Someone Please Explain "Pocket Listings"

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2007 Apr 11, 4:57am   42,811 views  507 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We've talked about so called "pocket listings" and the reasons this happens. But this is the first time I've witnessed one occurring first-hand, and I'm a bit confused.

There's a home in the neighborhood, near enough that I see it every day. It is clearly for sale. The owners cleared out, had it entirely repainted, staged, and it now sits in pristine showing order. No for sale sign. No MLS entry. No key box. Not a peep. Yet people are being shown the place by obvious realtors, sometimes many per day.

Seems to me there is too much activity to be just a "sister or brother" realtor trying to sell it before listing it. And unless there are multiple agencies colluding in the pocket-listing-racket, there is too much activity for this to just be within a single agency; even a large one. This house is getting more traffic than two others in better condition which actually have signs and key boxes.

And aren't pocket listings technically against the CAR's so called "code of ethics"?

And even more so, why the hell would any buyer even be interested in this? This particular home sold for $1m a in mid 2005, but only 0.5m in 1999. Given the listed comparables in the neighborhood, I'll bet they're easily trying to get $1.4-1.5m. But this is Tamalpais Valley, not exactly prime South Marin. Nothing close to exclusive "you have to be invited to buy here" prime Larkspur or Tiburon. So I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would even entertain buying from a shady agent a "not yet listed" home. It's not like finding a home in Tam Valley is hard to do. For sale signs on overpriced McCrapsions are everywhere -- I can see dozens from my bedroom balcony. And this particular "not yet for sale" house is kinda crappy compared to the standard in the immediate neighborhood, adding to the mystery.

I'm curious what people think. I know pocket listings are no big deal to those in the industry, but the practice is unethical according to their own industry representing body. I hate to be naive, but this one strikes close to home (as it were) and so blatant as to be a bit offensive to someone like me patiently renting and waiting for a tiny glimmer of sanity in house prices.

---Randy H
(I'm withholding the Zillow link for now, until I figure out if there are any legal repercussions to the owners. They're actually reasonably nice folks, which is itself a rarity in Marin.)


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157   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:23am  

7- And finally, the only thing standing between you cheap rental ($2500!!) and having your family on the street is the ability of your landlord not to default (except if he bought a long time ago and you cover his costs !!!)

Jimbo would disagree with this. Somehow he thinks landlords just settle for what the market will bear, and will keep renting out at a loss indefinitely.

158   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 4:23am  

How about Mrs Skibum?

Ha ha. Not that I'm aware of, or would ever admit to.

159   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:23am  

An immediate bailout *will* cause mortgage funding to dry up overnight. Hardcore bubbleheads should cheer for it. But reasonable people like us should see beyond that and think for the economy in the long run.

160   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 4:24am  

Brioche is a happy compromise between the two.

Rich Man's Brioche for everyone!

161   HARM   2007 Apr 12, 4:25am  

The want to starve troops in Iraq but they are going to help stupid, clueless homedebtors who did not bother to read fineprints?

In a politician's mind:

Stupid, clueless homedebtors = sizable chunk of the regularly voting and contributing 69% "owner" electorate. Therefore, their opinions (however uninformed) count.

Sleazy mtg. brokers, banksters & Wall Street = massive campaign contributors, also providing lots of expensive vacations fact-finding junkets for lawmakers. Therefore, their opinions count.

Troops = Tiny fraction of electorate that can be expected to dependably vote "conservative" (whatever that's supposed to mean these days), and can safely be ignored, except when photo ops are needed for re-election.

JBRs and responsible savers = Outnumbered, disenfranchised powerless underclass that can be safely ignored at all times.

162   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 4:26am  

Peter P,

That's true. Short term, both a bailout and stricter oversight of the mtg industry would be just what the doctor ordered. A bailout would likely highlight increased risk and drive up risk premiums, while the oversight would tighten lending standards. But as you point out, this would be yet another nail in the coffin for America's consumer-driven economy.

163   FormerAptBroker   2007 Apr 12, 4:27am  

astrid Says:

> The Democrats and a growing number of Republicans
> want to get American troops out of the dangerous quagmire
> that is Iraq.

The Democrats and Moderate Republicans may “want” to get the troops out of Iran, but they are so afraid that they will lose votes from the gung ho “let’s kick some towlhead ass/America should not cut and run” members of both parties that are not really “doing” anything to get them home (They are a lot like Casey Serin who “wants” to avoid forclosure, but does not actually “do” anything to stop it). Democrats and Moderate Republicans are just making a lot of noise to try and make their left leaning voters happy while the nutball right wing Republicans charge ahead “trying to make the world safe for Democracy” (not knowing that Casey Serin had a better chance of avoiding foreclosure than we do making Iraq safe for Democracy)…

164   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 4:27am  

I don't get the joke about premature withdrawl, but I would advocate more modern birth control techniques.

165   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 4:28am  

"and will keep renting out at a loss indefinitely"

So far, so good! :)

166   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:29am  

Brioche is a happy compromise between the two.

Let them eat cake.

See, cake and the subprime mess are married.

167   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:32am  

Justme Says:
"As you can tell, I’m trying to make he point that a “free market” very often is not the best solution to a problem. Regulation is key, and it applies to many markets, both purely economic ones and a few other ones. "

The general thought is that regulation and a free market don't go together. I believe contemporary schools of thought recognize that a free market simply means government does not attempt to influence the free movement of prices or attempt to stifle competition. Government through social policy and regulation may put constraints on activity, but free markets can thrive within the constraints of even highly regulated industries.

168   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 4:34am  


I don't know where you checked, but there aren't too many of those people in the Democratic party nowadays, except maybe a couple of worthless DLCers (I distrusted them since 1996). Don't blame me, I loathed Bush before he won the Republican Primaries in 2000 and know Iraq was going to be horrible as soon as it was mentioned.

Not that anyone ever listens.

Sometimes, I think I should change my middle name to Cassandra.

169   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:36am  

Peter, are we considered commoners for liking cake?

170   HeadSet   2007 Apr 12, 4:36am  

"I don’t get the joke about premature withdrawl,"

Then you are a very lucky woman, Astrid

171   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:36am  

Peter, are we considered commoners for liking cake?

I afraid so.

172   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:37am  

Well, I guess some people don't know what they are missing.

173   HARM   2007 Apr 12, 4:39am  

Of course, once man has become wildly successful and tamed the environment, evolutionary pressure decreases — when the environment no longer presents a challenge, biological evolution slows down. However, there is a further social stratification process that tends to select for intelligence, for instance.


I'm not 100% sure that evolution has actually "slowed down". The same biological mechanisms most responsible for producing evolution in the past (genetic mutations, reproduction/sexual selection) are still very much in play. I just think it's possible that today's high-tech/predator-free environment is producing a very different set of factors that determine evolutionary success. Consider: Idiocracy

174   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 4:40am  

Huh? Cake or [apparently bad sex]?

175   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:44am  

I like layered cake. It looks very happy.

176   lunarpark   2007 Apr 12, 4:44am  

Vanilla bean cake, mmm

177   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:45am  

Harm, in your opinion will the population just become increasingly stratified with a troglite class, or will the human race itself collapse because of the lack of predators to clean the gene pool? Or will humanity sustain itself through technology as a hypochondriac race? Will humanity decay to become nothing but subprime borrowers?

178   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:46am  

Vanilla bean anything is good.

Vanilla bean can be used in savory dishes like fish.

179   GammaRaze   2007 Apr 12, 4:46am  

HARM said: Consider: Idiocracy

Was anyone else disappointed with the movie? I thought the idea was very good and they could have done a lot with it, but it was very light and unsatisfying overall.

180   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:46am  

Cake, sex it's the same part of the brain.

181   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:47am  

lack of predators to clean the gene pool?

Perhaps predatory lending will clean up the gene pool.

182   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:48am  

Excellent sleeper movie "The Hoax". Not an action movie but so interesting it kept my focus.

183   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 4:49am  

DQ numbers are out for the Bay Area:


Looks like more of the same.

184   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:49am  

No, Congress needs a dirty gene pool for its own purposes. Nothing like masses of voter blocks tantalized by shiny things.

185   GammaRaze   2007 Apr 12, 4:51am  

What will happen with evolution is unpredictable. There might an epidemic and the human population after that might be dominated by those who survive it.

In the absence of that, evolution will proceed as usual. Which males are healthy enough to live and are considered desirable by women will have many kids and so on.

186   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:51am  

What do you guys think about savory pastries?

187   Allah   2007 Apr 12, 4:52am  

That NYT "rent vs. buy" calculator is good, however, it doesn't include a scenario where you rent until prices stabilize and THEN buy in which case everything changes. No one really knows how long they are going to be living in a house, life throws a curve ball once in a while.

The bottom line is (and it doesn't even matter if renting costs get more expensive than buying costs) it will not be a good time to buy until prices stabilize. Prices are so far from the fundamentals and are losing the support that got them there. Prices have to not only stop falling, but they have to rise with inflation; this is the true bottom. If prices just stop falling, they can stay there for a decade or longer which means they are still falling in real value (with inflation).

I think after the steep fall, people are going to be very careful about throwing money at real estate like they recently were. I think it's probably going to take a decade or so to absorb all the inventory out there; so my prediction is that after prices stop falling nominally, they will just go sideways for a long time, at which point it is a good time to look for foreclosures.

188   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:53am  

One would think, but the people who seem to propogate don't seem to me to be the fittest or brightest.

189   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 4:53am  

What do you guys think about savory pastries?

I love the stuff. Tommy Toy's in SF has a "signature" Lobster Bisque pastry that's very good. South American meat pies are also very good.

190   lunarpark   2007 Apr 12, 4:54am  

"What do you guys think about savory pastries?"

I'm in favor of them.

191   DaBoss   2007 Apr 12, 4:54am  

Instead of Congress forcing the taxpayer maybe they should fine Yahoo and Google ... after all they are providing false and misleading advertising.

Just off Yahoo 5 min. ago... Is this a fixed rate 30 yr loan?
Of coarse not..
Plenty of Yahoo and Google Cash swimming on the
balance sheet. They can bail out the power slobs who got ripped off.

"$300,000 mortgage for $875/mo
Secured financing for your future. Lower payments/increase cash flow with Quicken Loans."

192   lunarpark   2007 Apr 12, 4:55am  

"Indicators of market distress are moving in different directions."

That's a new line for DataQuick.

193   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:55am  

Which males are healthy enough to live and are considered desirable by women will have many kids and so on.

That ain't so. Inferior male will have kids with inferior females just for the welfare checks before they are incarcerated.

The process is anti-evolutionary. It repeats over and over again before the world is dominated by inferior people.

194   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 4:56am  

I love the stuff. Tommy Toy’s in SF has a “signature” Lobster Bisque pastry that’s very good.

Most excellent!!!

195   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 4:59am  

"Perhaps predatory lending will clean up the gene pool"

We can always hope can't we?

I just keep trying to figure out who the "winners" in all of this might be? At the rate we're going, those that bought in 2003 will be under water shortly. Outside of a few select areas of the BA (or streets/homes) net of commissions you're bringing money to the closing, *not from. Unless FB paid MEW cash for that Harley (or elective surgery) and keeps it out of the BK it was just one "great while it lasted" wild ride?

196   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 4:59am  

Allah says:
If prices just stop falling, they can stay there for a decade or longer which means they are still falling in real value (with inflation).

IMO overall a good post for discussion. A slightly different perspective because price really only matters when buying or selling, what it does inbetween doesn't really matter. The intrinsic value is what you would otherwise rent it for, so if rents (almost by natural law rise with cost of living) even if the value of your house stays flat for a long period, its value to you rises in proportion to the rental market. My concern with some of what I read here is people think there will be a crater and they will then emulate the prior flipper generation. You need to spot value, not just a huge movement in price, and I can tell you foreclosure auctions, and sealed bids can be a good place, but auctions tend to mirror the general market as a benchmark.

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