Jet magazine.

Are all Hotel Maids that hot in his fantasy world?

Big head:"We've got to be Vigilant! never can we waiver from our duty and responsibility that I carry to the free world and the future of France..."

Little head:"Well helllllooooo NURSE!"

This too bad really, I was really enjoying watching a powerful French guy, sulk like a Friday night DUI suspect, and the perp walks really gave France the finger. You gotta love any reason that pisses that lot off. Perp walks 24/7 in this country, it's the norm, and not a word out of them. We've been doing perp walks since before they gave us the statue of Liberty to make people do perp walks. And not a word out of them over 200 years. But when our justice system makes a powerful Money pig do the perp walk they get all up in arms and sanctimonious about it. Don't they have someone to stick in the Guillotine?

7870   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 5:08am  

EMan says

This smells like communism.

Exactly. Crony Capitalism is nothing but that.

People mistake socialism (which is good, works in Sweden) for what's going on now. What is going on is rigged market, manipulated, fraudulent form of capitalism.

7871   marcus   2011 Jul 2, 6:30am  

Consider what we spend on our military.

The only way to get ANY return on that investment is war. Therefore we do like to involve ourselves in wars on a regular basis. But that costs even more.

I agree about the waste in government, but I also believe that government can and often does work fairly well.



7872   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 6:38am  

marcus says

The only way to get ANY return on that investment is war. Therefore we do like to involve ourselves in wars on a regular basis. But that costs even more.

lol, war expenditure graph will also look like a hockey stick and all hockey stick graphs end only one way. collapse.

marcus says

I agree about the waste in government, but I also believe that government can and often does work fairly well.

I agree too. When there is minimal or no corruption in governance, it works well.

7873   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 2, 6:41am  

And there is no corruption in the private sector austrian man? You really think the private sector is so honest?

7874   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 6:47am  

HousingWatcher says

And there is no corruption in the private sector austrian man? You really think the private sector is so honest?

No I'm not saying that. Of course, I know there are special private interests that hire lobbying firms to get Congressional approvals favoring their needs. But I think the breeding ground for corruption is the unsound monetary system.

7875   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 2, 6:49am  

The breeding ground is that we don't have publcicly financed elections.

7876   Â¥   2011 Jul 2, 7:33am  

I'm not a big fan of public works projects in general. I think the rail stuff is a real boondoggle (a minivan carrying a family of 4 is pretty damn energy efficient even at 20mpg).

But what we do need is to stop importing so much oil. I don't know/care how this can be accomplished, but we should have a goal and concentrate a WW2-level of national focus of getting there.

Our trade deficit in oil is over $200B/yr. That doesn't sound like much but it is 4 million jobs being sent overseas.

Same thing with our $250B/yr trade deficit with China, and $60B deficit with Mexico. That $300B/yr is another 6 million jobs being lost.

Where the economy is fucked is in there being not enough work for people to make a living, and taxes being way way too low vs. gov't spending.

We could in fact double income and payroll taxes. This would put us on par with Denmark, Germany, and other high-tax states. It works for them, it would work for us.

But we are intellectual children and want everything without having to pay for it. This will work until it doesn't.

We talk about cutting defense 50%, but defense is $1T or thereabouts. We can cut, but the millions of middle-class jobs that are lost will be an immense disruption to hundreds of local economies.

7877   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 7:36am  

HousingWatcher says

The breeding ground is that we don’t have publcicly financed elections.

Again, root-cause is unsound money.

7878   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 7:42am  

Troy says

But what we do need is to stop importing so much oil. I don’t know/care how this can be accomplished, but we should have a goal and concentrate a WW2-level of national focus of getting there.

I agree Troy. Private Interests entangled in a nexus fashion with the Government is again the reason. It is like we won't do anything meaningful until SHTF.

Troy says

We can cut, but the millions of middle-class jobs that are lost will be an immense disruption to hundreds of local economies.

One can defend one's own borders with an expense much less than $1T (that figure seems too low, but whatever) and ensure these middle-class jobs are not lost. one does not need to be world policeman.

Troy says

Where the economy is fucked is in there being not enough work for people to make a living, and taxes being way way too low vs. gov’t spending.

We could in fact double income and payroll taxes. This would put us on par with Denmark, Germany, and other high-tax states. It works for them, it would work for us.

Agree on taxes, but taxes should be implemented for the wealthy first and then if needed, for the middle class. My guess is if you eliminate tax cuts for the wealthy, you can more than make up for the revenue without cutting taxes for the middle-class.

Wealth disparity came about because of these draconian tax cuts for the wealthy.

The problem as I see it is on both sides - Democrat and Republican. But I think all this bickering over which party is better, is actually a joke. Private Corporations buy Congress members in both parties and take care of their needs, while the sheeple argue over stupid things and fight as factions.

There are good politicians on both sides too -- but they are so few in number that they can't pluck a hair being in the Congress.

7879   marcus   2011 Jul 2, 8:06am  

You are wise austrian_man

austrian_man says

There are good politicians on both sides too — but they are so few in number that they can’t pluck a hair being in the Congress.

I agree, but in my opinion, 30 years ago there were a lot more good Republicans in congress than there are now. Now they are forced to tow the line, to be extreme or be replaced. HW is right about publicly financed elections being the first solution that will have to precede all the others.

But yes, the divide and conquer bs is long past being tiresome.

This link again (from Patrick a couple days back), if anyone reading this missed it, about buying our government back from the special interests.

7880   marcus   2011 Jul 2, 8:13am  

I might have spoken too soon, about your wisdom. Just agreeing about the divide bs and conquer and taxes. As for:

austrian_man says

Again, root-cause is unsound money.

Not so much. Not that I want to go there. I know the Mises line of thinking, and I don't totally disagree. But central banks are necessary for now. Again, this has been hashed out here by many in the past, and I'm not particularly interested in going there, because of the complexity, and because the emotions that get attached to the topic by the zealots.

7881   Bap33   2011 Jul 2, 8:14am  


7882   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 2, 8:48am  

marcus says

I might have spoken too soon, about your wisdom.

hehe. so what do you think is the root-cause for corruption? I'm saying corruption goes unchecked when you can print money at will. I don't think it is that hard to agree to this statement. At the very least, a hard-asset currency puts some level of check on the corruption.

marcus says

But central banks are necessary for now.

I'd be the first one to argue why central banks are necessary in a fiat currency system. There are responsible central banks, e.g. Riksbank of Sweden and then there are irresponsible central banks, which cater to the private interests of the banking cartel. This banking cartel having unchecked power is a huge problem, that it is hard to ignore it when you want to talk about root-causes for the boom/bust cycle.

If you haven't read this already, see this: http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2010/09/gone-swedish/

Sweden did not just bail out its financial institutions by having the government take over the bad debts. It extracted pounds of flesh from bank shareholders before writing checks. Banks had to write down losses and issue warrants to the government.

7883   C Boy   2011 Jul 2, 8:57am  

austrian_man says

until it won’t. The US Govt is in a Catch-22 situation. They can raise taxes and cut spending, which will push us into a recession. Or the Fed can print more money for Govt spending, which means inflation will be worse. So really inflation + recession = stagflation. Sure US can borrow money, but then 14 trillion $ of debt doesn’t sit well with foreign creditors.

Just got back from grocery shopping. Stagflation is here.

7884   Â¥   2011 Jul 2, 9:34am  

austrian_man says

One can defend one’s own borders with an expense much less than $1T (that figure seems too low, but whatever) and ensure these middle-class jobs are not lost.

No, when you cut spending you cut jobs. Granted, I have yet to see a detailed accounting of where the hundreds of billions of dollars are going, but when the government spends money it generally hits somebody's paycheck somewhere.

My guess is if you eliminate tax cuts for the wealthy, you can more than make up for the revenue without cutting taxes for the middle-class.

? it's the middle class -- upper middle class to lower middle class -- that makes the bulk of the income in this country. The Bush tax cuts cost ~$80B/yr for the plus $200,000 bracket and $200B for everyone else.

People are so afraid of taxes but this is kinda dumb. The Clinton tax rates didn't cause harm during the 1990s, and ditching them in 2001-2003 was utterly infantile.

If we want a $6T government, we need a $6T tax base. Applying the added pain would make us pay attention about what we're getting for our money. We just can't top-load it on the top 1-5%. They make a lot of the money -- about 1/3 I guess -- but not taxing everyone actually exposes the economy to other forms of corruption, ie. corruption of rent-seeking in land values. If the middle-class tax burden was double, rents and land prices would be a lot lot lower!

But I do stand utterly shocked at the $5T+ total government bill this year -- not counting social security, even.

That's over $40,000 per household in government spending, $55K if we count SS. We're doing Swedish-level government spending without getting Swedish-level public goods. We suck.

7885   Â¥   2011 Jul 2, 9:40am  

austrian_man says

so what do you think is the root-cause for corruption?

A corruptible and/or ignorant people. It may very well be that we are all corruptible, and the larger the grouping, the more corruption creeps in.

Japan has been utterly corrupted by debt, so it's not just cultural homogeneity that prevents corruption.

7886   FortWayne   2011 Jul 2, 11:31am  

Yup, that seems to be what Amazon is saying to all of its former CA affiliates.

You need to register your business outside of CA through a law firm. Than you can go back to being an affiliate for Amazon. That's what others are doing now.

7887   Patrick   2011 Jul 2, 3:25pm  

The guy is an admitted realtor already. All the DNA can do is make him even more guilty.

Say, is there a national realtor registry so that people can choose not to live near them?

7888   Bap33   2011 Jul 3, 3:35am  

road was full of winners pulling their (HELOC supplied) ski boats to the lake for the weekend ..... and gas is >$3 a gallon ..... so, the consumer side is still doing it's part.

7889   Â¥   2011 Jul 3, 3:43am  

austrian_man says

If you can provide a case for who will fund our debt, I am willing to listen.

Debt to GDP was immense in 1945.


It's not the debt that will get us, it's the deficit spending.

To fix the deficit just requires 3 simple fixes: 1) cut DOD 40% ($400B), 2) raise taxes 40% ($500B), 3) adopt the Canada/Japan style single-payer health system for everyone ($600B savings).

We couldn't do this in one year, but a 10 year transition, 2014-2024 would work.

I might as well be writing in moon man language since the possibility of this happening is 0.

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