Question for the RE investors/those with upgrade experience.
on 15 Aug 2012
2 comments, latest
12 years ago
I was wondering if people with knowledge of upgrading costs can give me your guess as to how much it cost in upgrades between two similar properties. 1124 holly ...
Considering a house with prior fire, need advice
on 24 Sep 2011
12 comments, latest
13 years ago
Ladies/gents, I'm looking at a house and the redfin agent tells me there was a previous fire in it from the notes of the mls. I imagine there might ...
Wow, burned by my realtor!
on 20 Aug 2011
31 comments, latest
13 years ago
So I went to see an open house last Sunday, it was a great house and 'only' about 10 percent over-priced. Seller was nice told us not on mls ...
Keep renting or buy a town home for about the same money?
on 1 Jun 2011
23 comments, latest
14 years ago
Hello guys/gals, Short story is we currently rent a nice 3/2 flat for a nice chunk of change in alameda. We'll probably have to move for a myriad reasons, ...
155 Justin cir alameda, ca $444/sq ft
on 4 Jun 2011
1 comment, latest
14 years ago Kinda goes along with what I was saying in another thread, there is no logic these days in buying a home, no relevance of what price should be ...
Not rich or dumb enough to compete
on 3 May 2011
41 comments, latest
14 years ago
with all the idiots out there buying homes. This post is completely useless but I just needed to vent. After all I've realized that all the logic, all the ...
Buying a house to protect against inflation, what am I missing
on 23 Jan 2011
52 comments, latest
14 years ago
okay, I have no idea if there will hyper inflation or deflation but I think it's clear that there will be continued devaluing of the us dollar. If this ...
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