Did American People Get It Right In This Election?

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2010 Nov 3, 3:38am   9,358 views  16 comments

by Eman   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

The American people have spoken again in 2010. Apparently they were not very happy with the way things have been going since 2008. They have decided that the Republicans should control the House and also gave the Republicans several more seats in the Senate. Can I say checks and balances or divide of power? I believe the Republicans also won several Governor seats. My questions for the people that follow politics:

- Did the American People get it right in this election?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated. Please, no stupid, endless rants without any substance.


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1   Â¥   2010 Nov 3, 4:29am  

Did the American People get it right in this election?

Ask the 60% who didn't even bother to vote.

The American people were bullshitted pretty well. The Obama team fucked up by not explaining -- or worse, not understanding -- the severe systemic stresses the post-bubble economy is undergoing.

2007 was the top, and it's all downhill from there.

The 2006 reversal wasn't about the economy, I think it was punishing the Republicans for lying us into a war. Now that that's over, the voters can move on to stopping socialism and czars, fluoridation, immunization, and evolution.

Can I say checks and balances or divide of power?

You can say we're fucked, actually.


2   Â¥   2010 Nov 3, 4:52am  

^ we can certainly agree about that.

Except about the childish bit about calling them "Obamunists", which just makes you sound like a typical right winger, full of shit.

3   Done!   2010 Nov 3, 6:55am  

There is no getting any election right in this country, just as long as there is Corporate sponsorship in the Electoral process. Sure we can reform this and reform that, but at the end of every Victorious reform day.
There are Political Contributions on the books, and he with the most money and cutest face for great television wins. Period.

The Elections and everything involved with the results should be a Federal entity, witnessed by the media, but certainly not dictated by the media and their sponsors.

There should be a National registry, where candidates list their issues and platform, and let the record speak for its self. Attack ads should be libelous and subject to interfering is official Federal business. Lying about your record, and Dooking your stats should also be grounds for being prosecuted by Federal law for Defrauding Elections. And if you are a crook and have a criminal record, then you shouldn't be able to run for any office.

That way, people will get the straight dope on who they are voting for, with out the Media noise injecting Fantasy island in the Process. There would be no need, for attack ads, because bad people couldn't run offices, and there would be no need for huge campaign contributions, because the election office distributes all candidates to the same people in the same proportions.

All one should be able to do, is Campaign, get out and make campaign promises.

And Oh by the way, getting elected by Campaign promises, and can't show due diligence for failures, should also be a federal crime.

4   Done!   2010 Nov 3, 8:56am  

Yeah well you should read more Glen Beck because I sure hell aint reading it, nor do I need a Movies and Books, from Fared Zacharia to smell what the Barock has been cooking.

Don't blame us because the class of 2008 was 2 pound sack of crap, in a million dollar Suit.

From the begining, we were bombarded by Obama is the next "Lincoln" oh they are the "Kenedys" gave him a Nobel Peace prize like it was Gift basket from the nail salon. Had CNN giving him passing grade, for the first 100 days based "Ima gona do this and Ima gona do that". The sentiment now has nothing to do with race, or about Obama lying when he ran around screaming "Yes we Can!".

5   Clarence 13X   2010 Nov 3, 9:07am  

Tenouncetrout says

There should be a National registry, where candidates list their issues and platform, and let the record speak for its self. Attack ads should be libelous and subject to interfering is official Federal business. Lying about your record, and Dooking your stats should also be grounds for being prosecuted by Federal law for Defrauding Elections. And if you are a crook and have a criminal record, then you shouldn’t be able to run for any office.
That way, people will get the straight dope on who they are voting for, with out the Media noise injecting Fantasy island in the Process. There would be no need, for attack ads, because bad people couldn’t run offices, and there would be no need for huge campaign contributions, because the election office distributes all candidates to the same people in the same proportions.
All one should be able to do, is Campaign, get out and make campaign promises.
And Oh by the way, getting elected by Campaign promises, and can’t show due diligence for failures, should also be a federal crime.

Try downloading visible vote to your cell phone and you will see your canidates history.

6   Done!   2010 Nov 3, 9:20am  

Poppy Cock Independents are the only ones capable of making change. Every Democrat in Washington today, is there to grandstand and rewrite History books, and getting their names in it on any thing that sounds "Progressive". And that's what makes them dangerous.

I'll take the Grid lock in Washington, there's no Talent in Washington I trust. Maybe they can step on each others toes pulling each other down the hole at each others expense, and just maybe our kids Generation can learn from them. And they will make change, not for Money and Feathers, but for beliefs and doing the right thing for all of the people. Instead of making short sighted decisions that only mildly relives a few while shifting their burden over to the middle class.

I expect Sarah Palin wins in 2012 and the Democrats keep the Senate.
And she wont win because she's some dynamo, it'll be well we voted for the black guy last time, might as well get this whole "First Woman President" thing over.

7   chip_designer   2010 Nov 3, 9:28am  

Tenouncetrout says

Poppy Cock Independents are the only ones capable of making change. Every Democrat in Washington today, is there to grandstand and rewrite History books, and getting their names in it on any thing that sounds “Progressive”. And that’s what makes them dangerous.
I’ll take the Grid lock in Washington, there’s no Talent in Washington I trust. Maybe they can step on each others toes pulling each other down the hole at each others expense, and just maybe our kids Generation can learn from them. And they will make change, not for Money and Feathers, but for beliefs and doing the right thing for all of the people. Instead of making short sighted decisions that only mildly relives a few while shifting their burden over to the middle class.
I expect Sarah Palin wins in 2012 and the Democrats keep the Senate.

And she wont win because she’s some dynamo, it’ll be well we voted for the black guy last time, might as well get this whole “First Woman President” thing over.

If Brazil can elect the first woman president, why not America!

After that, how about the first indian or chinese american president?

8   Done!   2010 Nov 3, 10:05am  

Funny you say that, Robber Barons, is what the "LAST" two years have felt like more so than any time during the Administration Obama inherited.

9   elliemae   2010 Nov 3, 10:59am  

No - they didn't get it right because they didn't get "it" at all.

People are voting in accordance with the shit they're shoveled by partisan reporters. It took us years to get into this economic mess and it'll take us years to get out of it. People aren't looking for the bluebird of happiness - they're looking for the bluebird of immediate gratification. We have information available within seconds just by pressing a button, and we expect our economy to go back to "normal" like it was in the good ol' days. People vote with their emotions, not with their brains. It'll be gridlock as usual.

I saw the news this morning - CBS was interviewing Harry Reid. They intimated that he nearly lost to Angle and that it was a very close race. His answer was that he won by over 40,000 votes, and that in his 1998 election he won with 428 votes. It wasn't even close. But the interviewer and the rest of the reports that I've seen today continue to insist that it was a wake-up call for Harry Reid. wtf?

10   chip_designer   2010 Nov 3, 11:20am  

But all of these back and forth arguments are only good for us (housing crash readers) to enjoy reading it.

Remember, the average person does not hold an advanced degree from a major university. Do you really think the average American worker understands all this political government history above, especially when it’s easier to blame somebody?

I think it was Abe Lincoln that said, “The people get the government they deserve.”

11   justme   2010 Nov 3, 4:51pm  

elliemae says

People are voting in accordance with the shit they’re shoveled by partisan reporters.

Right on.

chip_designer says

I think it was Abe Lincoln that said, “The people get the government they deserve.”

And the government eventually also will get the people they deserve, unfortunately.

12   kentm   2010 Nov 3, 5:03pm  

thought I'd pass this along, seems apropo:

"Our country still faces many challenges as we try to recover from the worst economic downturn since the 1930s. Last night's election was not a mandate for the Republican vision of America, which is built around tax cuts for the super-wealthy and privatizing Social Security and Medicare. Instead, last night we saw an anxious and frustrated electorate rejecting the status quo in the only way possible: by voting out those in power. And we saw their frustration effectively exploited by corporate front groups whose sole interest is promoting their own political agenda.

The problems our nation faces are not small, and neither are the solutions we need. Democrats do not hand over the reins of power today. They still have time to accomplish big things to help move our country forward before the Republicans takes control of the House. Now is not a time to cower. Now is a time for Democrats to show that they are truly committed to fighting on behalf of the middle class. Before turning over the gavel, Democrats must end the Bush tax breaks for the super-wealthy, and pass legislation to stem the flood of cash from corporations and anonymous billionaires that is corrupting our elections. If Democrats abandon their responsibilities and leave town without accomplishing these goals, they will not have learned the real lessons of this election."


13   Done!   2010 Nov 4, 7:34am  

Well that's just a bright spot now isn't it?

14   Â¥   2010 Nov 4, 8:24am  

TechGromit says

besides the health care reforms

I see very little wrong with the health care changes, other than the addition of having to 1099 everyone for annual purchases over $500. That didn't belong in that bill (plus I'm sure there's other BS in there but mandates and no-rescission and 85% MLR regulations push our system much towards what exists in eg. the Netherlands. It's not Canada or Norway yet, but it's better than nothing.

15   Done!   2010 Nov 4, 8:26am  

Troy says

but it’s better than nothing.

That will be the Epitaph of this Generation.

16   Â¥   2010 Nov 4, 9:11am  

My mom says her Medi-Cal is better than nothing so you can blow it out your ass, TOT

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