interesting thread over at reddit... "As a german who just saw the daily show for the first time..."

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2011 Jul 29, 3:24am   1,670 views  16 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

continuing along in my FYI Series...


As a german who just saw the daily show for the first time: Americans...wtf?

"As the title suggests I just saw the daily show (27th of july) for the first time and though it was incredibly funny I was also shocked to see what kind of shit the Conservatists in TV talk. I mean, some of that stuff was really heavy and unbelievably stupid. Not that I didnt know that it was bad, but that... seriously wtf? Of course the daily show maybe exaggerates alot of stuff because its a comedy show but those TV-Clips were real and those people made me realize that it seems that we don't even have real Conservatists in Germany and even the stupidest of our politicians have never been that dumb, especially not on TV. Is it really as bad as show depicts it? How can anyone with an IQ over that of an alcoholic lama ever vote for people like that?? Please tell me its not so bad...

Besides: First Post ever...Yay!

Edit: I should have known I would kick up something like that as its not my first day on reddit. But to the people that brought up the nazis (and I knew they would come): Yeah we voted for Hitler. But that was 70 years ago and when I see stuff like this I cant help to think that it at least taught us something. Ever since then we are steering away from any extreme political views because we KNOW what could happen If you give those people enough room to spout their stupid shit. What I don't get is that some other countries did learn nothing from that. And also I didn't want to attack america as a whole. I'm sure most americans are perfectly nice and not as stupid. And most of the Music I love is American so without you I'd be pretty fucked :)"

Comments 1 - 16 of 16        Search these comments

1   kentm   2011 Jul 29, 3:41am  


some fun and interesting comments along the line...

"The thing I still can't grasp is this. I've been to America plenty of times. The people are, for the most part, as welcoming, friendly and polite as you will find anywhere else. I genuinely don't believe Americans are stupid, but when it comes to their politics, many of the voting right are utterly blinded. I think that with a lot of Republican voters so set in their ways of voting, they will go along with pretty much anything that their party or supporters of their party come out with. Fox News is the perfect example of this. It's baffling to watch - a complete parody of itself - but because the vast majority of the voting right have always seen Fox as an ally, they accept it. I'd welcome correcting from those more educated on the system than myself, but as an outsider who has met countless seemingly down to earth Americans, I can't get my head around the acceptance of Fox and other such media."

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" — Isaac Asimov

"GW Bush was only a proto-fascist. He did invade a country in much the same manner that Germany invaded Poland; without provocation or justification. But there was no manditory conscription and the only things done domestically were illegal wiretapping, torture, shredding of habeus corpus and due process, increased security at the loss of liberty and making sure anyone who opposed the invasion was labeled an unamerican terrorist sympathizer cheese eating surrender monkey waving the white (French) flag of surrender. Because, ya know, they hate us for our freedoms and we have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here and we can't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud."

2   kentm   2011 Jul 29, 3:44am  

Tenouncetrout says

pain the ass Kentm

I love it. Though please get the grammar correct when you drop the wee ad hominems in, it helps your case.

yes, just little old me and my FYI series...

Now, really, the interesting thing about the post over at reddit is the comments. Check them out.

Tenouncetrout says

Should I dredge up all of the posts I find on the internet that lament what shoddy rack of luggage the liberals are?

I think thats your usual posting style though, isn't it?

3   Done!   2011 Jul 29, 3:51am  

When do I quote other nut jobs?
All of my post are of my own dribble.

I quote articles never the left or right wing rhetoric, nor have ever came over here and echoed sentiment from another thread on an article. CNN is my main source after all. And face it, Patnet's links are chocked full of CNN articles. I would like to think you guys are actually READING the same articles I am and not just rehashing talking points others have made. Or this whole site is an exercise in self narcissism and political masturbation.

4   marcus   2011 Jul 29, 3:53am  

kentm says

Because, ya know, they hate us for our freedoms and we have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here and we can't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud

Yes, we are retarded.

He asks some great questions. Apparently this is what happens when the government can essentially be owned.

But to his question about how does this happen when there are so many seemingly together and intelligent Americans ? I think the answer is, we're a bunch of complacent, relatively apathetic, pussies.

5   elliemae   2011 Jul 29, 3:56am  

That was a cool first impression about the Daily Show.

Tenouncetrout says

Should I dredge up all of the posts I find on the internet that lament what shoddy rack of luggage the liberals are?

No, thank you.

6   leo707   2011 Jul 29, 3:58am  

It is a sad day when a foreign owned propaganda outlet masquerading as legitimate news is taken as gospel by so many. Why is FOX "news", which is owned by a foreign national, trying so hard to divide the American people?

What is even sadder is that the primary source in unmasking FOX is a late night comedy show.

Where is the liberal media when you need them?

And yes the things they say really are that bad; they would make Goebbels proud.

7   marcus   2011 Jul 29, 4:06am  

Tenouncetrout says

I would like to think

We would like it too, believe me.

8   kentm   2011 Jul 29, 4:06am  

leoj707 says

Why is FOX "news", which is owned by a foreign national, trying so hard to divide the American people?

I've never heard it phrased that way before. Thats actually an interesting question in that format.

9   leo707   2011 Jul 29, 4:09am  

kentm says

leoj707 says

Why is FOX "news", which is owned by a foreign national, trying so hard to divide the American people?

I've never heard it phrased that way before. Thats actually an interesting question in that format.

Actually my bad, lazy me, I should have looked it up before posting.

Rupert Murdoch became a US citizen in 1985, and lost his Australian citizenship at that time.

10   FortWayne   2011 Jul 29, 4:13am  

I think that German should stick to German politics, what is he from the Soviet side of Germany or something.

11   kentm   2011 Jul 29, 4:22am  

leoj707 says

Rupert Murdoch became a US citizen in 1985, and lost his Australian citizenship at that time.

Ah! Its less interesting then. ;-)

But its sure is an interesting point about how a multinational corporation has so much political sway in the States...

12   leo707   2011 Jul 29, 4:26am  

kentm says

leoj707 says

Rupert Murdoch became a US citizen in 1985, and lost his Australian citizenship at that time.

Ah! Its less interesting then. ;-)

But its sure is an interesting point about how a multinational corporation has so much political sway in the States...

Yeah, a little less interesting, but from what I understand US citizenship is required to buy media outlets. Perhaps that was Rupert's motivation for becoming a citizen.

He still is active in UK, and Australian politics as well.

Also, a Saudi holds a large stake in the Murdoch media empire.

13   EightBall   2011 Jul 29, 4:40am  

leoj707 says

What is even sadder is that the primary source in unmasking FOX is a late night comedy show.

Don't discount comedy shows - look at the number of people who STILL believe the comments of Tina Fey were actually uttered by Palin. Not that it matters much... she has said more stupid things than any comedian could ever dream up.

I wonder what this guy would think of Colbert

14   leo707   2011 Jul 29, 7:20am  

EightBall says

I wonder what this guy would think of Colbert

Popping between FOX "news" and Colbert, I wonder how easy it would be for a foreigner unfamiliar with Colbert's satire to tell the difference.

15   Vicente   2011 Jul 29, 8:41am  

leoj707 says

Popping between FOX "news" and Colbert, I wonder how easy it would be for a foreigner unfamiliar with Colbert's satire to tell the difference.

The first time I saw Colbert I didn't "get it".

I think this is why he got invited to that Bush dinner thing. They had no idea he was satirizing Fox News either, and were mortified when they figured it out.

Actually I find Colbert a bit tiresome, it's always about the punchline and staying in character first thus he never gets to talk seriously with a guest. Daily Show is better for the guest segments.

16   elliemae   2011 Jul 29, 9:54am  

Vicente says

Actually I find Colbert a bit tiresome, it's always about the punchline and staying in character first thus he never gets to talk seriously with a guest. Daily Show is better for the guest segments.

I record the Daily Show, watch every episode. I use Colbert for background noise if it's on. While it's funny most of the time, so are many other shows.

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