CME Housing Futures: disappointment or impatience?

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2006 Jul 10, 3:58pm   28,006 views  248 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Housing Futures

We anticipated the Chicago Mercantile Exchange housing futures and options for months before the market launched. We theorized and debated what impact this market would have on everything from the housing market itself to home builders to mortgage lenders to home owners. We fantasized that someday home prices would be linked to the region's CSI housing index. We discussed ways we could become fabulously wealthy -- or at least a bit safer financially -- by using housing futures.

We even predicted that ETFs that would surely quickly follow in the wake of CME futures and options markets.

What happened? The market is fundamentally sound. It is technically sound. There should be enormous theoretical demand from hedgers and speculators alike. So, where are they?

--Randy H

(For those interested in deeper technical financial discussion, feel free to post here where I'm running a parallel discussion.)


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16   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 1:56am  

Howdy folks,
Just got back from a week long vacation. I spent most of it driving around the state. While me and my wife and parents toured the state, it was interesting to note that of all the places we saw, most of the small towns seemed to be relying almost exclusively on RE for their local economies. In some towns, literally every other former barber shop and hardware store was a RE office. Driving through fields, we saw sign after sign after sign up out front with open house, for sale, and coming soon. It seemed that the percentage of homes for sale in these middle of nowhere places was much higher than that in the city.
My parents also filled me in on the home front in TN. Apparently there is now an unrelenting sea of people moving in from FL, NY, and MA. Unfortunatly, this is starting to cause some of the lower end housing prices to rise. New housing developments are now fairly rampant, and some of the same speculative fever that's gripped CA is now in full swing there as people from TN and other states are buying up homes.
My parents hadn't been in SF more than 10 minutes when we were on the BART when a young woman asked them where they were from ( they have strong accents). She replied that it must be nice to be able to afford to live there, and how nobody could afford here, and on and on( enter usual housing woas here). My parents are not used to hearing this kind of language that has become so commonplace here and were taken back at just how miserable this woman was.
My dad had the usual uninitiated response which was how in the hell do people afford to buy here? Interestingly enough, I had a hard time explaining to him the whole exotic loan/ CA is better than anywhere attitude that permeates the region. I don't think he understands even now.
For the 4th of July parade in town, both major RE offices were out and about walking around their floats, waving, smiling, etc. I found it interesting that out of all the bands, churches, dental offices, and police officers in the parade, they were the only ones that didn't get any applause or smiles from anyone. Sort of fitting if you ask me.

17   Red Whine   2006 Jul 11, 3:03am  

I had to share this little gem with all of you:


There are so many to choose from, but this might be my favorite quote:

"The house may be making more than you each year and it doesn't even commute".

Despite the fact that the author of this ad is a Neanderthal, this might actually be the cheapest house I've seen for sale in SoCal.

18   DinOR   2006 Jul 11, 3:04am  

"single handedly prop the market up"

Well, even if that were so (and it ain't) I hardly think Craigslist is the proper format to "build credibility". Firstly IT'S FREE and secondly I believe there are links there "erotic services". Wouldn't be my first choice as an image builder. But then again these are desperate times.

19   DinOR   2006 Jul 11, 3:11am  

Red Whine,

How do you guys come up with this stuff? I love the ones in LV where they say "FREE EQUITY". "This house was appraised at 360K and we're willing to sell it to you for 320K giving you 40K in FREE EQUITY!

Well genius, if it's appraised at 360K then you should be able to sell it for at least that and keep the "free equity" yourself! What? Can't sell it? Not even close? Oh you know what? Just never mind!

20   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 3:20am  

There is no way to arb between the underlying and the futures. Perhaps this is why the liquidity is not there. Isn't this similar to weather futures?

21   Randy H   2006 Jul 11, 3:54am  

There is no way to arb between the underlying and the futures. Perhaps this is why the liquidity is not there. Isn’t this similar to weather futures?

You could arb the positions, but it would be difficult and very illiquid on the underlying side. For weather futures you could buy & sell concerns directly related to the weather region. Same with housing, but a bit more difficult.

You could create a hedge-hedge. For example, using options (or LEAPs) on Home Depot you could play the correlation of HD to the composite housing index. But this would a big statistical quant play, probably best left to quant hedge funds with the computing and brainpower to have a chance at pulling it off.

But with no liquidity to begin with, it's all a moot point. The operational hedgers need to come first before there's room for arbitrageurs and speculators.

22   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 4:23am  

You could create a hedge-hedge. For example, using options (or LEAPs) on Home Depot you could play the correlation of HD to the composite housing index.

This will not help the regional futures.

23   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 4:59am  

Did you guy hear? Microsoft is going to have an "iPod-killer" named "Argo".

Why would it name a music player after a sunken-battership-turned-spaceship?

24   DinOR   2006 Jul 11, 5:21am  


Exactly, posting an "open letter" on C/L is on about an equal footing with....... graffiti? While some of it can be entertaining it's hardly to be considered advice.

25   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 6:11am  

It is getting quiet in here.

26   Randy H   2006 Jul 11, 6:15am  

This will not help the regional futures.

True enough. You could build a hedge-hedge for regional futures on weather in most cases, but doing so with housing is about impossible.

What about finding businesses with heavy cost sensitivity to real-estate prices as reflected through commercial leases? Assuming they exist and you could get reliable data to build correlations, you could hedge-hedge against them.

27   ScottJ   2006 Jul 11, 6:16am  

Peter P,

Sounds like Microsoft is trying to do something about Apple's hold on the portable digital music market and also venturing into PSP territory. If they're going to call it the Argo, why not just call it the Titanic and get it over with? It will be too large, too clunky and it'll be prone to sinking. Yeah, it's wireless, blah blah blah, but it will require multiple OS downloads every month to combat all the hackers. How many times have they tried to take out iTunes with money? I know Microsoft as an entity isn't stupid, but some of their products sure seem unstellar. Perhaps this particular war is directed at the PSP

28   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 6:19am  

What about finding businesses with heavy cost sensitivity to real-estate prices as reflected through commercial leases?

But commercial RE and residential RE can diverge greatly especially in psychology-driven markets.

Moreover, I think there needs to be sufficient speculative interest in those markets for them to be liquid. I am so surprised that the speculative interest is non-existent.

29   Randy H   2006 Jul 11, 6:22am  


That article gives me little comfort, even as schadenfreude. I fully expect the Boomer retirement income crisis to result in increasingly confiscatory taxation upon the younger generations. They won't tax other retirees, so the 20% or so Boomers who did save enough will be handsomely rewarded. The rest will just steal our money.

The way I suspect this will happen will be "borrowing against future taxes", or deficits. Then, when X rolls into retirement those who saved for the golden years will find no allies among either their own generation or the younger gens. We'll get taxed into oblivion.

I can actually see some future environment when elder Xers are viewed as having "greedily stolen from the government for years by not paying taxes on their ill-gotten 401k gains". Of course, by then no one will remember or want to hear about the 2 gens that passed before us which caused the problem; they can't be taxed or punished at that point. So, they'll go after anyone else with $.

Of course by that point I'll have long since retired to Mauritius.

30   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 6:24am  

Randy, this is why it is of extreme importance that we retire with the boomers. We do not have a lot of time. I would say at most 15-20 years.

31   DinOR   2006 Jul 11, 6:25am  


You know that's kind of funny coming from Paul B. Farrell. The guy totally bashes brokers and fin. planners (that typically advocate saving/investing) so it's odd to cite studies done by mutual fund companies when he usually touts "no-loads" to the hilt. You see, Paul is a "you guys can do this" kind of guy.

Where much of the negative savings comes in is that Joe Howmuchisthisamonth has been told that paying 1/2 of your take home pay to a mortgage company is the new "standard". Boomers are the focus of his article as they are next in line to retire but the truth is that FB's of any age aren't in any better shape financially, just a little younger.

32   DinOR   2006 Jul 11, 6:31am  

Oh, btw I REFUSE to treat boomers lack of savings, foresight or general lack of reasoning skills as a freaking CRISIS! No one else should either! Just remember boomers; All you need is Love!

33   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 7:12am  

Apple and Microsoft shouldn't pend too much of their futures on portable MP3 and movie players. The real future is in cellphones. Pretty soon, most of your computer needs, entertainment, MP3's, movies, reading materials, and web browsing will all be on your phone. I'm fairly confident that at least apple knows this.I can imagine that "apple wireless", would position them into having a majority control of on on-phone media. If they aren't then they're stupid. Microsoft surely knows this as well, so perhaps they're throwing this player out as a temporary fix. MP3 players of today can be equated to the Ad-on FM tuners you could buy seperatly for your 72' Dodge charger back in the day.

34   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:15am  

The real future is in cellphones.


A mobile computing device is too big to be used as a cellphone.
A cellphone is too small to be used as a mobile computing device.

I thought cellphone and electric shaver will converge ( ;) ) but that did not happen.

35   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 7:26am  

I actually work for a company that researches and sells cellphones. The truth is that some of the up and coming phones have as much as an 800 mgz processor in them. That's more than 60% more than the current speed, and as time passes, a doubling in processing power is made available within a time frame of usually 7 months or less. That means that within a year and a half, cellphones will possibly have the same computing as a laptop. Some of the operating systems are getting awfully close to that you'd find on a computer as well. Some of the entertainment options now available for phones is impressive. The only thing that's stopping people from being able to watch movies outright on either cellphones or Ipods is a restriction from the movie industry.That and carriers are all trying to specialize their technologies so that you HAVE to have their service to watch movies, clips, music, etc. Bullcrap. Phones are becoming more like a conventional computer, so the need for carriers as sources for media is uneccesary. But they'll only be able to stall the enivitable for so long, or until they have caught up enough to find a way to regulate it.
As crazy as it sounds, the next tech and entertainment wave is and will be on cellphones. You should see some of the options

36   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 7:26am  

I like the idea of having centrally run main computer and have cheap receiver devices. I definitely see iPod (and GPS and swiss army knives) and cellphone devices converging. Not quite so sure about the oncoming convergence with electric shavers though.

Is there now a razer with five blades? Anyone tried it?

37   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:32am  

The truth is that some of the up and coming phones have as much as an 800 mgz processor in them. That’s more than 60% more than the current speed, and as time passes, a doubling in processing power is made available within a time frame of usually 7 months or less.

True. But the problem is in the tiny screen. Unless they come up with foldable/flexible screens, size will be a problem.

38   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 7:32am  


I think the big challenge for cellphone makers is the small size of the screen. I don't really see how that could be changed without affecting their portability.

39   Red Whine   2006 Jul 11, 7:34am  

"Just remember boomers; All you need is Love!"

Right! All we are saying -- is give peace a chance!

40   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 7:36am  

Maybe create a boomer death cult will take care of the problem.

41   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:37am  

I think those older HP Palmtop computers (Windows CE) have the best form factor for mobile computing. Too bad they do not make them anymore.

The size of Nokia 9300 is not too bad as a compromise, but the screen still needs to be quite a bit bigger.

42   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:38am  

Maybe create a boomer death cult will take care of the problem.

Can we have a food cult instead?

43   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:47am  

I definitely see iPod (and GPS and swiss army knives) and cellphone devices converging.

I have a Samsung Blade phone with a built-in MP3 player. However, I do not know how to use the music feature. It is just too difficult to use. I think many people will find convergent devices too confusing. Personally, I prefer to have a button for each functionality. Menus are just too difficult to navigate.

44   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 7:50am  

The screen size isn't a problem. it's a UI issue. Remember that the earliest TV sets only had a 2" screen, yet people thought of them as luxory items. Screen technology is also getting a lot better. There is more clarity and sharpness, along with overall more brightness. I'm fairly firm in my belief that phones will become the new form for daily computing needs. It's just a matter of getting people acustomed to working in a diffrent manner.

45   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 7:52am  

The screen size isn’t a problem. it’s a UI issue.

How can you read a web-page on a tiny screen? I am already having trouble with resolution less than 1600x1200.

46   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 7:58am  

Font selection as well as the way you lay out the page. That means that instead of having a full page length of text across the screen, you have the same font size but only 25-30 characters across. Also- fonts make all the diffrence. Some are easy to read at small sizes. The resolution of the screen is important as well, with newer screens being fairly high.

47   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 8:06am  

Some are easy to read at small sizes. The resolution of the screen is important as well, with newer screens being fairly high.

But I doubt I can read fonts much smaller than those on newspapers regardless of resolution.

48   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 8:09am  

Still, we need to have at least 4" or greater width to work. Preferably 6 to 7", that's going to impact size. That's probably fine for anyone with a bag and not much bigger than blackberries are now.

49   edvard   2006 Jul 11, 8:10am  

I can't go into detail as to what I work on specifically, but I can say that within a year or so, cellphones will have a lot more entertainment options than exsists now.

50   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 8:15am  

I can’t go into detail as to what I work on specifically, but I can say that within a year or so, cellphones will have a lot more entertainment options than exsists now.

Perhaps condo-flipping directly from your phone. :)

51   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 8:16am  

MMOG? :)

52   Peter P   2006 Jul 11, 8:17am  



53   astrid   2006 Jul 11, 8:19am  


sorry, it's one of Randy's areas of interest

but it would be a good way to kill time on the subway

54   Joe Schmoe   2006 Jul 11, 8:37am  

I've got a Treo, and I really like it. I mean, I really like it.

Like many guys, for many years I bought every tech gadget that hit the market. I stopped doing this about four or five years ago, but even then I remained interested in the gadgets, even if I no longer bought them all.

Most of the time, I would not use a gadget at all after I got it, except for the first week or two. Or if I did keep using it, I'd use only 10% of its features.

My Treo is the exception. I use it constantly, and utilize 90% of its features. Really use them, not just try them out. I check my email, keep my calendar and contacts, and browse the web. It's great!

I had a Pocket PC cell phone before the Treo. In addition to the cell phone and Pocket PC, it had Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. It was more powerful, but the user interface was far more cumbersome. It also crashed a lot.

I personally am very excited about the idea of a combination cell phone/Ipod. However, it's got to have a good user interface, and it's got to be reliable, or else I won't use it. My Treo is less powerful than my old Pocket PC, and has fewer features, but it works and is easy to navigage.

If Microsoft gets into the pda/phone/MP3 market, I probably won't be buying any of their products. But if Apple were to make a cell phone/ipod -- I'd give it a ring (no pun intended!)

55   Randy H   2006 Jul 11, 8:39am  

Did someone say MMOG?

I want to set up an MMOG to model complex, irrational, psychology driven market behavior using real people as the "artificial intelligence" actors.

Then I want to use that model to systematically bankrupt hedge funds.

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