Nominations for the Dumbest things read on Patrick.net

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2011 Jan 3, 2:18pm   27,279 views  135 comments

by American in Japan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is one of my favorite sites on the internet, and the site I check out most for housing information and advice. Most of the posters and commenters are knowledgeable in the area of housing and economics. In addition many have a good sense of humor.
However, there some very stupid things written by some. I invite anyone to share some of the dumbest things they have read from posters on this site. They might be worth a few more laughs...


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80   Bap33   2011 Mar 19, 2:11pm  

hmmm ... that post fits in, just like the rainbow afro wig guy at ball games ....

81   American in Japan   2011 Apr 14, 2:57pm  

I’m going to add one. Someone said that we should drill for oil in the national parks, ANWAR, erc. because this will lower the costs of gasoline for Americans… since the oil companies will sell petroleum to Americans more cheaply.
Let me look at some more...

82   EastCoastBubbleBoy   2011 May 17, 12:31pm  

The NAR threatening to sue Patrick over his logo and the use of the term Realtor (R).

83   elliemae   2011 May 17, 12:43pm  

ECBB wins, hands down.

84   American in Japan   2011 May 24, 8:16pm  

More coming up!

85   quesera   2011 May 25, 3:21am  

Bap33 says

I have classic man looks, and even a blind person would know I’m extra-straight, from 30 yards away, in poor lighting…. I simply emit “MAN” ….


I forgot all about this thread, but this made me laugh, again.

Bap, I think you're a reasonable fellow, if I remember your posts correctly, in aggregate.

But, well...you wouldn't know gay if it asked you for a light. And it probably has, girlfriend.

Maybe you were being ironic. There's lots of gay at NASCAR too, ya know.

86   quesera   2011 May 25, 8:35am  

That's funny, because I thought I was way nicer to him in the first comment. :)

Without irony or trying to be clever, then: Bap I recall that most of your other posts are fairly reasonable, but you're deeply uninformed if you believe you can determine "gay" by appearance.

For what it's worth, I wouldn't call myself liberal either. But if "liberal" is the opposite of some of the folks on here who think they're conservative, then I wouldn't mind being called the L word.

87   American in Japan   2011 May 25, 5:52pm  


Thanks for the laughs. You have condensed this list though!

88   Mayumi1   2011 May 26, 1:21am  


Thanks for the laughs. You had to really condense that list!

89   simchaland   2011 May 26, 5:58am  

American in Japan says

Thanks for the laughs. You have condensed this list though!

Mayumi1 says

Thanks for the laughs. You had to really condense that list!

Yeah, I really had to condense. It wasn't difficult at all to find quotes such as those. I picked out what I thought were the best nominees from his most recent posts.

90   FortWayne   2011 May 26, 6:10am  

Hate to break it guys, but it's very hard to top this in terms of either stupid or trolling:


91   klarek   2011 May 26, 6:41am  

ChrisLA says

Hate to break it guys, but it’s very hard to top this in terms of either stupid or trolling:


Myth #4 : There was a huge home price bubble in the USA

Has to be a troll. No human being could believe such a thing.

92   American in Japan   2011 Jun 3, 10:45pm  

Perhaps ... or an astroturfer.

93   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jun 4, 8:22am  


I know first hand that living there for a (very) short while (though not short enough) for work certainly sucks.

I had long suspected that living in Japan also sucks.

Now I know that it does.

94   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jun 7, 1:21pm  

American in Japan says

I would like to hear your story.

Not here.

95   elliemae   2011 Jun 8, 1:01am  

state says

I nominate ten ounce trout

Only later in the afternoon. His morning thoughts are often coherent.

96   Done!   2011 Jun 8, 1:07am  

This is NICE thread you got going here Patrick.

No no far be it from me, to pitch a bitch that someone posted something I take offense to and I would expect you to censor them. Though this thread is a Who's Who of all of the Ass Holes that have invoked the "FLAG" link.

They must be Democrats!

97   Done!   2011 Jun 8, 3:21am  

But I thought Calling someone a Liar IS attacking their ideas?

Libs DO as they SAY not as THEY do.

98   Done!   2011 Jun 8, 3:42am  

Hey you know those guys too?

99   marcus   2011 Jul 17, 12:33pm  

Bap33 says

The education system is absurd and is only a goldenchild of the left becasue it gave them direct access to the youth to force upon them their leftist anti-God/American/Freedom queer way of thinking.

100   American in Japan   2011 Jul 17, 12:45pm  

Wow that last one ranks in the top 10!

101   FortWayne   2011 Jul 17, 1:00pm  

marcus you may disagree, but Bap is right that our education system is crap. And your union is part of the problem, huge part of it.

102   elliemae   2011 Jul 17, 1:06pm  

Bap33 says

The education system is absurd and is only a goldenchild of the left becasue it gave them direct access to the youth to force upon them their leftist anti-God/American/Freedom queer way of thinking.

The education system - at least the English composition part of it - seems to have failed Bap.

103   Bap33   2011 Jul 17, 2:02pm  

guilty as charged

104   kentm   2011 Jul 17, 4:13pm  

Jeez, that was a good one.

105   American in Japan   2011 Aug 1, 2:05am  

Here is a new contender:

Shrekgrich says (about terrorism and the awareness of it):

>Scary thing is: Libruhls haven't. More of that chronic denial of reality thing they suffer from en masse, I gather. I get a big kick out of how soft they are on terrorism but the ones most in danger of it.

>I work in San Francisco, so I spend almost a third of my entire week in Prime Target Land. Believe me, I am quite cognizant of the danger even if the moronic Libruhls who live there aren't.

106   marcus   2011 Aug 1, 10:43am  

Yes, that was incredible, a few of us jumped on him for that one. He went on to say:

shrekgrinch says

Not to mention that they are living in prime targets for WMD attacks. Pop a nuke in Chicago or San Francisco and you'll end up with a large percentage of the Libruhl population of this country dead as a door nail (but will still magically show up in voter rolls in Chicago, just see). Even a crude dirty bomb going off in the downtown area will bankrupt most of them as the real estate market will collapse totally in at least a 30 mile radius and business will flee. Permanently.

Or maybe it was a different thread ? Reflecting on it, it's hard not to feel vicarious shame and embarrassment for him, being the jerk that he s.

107   marcus   2011 Aug 2, 12:15pm  

Maybe his goal is to work his way up to one nomination each day.

Regarding Gabby Giffords remarkable revovery from being shot in the head and coming in to vote on the big debt ceiling bill, there was a post from jvolstad that was almost worthy of a nomination, but then Shrek says this:

shrekgrinch says

Shame on the Dems for exploiting her that way!

Wow. What else can one say.

This is the same guy, who had these comments regarding her shooting back in January..

shrekgrinch says

SoCal Renter says

They should outlaw high capacity magazine clips in public and limit them to shooting ranges and licensed hunting preserves. There is absolutely no reason someone needs a high capacity clip in public.

They should outlaw liberal idiots from speaking or voting and limit them to scrubbing toilets and fluffing on porn sets as an occupation. There is absolutely no reason such idiots should participate in society otherwise.


shrekgrinch says

Was this guy who shot the congressbitch a 'conservative'? No. Yet you persist in this demonization.

I just don't know. We tolerate and forgive a lot from this piece of work. I hope that at least it's therapeutic for him.

108   elliemae   2011 Aug 2, 2:23pm  

Some of us tolerate, others simply laugh.

109   elliemae   2011 Aug 6, 8:04am  

I hereby submit the following:

Tenouncetrout says

You all should be thankful Fat people don't vote. They can't be bothered to get out, but you know what? On second thought maybe it is good idea bashing and picking on and just generally bullying fat people. That will get them out in droves to vote the smug Democrats out of office. Fat people get irate over shit like that.

I must ask - what's the most offensive part? That tot believes that, as a group, people who are overweight don't have the energy to leave their homes? Or that this group of people are Republicans?

I never knew that there was a correlation between obesity and conservative politics - but ya learn something new every day.

110   Done!   2011 Aug 6, 8:07am  

No I mean it, they're kicked off the planes now, let's get to kicking them out of restaurants. The sooner we give Fat people the FULL treatment, the quicker we can get to throwing Fags out of the grocery store for being caught dead in that get up with a mink stow.

111   elliemae   2011 Aug 6, 10:39am  

Tenouncetrout says

No I mean it, they're kicked off the planes now, let's get to kicking them out of restaurants. The sooner we give Fat people the FULL treatment, the quicker we can get to throwing Fags out of the grocery store for being caught dead in that get up with a mink stow.

You've already made the top ten - yet you still try for a higher ranking?

112   Done!   2011 Aug 6, 11:18am  

elliemae says

You've already made the top ten - yet you still try for a higher ranking?

Don't talk to me about stupidity, your post was the 163rd post. Top ten list my Ass, I've got a math test for you how many middle fingers am I holding up?

113   elliemae   2011 Aug 6, 12:02pm  

You're not pretty when you're angry, tot.

I was referring to your comment about gay people. It was offensive and leads one to think that you are not only prejudiced against overweight people, but also the LGBT community.

Attacking me personally won't change that. I do appreciate that you want me to go have sex, which is a beautiful and super fun thing. It leads me to believe that you like me if you want me to experience something so pleasant.

Thank you. I shall follow your advice forthwith.

114   Done!   2011 Aug 6, 12:19pm  

elliemae says

You're not pretty when you're angry, tot.

I was referring to your comment about gay people. It was offensive and leads one to think that you are not only prejudiced against overweight people, but also the LGBT community.

Attacking me personally won't change that. I do appreciate that you want me to go have sex, which is a beautiful and super fun thing. It leads me to believe that you like me if you want me to experience something so pleasant.

Thank you. I shall follow your advice forthwith.

Eschew Obfuscation

Stowe it with your trolling and your pompous crossing guard crap Ellie. If you want to discus stuff with me, I'm all for it, but if you want to start crap then bitch when you get it back. Then you'd probably do better spend your time digging spuds.

115   elliemae   2011 Aug 6, 1:03pm  

What would you like to "discus," tot - and what does an American abolitionist have to do with any of this?

I'm not bitching that you want me to have sex - I'm embracing the thought. In fact, as soon as I press "submit comment" I'm going to take you up on your suggestion - and my guy said to tell you thanks (and told me to hurry up!).

Wikipedia says

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion


The title of this thread is "Nominations for the Dumbest Things Read on Patnet," and I nominated your horribly insensitive comment. This is decidedly on-topic and relevant. IMHO the comment that you made about overweight people and, later, gay people, were some of the dumbest (and meanest) things I've read on patnet.

Tenouncetrout says

If you want to discus stuff with me, I'm all for it, but if you want to start crap then bitch when you get it back. Then you'd probably do better spend your time digging spuds.

I didn't start crap, nor did I bitch when I got it back. And, out of curiosity, what does harvesting potatoes have to do with with your lack of sensitivity about the horizontally challenged and gay people?

On second thought, I really am not interested in your response. I predict it will be mean spirited, poorly composed with incorrect punctuation, and a waste of time & energy attempting to translate it.

But thanks for playing. I say good day, sir.

116   Done!   2011 Aug 7, 1:18am  

elliemae says

What would you like to "discus," tot

Nothing with you Butt cakes.

117   Bap33   2011 Aug 7, 3:26am  

just went over the posts .. and I, for one, am sooo super suprized at the lack of stupid comments listed on here from lefties. It's like, wow, man, lefty/progressive/liberal posters are so smart.**

** - must inhale, or otherwise ingest, large amounts of narcotics inorder to see the magical answers.

118   elliemae   2011 Aug 7, 4:16am  

Bap33 says

just went over the posts .. and I, for one, am sooo super suprized at the lack of stupid comments listed on here from lefties. It's like, wow, man, lefty/progressive/liberal posters are so smart.**

** - must inhale, or otherwise ingest, large amounts of narcotics inorder to see the magical answers.

We make stupid comments, feel free to add them. Stupidity isn't a right/left thing.

119   marcus   2011 Aug 7, 6:19am  

elliemae says

Stupidity isn't a right/left thing

True, although intelligent folks on the right are under-represented here, which doesn't mean they don't exist.

But also, the true right, that is right wing republican, as distinguished from common sense conservative has changed A LOT over the years.

Putting it differently, if we had a politics like that of 1960, many of those on this site, we now consider to be right wing voices, would be democrats, and some of those we consider "left" now, would be republicans.

Generally speaking there was a much larger moderate republican group then, and the evangelical Christian (and sorry - racist) representation was on the democrat side (not to be confused with "liberal").

What a difference 50 years makes.

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