by crazydesi ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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I think the author crazydesi did not like his post and wants me to delete it.
I let people edit their own posts, even down to nothing, but not delete them, because if they delete the post then all the comments about that post go away too. And that would be a way of censoring other people's comments.
So my idea is that you can change anything you yourself say on, but you can't change what other people say.
Is my reasoning OK there?
So would the Julian Assange supporters performing the Distributed Denial of Service Attacks be considered "Out shouting" the opposition internet style?
Just kidding. I agree with you on the idea of not deleting any threads.
Maybe he meant "delete m," as in, "send an agent to my home in the middle of the night, make it look like a kidnapping and remove me & my family to another location. Change our name and place us in the witness protection program."
Ya never know.
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