From bucolic bliss to 'gated ghetto'

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2010 Apr 9, 10:45pm   1,959 views  7 comments

by thomasmann6604   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We loved how everything was family-oriented," said Willowalk resident Eddie Lopez, left, with wife Maria and six of their children. They bought their 5,000-square-foot house for $440,000 in 2006. It's probably worth about $170,000 now. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times / March 17, 2010)

Reporting from Hemet
The gated community in Hemet doesn't seem like the best place for Eddie and Maria Lopez to raise their family anymore.

Vandals knocked out the streetlight in front of the Lopezes' five-bedroom home and then took advantage of the darkness to try to steal a van. Cars are parked four deep in the driveway next door, where a handful of men rent rooms. And up and down their block of handsome single-family homes are padlocked doors, orange "no trespassing signs" and broken front windows.


The blowback of gated communities. I've never really liked gated communities. It's often a hassle for guest, delivery people, and emergency personnel to enter, meanwhile it's very easy for criminals to tailgate drivers.

Comments 1 - 7 of 7        Search these comments

1   drfelle   2010 Apr 10, 12:09am  

Quote: "It wasn't what the Lopezes pictured when they agreed to pay $440,000 for their 5,000-square-foot house in 2006."

What they "pictured" was the housing prices continuing to rise and selling the property for $750,000+ to some other poor sap.

2   elliemae   2010 Apr 10, 12:30am  

Nomograph says

Swampland and deserts historically don’t hold their value well except in special circumstances. Everyone knows this.

I think that gated communities connotes wealth, separating "us" from "them." The gates give a false sense of elitist security. In Vegas, there are so many gated communities it's a joke. Even those with guarded gates and patrols aren't exactly safe - Steve Wynn's daugther was kidnapped in one of the supposedly safe gated communities.

drfelle says

What they “pictured” was the housing prices continuing to rise and selling the property for $750,000+ to some other poor sap.

Maybe, but I prefer to infer that they pictured living in an area that kept out the riffraff. They were finally able to live in a big house like Richie Rich. Many people didn't think that they would be able to sell at a huge profit as much as it meant that they could live in the house of their dreams.

Interesting article from the LV Sun:

"The resulting valley streetscape — block wall, sidewalk, street — has been criticized as monotonous, unwelcoming to pedestrians and antithetical to community.

“This is one of the things that we have built into the community that has kept us from developing a sense of community,” Fielden said."

3   drfelle   2010 Apr 10, 1:00am  

Forum Policy:
You may express any opinion,
as long as you are polite.

4   elliemae   2010 Apr 10, 1:15am  

drfelle says

Forum Policy:
You may express any opinion,
as long as you are polite.

He was polite. Certainly not attacking like other posters who hang out mostly on the misc forum. IMHO, of course.

5   drfelle   2010 Apr 10, 1:20am  

Nomograph says

Not much different than the Lopezes of Chula Vista who will sell their crappy border house to some other sap.

Racism is polite? Or am I the only one who can read between the lines?

6   elliemae   2010 Apr 10, 1:28am  


"Hispanic or Latino of any race were 49.59% of the population."

You read racism. I read reality. Is it any different that those people who call California "Mexifornia?"

7   Done!   2010 Apr 10, 2:00am  

"The blowback of gated communities. I’ve never really liked gated communities. It’s often a hassle for guest, delivery people, and emergency personnel to enter, meanwhile it’s very easy for criminals to tailgate drivers."

Yep the stock in my faith person goes way down, when they tell me they live in a gated community.
I don't visit people gated communities period, I got enough of that whole Corksuckers scene, when I was in the service industry. They can have it, BUT no way in hell am I subjecting my self to that treatment on a social visit.

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