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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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83554   HEY YOU   2017 May 13, 7:20pm  

Speaking of Sater,
This one will shoot Trump voters in the back.

83555   CBOEtrader   2017 May 13, 7:42pm  

Dan8267 says

CBOEtrader says

Except, neither Sessions nor Trump are under investigation...AND...here's the other important part...COMEY deserved to be fired.

Neither or which is relevant to the law. You can be guilty of obstructing an investigation without being the subject of that investigation.

It is possible, but under what circumstances? You think he knows his (fill-in-the-blank) is being investigated?

From the outside we have no clue what's happening.

83556   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 13, 7:53pm  

Trump is forcing the Dickheads to show their hand. If there is an investigation on what grounds was it ordered, what are the charges, what are the evidence, and is there any evidence to charge Trump of any wrong doing now?

Now they to show the whole thing has been a sham and a charade, Trump took Comey out of the picture. They now have to pony up and show proof. And everyone thinks it's takes sophisticated equiptment to record a dinner conversation. I record my band practice with my S6 stuffed in my desk drawer and still pick up banter between songs with crystal clear clarity.
Comey knows Trump recorded their talk that's why he's too chickenshit now to take this to the head.

And Check Mate

83557   Rew   2017 May 13, 8:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump is forcing the Dickheads to show their hand.

No, Trump is exposing himself to all sorts of legal peril by being a complete moron. He also just got compared to Carter ... which I find hilarious.

Pollster Patrick H. Caddell, a longtime confidant of Bannon who served in Jimmy Carter’s White House, said he was pained to watch the Trump White House struggle.
“It’s like reliving the Carter administration on steroids,” Caddell said. “This is an outsider administration being surrounded by Apache knives. Every inch of the political class and both parties are going after him. The president can’t afford in this type of environment to not execute these kinds of announcements better.”

Tenpoundbass says

Comey knows Trump recorded their talk that's why he's too chickenshit now to take this to the head.

Congress is requesting the tapes. I'm sure Trump will provide them, as part of the investigations, or he will have to say he fabricated it.

Comey was the head of the FBI and has swum with the sharks of Washington for a long time. Those that know him well know that is very good at covering his ass, especially legally. Trump is a fat little orange goldfish about to be devoured.

83558   BayArea   2017 May 13, 8:24pm  

A message to storeowners/employees:

- You must keep your cool with customers as your actions reflect on the business. And remember, we pay taxes to fund local police departments so you could always call them if someone is being disruptive to your business.

A message to liberals (several messages actually):

- Don't walk into someone's place of business behaving in this manner... yelling, videotaping, disrupting normal operations of the store. Your cause will totally be lost in the cloud of belligerence you are displaying.

- Next, if you don't agree with a product that a store is selling or you don't agree with how they are conducting their legal business, leave and shop elsewhere. It's your choice where you shop because you live in a free country. Think about how beautiful that is.

- You have to stop accusing everyone you don't agree with of being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and xenophobic. Keep this up, along with the fake outrage, and you will continue to lose elections because the rest of America will not take you seriously.

And lastly, I feel terrible for those kids that they have such a sick and twisted adult figure in their life. I hope they can overcome that handicap in life.

83559   marcus   2017 May 13, 9:25pm  

BayArea says

A message to liberals (several messages actually):

A message to self righteous idiots that show up in forums instead of stores:

Emotionally or ego challenged idiots come in all stripes. A while back there was a video going around the internet of an ingrate red neck harassing someone in a store for not speaking english, and they weren't even a part of the conversation. Crazy rude arrogant self righteous and stupid people come in all stripes, not just your pathetic equating a flaky SJW as a generalized "liberal" that needs a lecture from you.

Too bad you can't see the irony. Of course being self righteous is a way of life here, so it is different.

83560   Y   2017 May 13, 9:28pm  

Trump will hand over 8 tracks, and nobody will have players to hear them...

Rew says

Congress is requesting the tapes. I'm sure Trump will provide them,

83561   BayArea   2017 May 13, 10:00pm  

This thread isn't about a redneck harassing someone in a store for not speaking English.

If it were, my response would address that topic.

83562   marcus   2017 May 13, 10:39pm  

BayArea says

This thread isn't about a redneck harassing someone in a store for not speaking English.

If it were, my response would address that topic.

This video was about an arrogant know it all idiot calling out a store for a reason just as stupid as calling out strangers for not speaking English in a store that were talking to someone they were with.

But you want to generalize it to being about a "liberal." The person in my example (the other video) had more in common with that lady than the typical liberal does.

What's with the people that fantasize that most liberals are like the freak SJWs that make up less than 10% of the left ?

83563   Shaman   2017 May 14, 5:40am  

jazz music says

It must be we hear straw men characterizations of liberals because they play so often on talk radio when the bully has the mic.

Since the media is overwhelmingly Leftist in intent and slant, any wild-eyed SJW they interview will be seen in the best possible light. So in reality the are even more cray-cray than shown on TV.

83564   anonymous   2017 May 14, 6:59am  

Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

Reality is settling in. Comeuppance is beautiful reperation for such great misdeeds, and I cannot wait for these people to get the reaming they've been begging for.

83565   anonymous   2017 May 14, 7:04am  

ISIL/Daesh was publishing online "kill lists" including the home addresses of American law enforcement personnel


One mans Freedom Fighter is another mans Terrorist

Also, how do we know if this is Fake News or not, anyways?

83566   bob2356   2017 May 14, 7:17am  


or Camden.

Irradiating camden would be considered urban improvement. I was in support of the nuke newark movement back in the day.

83567   bob2356   2017 May 14, 7:26am  

errc says

One mans Freedom Fighter is another mans Terrorist

Sunni's are freedom fighters, shia are terrorists. Except the sunni's that don't suck saudi cock like ISIS. Then they are terrorists. It's really quite simple. Anyone not advancing the saudi cause is a terrorist.

The saudi's are really great hustlers. They manage to get the US to send billions of dollars to fund freedom fighters attacking the US. Neat trick.

83568   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 14, 7:37am  

Bullshit! Trump's support is growing more and more dissidents throughout the election are saying positive things about Trump more and more everyday.
The media and Scurrying Cockroaches in Washington has been the biggest flipping mechanism for those people.
I keep seeing the same Liberal dickweeds over at GAB trying to instigate a rabble every time the Post does a hit piece saying Trump is bending over and sucking Schumer's dick and his Son in Law is running shit in the world (Dah Jews!!!)
But when we press them on it, all of the snowflake Liberal shit comes pouring out of their filthy Liberal mouths.

83569   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 14, 7:41am  

Rew says

Congress is requesting the tapes. I'm sure Trump will provide them, as part of the investigations, or he will have to say he fabricated it.

They don't get to see the tickey for laundry unless they want to do the fucking laundry.
That's how the judicial system works.

Cop: I'll write you a ticket for driving on the sidewalk!
Me: GO ahead I've got my dashcam video to prove I did nott.

Never in any law book would I be required to show proof of my video or be labled a liar and hauled off to court to do so. That's some oppressive dicatator Liberal facist shit there.
Put your case up have Comey spread his Liberal lies then Trump shows you what he got.
That's how it works in the realworld Craploads.

83570   komputodo   2017 May 14, 7:57am  

seriously???? QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY NATIONAL POLL? We are back to believing polls?
Republican Donald Trump’s lead among men and white voters all but vanishes as Democrat
Hillary Clinton takes a 47 – 40 percent likely voter lead, with 7 percent for Libertarian Party
candidate Gary Johnson and 1 percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, according to a
Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
This compares to a 45 – 40 percent Clinton lead in an October 7 survey by the
independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.
Today, men are divided with 43 percent for Trump and 41 percent for Clinton. Women
back Clinton 52 – 37 percent.
White voters go 45 percent for Trump and 41 percent for Clinton, while non-white voters
back Clinton 63 – 25 percent.
In a head-to-head, two-way race, Clinton tops Trump 50 – 44 percent.

83571   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 14, 7:58am  

Sentence symantics is really all they've got don't laugh at them ya'll.

83572   BayArea   2017 May 14, 8:02am  

How we still cite polls after the 2016 election is beyond me.

RIP Polling industry.

83573   komputodo   2017 May 14, 8:05am  

Putin Fanboy says

Tenpoundbass says

Bullshit...dissidents...Scurrying Cockroaches...Liberal dickweeds...rabble...hit piece..bending over..sucking dick...shit...snowflake Liberal shit...filthy Liberal.

I have absolutely no idea what you were trying to say, but you are clearly an uneducated, angry man.

Lets see how this works. If I consider myself "educated" and you don't agree with me, then clearly you must be "uneducated". Ok, got it!

83574   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 14, 8:05am  

Democrats doing their century old favorite past time.

83575   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 14, 8:07am  

They are taking them down because try as they might, the Democrats can't spin History fast enough to bullshit people into believing that it was the Republicans that created the KKK.

Out of sight out of truth. Detroy all History and monuments then Maxine Waters controlls the narrative.

83576   CBOEtrader   2017 May 14, 8:10am  

My university, ranked best university in the south, still has RE Lee's name, statues, both he and his horse Traveler are buried there... confederate flags dot the university.

Noone cared. This is complete garbage.

83577   Blurtman   2017 May 14, 8:25am  

Intentions aside, nothing will be done while corporations are writing the laws and running the country.

83578   CBOEtrader   2017 May 14, 8:54am  

Your question was why are they removing them. They are misguided

83579   Y   2017 May 14, 8:58am  

All historical artifacts.
Libbies pull these down like isis destroys artifacts from conquered territory.
Both are trying to erase history, libbies due to shame from inherited ancestral guilt...

83580   FortWayne   2017 May 14, 9:11am  

BlueSardine says

All historical artifacts.

Libbies pull these down like isis destroys artifacts from conquered territory.

Both are trying to erase history, libbies due to shame from inherited ancestral guilt...

83581   RWSGFY   2017 May 14, 9:14am  

That's either a very big watch or a very small man on that picture.

83582   FortWayne   2017 May 14, 9:15am  

BayArea says

A message to storeowners/employees:

- You must keep your cool with customers as your actions reflect on the business. And remember, we pay taxes to fund local police departments so you could always call them if someone is being disruptive to your business.

As a business owner I don't have to bend over backwards for anyone. You come into my place of business bitching about some emotional bullcrap politically, I'll throw your ass out. Maybe I don't want you as a customer, I don't owe you liberals anything. Don't like it, go spend your welfare check elsewhere.

83583   FortWayne   2017 May 14, 9:17am  

Liberals always trying to rewrite history and draw rainbows on everything. Rainbow crazy people, mentally challenged. I truly feel sorry for them.

83584   BayArea   2017 May 14, 9:37am  

FortWayne says

As a business owner I don't have to bend over backwards for anyone.

Keeping your cool and bending over backwards are not the same thing.

Flipping her off, calling her names, and following her out to the parking lot only helped her case (which was really shitty).

83585   Patrick   2017 May 14, 9:37am  

They do it because it makes them feel good and virtuous.

83586   HEY YOU   2017 May 14, 10:01am  

Well the bitching & moaning snowflakes are out & about running their mouths & doing nothing.
If monuments are removed legally & one doesn't like it,change the law or get the fuck out of America,
Leave the monuments standing as an honor to history.
Place new monuments to honor Muslim & Satanist histories along side loser,racist shrines.
Still like FREEDOM?

Action speaks louder than words.
BOYCOTT ALL Republicans!(& redneck white trash who are living in the past).

83587   CBOEtrader   2017 May 14, 10:05am  

HEY YOU says

redneck white trash who are living in the past

You would have been a Nazi in the 30's

83588   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 14, 10:06am  

rando says

They do it because it makes them feel good and virtuous.

Or because they think it's inappropriate to honor some of these people.

83589   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 14, 10:07am  

CBOEtrader says

You would have been a Nazi in the 30's

No--conservatives are the anti-science, book burning party.

83590   CBOEtrader   2017 May 14, 10:31am  

joeyjojojunior says

anti-science, book burning party.

Nazi's were the top scientists in the world. That has nothing to do with why they were evil.

Book burning is relevant. Who is fighting against free speech and wants to destroy historical statues?

The common theme is righteous judgement of another group's ideas as deplorable. If you recall from Mein Kampf, the reason Jews were evil to hitler was because they spread socialism and communism. His racism was an explanation for why the Jews wanted to bring these obviously evil political systems into the forefront.

Today's left is using exactly the same righteous judgement of wrongthinkers today. If they don't agree they are racist/sexist/deplorable and deserve to have their free speech taken away. If they resist they deserve to be violently attacked. You are like the early Nazi's in the early to mid 30's. We are starting to see actual oppression: doxing, firing people for wrong think, not taking on customers for wrongthink, secret enforcement in universities against wrongthink, elimination of history classes because WHITE PEOPLE, shaming and even firing of professors for wrong think, professors openly calling for violence against whitey, celebrities cheering on violence against those NAZI wrong thinkers, openly blaming whitey on MTV and other pop culture shows... as well as actual violence: UT stabbing last week, antifa, Chicago gang kidnap, dozens of random beatdowns by BLM, ... all to the cheers of the left.

Knock it off, you Nazi's.

83591   CBOEtrader   2017 May 14, 10:43am  

HEY YOU says

Republicans!(& redneck white trash who are living in the past).

You display the same righteous virtue-signaling bigotry against wrongthink as the Nazi's. So, I'll say it again. You would have been a Nazi in the 30's

83592   Y   2017 May 14, 10:53am  

Place new monuments next to old outdated monuments so history is recorded not whitewashed to assuage liberal guilt complexes.
Liberals want the past hidden and whitewashed so they are not tempted to repeat it.They need to develop more self control...

HEY YOU says

Place new monuments to honor Muslim & Satanist histories along side loser,racist shrines.

83593   RWSGFY   2017 May 14, 11:43am  

What about 4chan?

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