Is it possible for the stock market to go up in a 10 year period of stagflation and 10% unemployment?
on 14 Apr 2010
11 comments, latest
15 years ago
So I spoke with my buddy who is a financial adviser at JP Morgan. While the stock market hasn't returned to it's highs, my personal portfolio is nearly recovered. ...
Getting tax free income from rental properties.
on 7 Apr 2010
25 comments, latest
15 years ago
Ok, not exactly tax free but I'm envisioning this scenario, tell me where I'm going wrong. You have 4 virtually identical properties. The first 3 you have mortgaged up, ...
How about this to solve the Medicare and SSI?
on 5 Apr 2010
9 comments, latest
15 years ago
Delay the right to collect benefits 1 week every month till you hit the age of 72. I'm not sure when one is able to collect. I think it's ...
B of A to reduce principal
on 25 Mar 2010
1 comment, latest
15 years ago If all banks do this, how much would it help the RE quagmire we're in?
How much has your house dropped since the peak? Are you underwater?
on 17 Mar 2010
25 comments, latest
15 years ago
I'll start. House bought 2000 for 436k. Peaked at 950k, now it's down to 750k. Still in the black.
I like my realtor
on 11 Mar 2010
56 comments, latest
15 years ago
There's been a lot of bashing of realtors on this board and often justly so. Today, I'm going to give a shout to my realtor. My rentals are in ...
If there'd been no inflation since 1776, what would our economy look like today?
on 23 Feb 2010
20 comments, latest
15 years ago
Most people, without necessarily understanding the full ramifications of their bias, do not like inflation. There are youtube videos portraying the inflation of our money supply as some conspiracy ...
How would you use $250,000?
on 26 Jan 2010
33 comments, latest
15 years ago
Thinking of buying a rental in the Puget sound. You can pick up a 3 bed 2 bath new townhouse for 199k(250k at the peak 2 years ago) and ...
Is asserting that armageddon is coming an insult to those who have endured real armageddons?
on 6 Jan 2010
35 comments, latest
15 years ago
Are we really going to go through another depression? Since the financial implosion 1 1/2 years ago, has one American actually starved to death(other than anorexics and bulimics)? Yes ...
Would you take an ounce of gold right now or a $100,000 in 10 years?
on 16 Dec 2009
6 comments, latest
15 years ago
Note, if you opt for the ounce of gold now, you can't sell it for at least 10 years. If you opt for the option of $100,000 in ten ...
Lunacy in Sin City
on 14 Oct 2009
3 comments, latest
15 years ago Interesting there are still buyers.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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