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117291   indc   2022 Oct 13, 7:32pm  

FarmersWon says

indc says

@Shaman, here is a news you should actually look at from India and which is very familiar to chatholics all over the world.


We r stunned!
CP @Navimumpolice
avoided press scheduled by himself!
Pentecostal #Christian Yesudasan n his ally Ambarish Patnigere DyCommissioner @NMMConline
have friends all over!
Bombay HC judges let victims girls shift, Police let S*x racket run, top lawyers defending accused!

This all happened under rule of a govt which was praised by @FarmerWon.

I am not fan of your Wahabbi cousins .. Both Hindooo and Wahabi are violent cults of Islam.
@indc I have cleared this many times but doesn’t get in your head.
Sikhs can only align with Christians, J...

Hey dum* F. This news is about christians not muslims.
117292   indc   2022 Oct 13, 7:36pm  

FarmersWon says

indc says

FarmersWon says

I just needed to ask when is Hindoo cult leaving west due to Beef mother and india mother insult.
Would Hindooo chose dollars or Beef mother?

Now a lawyer is saying that Hindooo cult killed own to blame/defame Sikhs.. Wondering if Hindooo will sue?.. Hindooo crimes needs to be exposed.

All gurus are devotees of only Akal Purakh. Stop bringing stone workshop to Sikhi.

All Hindoo have to move to India once you get Khalistan in Kanada. So you dont have to ask me again and again. And hope you got your answer. So how is your "mother" country dream?

Sikhs are not creating Khalistan but NATO lead by USA is.
When are Hindooo leaving all NATO countries to protest against whites eating their BEEF mother and CIA breaking ...

How many times I have to explain to you Once Nato creates Khalisthan in Kanada or europe, You will turn them into 3rd world shit-hole and Hindoos will take all the dollars looted from them over 2 centuries and go back to India.
117293   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 13, 7:51pm  

indc says

How many times I have to explain to you Once Nato creates Khalisthan in Kanada or europe, You will turn them into 3rd world shit-hole and Hindoos will take all the dollars looted from them over 2 centuries and go back to India.

I know that typical Hindooo have no concept of international law and territorial rights , But may be You can listen to non-Hindoos rather than look stupid every time.
Israel was created on a land where Jews had some rights, So is for other communities.
UN will gives Sikhs the land they have rightS on.

Repeating this nonsense make Hindooo look silly and get Hindoo a jab "cow piss drinkers and dick worshipers".. They degrade themselves to this.. Nobody else's fault.

Looks like Hindooo not leaving west to protest NATO against Khalistan support and eating BEEF mother.
Too much dollar love, Who cares about BEEF mother beyond killing poor minorities.
117294   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 13, 7:59pm  

When is Hindooo cult suing lawyer for giving all the proof that Air India plane was blown by Hindooo cult.
No guts to face the truth?
It will be presented to UN along with proof of all the extra judicial killings of Sikhs done by Hindooo cult.
Add that to all the human rights violations of Sikh women.

Hindoo Nazis are worse than German Nazis on cruelty.
117295   Shaman   2022 Oct 14, 8:42am  

The POINT of my post was that this sick devil worshipper was able to get two normal Hindus to participate in the most gruesome and wrong activities just with the promise of their business doing better if they did some devil worshipping rituals.
When you have no morals, you can be easily led astray to your destruction. Pan-theology isn’t great for locking down abhorrent behavior in the populace. But that’s what the caste system is for, right? Keep the dirty lower classes in their place while the Brahmins do whatever they like?

117296   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 14, 10:07am  

Shaman says

The POINT of my post was that this sick devil worshipper was able to get two normal Hindus to participate in the most gruesome and wrong activities just with the promise of their business doing better if they did some devil worshipping rituals.
When you have no morals, you can be easily led astray to your destruction. Pan-theology isn’t great for locking down abhorrent behavior in the populace. But that’s what the caste system is for, right? Keep the dirty lower classes in their place while the Brahmins do whatever they like?


Hindooo so cultured!!!
Must treat @indc bra-man with respect!!!
Except greedy Bra-mans everyone has moved on from this Hindooo crap system of discrimination and cruelty.

Let's talk about the real issue in hindu-stain! 🦠

"India is the most dangerous country for Women & Minorities in the World"
19 year old girl was brutally beaten by their family members.
117297   indc   2022 Oct 14, 12:45pm  

FarmersWon says

indc says

How many times I have to explain to you Once Nato creates Khalisthan in Kanada or europe, You will turn them into 3rd world shit-hole and Hindoos will take all the dollars looted from them over 2 centuries and go back to India.

I know that typical Hindooo have no concept of international law and territorial rights , But may be You can listen to non-Hindoos rather than look stupid every time.
Israel was created on a land where Jews had some rights, So is for other communities.
UN will gives Sikhs the land they have rightS on.

Are you saying India should break a part of it for International law and give it to Khalisthanis supported by CIA and NATO? WIth that logic India can be broken into 500 countries where everyone can say they are oppressed. No one will give shit about such rule. And same rule can be applied to America. Why shouldn't Russia support separate country for native-american since they literally have their land stolen from them. You remember Jews were thrown away from their land they claim back. SIkhs want to take hindu lands so it is stupid comparison.
117298   indc   2022 Oct 14, 12:52pm  

Shaman says

? Keep the dirty lower classes in their place while the Brahmins do whatever they like?

@Shaman, thanks for clarifying. Why dont you clarify "devil worshipper" is a muslims maulana.

Are you a christian missionary? Where did you get that shit quote from? Brahmins do whatever they like? Do you have any proof of this statement? Brahmins lead a very pious life they sacrifice their life for hindu dharma. You just read what jesuit priest who are into conversion and try to make whole world believe it. Like I said you and bastard Abrahamic narrative.
117299   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 14, 1:03pm  

indc says

Are you saying India should break a part of it for International law and give it to Khalisthanis supported by CIA and NATO? WIth that logic India can be broken into 500 countries where everyone can say they are oppressed. No one will give shit about such rule. And same rule can be applied to America. Why shouldn't Russia support separate country for native-american since they literally have their land stolen from them. You remember Jews were thrown away from their land they claim back. SIkhs want to take hindu lands so it is stupid comparison.

Absolutely yes. No body owes bra-mans of Hindooo cult anything.
We all know that Hindooo has no decency to leave Khalsa lands peacefully, So NATO's Khalistan have to snatch them and they won't be able to do anything like they surrendered in-front of china.(Hindooo cult is only good at oppressing own citizens and minorities)
Yes 1 million Sikhs killed and 5 million driven out of their land by Hindooo cult and we will claim our lands and some of Hindu land too to teach them lesson.
Hindooo Nazi treated Sikhs worse than German Nazi treatment of Jews.
117300   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 14, 1:08pm  

indc says

@Shaman, thanks for clarifying. Why dont you clarify "devil worshipper" is a muslims maulana.

Are you a christian missionary? Where did you get that shit quote from? Brahmins do whatever they like? Do you have any proof of this statement? Brahmins lead a very pious life they sacrifice their life for hindu dharma. You just read what jesuit priest who are into conversion and try to make whole world believe it. Like I said you and bastard Abrahamic narrative.

I really have to chuckle on Rapist pedophile bra-mans of Hindooo cult as "Brahmins lead a very pious life they sacrifice their life for hindu dharma"........ BooooHAHAHAHA

Totally fine folks, These Bra-mans ARE GOOD PIMPS AND JOHNS...of kids, Which in civilized world is known as reprehensible Pedophilia.
Devadasi – Holy Aryan Hindu Prostitution System in Indian Temples

Bra-mans have Good gang rape values.
Mr. Raulji went so far as to suggest that the men’s status as high-caste Hindus argued in favor of their freedom. “Their family’s activity was very good; they are Brahmin people,” he said, referring to their caste. “And as it is with Brahmins, their values were also very good.”
117301   Shaman   2022 Oct 14, 6:35pm  

It could also be a handy justification for subjecting their population to repeated and draconian lockdowns. What was said would fit that reasoning nicely.
117302   GNL   2022 Oct 14, 7:02pm  

Everyone in the world will eventually get the coof. Even the elite. Depop to ZERO huh?
117303   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Oct 14, 7:16pm  

Is there really such a thing as "long covid"? Seem to me that, after millions of people have contracted the covid, there are going to be some that recover just fine but happen to catch some other problem that they naturally blame on the covid. Then there are the other 99% of the supposed sufferers who just claim to have long covid so they can stay home and collect benefits!
117304   AD   2022 Oct 14, 7:18pm  

Shaman says

It could also be a handy justification for subjecting their population to repeated and draconian lockdowns. What was said would fit that reasoning nicely.

Also its a good way to keep people home under the pretenses of a COVID lockdown then be home as laid off workers due to a depression or major recession. If they are laid off then it makes the Chinese communists (Chicoms) look bad at managing the economy.
117305   Patrick   2022 Oct 14, 7:50pm  

And it's all the fault of the Democrats, particularly Biden.
117306   Misc   2022 Oct 14, 7:56pm  

Whocouldaknown that paying people more on unemployment than they made working, sending out trillions of dollars of "free" money and putting in rent moratoriums would devalue our money?

People are still spending like they were during the "free" money days of Covid, they are simply putting it on their credit cards. An 18% increase in credit card balances in one month ... what could go wrong there??

117307   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 14, 8:25pm  

Criminal Hindoo cult of rape/riot is looking at last gasp before Khalsa pounce on them and teach lesson which their 10 generations won't forget.
They will forget about rape/riot cult behavior.
When Amitabh denied on his appeal of BLOOD FOR BLOOD, A Sikh Lovepreet Singh contacted him and asked him to debate with me, look at his response, screenshots are pasted here in three pictures;
117308   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 14, 8:57pm  

Filthy Hindooo cult trendsetter Bra-man has many tricks to enslave women and then pimp them in Hindooo cult temples for rape.

Happy Karwachoth sir, did your wife do karwachoth for you. Jai Sanatan
117309   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 14, 10:05pm  

cisTits says

Shaman says

It could also be a handy justification for subjecting their population to repeated and draconian lockdowns. What was said would fit that reasoning nicely.

^^^ This

European deaths will "spike' no matter what. Because the Chinese just looked at what is normally projected and gaslighted that as a 'spike'. It will look better as more will die from freezing.

Perceptive take.
117310   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 14, 10:06pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

Is there really such a thing as "long covid"?

Taylor Lorenz and other vax true believers assign the harms of the vax to COVID being a magic respiratory virus that lasts months or years
117311   AD   2022 Oct 14, 10:12pm  

117312   Ceffer   2022 Oct 14, 10:19pm  

Fake test, fake pandemic, fake Covid, fake long Covid. The gaslighting excuse for every draconian policy and policy failure.

The CCP is pushing the absolute boundaries of the fraud and terror to the hilt. They illustrate what the Globalists would like to do to the whole Western world to extend the pseudo religious pandemic tyranny if we let them get away with it.
117313   Patrick   2022 Oct 14, 10:19pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

Is there really such a thing as "long covid"?

I remember having symptoms for quite a long time when I had the flu years ago, months sometimes. Not bad, just a residual cough and things like that. I think it's fairly common. I doubt there's anything special about the coof.
117314   AD   2022 Oct 15, 1:26am  


Food inflation was 11.2% for September 2022. We've changed our grocery spending habits.

Eating more oatmeal, eggs, cooked ham, chicken legs (for chicken soup), beans, rice and fried plantains.

117315   Blue   2022 Oct 15, 2:34am  

This is the consequence of the medical bailout like banking bailout back in 2014! under the fake pandemic. Country/world lost the productivity but pretended by replacing with created money. Now the affects are seen clearly. This inflation tsunami takes some time to slowdown from double digits. Prices will stay unless there is deflation which is unlikely. Cash is very likely is trash in inflationary times like this.
117316   socal2   2022 Oct 15, 9:01am  

Imagine trying to extol the virtues and achievements of the Russian military after the last half year of complete and utter embarrassment at the hands of the much smaller and weaker Ukraine that is literally right next door.

It's like reading the retarded and uber-confident Jihadis of ISIS lording over their Yazidi sex slaves only to be made into grease-spots by US JDAMS when they raised their heads out of their caves.

Even if Russia manages to rubble Ukraine over the next year - their total cockup in Ukraine will be remembered for generations showing what a paper tiger Russia has become. This embarrassment will last decades and have major ramifications for Russia in the years to come.

At least with Iraq and Afghanistan - the US could quickly topple a regime half a world away with relatively minor casualties to the US and enemy side. The US just failed at keeping the Muslims from killing each other with all of the tribal/sectarian killing that happened after their murderous dictators were toppled.
117317   AD   2022 Oct 15, 9:45am  

Will they try to shut down the border between Ukraine and Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, etc. ?

That will then stop the flow of military arms from NATO.

117318   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 15, 10:23am  

Hindoo cult worship rapist Gods and welcome convicted rapists.
Hindooo is rape/riot culture.

In Khalistan , he would have been hanged by now.

We blame the politicians, the judiciary, the system but what about the rotten society? These people are celebrating the parole of Ram Rahim who’s a convicted rapist & murderer.

They’re calling him their Bhagwan Ram & celebrating as if a revolutionary has been released from jail.
117319   HeadSet   2022 Oct 15, 11:14am  

That top pic is a bad photoshop job.
117320   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 15, 11:28am  

HeadSet says

That top pic is a bad photoshop job.

Don’t be so sure. Hindoo cult is obsessed with Dick worship and tricks.
They can go to any extent to create dick show even if it bursts after show.

117321   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 15, 12:19pm  

Chinese will not involve themselves in Europe to any significant degree.
117322   Booger   2022 Oct 15, 1:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

Chinese will not involve themselves in Europe to any significant degree.

The Chinese probably want to sell stuff to both sides if they could get away with it.
117323   Ceffer   2022 Oct 15, 1:38pm  

If the midterms take place, it will be an interesting field day. I think the main viable cheating strategy would have to be vote reversal from one candidate to the fecal implant candidate. They can't really 'grow' a fake population beyond a certain point to overcome the 'real' vote against them, even though they did it audaciously with Biden Actor Prop. People are watching the machines (as if that makes any difference) for remote controlled handlers (can you say Hammer and Scorecard?).

The MSM 'fuckt checkers' are all over Hammer and Scorecard to make it look like it doesn't exist, which, of course, means it does exist using the magic 180 degree lie reversal ring decoder from the Cracker Jax box.
117324   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 4:28pm  

Historically, the Chinese have left distant countries alone, with the exception of a merchant class emigrating to all over the world.

Though they are financing big projects in Africa now in order to get deals on raw materials.
117325   KgK one   2022 Oct 15, 4:31pm  

Booger says

AmericanKulak says

Chinese will not involve themselves in Europe to any significant degree.

The Chinese probably want to sell stuff to both sides if they could get away with it.

That's US 's job to sell weapon on both side. Watch movie jar head
117326   TechBrosWon   2022 Oct 15, 5:20pm  

Khalistan is first domino to fall and it will create chain reaction when mutiny will spread to all areas .
1) Kashmir taking revenge for rape of their women by ugly Hindoo.
2) General Muslim mutiny and complete destruction of all their brothel cum temples to take revenge of breaking mosques.(Islamics are as cruel as Hindoo)
3) tribal frying Hindooo ass for destruction of their forests and ecosystem.(If they get hold of mining baron Hindus, They may throw them to dogs to be eaten alive as is tribal traditions for worst of their enemies .. If they run to west, We should capture all their wealth for NATO operation in Khalistan)
4) Dravidian creating gas chambers for Hindoo to avenge centuries of slavery as untouchables.
5) Buddhist taking revenge of Hindoo genocide of their people. I think they will punish Hindoo worse as Buddhist were brutalised bad by Hindoo.
6) Sikhs don’t kill innocents but they will do Banda Bahadur treatment of people involved in oppressing and genociding Sikhs.

Khalistan/NATO should quickly secure borders and let the chaos ensue India and let them punish Hindooo for their crimes.
117327   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Oct 15, 5:25pm  

you guys need to be more inclusive with Chinese trannies, so use ChinX as a term to include marginalized communities. We all know X is inclusive.
117328   HeadSet   2022 Oct 15, 6:04pm  

FarmersWon says

Don’t be so sure.

I am sure. The lighting, color palate, and perspective do not match. That pecker is from another photo.
117329   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 6:14pm  

Love it!

But I would pronunce that "chinks".

Requiring all woke people to say "chinks" all the time would overload their cog-diss circuit.
117330   Undoctored   2022 Oct 15, 11:51pm  

I thought more dead people on the rolls meant more Democrat voters. We shall see.

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