by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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seems like you shouldn't be able to start a thread that bashes another user as well
Why not, think ironbrain can't defend himself?
I think ironbrain is the greatest source of amusement on the forum. I find it very hard to believe anyone would be such a girly girl that they take him seriously enough to be bothered by him.
Co2 is a .03%-.04% of the atmosphere so any theory this causes warming is totally flawed. The temps are warming slightly that is a fact it seems though we can do little to change natures course other than panic and make people believe the sky is falling which is something we can do.
This is great, and I support severely Mentally Ill people and the households they live in from possessing firearms.
The rules are so vague people with sleep or eating disorders can have their 2nd Amendment rights pulled - by the Soc Sec Administration ?!?!?!
The Soc Sec Administration can declare you Mentally Ill, that's the most moronic thing I've heard. You have to sue to prove you're okay.
The ACLU and Mental Illness Advocacy Groups are also opposed.
"Co2 is a .03%-.04% of the atmosphere so any theory this causes warming is totally flawed"
Really--why don't you add .03% Arsenic to your water each day before you drink it? That can't be a problem, right?
Can we all join in? Come on piggy, don't get upset. You should be use to abuse by now.
Illinois State Fair of 2010 has been remixed better remembered as the ' Piggy Remix ' because of the grunting pig sounds.
What happened to the ad hom button?
Any post with "thunderdome" in the title is a free-for-all mudslinging party. So there won't be ad hom buttons on those posts.
Actually with a silver/gold ratio of 69/1, Silver is the better bet right now.
Pretty sure warming and cooling have been going on since longer ago than the 50's
YES! The lack of historical data, and perspective with these alarmists is part of what pisses me off. Everything is a record if record keeping didn't exist until the 21st century...
Any post with "thunderdome" in the title is a free-for-all mudslinging party. So there won't be ad hom buttons on those posts.
Leave to the Wogster/Barney Fife to christen the thunder dome rule.
Actually with a silver/gold ratio of 69/1, Silver is the better bet right now
For the pop which both are likely to do. Canadian dollar is killing it and the Australian and New Zealand
dollars are just under CAD performance which is a nice correlation as to metals heading up.
Long term I'm of doubt that gold is going to break into a confirmed upward trend just more counter trend
Actually with a silver/gold ratio of 69/1, Silver is the better bet right now.
What has the historical ratio been?
Also, isn't silver mined at a considerably faster rate than gold, implying that that ratio should grow forever?
Neither are no more than a trade and don't have odds of moving more than a few %.
I loaded up on gold last week.
And PICK has been making me a small fortune since last year.
Thanks Patrick,
So if I understand, you will be personally moderating personal attacks on Patnet?
There are 3 types of economic situations:
1 - disinflation/deflation
2 - real growth with low inflation
3 - high inflation/ low real growth.
I think gold would do well only in (3).
That's possible if Trump slows trade/immigration while accelerating domestic investments, but I doubt it.
Congress will be reluctant to do this.
Thanks Patrick,
So if I understand, you will be personally moderating personal attacks on Patnet?
Yes. Not that happy about it because of the edge cases, but I think it has to be done. Hope to eventually delegate it to willing moderators that have a history of impartiality.
So if I understand, you will be personally SELECTIVELY moderating personal attacks on Patnet?
Please point out personal attacks for me to delete. I don't have the system entirely down yet, and someone completely spammed it this morning. Use the ad hominem link. I limited it to 3 outstanding at any one time per reporting user to prevent a similar spamming of it.
Past inter-glacial periods have been much warmer with far less CO2 in the air. If we're indeed reversing and heading for a maunder minimum it will get ugly cold and the so far brutal 2017 winter will seem "warm" in comparison.
The problem is, what one person calls a personal attack might not be by a different person.
There are some cases like that, but mostly I think they are pretty clear:
"You are a goat fucker" is definitely a personal attack and not directed toward the argument.
"That argument is stupid, because..." is probably not a personal attack, because it's about the argument and gives a reason.
What's the fascination with fucking farm animals?? Seems to be a common hobby of the fucking wankers, crybabies and whiners here.
Look, shit for brains, if you haven't figured out that mirror's don't know how to talk back to you we're not going to explain it to you how they work.
... you and your vast imaginary army of patnet troll Putin piggies
Hey Ironman, has your Putie Gold been late this month or what? I was waiting for my 250gr of Siberian Gold Dust but Stanislav - you know the shady guy from Sunny Isles who doesn't work but drives a Mercedes - hasn't been answering calls the past few days.
put my alts on ignore
Guess what Fuckface, this one goes to the trash bin too..
Time for the 12th NEW Alt....
So how come you're such a PUSSY COWARD? You bitched for eeeeeeeeeeever about others doing it??????????? What about it PUSSY???????????
I'm an EXPERT on the whining and crying part!!
Hehehe. Your PUSSY diameter is up to 12 centimeters already.
You're PUSSY diameter is up to 12 centimeters already.
That's officially considered labor for goats.
YUP, jets been seeding (clouding?) the skies for a while. God knows what HAARP had done in it's history to the ionosphere. They knew something was gonna happen and has once again set us up for more profits to their wallets. The cooling effect they produced, if it does, will be systematically incurred by momma SOL and the "state" this solar system is at. Oh Ya, "We succeeded in stopping warming" so the evening news will mantra. But maybe we need to charge you more "for did and dat", because of did and dat".
How MANY "cycles' have recently been verified, statistically, that few can keep up with including me. Momma SOL and the belief state we are in tells the momentary tale. Imagine
I found piggy's wife. She's calling him.
That should be titled Pig calling her fellow piggies!!!
I have thick skin.
Those are callouses from banging sheep.
He must have a lot of callouses in his ass.
what the hell...of all the blacks in CA this woman is the best they can send to rep them?
at least Sara Palin was a MILF. this woman???
The real question is when will this be on pay-per-view.
You're too much of a little child to understand adult conversations and should consider staying on topics you know something about.
You have a civility score of 100% Ironman! Try and keep it. You can do it!
Is she a muppet? Seriously, what's the deal with her face?
What's the deal with her wig? Isn't that called cultural appropriation?
If everyone could read these type of threads & comments could become the "Center for Human Trash".
Just think, millions of followers.
Add separate category labeled "ASSHOLES"
People would flock here by the BILLIONS.
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