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You want to stop playing this game now?
Yes. You're always wrong and it's so easy to show it, it's not even any fun.
you used that as justification for why prices would be going up.
No I didn't. I don't recall ever saying prices were going up.
The article you cited used direct quotes from Walter Molony who is a spokesperson for NAR’s chief fairy tale teller, Lawrence Yun.
Oh, so now it's Walter Molony? Not Yun? And like I already said in the original thread (I notice you didn't copy this)--I only care about the statistic. I can draw my own conclusions. What Roubini or Molony or Schiff thinks doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
Please stop posting nonsense. Like I said, nobody wants to read it. It adds nothing to the discussion here, but I feel compelled to answer it...
Walter Molony is a spokesperson for Lawrence Yun! You used that article as the crux of your argument for why home prices were going to go up.
Like I said--please find ANY post where I've EVER said prices were going up. It should be easy, right?
So, you couldn't find any posts where I said housing was going to go up then?
Seriously--please give it up. Now you're cutting and pasting small fragments of posts to distort their meaning. My lord. This is getting ridiculous.
Listen--you're obviously trolling here. I don't even know what you are trying to say anymore. How about you just give it up?
Begging for mercy. I never thought I’d see the day.
Okay, how about this, if the Case Shiller reports a gain for home prices from January 2011 to June 2011, I’ll stop exposing you as the fraud you truly are.
I was just trying to get you to retain whatever dignity you have left. If you want to waste your time posting lies here, be my guest.
btw--I'm still waiting for you to show when i've ever said home price are going to rise. Just one of your many lies...
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Why do we deserve a 4-6% interest return