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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   166,458 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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83277   HEY YOU   2017 May 6, 9:49am  

How many Retard Republicans are on Private Socialized insurance?
They don't want govt. involvement/tax dollars in healthcare,but have to pay premiums
to cover other FAILURE Republicans that can't pay cash.
Free market companies should charge whatever they want for health ins.
You don't like it,then DIE! you haters of CAPITALISM.

Surely you have an excuse for your ignorance.
It must be ignorance,no one could be that hypocritically stupid.

83278   Done   2017 May 6, 10:18am  

If you want to see what difference the Trump effect has had on our markets go to the lows of S$P 2009 and run a trend line from those lows to
the middle of 2015 highs, then do the same from the last lows at the beginning of last year up threw today which is when companies had no choice but to
hedge Trump with the possibility of being elected so in reality I would assign the last 14mos. to the Trump effect likely due for the most part deregulation.
Companies don't wait for the last minute in the markets dog eat dog world.

83279   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 10:30am  

marcus says

He cited Trump’s claim of having the largest inauguration audience in American history as proof of the president’s mental illness.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner said. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

marcus, check your facts. You've been lied to. go back and read exactly what trump and spicer said about the inauguration. Hint: its perfectly reasonable, w support of facts. if you find something you feel is wildly off, share it. I dont think you'll find it.

83280   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 10:32am  

marcus says

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” Gartner said, according to The Independent.

The rest of the mental health community has an ethical responsibility to take Gartner's license away. No respectable professional would pretend to diagnose someone with zero clinical knowledge of them. Again, you've been lied to. Be better than this.

83281   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 10:35am  

marcus says

THen, when QE stops and the market consolidates intead (SIC) of going back down, don't you have to credit that to OBama ?

Lol. Who did you trade for on the floor?

83282   NorthBrief   2017 May 6, 10:40am  

Yay, the stock market is up over 3 months. Let's see how it looks in 4 or 8 years.

83283   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 10:43am  

marcus says

Yeah, identity politics has gone too far, but only in the sense that it triggers "what about me" idiots that blow it out of proportion.

Perhaps you didnt see the SJW who attacked 4 white males on UT campus last week, killing one of them. Perhaps you missed the 4 thugs in chicago who kidnapped a trump supporter and tortured him for over a day. Perhaps you missed antifa throwing bricks and violently attacking any gathering of ideas they disagree with. Perhaps you missed the business man who refuses to hire or work with any registered republican. Perhaps you missed the google/youtube/FB censoring of political material that questions the SJW/Liberal agenda. Perhaps you never read the book 1984 or read about Nazi Germany.

Those silly Jews in the early days of Nazi german must have just been "idiots that blow it out of proportion." If this is your attitude, than you are part of the problem.

83284   marcus   2017 May 6, 3:35pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump knows those numbers are still grossly padded with Obama's bogus numbers.

IT's not Obama's numbers. It's the way employment numbers have been calculated for decades. When people stop looking or take a job at walmart or driving for uber, they're no longer unemployed.

Can't tel whether you're really as delusional as you act, or whether you're just a Russian troll.

83285   marcus   2017 May 6, 3:45pm  

CBOEtrader says

erhaps you missed the google/youtube/FB censoring of political material that questions the SJW/Liberal agenda. Perhaps you never read the book 1984 or read about Nazi Germany.

Those silly Jews in the early days of Nazi german must have just been "idiots that blow it out of proportion." If this is your attitude, than you are part of the problem.

Hahaha ! You're amazing. We just had for the first time ever an American President elected in large part becasue of racist rhetoric, and an appeal to authoritarian personality types and you're going to say that the whackjobs SJWs that represent less than one half of one percent of the country are some danger to us becoming like Nazi germany ?

OH wait, that's right Trump's rhetoric wasn't racist. He's just reacting to authoritarians trying to say racism is unnacceptable. It's the PC police that Trump is reacting too. He's not really saying that Mexicans are rapists or that he doesn't know who David Duke is. "What's this white supremacy you're referring to ? I would have to know what it is before I could denounce it." (paraphrasing Trump).

Unfuckingbelievable. This Trump thing has you full blown emotionally bonkers.

83286   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 4:40pm  

marcus says

CBOEtrader says

erhaps you missed the google/youtube/FB censoring of political material that questions the SJW/Liberal agenda. Perhaps you never read the book 1984 or read about Nazi Germany.

Those silly Jews in the early days of Nazi german must have just been "idiots that blow it out of proportion." If this is your attitude, than you are part of the problem.

Hahaha ! You're amazing. We just had for the first time ever an American President elected in large part becasue of racist rhetoric, and an appeal to authoritarian personality types and you're going to say that the whackjobs SJWs that represent less than one half of one percent of the country are some danger to us becoming like Nazi germany ?

You are indeed becoming like Nazi Germany.

I notice you didn't mention a single fact. Try to show me where the left has been systemically oppressed or violently attacked for expressing 1st amendment rights. You can't. Yet this is what is happening to trump supporters or even peoople who just think for themselves today.

Today's left is the most terrifying, disgusting, tyrannical group I've seen in my lifetime. You are one step from being full blown nazis

83287   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 4:45pm  

marcus says

We just had for the first time ever an American President elected in large part becasue of racist rhetoric,

Your willingness to accept team propaganda is amazing. This is exactly how nazi Germany happened and why it will happen again.

This is exactly why trump will win again. I didn't vote for him last election but i certainly will in the next election after watching the lefts continued degrade into racist tyranny.

83288   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 6:31pm  

marcus says

I don't know a sigle person on the left

You havent been paying attention because oppression of other people doesnt affect you.

83289   CBOEtrader   2017 May 6, 6:50pm  

marcus says

I don't know a sigle person on the left that approves of the (AGAIN LESS THAN 1% of the LEFT) dipshit children having their tantrums.

Where as you assholes - something like 40% of the country elected Donald Trump !!!

You see how you equate a violent terrorist group to trump supporters? You are a full on koolaid drinker. This is the exact same reasoning the antifa uses to attack trump supporters. Its the same reason the media, celebrities on the left, and all the other regressive left used to rationalize violent, organized oppression. People like you normalize this type of violence and passively support it.

You, sir, are part of the problem. Look in the mirror and blame yourself for trump.

83290   marcus   2017 May 6, 7:10pm  

CBOEtrader says

You havent been paying attention because oppression of other people doesnt affect you.

No, I have been paying attention, and I talk about this stuff with other liberals, and none of them approve. Nobody I know that voted for Hillary approves of silencing debate or violence. But Trump wants to silence the media, labelling the media as the enemy.

The thing is, you know I'm right, and you know you're lying. IT's behavior exactly like the behavior you are demonstrating right here in this argument that will be the hallmark of fascism if and when it comes to the U.S.

83291   marcus   2017 May 6, 7:12pm  

CBOEtrader says

You see how you equate a violent terrorist group to trump supporters?

I did not do that. IT's you that equate me with the violent left. IT feeds in to your dishonest narrative. CBOEtrader says

ou, sir, are part of the problem. Look in the mirror and blame yourself for trump.

Easier to say that than to admit your real reasons for voting for Trump.

83292   marcus   2017 May 6, 7:54pm  

CBOEtrader says

Today's left is the most terrifying, disgusting, tyrannical group I've seen in my lifetime. You are one step from being full blown nazis

Nominated. All time stupidist thing ever said on Patrick.net.

I guess since there really is almost no left in government anymore, let's get all worried about a few hundred children protesting at colleges and a few incidents of near violence breaking out. Meanwhile our entire congress is owned by corporations and banks. We're more and more of an oligarchy. You're really going to worry about a few idiots on the extreme left ?

Why don't you share with us the most tyrannical policies brought upon us by this disgusting left.

After that maybe explain why Prisons, Health care and schools should be run for profit and why deficits that allow lower taxes for corporations and the rich are always better than a government paying for what it spends.

83293   SavingsAmount   2017 May 6, 8:28pm  

First of all, I am a black man. This movement is repulsive, and that killer is probably burning in hell now. Thank God for President Trump and his support for law enforcement! God bless and thank you to all LEOs and first responders. America loves you. And pray the Black lives matter movement sizzles with the Democratic party. How pathetic and weak is a person to defend such a radical racist hate group as this. Black lives matter is racist. In reality, all lives matter. Get that in your media brainwashed heads all you BLM supporters.

83294   Strategist   2017 May 6, 8:33pm  

Ironman says

Really?? When was the last time $4.5 TRILLION was printed in such a short time? When was the last time rates were held at close to zero percent for years? Please show me the charts.

Never in the history of mankind.

83295   marcus   2017 May 6, 8:50pm  

IF only Ironman were smart enough to ask himself the question, how and why can interest rates be held at zero percent, with trillions of QE on top of that, without causing inflation ?

Ironman says

So, two years of a flat line market without QE is "consolidation"?? Really??

Yes, when the S&P goes up more than 1000 points and then goes sideways for a couple years (instead of back down), many knowledgeable people would call that consolidation. But look, sometimes it's just too late to learn.

83296   BayArea   2017 May 7, 6:26am  

rando says

Putin Fanboy says

I'll ask you again: why don't you bake cookies and sell them WITHOUT stealing the Girl Scout branding. You can then donate all the money to the Girl Scouts or anyone else you so desire.

I'll ask you again: Why should Girl Scouts not be able to bake their own Girl Scout cookies?

Who produces Girl Scout cookies?

83297   Y   2017 May 7, 6:37am  


rando says

Putin Fanboy says

The Girl Scout Cookie branding belongs the the Girl Scouts of America, not the little girls. Like you, the little girls have done nothing in regards to cultivating and maintaining the brand.

Lol, they are the Girl Scouts of America.

But anyway, you seem to have misunderstood the proposal. I don't care what the cookies are called. I just want Girl Scouts to have the right to bake their own cookies and sell them instead of supporting a corporation.

83298   FortWayne   2017 May 7, 8:46am  

Putin Fanboy says

Here's a real estate website that stayed true to itself and is still highly relevant, unlike Patrick.net which has devolved to nothing more that a haven for racism and misogyny.


Patrick.net comprised entirely of bitter, angry, white males and the content is entirely racist, misogynistic, or pornographic. Why would Patrick (or anyone else for that matter) want their name associated with such garbage?

Comments like yours (the face of your party) is exactly why you Democrats lost. Constantly calling everyone racist who disagrees with you. You hate white folk, and this is why you lost the house, the congress, and the white house.

83299   Ceffer   2017 May 7, 10:42am  

I'm still trying to figure out what he/she/it doesn't like about Patnet.

83300   Patrick   2017 May 7, 12:23pm  

Yes, I don't quite get it either.

83301   bob2356   2017 May 8, 3:43am  

Strategist says

jazz music says

Things to think about: how to take back America from corporate rulership. Some people have been thinking about this for years now.

Someone, please remind the Pink Panther that communism failed a long time ago.

What relevance does the fall of communism have to the ever increasing plutocracy of America?

83302   Y   2017 May 8, 5:45am  

This of course assumes that america wants to escape corporate rulership.
Given the other world alternatives, you better be careful what you wish for...

jazz music says


83303   bob2356   2017 May 8, 5:57am  

BlueSardine says

This of course assumes that america wants to escape corporate rulership.

Given the other world alternatives, you better be careful what you wish for...

Like the oecd's awful socialist countries where you get 6-8 weeks paid vacation a year, higher education, and health care?

83304   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 May 8, 6:26am  

So easy to take America back from your desk while hitting the flask every now and again.

83305   Heraclitusstudent   2017 May 8, 3:53pm  

All ways requiring concerted actions by human beings will fail because it is just too easy to manipulate people, turn them on each other and watch them as they bicker on message boards - while you rob them blind.

Communism ended not because of opposite ideas (capitalism and the like). No, it ended because these ideas were put in practice and then pushed to their ultimate conclusions. No one liked the consequences. Then they were discarded.

The same needs to happen to capitalism.

The problem people should think about is not how to throw out the current system, but rather what to put in its place. Because right now we don't have a good replacement candidate.

83306   RWSGFY   2017 May 8, 3:56pm  

Should've brought a toddler with him. Makes all your demands instantly valid.

83307   Patrick   2017 May 8, 5:29pm  

@"jazz music" the answer is publicly financed congressional campaigns.

There are plenty of people with integrity would would run and win if they could only get the financing without selling out. Publicly financed campaigns is the way to do that.

But of course no one in congress is going to vote for publicly financed campaigns, because every single one of them was elected under the corporately financed campaign system we have now.

83308   lostand confused   2017 May 8, 5:35pm  

probably did it on purpose so he could sue and get a million bucks??

83309   Y   2017 May 8, 8:06pm  

If one wanted to fight the corporations, the most expedient way would be to unionize the buyer.
Organize and form purchasing groups in every city.
Direct purchases of products from manufacturers that espouse your world view.
Given the varied communicative options, this may not seem as wild as it looks.

83310   marcus   2017 May 8, 8:42pm  

I didn't Ban Rin, but I had him on ignore from before when I was just tired of his shtick.

83311   Strategist   2017 May 8, 8:49pm  

BlueSardine says

Rin is banned by: marcus

marcus says

I didn't Ban Rin, but I had him on ignore from before when I was just tired of his shtick.

Marcus does not realize that his math students know more about sex than they know about math.

83313   missing   2017 May 8, 9:37pm  

Strategist says

Marcus does not realize that his math students know more about sex than they know about math.

So do all the monkeys in the zoo.
Only those at the pinnacle of evolution can know more about math than about sex.

83314   Strategist   2017 May 8, 9:43pm  

FP says

Strategist says

Marcus does not realize that his math students know more about sex than they know about math.

So do all the monkeys in the zoo.

Marcus taught them math too?

83315   missing   2017 May 8, 10:10pm  

Strategist says

Marcus taught them math too?

I don't know, ask him. The monkeys would not show any signs of being taught. You should know that.

83316   RWSGFY   2017 May 8, 10:20pm  

Fucking pussy!

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