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I wonder if Rush Limbaugh has ever been laid?! OK, now I need a puke bag.
Yeah, why would Jabba The Nut need his and her dressing rooms? It's not like anyone's gonna hit that.
Didn't he mention something about moving to Costa Rica? Or are they still refusing to give him a visa?
If you go to the listing agency's website, there is a CRT television (aka tv with a big back) hanging from the wall in the bathroom. Seriously, why does someone who makes $50 million a year still have one of those clunkers?
If you go to the listing agency’s website, there is a CRT television (aka tv with a big back) hanging from the wall in the bathroom. Seriously, why does someone who makes $50 million a year still have one of those clunkers?
Maybe he uses the radiation from it to "sun" himself while popping oxy.
Fearmongering pays very well these days:
Rush Limbaugh - $37.5 million per year exclusive of books & speaking disengagements
Glen Beck - $25 million per year exclusive of books & speaking disengagements
Sean Hannity - $40 million all things combined
You can take a dump in front of a pretty nice teevee for that amount
In a 2010 interview in Forbes, Beck said: "I could give a flying crap about the political process," continuing on to say that Mercury Radio Arts, his production company, is "an entertainment company."
Yea - Faux news admits that 9a - 1p is news, 3-4 is news, & 6-8p is news with opinion heavily attached. So, out of a 24 hour period, 7 is news peppered with opinion. Yet it claims to be the leader in news.
All news has become infotainment. Anything else and there would be no audience. Reality is not very entertaining.
Is Paris Hilton really news? Networks seem to thing so.
All news has become infotainment. Anything else and there would be no audience. Reality is not very entertaining.
Is Paris Hilton really news? Networks seem to thing so.
You're depressing the hell outta me...
Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh is selling his luxury condo atop Fifth Avenue, and it can be yours - all 10 rooms on the 20th floor, with hand painted wall and ceiling murals included - for a mere $13.95 million.
Limbaugh may rail against so-called elites on his widely heard radio show, but he apparently lives like a latter day Sun King himself, what with the gaudy Baroque decor, crystal chandeliers and gold leaf moldings. It might not be to everyone's taste but a gut renovation would certainly add to the high price tag - not to mention a $13,360 monthly maintenance.
It's not known officially why Limbaugh wants out. He had previously threatened to leave the city if New York's cash-strapped state government made good on threats to raise taxes on those earning more than $500,000. He can always retreat to his other residence, an estate in Palm Beach.
So how does Rush live? Large, to say the least. While not Versailles, the Manhattan place fits the very definition of a palace, 4,661-square feet of luxe spread out over a full floor with a wood paneled library, his and her dressing rooms, four terraces (two with park views), and 5.5 bathrooms. The New York real estate market has been wobbly of late, but realtors say high-end properties are getting second looks these days. With Wall Street bonuses roaring back, Rush's royal residence might just find a buyer.