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You got me, had to look it up:
n. a very long word (a foot and a half long)
I'd rather impeach all other clowns in government who are screwing us all so much every year.
At least Trump is on our side.
Those government assholes on the other hand got modern day slavery going full speed. Cheap labor from overseas, cheap illegals, prison labor... all just to replace American workers and fuck us all over so they can make bigger profits. Unpatriotic criminals!
Polls: 46 Percent of Americans Now Want to Impeach PRECEDENT FUCKFACE von CLOWNSTICK
Polls: 80% of americans are going to vote for Hillary for president.
This is not news. 46% of population either lives off a government check or has a union doing all their work for them.
Polls: 46 Percent of Americans Now Want to Impeach PRECEDENT FUCKFACE von CLOWNSTICK
To be fair, they wanted to impeach him before he was elected, and for largely just cause.
Running for President against a female liberal and tearing down political correctness are both amongst his many impeachable crimes, even before he was in office.
He's threatening to put Soros' journalists in jail, watching re-runs of The Apprentice until they blind themselves and scream for death.
If by that you mean they ratted the institution out.
I think the phrase you are looking for.
"President Trump owes Putin a Congressional medal of honor."
I don't see how Putin stumped for Trump.
We're not innocent in meddling in foreign elections. My guy won, so NO!
Putin deserves a prize, and Trump deserves respect.
If you want US to pander to a murderer and an autocrat
Bullcrap! Saying Putin is mean does not make him mean. It don't work that way.
Rusia is not America and will never be. No country on the planet will ever be what America is. Not our government not our culture, not our Democracy. It fails every time it is used as a model in other countries, that didn't already have their own democratic or republic society. It works for us because there will always be people like me to make sure it always does. Russians have had strong allegiance to their Czars and rulers.
Putin hasn't been shown to be a murderous autocrat as you say. In fact he is protecting his country and neighboring countries that still demand their right to identify as Baltic and Russian not EU. We've seen the effects of Soros and Global Establishment meddling. You can't predicate your opinion about what wen't on in Russia based on our Media biased reporting. Some see it as Putin saving those regions from Soros having his way.
There won't be any peace in the world until George is stripped of his Billions, and imprisoned then extradited to a country that will hang or send him before the firing squad.
The world is not these bastards petri dish for political socioeconomic experiments
And countries have the right to reject them.
Putin hasn't been shown to be a murderous autocrat as you say. In fact he is protecting his country and neighboring countries that still demand their right to identify as Baltic and Russian not EU. We've seen the effects of Soros and Global Establishment meddling.
May not be saint, but better than the mafia oligarchs he put in prison like khodorkovsky
One that started with "Clinton". The rest totally beg the question altogether. How am I doing so far?
blaming Trump for Russian's hacking is the height of stupidity.
it's not Trump's fault you democrats had a dumb nigger and a stupid bitch for leadership and no one respected them.
Sadly, I think most readers will just continue to chase their tail in finding the truth. The truth is a slippery wet fish you will never get your hands on.
Trumpligula calls it "the best sex I ever had"
Of course. It's sex with the person he loves the most.
He's only insane if you don't follow his logic, which is, well, insane.
The number I am looking at is $1 million turned into $10 billion. A remarkable achievement by any standard.
So you are saying he inherited nothing? Want to back that up with something. Anything?
Poll: Without Daddy's Money, Effeminate Trust-Fund Twit Donald Trump Would Be:
Sounds like a scientific poll; in other news, if my grandmother had a dick, she'd be my grandfather
EPORT: Psychiatrists Pretend There is Any Doubt That Kremlin Chew Toy TRUMPLIGULA! Is a Face-Biting, Tongue-Lolling Fruitcake
Psychiatrists need to show that they are above pharma money to do more honest studies on the link between SSRI and mass shootings/suicide ideation .
What amazes about psychiatry is the lack of objectivity regarding tools of trade. If they can't get that right, why should anyone consider seriously the opinion of some political hack from Johns Hopkins?
I guess it takes mentally ill people to recognize it others; actually not, but psych docs tend to have more mental illness than average Med student.
Also psych is barely a real doc since they use the least amount of their medical education in their day to day jobs than any other type of MD/DO
Even their DSM is horribly corrupted by drug company influence.
Trumpligula calls it INNOVATION! and, since HE! won, it is an act of unparalleled patriotism!
Since most politicians are dirtbags and presumably no one else in the US has attempted, let alone succeeded at such a stunt, is it not creative?
Because he doesn't.
You're basing whether or not to leave based on what people on an online forum say?
If you have enough money to live comfortably in another country, why would you care what people on an online forum think?
You can't bitch about one law not being enforced if you are not willing to enforce them all.
People who enter this country illegally are breaking the law.
Enforce that one, or change it. Then we can talk about all the rest.
Obama doubled the budget for border patrol, doubled the budget for ICE, increased agents by 25%..
What in your strange world would enforcing the law look like?
So Russia is responsible for screwing over Bernie?
Because he was the only hurdle Trump faced to the presidency. Hillary never had a chance
All that crap was just for show and tell...
Give all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...
You can't bitch about one law not being enforced if you are not willing to enforce them all.
People who enter this country illegally are breaking the law.
Enforce that one, or change it. Then we can talk about all the rest.Obama doubled the budget for border patrol, doubled the budget for ICE, increased agents by 25%..
What in your strange world would enforcing the law look like?
All that crap was just for show and tell... all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...
From your article
“The U.S. Border Patrol has not issued any stand-down order to agents,†the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The Border Patrol’s enforcement posture and operation is the same as it was in 2014 and 2015, agents are issuing Notices to Appear consistent with law, regulation, and enforcement priorities.â€
Want to produce a copy of the actual stand down order? I notice it's not in the article. What a surprise. I'll wait, and wait and wait and wait.
Isn't the washington times the mooney paper that went digital because they couldn't give away enough copies to use as toilet paper in the dc subways? Yea that was the one.
"US President-elect Donald Trump has acknowledged a report by intelligence agencies that Russia tried to hack the presidential election, a top aide says.
"I think he accepts the findings," incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus told Fox News Sunday".
All that crap was just for show and tell... all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...
From your article
“The U.S. Border Patrol has not issued any stand-down order to agents,†the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The Border Patrol’s enforcement posture and operation is the same as it was in 2014 and 2015, agents are issuing Notices to Appear consistent with law, regulation, and enforcement priorities.â€Want to produce a copy of the actual stand down order? I notice it's not in the article. What a surprise. I'll wait, and wait and wait and ...
Poll: Without Daddy's Money, Effeminate Trust-Fund Twit Donald Trump Would Be:
Sounds like a scientific poll; in other news, if my grandmother had a dick, she'd be my grandfather
AF has a point. It's foolish to admire a person for being rich when the only reason that person is rich is because he inherited great wealth. It certainly does not show good business skills.
The Truth is out there, but you wont find it on a Cable channel.
The number I am looking at is $1 million turned into $10 billion. A remarkable achievement by any standard.
So you are saying he inherited nothing? Want to back that up with something. Anything?
Crickets chirping.
"I think he accepts the findings," incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus told Fox News Sunday".
Trump accepted that Russia probably hacked the DC, along w many other countries. This is the same info already known from the wikileaks themselves. Trump followed up the meeting w a general statement about cyber security, and has called the MSM russian story "fake news" as recently as last week.
Thank you for sharing.
Who is your truth teller?
Jesus Christ: The Way, the Truth and the Life.
Is he/she/it better than my truth teller?
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