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iPhone 7 didn't have that many upgrades and sales already broke record. can't imagine what the stock price will be when all 3 models are released next year.
Comment from the article (note, this is where Goatfucker Dan lives):
I see you have learned to accuse others of your own very obvious weaknesses. Trump does this with applomb. Glad to see you are learning something.
RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says
iPhone 7 didn't have that many upgrades and sales already broke record. can't imagine what the stock price will be when all 3 models are released next year.
Or they get a tax holiday and bring home all that money and do a stock buyback.
ARM! offshore banking nations to protect the 1%s money.
Climate change is a scam to separate people from their money and freedom.
Climate change denial is a scam to separate people from their money and freedom by letting others steal and vandalize public property, the oceans, the land, and the air.
Fixed that for you.
How about in Fahrenheit or celsius instead of megatons?
And how much of a change in degrees would it take to be considered significant to you? Please make the argument that a one degree F temperature rise is insignificant and means we should ignore the problem. Please, please, please make that stupid argument. I've got hundreds of references ready to go showing how fucking wrong you are. Come on, call my hand.
How about you do-nothingers put your money where your mouth is? Take out a $50 trillion insurance policy on Florida that will pay each resident and business in the event that coastal flooding destroys homes and businesses. If you aren't willing to put your money where your mouth is, don't ask us to put our money and livelihoods on the line so a bunch of greedy ass, anti-American corporations can continue to pollute and destroy public property with impunity.
Uncontrolled climate change is devastating to the economy, fool.
Given up your car yet?
OK, asshole. If your argument against fighting pollution and climate change is that we can't give up cars, then you are conceding that any plan I or anyone else can come up with that doesn't require giving up cars will be accepted. So here's my car-friendly plan.
1. Outlaw fossil fuel power plants.
2. Stop subsidizing oil in any way.
3. Fine polluters five times the cost of cleaning up the pollution they generate.
4. Tax each greenhouse gas in proportion to the amount of warming it causes. This includes both a carbon tax and a separate methane tax.
There, that's a free market solution to the problem, and it doesn't involve anyone giving up cars. Checkmate, bitch.
Hey Chucky, love your confirmation rules. Really working out well for you. Nice bed you made for yourself there.
Smooth move, Ex-lax!
Not sure why everyone is arguing about whether global warming is true or not. Really comes down to:
1) Why pollute if you don't have to?
2) What is wrong with making corporations and those who use the environment pay or mitigate their use of the shared resource (our planet)?
3) Doesn't this lead to new industries that provide for a smaller carbon footprint: windmill power, solar and so on. Even if this is "fake" - don't we want new opportunities in the economy?
I guess it really boils down to the timing of the approach. If the models are off (I don't know, seems like most agree it is on the low end of the prediction spread), then we have some time to proceed more naturally versus extreme approaches. I guess that is where the rub is: what is extreme to curb carbon emissions and what is not.
No, stocks are higher based on the expectation that Trump will screw over Joe sixpack and let businesses run amok without regulations, oversight, and taxes.
We've seen this act before and it never ends well.
Let's get politics and name calling out of the debate.
You are the one who brings politics at the table.
As for name calling, it comes a time when things must be called with their real names - your questions above reveal ignorance and stupidity.
No, what did I predict above? You said "another" of your failed predictions. In order to be another, there had to be a prediction in that post.
"Are you that fucking stupid that you can't click on the link I gave you??"
I clicked on it. It doesn't answer my question. Let me ask again:
What did I predict on this post:
"No, stocks are higher based on the expectation that Trump will screw over Joe sixpack and let businesses run amok without regulations, oversight, and taxes."
Here's an article from NPR that details the reality of the little ice age and the preceding Middle Ages warming period. Apparently the warming period made Missouri great again for corn farming and Indian culture blossomed there for a couple hundred years. Then the little ice age happened, causing weather patterns to shift. This made Missouri and plains areas dry and unsuitable for corn growing, while making the western states flood with water. Perhaps the Anasazi civilization flourished at those times when the American west was fertile and had lots of rain. Perhaps Cahokian Indians went there.
Point is: climate change that affects arable land has and will continue to happen regardless of man. Right now, we may be entering a colder period. As we speak, the west is becoming rainier and the middle of the country is drying a bit. We will see if that's carried out once summer gets here. If so, it may be part of a general trend.
Point is: climate change that affects arable land has and will continue to happen regardless of man.
The relevant question - does man cause a systematic climate change?
I'm pretty convinced that global warming is real, but not convinced it's an epic disaster for the world.
In fact, simply looking at the truly vast amounts of land in Canada and Russia that are experiencing longer growing seasons, I think total global food production might go up with increased warming.
Not that that's much comfort to countries like Bangladesh.
Can't people move up the hill when their feet get wet?
And how much will that cost the US economy?
Maybe an "Illegal Immigrant Rapist Full Scholarship Fund" for NCU.
Makes about as much sense as any of the the other libby delusions.
I'm sure they're just "misunderstood" and are really nice guys. Please let your daughters date them.
What basis do you have for this strawman line? Who actually thinks this? Most pro immigration reform people have no problem charging and deporting known criminals, and NOBODY is in favor of child abuse.
Not that that's much comfort to countries like Bangladesh.
Also not much comfort to coastal cities like Miami and New York. Trillions of dollars of economic loss may not be an "epic disaster for the world", but it makes 9/11 look utterly insignificant, and how much did we sacrifice to fight terrorism? Far more people will die and far more economic loss will occur due to climate change than due to terrorism. Hell, the spread of malaria alone will kill more people than all of terrorism in all of history put together.
So we should treat a climate change attack -- and yes, let's start calling it an attack because essentially that is what it is, intentional or not -- we should treat a climate change attack with the same seriousness as a major terrorist attack. The stakes are higher in climate change even in the mildest scenario.
Please make the argument that a one degree F temperature rise is insignificant
Has it been that much over the last 20 years?
About twice that.
Our Planet’s Temperature Just Reached a Terrifying Milestone
Keep in mind that it took from the dawn of the industrial age until last October to reach the first 1.0 degree Celsius, and we’ve come as much as an extra 0.4 degrees further in just the last five months.
Okay maybe you can answer the questions?.
The trajectory of a dynamical system in its phase space is determined by a set of non-linear differential equations. If you take the simplest system, a point moving in 1-D (e.g a pendulum) with energy conservation (closed system) you have a 2-d phase space (coordinate and momentum) and a system of 2 non-linear differential equations (Hamilton's equations). This already results in a number of stationary points, their basins of stability and phase space trajectories.
When I teach theoretical mechanics, this is one of the hardest topics for the students. Yet it is only the simplest, idealized system.
Do you know what I am talking about? Because if you don't, if you have never studied non-linear differential equations, you wouldn't understand how stupid your questions are.
"The science is settled".
This is supposed to be politics??
Tell us, how much science do you know and how much research experience do you have, that allows you to question the conclusions of experts with decades of experience? What was the biggest research project you ever did? Any publications? Any articles that you've peer reviewed?
NAC question:
So bond yields have come down since the 80's. But when I look at a chart of NAC its been averaging 14-15. It was there in 2000. How come it doesn't have a continuous slow up curve as yields have a slow down curve?
conclusions of experts
for the right price, i can make any data look any way the buyer wants it to.
the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn't count about $79 billion more spent for related climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for "green energy."
also, that guy and his wife who made $1M in 2014 alone.
Ima anonymous troll called hater. What are your credentials?
I have a proven ability to recognize idiots, regardless of whether they are anonymous or not.
And you have proven that you do not want to debate the facts.
You are not in a position to debate climate change.
Now, if you wish to debate the reasons for the recent poor results of Liverpool FC, I am ready.
"And now this, straight from the Rubber Room of the White House......"
Trump's POTUS POINTS PLAN™ says after I've bought a case of toxic dyed Oval Office Pumps®, a King and Queen set of tariff-free Bangladeshi White House Sheets®, and a Camp David Welcome Mat® woven by blind child sex-slaves, I'll have reached the Trump Tower Gold Toilet awards level. I get to redeem my points and ass fuck Ivanka on Air Force One while watching Trump's personal porn collection of Ironman and TLLips cum swapping at a Klan gathering. That's when I'll start to get sick of all the winning.
The whole nation will be sick of winning with Trunt®, the new roll out of Trump-Cunt branding.
The 9th circus court of appeals is the most overturned court in captivity.
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