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8109   Nobody   2011 Jul 12, 2:33am  

I guess people quickly had forgotten that this
recession started during Bush administration.

Obama may not be doing the right thing. But
can we really blame him alone when it took 8 years
for Bush to do all the damage?

8110   FortWayne   2011 Jul 12, 2:56am  

HousingWatcher says

The Republicans have controlled the House for 6 months and have yet to pass a single jobs bill. Not one.

So it's up to congress to create jobs now? Any jobs government creates are not going to be sustainable. Free market has to decide which jobs are needed at what pay grade.

The way Obama has been making promises it is up to the big government to create jobs, decide what we all should do, which houses we should live in, what healthcare we should have. But it all starts with voters who want to live off hand outs and be told what to do instead of paving their own path in life.

8111   leo707   2011 Jul 12, 3:01am  

Nobody says

I guess people quickly had forgotten that this

recession started during Bush administration.

Obama may not be doing the right thing. But

can we really blame him alone when it took 8 years

for Bush to do all the damage?

I am pretty disappointed about how Obama has tried to fix this mess so far, but it does seem that some have very selective memories about how we got started on this down turn.

8113   bob2356   2011 Jul 12, 3:23am  

Just like the Italian, German, Irish, etc., etc.. It's a poverty thing, not a cultural issue. The only way to secure the borders is to have strict enough penalties and enforcement that no one will hire illegals. That's not gong to happen. Too many people make way too much money from the current situation. As long as there are people willing to employ illegals then they will come, even if you put the entire US military on the Mexican boarder. So nothing is going to happen, unless enough people get fed up that the politicians are more afraid of the voters than losing campaign contributions from employers exploiting illegals.

8114   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 3:28am  

It's the victims fault for not being smart enough to change their passcode from 1234.
SO no sympathy here, for any involved.

Besides it's not like it was a facebook or tweeter hack.
that would create a rabble.

8115   kentm   2011 Jul 12, 3:31am  

"Give us 100% AND we kill the hostage"

"But its YOUR fault, you made us do it."

"AND I happen to have this buddy over here who owns a mortuary chain that can dispose of the body"

8116   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 3:40am  

Like I said, this is a gift for the Dems.

Assuming the reality of the situation escapes the rightwing media machine's obfuscation and enough voters grow the f- up.

Obama's alleged bargaining "sacrifices" really really pissed me off -- pushing off my medicare two years (costing me who knows how much), cutting my social security by $1000/yr.

Granted, if the Republicans walk away from this and destroy the country it will have been a master, master stroke by Obama and I will forgive him.

Republicans wanted to fight in Iraq and blow $3T on our military 2002-now, and now they don't want to pay for it, or, worse, they want ME to pay for it when I was against going in in the first place. F-ing Idiots.

8117   Nobody   2011 Jul 12, 3:58am  

Don't forget it was Republicans that wanted TARP.
Obama had no choice to keep it going. Now,
it is time to cut the budget and increase the

8118   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 12, 4:48am  

What about all the unemployed inner city blacks and poor rural whites?

Farmers just don't want to pay free market wages.

8119   theoakman   2011 Jul 12, 4:49am  

Nobody says

Don't forget it was Republicans that wanted TARP.

Obama had no choice to keep it going. Now,

it is time to cut the budget and increase the


Rofl, now TARP is 100% Republican? It was mostly the Republicans who voted it down initially. The dems were mostly behind it in full force. In the end, it was a bipartisan effort. They all loaded their special interests into the bill and voted as if this were a common everyday bill

8120   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 5:00am  

EMan says

you and some media out there are very biased toward having a balanced budget without more taxes

LOL. Do you have functioning brain?

Since 2000:
The defense budget has nearly TRIPLED, rising from $350B to $950B.
Medicare/Medicaid has DOUBLED, from $400B to $900B.
The FICA surplus has gone from $70B to a deficit of $30B, a swing of $100B.
Welfare has DOUBLED from $200B to $500B.

Meanwhile, federal income taxes are $50B LESS than 2000:



Of course, the Republican strategy is to force spending cuts, but not in defense. They want to cut social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, education, etc.

We are so f-ed. Hello China or Mexico.

8121   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 5:07am  

Nobody says

Don't forget it was Republicans that wanted TARP.

Obama had no choice to keep it going. Now,

it is time to cut the budget and increase the


Yeah because it was a Republican controlled senate and congress right? And because it was Obama that promptly ran home to craft the TARP bail outs from his campaign trail, as to look rationale and doing something.

It's the Mongolians fault! It was the Penguins, we've been framed!

8122   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 5:10am  

Oh and Bravo!!!!

Obama doesn't get to complete his Vanity mission.
He'll go down in History as a one term failure.

That is Change we can all agree on. The bipartisan summer of love, the Universal Health care, the ending of two wars, the not raising taxes on single penny for any American....

The Lies, after lies, after lies, after lies...

Thank God someone is stopping that Mad Man.

8123   billy269   2011 Jul 12, 5:33am  

Gold's bubble will probably bust in 2-3 yrs.

8124   tatupu70   2011 Jul 12, 6:10am  


Why is McConnell maneuvering behind the scenes for a new plan B if the Republicans are so much "in control"


It doesn't sound like Boehner even has control of his party anymore...

8125   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 6:26am  

McConnell's plan to push this on the Dems is going nowhere, I hope.

Just raise the f-ing debt limit already.

You wanted a $3T war, we've got to keep borrowing or raise taxes to pay for it someday.

Federal income tax revenues are lower now than they were in 2000:


so we know cutting taxes for the "job creators" does not create jobs.

But I am curious whether the conservative spin machine will succeed in putting this on Obama. it's a quality gambit, I'll give you mofos that.

8126   archaeonflux   2011 Jul 12, 6:28am  

If shrekgrinch isn't trolling... Holy shit.

shrekgrinch says

No, the mathematics of the situation DEMANDS it. The Reps just want to destroy Obama's presidency by making him be the instrument of said mathematics.

What specifically... mathmatically... makes THIS the moment in time that huge, multi-trillion dollar cuts HAVE to be implemented? Also, why wasn't it viable to make huge spending cuts during the Bush years? Why now? Is it possible it has anything to do with poll numbers?

8127   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 6:34am  



Income taxes have fallen to 8% of GDP.

Too high! We must keep taxes historically low on the "job creators" or they will flee to much higher tax locales!

What a line of hoo-haw.

8128   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 6:47am  

Who want's a War?

Shoot I ain't never been good for nuthin' 'cept for lovin'.

8129   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 6:52am  

Who want's a War?

96% of House Republicans and 98% of Rep Senators did, in 2002.


8130   kentm   2011 Jul 12, 6:55am  

Ah yes, he's so staunch and unyielding, that steamroller of a man who never offers compromise or alternatives...

Related and equally connected to relevance, here're some anagrams for "Obama Threatens to Make Granny Eat Cat Food":

A Cabana Ed Forges Totter Hmm Knotty
A Cabana Ed Heft Grommets Knotty Tor
A Cabana Ed Knee Forgot Hmm Tot Tryst
A Cabana Ed Meek Front Got Myth Torts
A Cabana Ed Tether Fort Gym Knots Tom

8131   FortWayne   2011 Jul 12, 7:10am  

What I see and hear a lot of in our neighborhood are the shops buying gold, not sure what their business model is. And tons of commercials for home loans at very low rates.

Not sure what to make out of it all.

8132   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 7:11am  

Troy says

Who want's a War?

96% of House Republicans and 98% of House Senators did, in 2002.


“Nessuna soluzione . . . nessun problema!„

And I was austricized both Left and Right, when I agreed with Richard Geer and the Dixie Chicks. Remember that huh?
Where was the Liberal media, Oh that's right, they were leading the angry Mob, to burn the Dixie Chicks at the sake, torches and all.

8133   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 7:14am  

And I was austricized


8134   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 7:17am  

Dur unt ya, I vas tuned indo an Austrian. Hear me now and smell my breath lattah...

8135   Done!   2011 Jul 12, 7:34am  

EMan says

Not sure what to make out of it all.

Sheer desperation.

And in the mean time the Liberal press want's to go to the middle East and hold hand and sing Kumiya with the protestors, that are starving and increasingly getting emaciated everyday because we're all so damn proud of our Gold Bubble, while they scrounge for dog cakes and camel droppings.
Then we act surprised when they are whisked away by angry protestors and turned over to the very Government our Government says they are protesting.

Liberator or the man who shat on the worlds dinner plate?
You be the judge...

Yay Gold!!!

8136   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 8:19am  

in a further demonstration of "fuck the constitution, lets simply do whatever we need to do for political gain"

This is a cut-throat political proposal, but it is constitutional, should the Dems go along with it.

It's up to We The People to figure out who's right in this, next November.

The American people made a serious mistake in the 1920s, and 1994-2004, so they may not fully come to understanding of the current crisis until a few more years.

If anything, given the immense amount of propaganda being generated with the Peterson Foundation, the Koch money, the Scaife media, the American people may not ever gain enlightenment on this. Just look at the several conservatives on this site, they're immune to reason and facts, and they want to keep it that way.

Wish I spoke Swedish. I took German in high school, mebbe I can go there when this country fails.

8137   ahasuerus99   2011 Jul 12, 8:20am  

Sadly, it's extremely believable. Anything that allows plausible (or even implausible) deniability on the part of our elected officials is to be expected.

8138   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 12, 9:02am  

Democrats are in the minority and need Republicans to raise the ceiling with them in the House. Not to mention I am not sure if Pelosi and Reid are going to be eager to give the GOP an escape. They will want them to do the same.

8139   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 12, 9:08am  

This debt ceiling debate is a complete joke. Don't you people understand that Wall St., which controls the govt., is sitting on billions in T-Bills that woudl be worthless if the debt ceiling is not raised? NOBODY in Congress is crazy enough to vote against Goldman Sachs.

8140   Â¥   2011 Jul 12, 9:28am  

HousingWatcher says

, is sitting on billions in T-Bills that woudl be worthless if the debt ceiling is not raised?

Nope, you don't quite understand. If this were an actual crisis, not increasing the debt limit would actually protect the debt already issued.

What the debt limit does is prioritize gov't outlays to servicing the debt as it comes due, then people with contracts.

Granny's SSI is legally at the end of the line.


8141   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 12, 9:50am  

There is no legal requirement to pay bond holders first. Obama could pull a fast one by not paying bond holders, allowing for default, and blaming the carnage on Republicans. It would be a HUGE gamble that woudl result in him either winning or losing in a landslide in 2012. As we saw in the GM bankruptcy, Obama knows a thing or two about ignoring bond holders.

8142   Nobody   2011 Jul 12, 10:45am  

Yeah, but we took away the power when Obama
really needed to do good. Sure he was messing
up in some respect. But how can you give him
only two years to fail him?

8143   zzyzzx   2011 Jul 13, 12:54am  

Ummm,, Social Security income is intended to be supplimental income. Besides that, they aren't going to be reducing the benefits (unfortumately). Only raising the age over time (weak).

Besides that, cat food really doesn't taste bad like they keep saying. Have you tried any?

8144   zzyzzx   2011 Jul 13, 12:57am  

Nobody says

I guess people quickly had forgotten that this
recession started during Bush administration.

Obama may not be doing the right thing. But
can we really blame him alone when it took 8 years
for Bush to do all the damage?

This recession started in the late 70's with minor blips along the way.

8145   theoakman   2011 Jul 13, 1:08am  

holy crap...Ron Paul really corned Bernanke today. It was pretty funny.

He just ended the dialogue and the conversation went sorta like this:

RP: "Do you think gold is money?"

Bernanke: "No"

RP: "It functioned as money for $6000 years, why do central banks still hold gold?"

Bernanke: "It's an asset"

RP: "Why not hold diamonds? That's an asset?"

Bernanke: "It's tradition"

it was pretty funny seeing Bernanke put on the spot and watching him pause, and lie

8146   leo707   2011 Jul 13, 1:58am  

zzyzzx says

This recession started in the late 70's with minor blips along the way.

I don't think you understand how a recession is defined.

As per the National Bureau of Economic Research:
"a significant decline in [the] economic activity spread across the country, for at least three months, normally visible in real GDP growth, real personal income, employment (non-farm payrolls), industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

Not really a 40 year measuring tool. If a recession last "too long" it then becomes a depression.

Perhaps you are thinking of the growing wealth disparity that did begin around 1979 years ago.

8147   Â¥   2011 Jul 13, 3:46am  

I think the case can be made the recession started in the 1970s.

We abandoned fiscal probity in 1983 or thereabouts, and have been living on credit and our reserve currency float since then. The current recession is a continuation of the tech recession which was a continuation of the 1991 recession which was the after party of the 1980s debt binge

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